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Полный сборник с исправлениями. The Royal Courts of Justice Vocabulary List

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a. The executive is the power which can take the initiative for change.

b. The British Law may be complicated but it is so convincing and well established by convention, practice and traditions that it has become an accepted fact, which must be guarded and protected.

c. The Queen is the part of the legislature; she signs her assent to laws.

3. Look through the third part and mark the statement which represents the main idea of it.

a. The Queen is very important, but she is not very powerful.

b. The Queen’s position in the Constitution is largely ceremonial, its great importance is that she is uniquely placed to bind together the most powerful bodies in the Country under a vow of loyalty to her.

c. The position of the Crown helps to divide up the powers and keep them separate.
Vocabulary Work

I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.
1. exercise power; 2. govern; 3. set out (for); 4. custom and convention; 5. separation of powers; 6. be contrary to smth; 7. swear an oath; 8. borough council; 9. National General Election; 10. tackle crime; 11. prevent an abuse of power; 12. coercive actions; 13. hardened practice; 14. resent smb for smth;15. genuine ignorance of the law.
II. Suggest English equivalents of the following words and use them in your own sentences based on the text.
1. возражать; 2. веха; 3. залог; 4. средство, способ; 5. вступить в силу; 6. восстановление в правах;

7. королевская санкция; 8. хранить верность, преданность; 9. злоупотребление в нарушении закона; 10. приостановить действие закона; 11. унизительное обращение; 12. правомочный, получивший правовой титул; 13. пересмотр дела; 14. законодательная власть; 15. брать под стражу, задержать.
III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).


1. govern a. юридическая ошибка, незнание права

2. coercive action b. городской совет

3. swear an oath c. разделение полномочий

4. tackle crime d. осуществлять (исполнять) власть

5. be voted in without debates e. приносить присягу

6. ignorance of the law f. предупредить злоупотребление властью

7. separation of powers g. управлять, руководить

8. exercise power h. бороться с преступностью

9. prevent an abuse of powers i. действие принудительного характера

10. borough council j. быть принятым голосованием без обсуждения
IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions
1. a lack of knowledge or information about smth.

2. become firm or stronger.

3. use power, influence, etc.

4. make a public official promise especially in a Court of Law.

5. repeal the law if it officially ends.
V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.

1. be in charge of smth; 2. presume; 3. allegiance 4; contemplate; 5. tackle crime
VI. Match the words and word combination on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents



1. harden into

2. ignorance

3. exercise power

4. swear (on oath)

5. repeal

6. be in charge

7. presume

8. allegiance

9. contemplate

10. tackle (crime)

a. make a public official promise especially in a court of law.

b. make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem.

c. government abolishes the law if it officially ends.

d. loyalty to a leader, country, belief.

e. accept smth as true until it is provided untrue, especially in law.

f. become firm or stronger and more able to deal with unpleasant situations.

g. lack of knowledge or information about smth

h. use power, influence, etc

i. be responsible for looking after smb/smth

j. think about smth that you intend to do in future

VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. In the United Kingdom (UK), power is divided so as to ensure that it never becomes dangerously concentrated in the hands of one person or even a small group of people.

2. There is no doubt that the Prime Minister and his ministers who are part of the executive, do have enormous power, and that power is greater when the government has a large majority in the House of Commons.

3. Although the Queen’s position in the Constitution may be largely ceremonial, its great importance is that she is uniquely placed to bind together the most powerful bodies in the country under a vow of loyalty to her.

4. Freedoms of expression and assembly mean, for example that people are free to demonstrate, provided that they do not break any laws when doing so.

5. Citizens now know a code of rights which they can enforce in the Courts – the nearest thing to a written Constitution.
VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

1. civil and political rights; 2. province; 3. straddled; 4. came into force; 5. so much power;

6. owes allegiance to; 7. approach; 8. framework; 9. were not easy to find; 10. tackle crime.

  1. The English people do now have a statute which guarantees their human rights which __________ on 2 October 2000.

  2. In practice it means that no person should be given __________ that he or she can become a dictator and tyrant whether the person be a sovereign, a politician, an army general, or anyone else.

  3. The politics of the executive provide the __________ within which we live our everyday life.

  4. The Home Secretary, his Home Office Ministers and thousands of civil servants will put legislation to __________

  5. Only one person in the British constitution has held a position that _________ the legislation, executive, and judiciary.

  6. Each is to a greater or lesser extent independent of others, but at the same time __________ and is under the nominal control of the Crown.

  7. It’s the _____________ of the Courts to guard and protect the constitution and if it becomes necessary, they will do just that.

  8. The duties of the state include giving citizens ____________ recognized by English law.

  9. The Human Rights Act has already made a real difference to ___________ of their Courts to the issue of human rights.

  10. Until recently, the human rights enjoyed by every citizen in this country ________________

IX Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box, if necessary.

of (12); in (4); for (2); by (4); on (1); to (4)

1. One ______ the oldest examples ______ a written Constitution is the Constitution ______ the United States ________ America (USA) which was written in 1787.

2. The US Constitution has given rights and provided a means ______ which judges have the power and duty to oversee the protection ________ those rights.

3. Each is to a greater or lesser extent independent __________ the others but at the same time owes allegiance _________ and is under the nominal control __________, the Crown.

4. All Ministers are assisted ______ their government departments _________ thousands _______ permanent officials________ the Civil Service.

5. It is not unusual for Ministers to be taken _____Court; neither is it unheard of ______ Ministers to lose.

6. Bills passed ________ Parliament can become laws only when the Queen signs her assent _______ them.

7. Citizens must also serve ______ juries and give evidence _______ criminal or civil proceedings which required to do so.

8. The Human Rights Act 19888, which came into force_______ October 2000, gives _______ the citizens ________ this country the rights given _________ individuals __________the European Convention on Human Rights.

9. The Home Secretary, his Home Office ministers, and the thousands __________ civil servants who work ________ the Home Office are the branch of Government which must be responsible _______ law and order matters.

10. Only the courts have the authority to stop any individual or body ________ persons from exceeding their powers, or making improper use of their powers.
X Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary
1. Правительство ежедневно принимает решения, касающиеся общественной жизни страны, а именно: проблемы международной политики, объявление войны или перемирия; вопросов касающихся налогообложения, запрет на строительство дорог, больниц, на систему образования и на обеспечение благосостояния государства.

2. Министр внутренних дел, министр правительства и тысячи гражданских служащих являются той ветвью власти, которая несет ответственность за соблюдение закона и порядка.

3. У Королевы особое отношение к суду. Суд изначально принадлежит Ей в том смысле, что правосудие осуществляется от имени ЕЕ Величества.

4. Обязанностью государства является решение проблемы и наделения населения гражданскими правами, которые включают в себя все имеющиеся гражданские и политические права, признанные английским законодательством.

5. Все судьи должны быть уверены, что права на справедливое судебное разбирательство, представленные согласно Европейской Конвенции, соблюдаются.
Grammar Revision

Translate the sentences paying attention: “It is that; it is who”
1. It is the executive that decides how that policy is to be carried out, and the executive is actually responsible for carrying it out.

2. It is under the Constitution that individual citizens owe certain duties to their Queen and Country.

3. It is the Great Charter (the Magna Carta) 1215, the Petition of Rights 1628, and the Bill of Rights 1689, and the Human Rights Act 1998 that became the most important landmarks in our human rights history.

4. It is speed that causes accidents, not bad roads.

5. It was Tom who defended my son.

6. It is the manager who we are going to see.

7. It was the only man who left the ship.

8. It was Peter who saved our child.

9. It is today that the case is heard.

10. It is a fair lawyer who we need.

11. It is the Queen who opens and dissolves (closes) Parliament.

12. It is in the name of the Queen that our system of justice is administered.

13. It is the province of the court to guard and protect the Constitution.

I. Say whether the following statements are true of false
1. In the United Kingdom (UK), power is divided so as to ensure that it never becomes dangerously concentrated in the hands of one person or even small group of people.

2. The purpose of the executive is an overall control of all thousands of civil servants who are concerned in keeping law and order.

3. The British Constitution is a complicated written document.

4. It is the province of the Courts to guard and protect the Constitution.

5. The duties of the State include giving citizens their civil liberties.

II. Answer the questions about the text.
1. In what ways is the British Constitution different from the Constitutions of many other countries?

2. What are the advantages of the unwritten Constitution?

3. What power and duty do judges in the USA have and why?

4. In what way is the power in the UK divided?

5. What does the statement “the Queen in Parliament” mean?

6. In what way is the executive in local authority formed?

7. What is the Government? How is it formed? What decisions does it make?

8. What do Senior/Junior ministers do?

9. What does” to be responsible for law and order” mean? What activities does it include?

10. What two vital roles in the Constitution do judges play?

11. What cases are known as Crown Office Cases?

12. What did the trial of Jack Perizweig in November 1941 become famous for?

13. What is the position of the Crown in the Constitution?

14. What does the Queen as head of the executive do?

15. What does it mean that the system of justice is administered in the “name of the Queen”

16. Why is the trial of Charles I known to be the most famous in the history of England?

17. What are the main duties of citizens?

18. What are the main duties of the state?

19. What was the way of development of the human rights documents over the centuries.

20. What basic human rights does the European Convention guarantee?
III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.
IV. Discuss these issues.

1. What is the British Constitution?

2. What idea is the Constitution based upon?

3. Why is power in the United Kingdom divided?
V. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class.
1. The Government’s duties.

2. The responsibilities of the Home Secretary.

3. The Constitutional role of the Monarch.

4. Constitutions of different countries.

Chapter VIII
The Legal Profession
Vocabulary List
1. legal - правовой, юридический, судебный

profession - профессия юриста

qualification - юридическое образование, диплом юриста

work - работа, относящаяся к области права

training - правовое обучение

fees – судебные издержки

problem - правовая проблема, правовой вопрос

advice clinic - юридическая консультация

privilege - юридическая привилегия, привилегия по закону

responsibility - правовой иммунитет

2. be involved in legal matters - быть вовлеченным в тяжбу

3. represent - представлять

opposite sides - представлять противоположные стороны

sb. in criminal cases - быть представителем к-л по уголовным делам

4. right – право

fight for s - бороться за права

gain s - добиться прав

5. court – суд, здание суда

be in - находиться в здании суда

mislead the - вводить суд в заблуждение

appear in - предстать перед судом

contempt of - оскорбление суда

6. interests of justice - интересы правосудия

harm - вредить интересам правосудия

in the best - в интересах правосудия

7. on behalf of sb - от имени к-л

8. cause - дело

support a - защищать дело

bad - проигрышное дело

9. in the course of giving a judgement - в ходе вынесения приговора

10. case - судебный процесс, судебное заседание

conduct a - вести судебный процесс, судебное заседание

open and shut s - азбучная истина, элементарный случай

present a in the best possible light - представить дело в выгодном свете

fight a in court - отстаивать дело в суде

costs of the - затраты, издержки, расходы по делу

sufficiently serious - достаточно серьезное дело

research a исследовать обстоятельства дела

refer a to - передать дело

take a to court - передавать дело в суд

prepare a - готовиться к выступлению по делу

plain - простое дело

of neglect - дело о халатности

11. charge - обвинение

answerable - обвинение с письменными возражениями ответчика по делу

unanswerable - обвинение без письменных возражений ответчика по делу

12. deny being involved in a crime - отрицать свое участие в преступлении

13. defence - защита

good - хорошая защита

poor - плохая защита

hopeless - безнадежная, безрезультатная, неудачная защита

make up a fictional - создавать вымышленную защиту

disclose to the - открыть к.-л. информацию защите

assist the - содействовать, способствовать защите

14. plead - обращаться с просьбой, ходатайствовать

for a lenient sentence - ходатайствовать о мягком приговоре, наказании

guilty - заявлять о своей виновности

15. argue - аргументировать, приводить доводы, доказывать; утверждать; заявлять

16. rule - правило

strict - строгое, жесткое правило

17. interview - опрос; интервью

18. identification by eye-witness - опознание свидетелем

19. litigation - тяжба; судебный процесс

fund civil - фондировать, финансировать гражданский судебный процесс

20. litigant - сторона (в судебном процессе)

21. legal aid - бесплатная юридическая помощь неимущим

apply for - обратиться за бесплатной помощью

grant - предоставлять бесплатную помощь

scheme - система предоставления бесплатной юридической помощи

22. take into custody - арестовать, взять под стражу

23. receive free advice at sth. - получить бесплатную консультацию в

24. solicitor - солиситор, адвокат

approach s - наладить контакт с солиситором

firm of s - товарищество солиситоров

qualified - квалифицированный солиситор

25. claim - требование, право требования

small - исковое требование на небольшую сумму

negligence - иск о проявленной халатности

personal injuries s - иск о возмещении вреда

delay the start of a - откладывать предъявление требования

bring a against sb - подать иск против к.-л.

defend - отвечать по иску

26. housing dispute - споры, связанные с жильем, жилищным строительством

27. work on real life cases - работать с настоящими делами

28. convicted of sth - осужденный в ч.-л.

29. robbery - кража, грабеж

30. sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment - приговоренный к восьми годам теремного заключения

31. prepare a submission for - подготовить соглашение о передаче спора в арбитраж

32. conviction - осуждение (признание виновным); судимость

quash the - отменить приговор

33. award damages - возмещать убытки

34. civil justice system - система гражданского судопроизводства

35. claimant - истец; сторона, заявляющая требование; претендент

36. without the client’s consent - без согласия клиента

37. give a privilege - давать привилегию

38. immunity from suit - судебный иммунитет, иммунитет от привлечения к суду

39. give bad legal advice - предоставить неквалифицированную юридическую


40. prepare a defective contract - составить юридически порочный контракт

41. sue - преследовать по суду

42. loyalty - лояльность, верность; соблюдение права, законов

divided - двойственная лояльность
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