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Контрольная работа №2.

Для правильного выполнения контрольной работы №2 обучающемуся необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка:

1. Видовременные формы глагола: а) активный залог (Active Voice) - формы Simple (Present, Past, Future); формы Continuous (Present, Past, Future); формы – Perfect (Present, Past, Future); 6) страдательный залог (Passive Voice) - формы Simple (Present, Past, Future).

2. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs): а) модальные глаголы, выражающие возможность: can (could), may и эквивалент глагола саn – to be able to; 6) модальные глаголы, выражающие долженствование: must, его эквиваленты to have to, to be to, should.

3. Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle I (Present Participle), Participle II (Past Participle) в функциях определения и обстоятельства, Gerund - герундий, простые формы.

4. Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения (союзные); придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени и условия.

5. Интернациональные слова.

Тренировочные упражнения

1) Образуйте Participle I от следующих глаголов.

To work - working

To enter, to make, to say, to speak, to skate, to know, to tell, to write, to ski, to play, to buy, to drink, to stand, to drive.

2) Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов.

to use – used, b) to write – written

to look, to fix, to tell, to miss, to sit, to invite, to move, to play, to research.

to give, to do, to write, to see, to watch, to show, to understand, to bring, to buy, to become, to leave, to live, to forbid, to build.

3) Переведите на английский язык.

а) дающий, показывающий, спрашивающий, одевающийся, помогающий, отдыхающий, поющий, смеющийся, слушающий, идущий, бегущий;

б) играющие дети, спящая мама, улыбающаяся девочка;

в) одетый, услышанный, прочитанный, сделанный, найденный, проданный, законченный, отосланный, закрытый, приготовленный;

г) данная задача, обсужденный вопрос, закрытая книга, проданная вещь, забытая песня.

4) Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Укажите форму и функцию причастия в предложении.

1. The number of new dwelling houses built in our town this year is very large. 2. Following John’s look, I saw a slim man of about forty entering the restaurant. 3. The problems being discussed now are very important. 4. She entered the room accompanied by her mother. 5. Having finished his experiments, the scientist published an article about their results. 6. The conference taking place in Novosibirsk is devoted to problems of peace and security. 7. The boy was looking at me smiling. 8. Entering the room he began to take off his hat and coat looking at us with amusement.

5) Раскройте скобки, образуя Participle I или Participle II.

1. The man (to stand) at the window is a well-known actor. 2. Do you know the boys (to play) tennis now? 3. He did not go to the theatre with us (to say) that he was busy. 4.I like to read stories (to write) by this author. 5. This is a letter (to address) to you. 6. The girl (to write) something on the blackboard is my friend. 7. (to go) through the park I met my teacher. 8. (to answer) the questions, John made a mistake. 9. Did you understand the rules (to explain) to us yesterday? 10.They fell asleep immediately (to be tired) by the journey. 11. Mary found the key (to lose) by me yesterday. 12.I have corrected all the mistakes (to make) by me in the last test paper.

6) Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий .

1. Living in little stuffy rooms means breathing poisonous air. 2. Avoid making mistakes if you can. 3. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 4. She likes sitting in the sun. 5.Thank you for your coming. 6. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very healthy. 7. He talked without stopping. 8. Let’s go boating. 9. Repairing cars is his business. 10. Have you finished writing?

7) Составьте собственные предложения, используя модели.

She is fond of reading.

To skate, to sing, to ski, to play basketball, to play volleyball, to walk in the garden, to sunbathe.
Do you mind my closing the window?

To play the piano, to leave you for a minute, to open the door, to stay here, to take your book for a day or two.

He enjoyed reading this book.

To listen to the concert, to sit in the sun, to watch the performance, to spend the holidays in the country.

He left the room without waiting for a reply.

To take the book, to say good-bye, to say a word.

8) Поставьте глагол в 3-е лицо единственного числа.

We grow roses in the garden. (Mrs Smith) – Mrs Smith grows roses in the garden.

1. They read the poem (She). 2. We work hard every day. (His father) 3. The children study at the university (Her daughter). 4. Our students speak French fluently (This student). 5. I like to play the violin (Peter). 6. We always cook dinner. (Mother) 7. I like traveling (He). 8. We refuse to help him. (Mary) 9. They often invite their cousins (Ann). 10. They want to teach Sociology. (Mike)

9) Исправьте следующие утверждения.

The sun rises in the west. – The sun doesn’t rise in the west.

It rises in the east.

1. The Japanese live in the south. 2. Spring comes after autumn. 3. The Sun goes round the Earth. 4. Dolphins live in forests. 5. Snow melts in winter.

10). Составьте предложения о том, что произошло или не произошло с вами вчера.

I/to quarrel/ with a friend – I quarreled with my friend yesterday.

I didn’t quarrel with my friend yesterday.

1. My friend/to organize a party. 2. My parents/to plan/a holiday. 3. My friend/to phone/in the evening 4. I/to get up/early in the morning 5. It/to be one’s day-off 6. I/to see/a film at the cinema 7. My mother/to make/a delicious dinner 8. I/to have classes/till three. 9. There/to be/an interesting show/on TV 10. My mother/to go shopping/after work.

11) Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.

He gave me a vase as a present.- What did he give you as a present?

1. Katherine read books with Mark in the library. 2. I often invite my brother to my place. 3. She typed an e-mail to the company in the morning. 4. The weather was awful on Saturday. 5. We walked with our dog yesterday. 6. The child broke the plate last Monday. 7. It took me two hours to get to the gallery last Wednesday. 8. There was a lot of money in the criminal’s bag. 9. Sue rang me up last week. 10. Puskin was born in 1799.

12) Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Future Simple.

1. The actors are very good. I’m sure the performance …..(to be) a great success. 2. …..(there/to be) any party after the official ceremony ? 3. …..(he/to show) us the sights of the town right now? 4. Don’t worry, he …..(not/to refuse) to lend you the money. 5. I …..(never/to forget) what you did for me. 6. They …..(to celebrate) the second anniversary of their wedding next month.

13) Образуйте вопросительные предложения.

1. My family will move into a new flat next month. 2. He will finish school next year. 3. We shall go to the cinema tomorrow. 4. My friend went to a camp last summer. 5. Her father works at an office. 6. My friend went to a camp last summer. 7. His sister lives in Moscow. 8. She sent e-mail to her friend last week. 9. We have dinner at three o’clock. 10. We study French at school.

14) Образуйте отрицательные предложения.

1. My friend lives in Canada. 2. We shall do these tests on the lab. 3. I studied English at school. 4. Peter speaks Italian well. 5. His sister teaches physics at the Institute. 6. They will have examinations next month. 7. I bought a new coat some days ago. 8. We have breakfast at home. 9. He likes hockey very much. 10. They will arrive in a month.

15) Образуйте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения.

1. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 2. The little boy is eating his cake. 3. We are answering the questions on the new text. 4. The manager is speaking over the phone in the next room. 5. They are having their dinner. 6. Ann is standing at the window. 7. He is reading an English magazine. 8. He is packing his things now.

16) Раскройте скобки:

1. I not (to like) the picture you (to look) at just now. 4. What is that woman (to do) there? She (to sell) ice-cream. 2. Where is Nick? I think, he (to play) football in the yard. 3. - Good morning, Ann! Where you (to go) now? - I (to go) to the post-office to send a telegram. 4. Hello! Petrov (to speak). At what time our lesson (to begin) tomorrow? 5. He usually (to do) his homework at home, but he (to prepare) it at the library. 6. She (to read) books in three languages, and now she (to read) an English novel. 7. There are many children in the park. Some of them (to run) about, others (to sit) on the benches and ( to laugh).

17) Составьте утвердительные или отрицательные предложения о том, что вы и ваши близкие делали в указанное время:

1. At this time on Tuesday – I/to play/with my younger brother (sister). 2. From 10 till 11 on Saturday – my Mum and I/to clean the flat. 3. At 1 o’clock yesterday – my friends/to have classes/at the Institute. 4. At 9 o’clock last night – my Dad/to watch the news on TV. 5. From 3 till 5 on Sunday – I/to do my homework. 6. At 8 yesterday morning – my mother/to make breakfast. 7. At this time yesterday – I/to walk in the park.

18) Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Continuous.

1. He was actually the only one who…..(to listen) carefully to what I…..(to say). 2. It seems to me everybody…..(really/to enjoy) the party when the awful news about that accident came. 3. It sounds strange but I can’t remember what I…..(to do) at this time two days ago. 4. I asked the nurse who…..(to go) upstairs to take the papers to Dr. Reed. 5. She…..(always/to chew) gum! I find it most unpleasant. 6. …..(the music/to play) all the time from 7 to 9 in the evening? 7. Did you really hear what they…..(to talk) about? 8. The street was absolutely empty and we…..(to drive) very fast.

19) Раскройте скобки, используя Future Continuous Tense:

1. My sister (to wait) for your phone call at seven o’clock. 2. At this time tomorrow we (to drive) to St.Petersburg. 3. Don’t ring me up at 5 o’clock. I (to work) in the laboratory. 4. The sky is dark. It (to rain) by the time we are ready to leave. 5. I (to wait) for you right here when you come out of the building. 6. We (to wait) for you when you get back tomorrow.

20) Сравните употребление Future Simple и Future Continuous:

1. We (to wait) for you in front of the theatre at a quarter part seven. 2. I (to speak) to him as soon as he is free. 3. He (to give) her your message when he sees her. 4. When you return, I (to pack, still) my suitcase. 5. We (to send) you a telegram as soon as we arrive in Sochi. 6. We (to wait) for you at the corner until you come with the car. 7. We (not to start) dinner until everyone gets here. 8. They (to live) in their new house when you come. 9. We (to arrive) in Moscow in the morning. 10. When you come home, I (to do) my lessons.

21) Составьте утвердительные или отрицательные предложения :

I/to spend/a lot of money/lately – I have spent a lot of money lately. / I haven’t spent much money lately.

I/to learn/useful things/recently…..

My Granny/to be ill/lately…..

I/to be/very busy/lately…..

My Dad/to have/problems at work/recently…..

My friend/to make/progress in English/lately…..

22) Составьте вопросы с How long:

She is ill. - How long has she been ill?

1. Brian is at home. 2. I hear some strange noise. 3. Mum has a bad headache. 4. The Pitts have a car. 5. Nick is on holiday. 6. Mr Jones is my boss. 7. Mary is in love with Bruce. 8. I know what you mean. 9. I know their secret. 10. John has a cold.

23) Cоставьте предложения из данных слов, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Perfect.

She was very worried (by midnight/her son/not/to return/yet). – By midnight her son hadn’t returned yet.

1. I could hardly recognize her.(not/to see/each other/since 1990) 2. There was nobody on the platform.(the train/already/to leave)when I arrived. 3. They were a very happy couple.(to be married/for 10 years) 4. He was very fond of travelling. By the time he was thirty-five (to visit/12 countries) 5. They thought they were well-prepared for the exam.(to study/all the necessary material/by the end of the term).

24) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Perfect.

1. It…..(to get) dark by the time we reached the place. 2. It was the most beautiful bunch of flowers I…..(ever/to get). 3. We…..(to discuss) every detail of the plan by evening. 4. By the time he was fifteen he…..(to break) his arm three times. 5. She…..(to do) all her housework before the children returned from school. 6. She…..(to be) very busy lately so she nearly forgot about our arrangement. 7. . By 6 o’clock they…..(not/to announce) the results yet. 8. He had dinner and took out the book he…..(to buy) on his way home. 9. When the police arrived the criminal…..(already/to escape). 10. He…(never/be)there before. 11. Frank was in the Tretyakov Gallery last Sunday.

25) Задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. Jane will have answered the letter by that time. 2. Mother will have prepared the dinner when we come. 3. I shall have called him by that time. 4. They will have sold their car by next month. 5. Tom will have written his report by that time. 6. She will have done this work by Friday. 7. He will have booked the tickets by tomorrow. 8. The clerk will have printed the papers by next Wednesday. 9. He will have signed the papers by noon. 10. My father will have ordered the tickets by that date.

26) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из времен: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect:

1. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book. I (to do) my homework by the time you come. 2. You (to play) volleyball tomorrow? 3. I (to do) my homework by 6 o’clock tomorrow. 4. What you (to do) at 8 o’clock tomorrow? 5. Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) an essay the whole evening. 6. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have) supper. 7. You (to do) this work by next Sunday? 8. I (to do) my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow. 9. How many pages you (to read) by 5 o’clock tomorrow? 10. I (to do) my homework tomorrow.

27) Образуйте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения:

1. They are always laughed at. 2. The letter was sent to him yesterday. 3. The windows were broken by the strong wind. 4. The article was read with pleasure. 5. Our country was visited by many tourists. 6. The child is often left alone. 7. English is taught at our Institute. 8. The test results will be given tomorrow. 9. This library was opened last year. 10. Your report will be discussed tomorrow.

28) Переделайте конструкцию активного залога в пассивную:

1. The noise frightened the children. 2. Everybody loves this dish. 3. I won’t leave such important documents at the office. 4. She didn’t even send me a birthday card. 5. Professor Brand always gives these recommendations to his students. 6. Nobody will ever buy such an ugly picture. 7. They use this word in several meanings. 8. She will certainly show us her new picture. 9. The principal introduced our new English teacher to us. 10. They sold the ring to some lady yesterday.

29) Составьте предложения по образцу, используя данную лексику:

To skate, to run, to swim, to ski, to speak French, to play chess, to sing songs.

I can play volleyball, but I cannot play the piano. 2. I could swim well when I was a young man. 3. I shall be able to play piano well soon, as I practice it much.

30) Заполните пропуски при помощи can, could, be able to:

1. …..you show me the way? I’m a stranger here. 2. …..you skate when you were six? 3. …..you do the shopping in the evening? The fridge is empty. 4. I…..cook a month ago but I’m taking a course and next month I…..to cook. 5. …..I help you? Do you need help? 6. I…..come in time tomorrow. 7. Last year he…..speak English as well as he…..speak this year. 8. I…..drive now but next year I…..drive.

31) Составьте вопрос-просьбу:

Mrs Snow feels bad. She wants her boss to let her leave the office earlier. What does she say? – May I leave earlier?

1. You don’t like your room at the hotel. You want to have another room. What do you say? 2. Your car has broken down you must meet a friend at the airport. Ask your neighbour to let you have his car. 3. You want to use the telephone but the line is busy. Mary has been talking for forty minutes. What do you say? 4. Mr Newton is nervous and wants to speak to the pilot. He asks the stewardess… 5. Jack is tired and needs a day off. What does he say?

32) Восстановите предупреждающие знаки:

Children under 16/to see the film – Children under 16 may not see the film.

1. Students/to smoke in the classrooms….. 2. You/to enter wearing a hat….. 3. Alcoholic drinks/to be sold to people under 18….. 4. You/to take dogs to the restaurant….. 5. Children under 7/to enter unless they are with a grown-up…..

33) Употребите глагол must и have to в правильной форме:

1. I…..leave in an hour. 2. The house was too small for them and they…..look for another house last year. 3. I’ll prove it and you…..admit I’m right. 4. …..I type this article now? 5. I…..wake up early yesterday. 6. I…..look for another job next month. 7. I was late because I…..type an article. 8. He said I…..win the game. 9. He….. drive to Europe last year. 10. He says I…..tell him the truth.

34) Заполните пропуски глаголами must, have to, be to в правильной форме:

1. I…..sell the car one of these days. It keeps breaking down. 2. You…..shout at children. 3. The bell had gone and I…..answer the question. 4. “You…..cross the road alone” – the mother said to the child. 5. The guide…..meet the group and take them to the hotel yesterday. 6. The children didn’t understand the rule and the teacher…..explain it again. 7. The babysitter was ill and Ellen…..look after the child herself. 8. I…..take the umbrella because the forecast was bad. 9. Susan says I…..drive her to the station. She thinks it’s my duty. 10. I didn’t know I…..to work extra hours. We hadn’t agreed on that. 11. “When…..I return the book? – Steve asked the librarian. 12. I…..interrupt the speaker because I didn’t get the point. 13. I know I…..do the work myself. It’s my duty. 14. As we had agreed I…..meet him at 7.

35) Закончите ситуации при помощи should, shouldn’t и данных глаголов:

Revise, forgive, disturb, believe, use, paint, return, miss, help

You see Jack is busy. – You shouldn’t disturb him.

1. He has apologized. You…..him. You…..him. 2. The girl is too young. She…..make-up. 3. Nobody wants you here. You…..here. 4. His lecture are interesting. You…..them. 5. The house looks ugly. You…..it. 6. He is a liar. You …..him. 7. You don’t know the rules well. You…..everything. 8. The old man is afraid to cross the street.
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