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  • 2. Answer the questions.

  • 3. Are these sentences true or false

  • 5. Match the words on the left with the words on the right

  • PART 1. Exercise 1. Fill in “say” or “tell” in the correct form.

  • Exercise 2.

  • Exercise 3 . Report the police-officer’s questions to the shop owner.

  • Exercise 4. Report what Mrs. Lane told her babysitter to do.

  • Exercise 5. Turn from Direct into Reported speech.

  • Exercise 6.

  • Exercise 7. Match the following parts of the sentences.

  • Exercise 8. Fill in: unless or if.

  • Exercise 9.

  • Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  • Exercise

  • Ответы. Росдистант. Тема Задание 1

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    Тема 4.Задание 4. 

    1)Образование очень важно в нашей жизни. Образованный человек это тот, кто много знает о многих вещах. Он всегда пытается узнать, выяснить, узнать больше о мире вокруг него. Он получить знания в школе, от книг, журналов, от образовательных программ ТВ. Учащиеся могут получить глубокие знания в различных факультативных курсов по различным предметам и школа предлагает эти возможности. Они могут углублять и совершенствовать свои знания, посещая различные факультативные курсы по различным предметам. Результат воспитательного процесса-это потенциал для дальнейшего образования. В настоящее время студенты средних школ имеют возможность продолжить свое образование, введя, гимназий, лицеев, колледжей. Но дорога к обучению не легко. Есть дорога к обучению. Чтобы быть успешным в исследованиях, которые одно должно работать слышал. Он имеет для вас решение учиться и прогрессировать или не научиться терять свое время. Также сегодня возрастает роль иностранных языков. Благодаря знанию иностранных языков можно читать книги, журналы в оригинале, поговорить с иностранцами, переводить различные технические статьи. Кроме того совместные предприятия, которые недавно появились в нашей стране нужны специалисты с глубокими знаниями иностранных языков как английский, немецкий или французский. Знать иностранные языки является абсолютной необходимости для каждого образованного человека, для хороших специалистов. Наша страна передача в рыночной экономике. Исследования и инновации должны улучшить условия жизни, работы нашего народа. Вот почему так важно быть стойкими в студентов. Английский — мировой язык. Это язык прогрессивной науки и техники, торговли и культурных связей, торговли и бизнеса. Это язык международной авиации, судоходства и спорта. Он является также основным языком дипломатии. Географически это самый распространенный язык на земле, второй только для китайцев в количество людей, которые говорят это услышав иностранный язык является не простым делом. Это долгий и медленный процесс, который занимает много времени и практики. Иностранный язык-это не просто предмет уроки в классах. Это то, что используется в реальных жизненных ситуациях. Существует множество причин, почему мы начинаем изучать иностранные языки. Прежде всего это эффективным средством международного общения. Я убежден, если мы работаем в любой отрасли науки мы должны читать книги и журналы на других языках. Изучение иностранных языков открывает возможности и карьеры, которые не выходит даже несколько лет назад. Знание иностранных языков может помочь нам найти работу в таких областях, как науки и техники, внешней торговли и банковское дело, международные транспортные коммуникации, преподавание науки библиотекарь и другие. Более общая цель заключается в том, чтобы сделать наши интеллектуальные и культур. Изучение иностранного языка, включая также изучение культуры, традиций и режим мысли разных людей. Конечно устной и письменной речи на иностранном языке является сложным искусством, и это должно быть изучено. Излишне говорить, что английский стал очень популярным сегодня. Около 350 миллионов человек говорят на английском языке в качестве первого языка. О том же количестве используйте его в качестве второго языка. Он является официальным языком в 44 странах. Он является доминирующим языком медицины, электроники и космической техники, международного бизнеса и рекламы, Радио. Он заменил французский в мире дипломатии и немецкий в области науки. Что касается меня я полностью убежден в том, что знать иностранный язык является абсолютно необходимым для всех образование человека и современных специалистов. Всезависитотнашихсобственныхусилий.

    2. Answer the questions.

    1. Is education very important in our life?

    d. Yes, because an educated person knows much.

    2. How can you become educated?

    b. With the help of deeper knowledge in different subjects

    3. Where do you have a possibility to get further education?

    b. In educational institutions.

    4. What do you need to be successful in studies?

    b. You don’t have to be lazy.

    5. How to improve your foreign language skills?

    b. You should use Google translator as much as it is possible.

    6. What for should a person know foreign languages?

    a. To be a good specialist.

    7. What is the most widespread language in earth?

    c. English

    8. Is it easy to learn foreign languages?

    b. It is depends on a person.

    9. In what fields and science can you find a job if you know foreign languages?

    c. In foreign trade and banking.

    10. What does learning a foreign language include?

    d. You should translate texts with dictionaries.

    3. Are these sentences true or false?

    1. There is no necessity in good specialists in educational system nowadays. false

    2. The popularity of English language is increasing day by day. true

    3. There is no need to learn grammar and pronunciation to write and speak in a proper way. false

    4. Knowing foreign languages can help you to find a job in different fields. true

    5. The harder you study, the better result is. true

    6. A good teacher is a great luck for your child and you as a parent. true

    7. To become a teacher you need to know psychology and pedagogy. true

    8. English is an official language in more than fifty countries. true

    9. Learning a foreign language includes learning etiquette. true

    10. Any educated person gets knowledge from glance magazines. . false

    4.Fill in the gaps with the information from the text.

    1. English is an official language in more than fifty countries.

    2. Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing.

    3. To use foreign languages in practice is absolutely necessary for every educated person..

    4. Speaking and writing in a foreign language is a difficult this is a complex art, and it needs to be learned.

    5. English language is a world language.

    6. The result of the educative process is the capacity for further education.

    7. There are many reasons why we begin to study foreign languages.

    8. All students of secondary schools have opportunities to continue theireducation.

    9. The pupils can deepen and improve their knowledge by attending different optional courses in different subjects.

    10. English has become very popular today.

    5. Match the words on the left with the words on the right

    1. progressive

    2. the dominant

    3. to depend

    4. to open up

    5. optional

    6. a foreign

    7. cultural

    8. the world of

    9. space

    10. international

    a. language

    b. course

    c. technology

    d. diplomacy

    e. communication

    f. relations

    g. opportunities

    h. language

    i. science

    j. on our efforts

    1. progressive i. science

    2. the dominant b. course

    3. to depend

    4. to open up e. communication

    5. optional j. on our efforts

    6. a foreign h. language

    7. cultural

    8. the world of d. diplomacy

    9. space

    10. international

    PART 1.

    Exercise 1. Fill in “say” or “tell” in the correct form.

    1) The policeman said that the man was lying.

    2) Philip said it would probably rain tomorrow.

    3) Susan says, “Let’s go out for dinner tonight.”

    4) Jim told me about the party last night.

    5) Our teacher said he was pleased with our work.

    6) Yesterday my friend said he wouldn't tell anyone my secret.

    7) Stop telling lies!

    8) Could you please tell me your name?

    9) The little girl said her prayers and went to bed.

    10) I really can’t tell Jane from Kate. They are twins.

    11) “I haven’t got enough money,” he said to John.

    12) He said he would meet us later.
    Exercise_2.'>Exercise 2. Report what the guests said at a wedding last Sunday.

    1. Miss Moore said (that) they would make a lovely couple.

    2. Mr Smith said that they were going to live in Brighton.

    3. Mrs Jones said that the bride and the groom were very nice young people.

    4. Mr Roberts said that the bride was wearing a beautiful wedding dress.

    5. Mr Clarke said that the couple's parents looked happy.

    6. Miss Mayall said that the bride's father had bought them a big flat

    Exercise 3. Report the police-officer’s questions to the shop owner.

    1. What is your name?

    The police officer asked the shop owner what his name was.

    2. Did you see the robbers?

    The police officer asked the shop owner if he had seen the robbers.

    3. What were they wearing?

    The police officer asked the shop owner what they had been wearing.

    4.How do you think they got in?

    The police officer asked the shop owner how he thought they had got in.

    5.What did they take?

    The police officer asked the shop owner what they had taken.

    6. Has this ever happened before?

    The police officer asked the shop owner whether that had ever happened before.
    Exercise 4. Report what Mrs. Lane told her babysitter to do.

    1.Mrs. Lane told her babysitter not to answer the door to anyone.
    2. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter to phone her if there was an emergency.
    3. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter not to let the children eat any sweets.
    4. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter to send the children to bed at 9 o’clock.
    5. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter to give the children a bath before they went to bed.
    6. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter not to take the dog into the children’s bedroom.

    7. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter to close all the windows.
    8. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter to put the toys away in the cupboard.
    Exercise 5. Turn from Direct into Reported speech.

    1.He said that he had ordered a pizza for dinner..

    2. She said they had to write a letter to their lawyer.
    3. The plumber told them he would come the next day and fix the tap.
    4. She told her friend that was the best holiday she had  ever had.
    5. She asked him why he had said that to her.
    6. She told them not to speak to her father like that.
    7. He asked the secretary to show him where the manager's office was.
    Exercise 6. Choose a reporting verb and turn the following from Direct into Reported speech.

    1.The doctor advised me to take mor exercise.

    2.The actor refused to answer my question.
    3.He promised to phone that evening.
    4.He asked if she knew where he had put his hat.
    5.The little boy asked his parents what they had bought him for Christmas?
    6.The mother odered her son to go to his room and do his homework.
    7.Her boss promised to pay her twice a month.
    8.She offered to drive me into the town.
    9.He suggested to go for a walk.
    10.She asked her mother to come with her.
    11.Ted suggested to play in the garden.
    12.Mary explained her children that the sun was bigger than the earth.
    13.She warned Ben not to sit near the fire because it was dangerous.
    14.June offered to have steak for dinner.
    15.John promised Mary to write her as soon as he arrived.
    16.He begged robber not to shoot him.

    Exercise 7. Match the following parts of the sentences.

    1-d.   If I go on a diet,  I'll lose weight.

    2-f. If it's sunny tomorrow,  we'll go for a picnic​.

    3-e. If John doesn't hurry, he'll be late.

    4-a.  If it snows, we'll make a snowman.

    5-c. If there are no buses, she'll have to take a taxi.

    6-b. If you are a good girl, I'll buy you some chocolate.
    Exercise 8. Fill in: unless or if.

    1. If you make so much noise, I won’t be able to sleep.

    2. I’ll tell you if there are any messages for you.

    3. I won’t finish the work unless you help me.

    4. If you’re hungry, I’ll make you a sandwich.

    5. We’ll miss the bus unless we hurry.

    6. They won’t get married unless he gets a job.

    7. You won’t understand unless you listen carefully.

    Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.

    1. If the dog , keeps barking, the neighbours will complain.

    2. The boss will be angry if you arrive late for work again.

    3. If you eat too much you'll be sick!

    4. If the weather is bad on Saturday we will stay at home.

    5. You should see a doctor if you don,t feel well.

    6. If you study hard you will pass your exam.
    Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

    Sarah is a bored teenager. If she 1) joined a club, she 2) would make more friends. She 3) would enjoy herself if she 4) went out more. Her schoolwork is suffering too. If she 5) studied moreshe 6) would have better marks and she 7) would enteruniversity. Unfortunately, she is becoming overweight. She 8) wouldn't feel better if she 9) started swimming, and she 10) would get thinner if she 11) stopped eating so much chocolate.
    Exercise11. Use the correct tense form:

    1.if you make a mistake, they will find you.

    2 if they found you, they will catch you.
    3 if they catch me,i shall confess.
    4 if you confess they will put you into prison.
    5 if you are lucky, they won't catch you.
    6 if you go to Rome, you will see Coliseum.
    7 if you visit London, probably you will see queen.
    8 if you stay.
    9 when he propose...
    10 but she won't happy when she marry.
    11 i shall visit you as soon as i feel better.
    12 we shall stay here as long as our money lasts.
    13 they won't sand us a telegram unless there is.
    14 you will phone me before you to go away.
    15 i will come to London after they found.
    16 we will work till it gets absolutely dark.
    17 students won't get financial rewards unless they get high grades.
    18 what will you do when summer come?
    19 if he doesn't come we will have a problem.
    Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

    1)Yesterday I went with my sister  to buy something for her birthday.

    2) She didn't really know what to get  but she seemed to like the idea of a pet, so we went to the nearest pet shop.

    3) She started looking around at all the animals.

    4)The man in the shop let her pick up the rabbits and stroke the hamsters, but when she saw some puppies playing in a box, she said that she would like to have one of them.

    5) I didn't know if we had enough money to buy one and I hoped my mother wouldn't object to have a dog in the house, but my sister promised to look after it properly and we did have enough money, so we bought a little brown dog.

    6) The man gave us a special brush for brushing him and some special food. Tomorrow we're going to take Splash to the beach.
    Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form.

    1.       I don't like singing/to sing in public, (sing)
    2.      It's no use telling her. She won't listen, (tell)
    3.      I'm still too upset to talk about it. (talk)
    4.      Don't disturb him. He's busy working (work)
    5.      Stop biting your nails! (bite)
    6.      Don't expect him to lend you any money, (lend)
    7.      I've decided to leave him. (leave)
    8.      Mum made me take my medicine, (take)
    9.      She agreed to lend him £1,000. (lend)
    10.    He denied receiving the stolen goods, (receive)

    Exercise 14. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or-ing form.

    My mother is an amazing woman. She is 87 years old and she still enjoys 1) going out (go out) for a walk every day. She doesn't mind 2) doing all her housework and she's glad 3) to help her elderly neighbours when they can't 4) go to the shops. She's too old 5) to, dig the garden any more- she stopped 6) doing that last year - but she's still healthy enough 7) to, mow the grass! In the summer she still goes 8) to swim when it's warm and she lets her grandchildren 9) bury her in the sand. She often says, "It's no good 10) being alive if you don't enjoy yourself." I'd love 11) to be like my mother when I'm her age.

    1   2   3   4   5   6

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