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    Имя файлаBiochemistry mcq.en.uk.docx
    страница128 из 165
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    Питання №: 13

    Which hormone decreases the glucose concentration in the blood, if its value is more than 6,8 mM/1:






    Питання №: 14

    A woman in the unconscious state was brought to an emergency clinic. Laboratory research revealed that the blood glucose level makes 1.98 mM/1, the level of hemoglobin is 82 g/1, the amount of erythrocytes is 2.1 • 1012/l, SSE (speed of erythrocytes settling) is 18 mm/hour and the amount of leucocytes is 4.3-109/l. Make a possible diagnosis.


    Diabetes mellitus


    Somatotropin deficiency

    Diabetes insipidus

    Питання №: 15

    Unknown enzyme was added into two test tubes. The first tube contained maltose, the second one - sucrose. After 10 min incubation the solution in the first tube gives the positive Feling reaction, in the second one - negative. What enzyme was added?






    Питання №: 16

    A patient complains of frequent diarrheas, especially after consumption of fat-rich food, weight loss. Laboratory examination revealed steatorrhea, his feces were hypocholic. What might have caused such condition?

    Unbalanced diet

    Obturation of biliary tract

    Lack of pancreatic amylase

    Lack of pancreatic phospholipase

    Inflammation of mucous membrane of small intestine

    Питання №: 17

    Some phospholipids have specialized functions in human body. Which of them is a major component of lung surfactant?

    Dipalmitoyl lecithin





    Питання №: 18

    A worker of a chemical plant was brought to a hospital with signs of poisoning. In the woman's hair a high level of arsenate that blocks the lipoic acid was revealed. The disorder of what biochemical process is the most probable cause of poisoning?

    Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate

    Microsomal oxidation

    Reduction of methemoglobin

    Reduction of organic oxides

    Rendering superoxide radicals harmless

    Питання №: 19

    On the empty stomach in the patients blood glucose level was 5,65 mmol/L, in an hour after usage of sugar it was 8,55 mmol/L, in a 2 hours - 4,95 mmol/L. Such indicators are typical for:

    Healthy person

    Patient with hidden diabetes mellitus

    Patient with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

    Patient with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

    Patient with tireotoxicosis
    1   ...   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   ...   165

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