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    Вариант 1 для направления подготовки 38.05.02 – «Таможенное дело»

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    The moment a traveler crosses the border his/her luggage is taken to the customs house. This is a place where travelers’ belongings are searched when leaving or entering the country by the customs officer, or inspector. Every country has its own customs regulations, which stipulate what articles are liable to duty and what are duty- free. The functions and legal powers of customs agencies vary from country to country. Although customs officers’ duties vary greatly from police officers’, their role in protecting the country from security threats is just as important. Customs officers exercise control over the movement of goods, vehicles and people entering and leaving the country.

    They protect society by combating the importation of dangerous or illegal goods such as firearms, drugs and obscene items. Customs officers are involved in preventative work - targeting and searching vehicles, freight and documentation. There can also be some agency work for the police (licensing vehicles, drink driving etc), and for the immigration authorities. The job requires keen observation, quick analysis and the knowledge of over a hundred different pieces of legislation ranging from the Customs Act, agriculture laws, and citizenship and immigration laws, to a series of other laws regulating firearms, importation and drugs. Customs officers administer customs and related laws. They work for the Customs Service, mainly at major airports, seaports or outposts. They are subject to discipline and must wear uniform, carry firearms, work irregular hours, and work anywhere in the country as required by duties.

    Customs officers check passengers and crew before clearing them for entry into the country. They check luggage and other cargo of ships and aircraft to prevent the illegal entry of prohibited, quarantined or dutiable goods. Customs officers may perform the following tasks: 1) assist with customs control of all incoming and outgoing passengers, crew, aircraft, ships' cargo and mail; 2) board ships and aircraft to detect illegal activity such as undocumented cargo, prohibited goods or stowaways; 3) check documents, and clear goods for import or export; 4) write reports, collect tariffs and duty; 5) patrol the coastline to detect illegal entry of people, drugs, firearms, and other goods and vessels; 6) make arrests, assist with prosecution and give evidence in court.

    Much of the work undertaken by Customs officers involves contact with the public, use of computers and clerical duties. Most positions involve shift work. Customs officers usually work as part of a team or under general supervision. During initial training and the early stages of their careers, they can expect to be moved through a number of different areas, some of which may involve shift work and overtime. This may include periods of transfer to customs centres around the country.
    (Никитин В.В. Customs Authority. Сборник текстов)
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    Вариант 2 для направления подготовки 38.05.02 – «Таможенное дело»

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    Drugs are not the only goods that people smuggle across borders; in different countries throughout the world, there are a wide variety of things that are considered contraband. In addition to drugs, customs agencies may watch for weaponry, child pornography, counterfeit merchandise and stolen goods. Sometimes people try to import items without even realizing it's against the law.

    These sorts of illegal materials make up only one category of contraband goods. Customs agents also stop the importation of legal goods that are a threat to the nation's security. In most countries, the importation of fruits, meats, animals and plants is heavily regulated due to the fear of disease or ecological imbalance. While it may seem strange that a piece of fruit is considered a threat to national security, the risk of biological contamination is very real. In the late 1980s, one traveler with one piece of contaminated fruit caused an infestation of Mediterranean fruit flies that destroyed millions of dollars worth of crops in California. Customs agencies test food imports, and if the samples do not meet the governments standards, the goods are destroyed or turned away from the port. When animals are brought into the country, they may be put in quarantine for long-term observation.

    A country's government might also ban importation of items based on ethics and morality. For example, in many countries, you cannot import ivory or other products that come from endangered animals. Without customs agencies, nations would have no control over what comes in and goes out of their country. In order to protect its citizens and businesses, a government has to be vigilant in protecting its borders, not only against armed attack, but also against unwanted imports. As any customs agent will tell you, this is crucial to maintaining order in modern society.
    (Никитин В.В. Customs Authority. Сборник текстов)
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