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  1. Dovgal V.A., Dovgal D.V. Interaction model for analyzing fog-cloud computing for processing information on the position of unmanned aerial vehicles // Autumn Mathematical Readings in Adygheya: collection of proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference. Maikop: Publishing House: ASU, 2019. P. 149-154.

  2. Dovgal V.A., Dovgal D.V. The use of the Internet of things for environmental protection // Fundamental and applied aspects of geology, geophysics and geo-ecology using modern information technologies: proceedings of the 5th Intern. scient. and pract. conf. Maikop: Kucherenko V.O., 2019. Pt. 1. P. 152-157.

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  4. Dovgal V.A., Dovgal D.V. Analysis of communication interaction systems for drones perform­ing a search mission as part of a group // The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Ser.: Natural- Mathematical and Technical Sciences. 2020. Iss. 4 (271). P. 87-94. URL: http://vestnik.adygnet.ru

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  6. Dovgal V.A., Dovgal D.V. Analysis of the problems of ensuring information security of wire­less sensor networks and methods of ensuring the security of the Internet of Things // The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Ser.: Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences. 2021. Iss. 1 (276). P. 75-83. URL: http://vestnik.adygnet.ru

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Статья поступила в редакцию 10.02.2022; одобрена после рецензирования 10.03.2022; принята к публикации 11.03.2022.

The article was submitted 10.02.2022; approved after reviewing 10.03.2022; accepted for publication 11.03.2022.

© В.А. Довгаль, 2022

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