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  • Active Passive Indefinite

  • The temporal meaning of the gerund.

  • Exercise 1. Say what actions are expressed by the gerund – simultaneous (

  • Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the appropriate forms of the gerund.

  • Exercise 3. Use the appropriate forms of the gerund inserting prepositions where necessary.

  • The Gerund 1 theory The gerund

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    The Gerund 1


    The gerund developed from the verbal noun which in the course of time became verbalized preserving its nominal character. That is why the gerund has both noun and verb characteristics.

    The gerund has the following forms:






    being written


    having written

    having been written

    The temporal meaning of the gerund.

    The tense distinctions of the gerund, like those of the participle, are relative. The indefinite gerund both active and passive denotes an action simultaneous with the action expressed by the finite verb: (Напряженные различия герундия, как и различия причастия, относительны. Неопределенный герундий как активный так и пассивный обозначает действие одновременно с действием выраженным конечным глаголом)

    He works (worked, will work) for many hours without stopping. (Он работает (работал, будет работать) много часов без остановки)

    She doesn't like (didn't like) being laughed at. (Ей не нравится (не нравилось), когда над ней смеются.)

    The indefinite forms can also express prior actions: (Неопределенные формы также могут выражать предшествующие действия:)

    I remember meeting him somewhere. (Помню, мы с ним где-то встречались.)

    On receiving the telegram he went to the station. (Получив телеграмму, он отправился на вокзал.)

    After being found safe and sound, the children were sent home. (После того, как их нашли целыми и невредимыми, детей отправили домой)

    The perfect gerund expresses an action prior to that expressed by the finite verb: (Совершенный герундий выражает действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному конечным глаголом:)

    He denies having stolen the papers. (Он отрицает, что украл бумаги.)

    She was not surprised at having been received in this manner. (Она не удивилась, что ее приняли таким образом.)


    Exercise 1.  Say what actions are expressed by the gerund – simultaneous (одновременный) with or prior (предварительный) to the actions expressed by the predicate verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. He ended by saying that he had a dog at the house. (S.L.)

    В конце он сказал, что у него дома есть собака.

    2. On looking out of the window she noticed many people walking towards the stone-pits. (E.G.)

    Выглянув в окно, она заметила множество людей, идущих к каменным ямам

    3. She appeared in court in Valencia after being charged with two counts of fraud. (D.T.)

    Она предстала перед судом в Валенсии после того, как ей было предъявлено обвинение по двум пунктам обвинения в мошенничестве

    4. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Brown were so busy stitching doll's clothes... (S.L.)

    Миссис Джонс и миссис Браун были так заняты сшиванием кукольных платьев S

    5. Moscow at first lined up with Paris and Berlin in opposing the war. (D.T.)

    Москва сначала встала в один ряд с Парижем и Берлином в противостоянии войне P

    6. Mr. Abbas criticised Hamas and Islamic Jihad for retaliating to Israeli military actions. (D.T.)

    Г-н Аббас раскритиковал ХАМАС и Исламский джихад за ответные действия Израиля S

    7. They have to keep smiling at Miss Beresford when she cracks jokes at their expense. (A.M.L.)

    Им приходится улыбаться мисс Бересфорд, когда она отпускает шутки на их счет. S

    8. Nobody in a crew likes having permanent invalids aboard ship. (A.M.L.)

    Никто в команде не любит, когда на борту корабля находятся постоянные инвалиды. P

    9. I kept on thinking up to the end that he would yield. (S.M.)

    До самого конца я продолжал думать, что он уступит. P

    10. She remembered walking, as a girl, past the piles of sawdust at the factory to the house of her best friend. (J.Ch.)

    Она вспомнила, как в детстве шла мимо кучи опилок на фабрике к дому своей лучшей подруги. S

    11. Sensing none of their malevolent thoughts about her, Gwen sat down with them, after carrying several platters to the table. (D.S.)

    Не чувствуя ни одной из их недобрых мыслей о ней, Гвен села рядом с ними, после того как принесла несколько блюд к столу. P

    12. He thought she should think about retiring. (D.S.)

    Он подумал, что ей следует подумать об отставке. S

    13. Let him have a little fun after all the sadness he's had over losing Anne. (D.S.)

    Пусть он немного повеселится после всей той печали, которую он испытал из-за потери Энн. P

    14. Fergie has apologized to shopkeepers in Fleet, Hampshire, for causing them to lose business. (N.I.)

    Ферги извинился перед владельцами магазинов во Флите, графство Хэмпшир, за то, что заставил их потерять бизнес. P

    18. In France they've erected statues to Marie Harel, who is credited with inventing Camambert. (N.I.)

    Во Франции воздвигли статуи Марии Харель, которой приписывают изобретение Камамбера P

    19. The burglar Tony Martin was sent back to prison yesterday for breaching the terms of his curfew. (D.T.)

    Грабителя Тони Мартина вчера отправили обратно в тюрьму за нарушение комендантского часа P

    Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the appropriate forms of the gerund.

    1. I have no other means of conveying my ideas. 2. She felt irritated at having kept in the dark all this time. 3. Aren't you surprised at not having been invited to the party? 4. She didn't give the impression of having had anything to hide. 5. In those capacities I am used to acting as a communicator. 6. Geoffrey Briggs was later jailed for causing grievous bodily harm. 7. I remember once going in a lilac silk to see candles made. 8. I could not help watching your face with some anxiety, when Mr. Thornton made his confession of having been a shop-boy. 9. At every school she went she learnt drawing, besides having teught by her father at home. 10. I suspect him of losing my book. 11. He was irritated at her for not doing it. 12. Nobody likes making fun of. 13. I will keep bringing the idea before gran (Austral. for "granny") until she gets used to it. (M.F.) 14. Your hair wants having cut. 15. Jane was punished for striking her cousin. 16. He was greatly pleased at finding a job. 17. In childhood I was fond of reading to by my granny. 18. She will object to treating like a small girl. 19. Is the film worth having seen? 20. I remember enclosing this photograph in my last letter to him.


    Exercise 3. Use the appropriate forms of the gerund inserting prepositions where necessary.

    1. She held her breath to prevent herself from crying out. 2. I am sick and tired (to have) tea without milk and sugar. 3. The child needs (to take care of). 4. I can't tell you how grateful I am to you (to listen) to me. 5. It is no good (to do) things by halves. 6. When she took a thing into her head there was no (to stop) her. 7. She was incapable (to turn) a deaf ear to this appeal. 8. He spoke with an air (to prepare) carefully everything beforehand. 9. He was conscious (to surround) by some mystery. 10. He remembered (to drive) once at a great speed to meet her at the airport. 11. Seeing us she could not help (to smile). 12. He has a reason (not to come) here. 13. They kept very still for fear (to notice). 14. I am always afraid (to lose) something. 15. She didn't give the impression (to be) very naïve. 16. Did you succeed (to teach) her to drive? 17. What do you mean (to talk) like this? 18. Let's go down (to sign) the papers. 19. She took pride (to be responsible) for such important work. 20. She felt like (to give up) all the attempts to make him feel happier. 21. He kept on (to ask) these questions. 22. Many students in our group are keen (to go) to America in summer. 23. I loathe (to have) to admit that it is true. 24. Isn't she proud (to be) so pretty? 25. He refrained (to say) anything. 26. I don't think the question is worth (to discuss).

    1. She held her breath to prevent herself crying out(to cry out). 2. I am sick and tired having (to have) tea without milk and sugar. 3. The child needs being taken care of (to take care of). 4. I can't tell you how grateful I am to you listening (to listen) to me. 5. It is no good doing (to do) things by halves. 6. When she took a thing into her head there was no having stopped/stopping (to stop) her. 7. She was incapable turning (to turn) a deaf ear to this appeal. 8. He spoke with an air preparing (to prepare) carefully everything beforehand. 9. He was conscious being surrounded (to surround) by some mystery. 10. He remembered driving(to drive) once at a great speed to meet her at the airport. 11. Seeing us she could not help smiling(to smile). 12. He has a reason not coming (not to come) here. 13. They kept very still for fear being noticed (to notice). 14. I am always afraid losing (to lose) something. 15. She didn't give the impression being (to be) very naïve. 16. Did you succeed having taught (to teach) her to drive? 17. What do you mean talking (to talk) like this? 18. Let's go down signing (to sign) the papers. 19. She took pride being responsible (to be responsible) for such important work. 20. She felt like giving up(to give up) all the attempts to make him feel happier. 21. He kept on asking(to ask) these questions. 22. Many students in our group are keen going (to go) to America in summer. 23. I loathe having(to have) to admit that it is true. 24. Isn't she proud being (to be) so pretty? 25. He refrained saying (to say) anything. 26. I don't think the question is worth discussing (to discuss).

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