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Полный сборник с исправлениями. The Royal Courts of Justice Vocabulary List

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b. As the work of the Court of Chancery grew it earned a good reputation for

delivering justice for the poor.

c. Another problem of the Court of Chancery was that it became formalized and bound

up in “red tape”.

Vocabulary Work


I. Suggest Russian equivalents of these expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.
1. be rich in smth.; 2. a reasonable man; 3. draw on our system of laws; 4. law reports; 5. add to the gradual build-up of the law; 6. grasp the need to reinforce the system; 7. be traced back to; 8. fall foul of the law; 9. public whipping; 10. a focal point; 11. embodiment of smth; 12. drive a coach & four (horse) through the law; 13. give smb. a remedy; 14. cast doubt on the validity; 15. the reverse side of the legal coin; 16. it stems from; 17. the word of his plight leaked out; 18. our legal history is paved with landmark cases .
II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.

1. во время правления; 2. заложить фундамент; 3. прецедентное право; 4. если возникнет необходимость; 5. уполномочивать, поручать; 6. возмещать убытки; 7. с незапамятных времен;

8. предшественники, предки ; 9. удовлетворить жалобу; 10. право справедливости; 11. нарушить уговор, сделку; 12. доказывание завещания; 13. волокита, бюрократизм; 14. уважать;

15. отменить рабство; 16. неминуемая опасность; 17. действовать по принуждению.

III. Match the expression on the left (A) with their proper translations on the right (B).
1. comprise a. по причине

2. preside over b. с течением времени

3. bargain c. наследство, наследие

4. with the passage of time d. председательствовать

5. common sense e .здравый смысл

6. petition f. включать, охватывать

7. technicalities g.подавать прошение

8. legacy h. сделка, договор

9. revenue i. технические детали, формальности

10.on the ground j. государственные доходы

IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.

  1. The heavy use of and emphasis on official papers, formal details, rules etc. that characterizes the work done by some public groups.

  2. The system of dividing England and Wales into regional districts for the purpose of court administration.

  3. An ordinary citizen sometimes referred to as the “man on the Clapham omnibus”. The standard of care in action for negligence is based on what he might be expected to do considering the circumstances and the foreseeable consequences.

  4. Someone who has a job or a position before someone else.

  5. Relatives who lived in the past.

V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word- combinations in which these words can be used.

  1. leak (v); 2. embodiment (n); 3. delegate (v); 4. bargain(n) (v)

VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents.
1. fall foul of the law a. a report of or cause for compensation, esp.

of unjust treatment.
2. make amends b. tell a lie on purpose
3. grievance c. the body of written laws established by


4. equity d. get into trouble with law
5. bargain e. the power of giving justice in a court of law
6. statute law f. give compensation, to repay for some harm,

damage etc.
7. foundations g. that on which an idea, belief etc. rests

8. legacy h. the principle of justice which may be used to

correct law, when that law would cause

hardship in special cases

9. common law i. an agreement, esp. one to do smth in return for

something else

10. judicature j. the unwritten law based on custom & court


11. perjure k. money or personal possessions that pass to

someone on the death of the owner according

to his official written will

VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

  1. Under the Normans, the king began to appoint reeves to hear and decide disputes among the people and to enforce the king’s interests.

  2. Historically, equity refers to a separate body of law developed in England in reaction to the inability of the common law courts to consider and provide a remedy for every injury.

  3. Judicial decisions and therefore the law, based on the individual judge’s idea of justice creates uncertainty and itself leads to injustice.

  4. Equity has been described as “a gloss on the common law”, making the English legal system more complete.

  5. The formation of the common law was competed by about 1250 when Bracton wrote his famous “Treatise on the Laws and Customs of England.”

VIII. Complete the sentences with the words form the box.

  1. grievance; 2. Probate Court; 3. perjured; 4. fall foul of the law; 5. under duress; 6. validity; 7. give him a remedy; 8. imminent danger; 9. delegated;11. equity.

1. The trade union leader spoke about the ___________________of the workers.

2. If you steal, you’ll soon _______________________.

3. You don’t know enough about the subject to question the ___________of my statements.

4. A defendant committed an offence because he was terrorized and was acting___________________

5. Deadly force may be employed whenever one reasonably believes that he is placed

in_______________________of death.

6. The division and transfer of a deceased person’s property can be done only by the__________________

7. If a person could satisfy the Court of Chancery that he had suffered as a result of some wrongdoing by another person, the Court would _____________________.

8. The law that was given in the Court of Chancery was known as_______________ meaning even-handedness and fairness.

9. Not every monarch made a good judge, that was why Kings often________________their work in the courts to others.

10. In ordeal by water the person whose oath was being tested was thrown in, if he floated his oath was deemed to have been ______________________.

IX. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions from the box.

as; with(2); over; back; of(3); between; on(3) ; in (3); from; to; down


1. Judges play an essential part in the lives of individual citizens - presiding ______cases of

those accused ________crime, deciding disputes _________citizens etc.
2. Many countries of the former British Empire draw __________English system of laws.

3. Almost all the main courts of today can be traced ________ to William’s Curia Regis.

4._________.the passage _______ time the Court of Chancery tended to specialize ________ certain areas of law.

5. The expression “a Chancery” in wrestling stems ___________ the days of bare-fisted fights.

6. As the popularity of the Court of Chancery grew it couldn’t cope__________ the volume of

petitions presented ________it.

7. In 1606 Sir Edward Coke refused to convict _______ perjury a man who had lied ___oath

in the Court of Requests, ________.the ground that it was “not a court”.

8. The work of the Court of Chancery became formalized and cases were bogged _____

________ interminable delays.

9. The legal history of GB is rich _______ landmark cases in which judges of the common law

courts were revered _______ great” common lawyers”.

X. Translate these sentences into English using the Active Vocabulary:

1. Если Вы нарушите свою часть договора, то мы подадим жалобу в суд.

2. Этот судья - хитрая лиса. Он знает, как найти юридическую лазейку, используя технические формальности.

3. Вы всегда сможете передать часть своих полномочий своему заместителю, если возникнет необходимость.

4. Со временем она завоевала отличную репутацию и стала воплощением честного и справедливого судьи.

5. После того, как общественности стало известно о плачевном положении

Cомерсета и его дело было положительно рассмотрено в суде, лорд Мэнсфилд

отменил рабство в Англии, сказав: “ Воздух Англии слишком чист для любого раба”.

6. Это не в моей компетенции, но я полагаю, что подзащитный будет оправдан, т.к. он действовал по принуждению в ситуации неминуемой угрозы смерти.

7. На каком основании Вы подвергаете сомнению юридическую силу моих утверждений?

8. Обратная сторона медали показывает, что существуют люди, умеющие обходить закон. Необходимо положить этому конец раз и навсегда.



I. Answer the questions about the text:
1. What are the foundations and development of the law compared to?

2. What two major palaces are chosen for comparison and why?

3. Why are the laws and constitution referred to as “invisible”?

4. What is a statute and statute law?

5. What do Year Books contain?

6. Why are law reports and Year Books so important?

7. What is judge-made law and what two main types are judge-made laws divided into?

II. Read the part “Common Law” and say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.
1. William the Conqueror grasped England in 1066.

2. William’s Curia Regis set the foundations for the present day courts.

3. Kings delegated their work in the courts to others mainly because they found it unimportant.

4. An Assize was an early form of a special court held by an important judge travelling different parts of the country.

5. Judges travelling on Assize saw to it that national laws would apply to everyone everywhere.

6. The Common law was called like that because common people used to take part in making it.

7.The Common law, originally based upon the common customs of the country, has a reputation for sound common sense and justice.

III. Read the part “Equity”. In pairs find different information.

A. Find information about:
1. drawbacks of the common law courts;

2. how the Court of Chancery appeared;

3. the example illustrating how the common law courts & the Court of Chancery could differ;

4. the reputation the Court of Chancery earned with the passage of time.

  1. Find information about:

1. petitioning the King to “redress the grievances”;

2. three important conditions which a person seeking justice from the Court of Chancery had to meet;

3. why the Court of Requests came under mighty attacks from the common law courts;

4. the example where the courts have refused to alter the law, but recommended that Parliament should consider reform.
IV. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.
V. Discuss these issues.
1. Can you name any drawbacks of the Common law courts of the past and present?

2. Find the description of the ordinary reasonable man given by Lord Justice Bowen. How would you describe the ordinary reasonable man of our country?

3. No doubt that over centuries judges have been responsible for making a great deal of law and English senior judges are still doing so. If not how would the common law and the law of equity have developed?
VI. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class.
1. In 1999 Lord Justice Carnwatch , then Chairman of the Law Commission, referred to it as “ tired, confused old workhorse long overdue for reform.” How has the situation with the Law Commission changed since then? Is there a move towards the creation of a Criminal Code which would set out in one document the main principles of criminal law?

2. Doctrine of precedent.

3. Equitable maxims, their Russian equivalents and examples.

4. Civil law vs. Common law.

5. Focus on Russia: Sources of Law.

Chapter IV
The Invisible Palace Part II
The Constitution

Vocabulary List

  1. exercise the power – применять (осуществлять, использовать) власть.

  2. draw up the Constitution – написать Конституцию.

  3. pass the law – принять закон.

  4. statute – статут.

  5. be voted in – быть избранным.

  6. enforce the law – прoводить закон в жизнь.

  7. come into force – вступить в силу.

  8. rehabilitation – восстановление в правах, реабилитация.

  9. convention – обычай; международный договор, конвенция.

  10. sovereign – монарх.

  11. coercion – принуждение.

  12. coercive – принудительный.

  13. the top committee of government – главный орган управления.

  14. officials – должностные лица, чиновники.

  15. a court order – распоряжение суда.

  16. judicial review – пересмотр дела;

  17. abuse of power – злоупотребление властью, превышение власти.

  18. the figurehead of power - номинальный глава; лицо, возглавляющее что-либо номинально;

  19. the titular head - номинальный глава;

  20. loyalty – соблюдение права, закона; благонадежность;

  21. a vow of loyalty – клятва верности;

  22. be brought in the name of the Queen – быть предъявленным от имени Королевы;

  23. the three arms of the state – 3 ветви государственной власти;

  24. blameworthy – наказуемый, заслуживающий порицания;

  25. blameworthy act – упречное поведение;

  26. impute – вменять в вину;

  27. enjoy immunity – иметь право на личную неприкосновенность;

  28. straddle (the legislation) – возглавлять, стоять во главе;

  29. framework – структура, система;

  30. a blueprint – план, проект;

  31. probation – испытательный срок, пробация;

  32. condemned – осужденный, приговоренный.

  33. entitle – давать право (на что-либо);

  34. deport – высылать, выдворять, депортировать;

  35. a traitor – предатель;

  36. criminal prosecution – уголовное судебное преследование;

  37. province – компетенция;

  38. clause – статья, пункт;

  39. suspend laws – приостановить законы;

  40. a bail – залог;

  41. the top committee of government – главный орган управления;

  42. repeal (the law) – отменить (закон).

Vocabulary Notes:
The Crown Королевская/верховная власть/Корона

The Clergy Духовенство

The Legislation Законодательный орган, законодательная власть

Secretary of state Министр, входящий в кабинет

Junior Minister Младший министр

Civil Service Чиновничий аппарат министров

Home Secretary Министр внутренних дел

Home Office Министерство внутренних дел

Crown Office Уголовное отделение суда королевской скамьи

Minister in charge Министр во главе министерства

Defence regulations Правила обороны

government ministers Министры правительства

warrant of appointment приказ о назначении

R v Smith case дело по обвинению Смита

Lord President Лорд-председатель

Three Estates of the Realm Три сословия королевства

The Legislature Законодательная власть

The Executive Исполнительная власть

The Judiciary Судебная власть

Chancellor of the Exchequer Канцлер казначейства, министр финансов

Councillor Член совета

The Administrative Court Административный суд.

Her Majesty’s Constabulary Полицейские силы Ее Величества, полиция Ее Величества

Chief Justice of the Common Pleas Главный (старший, председательствующий) судья по

гражданским делам

Magna Carta (The Great Charter of 1215) – Магна карта, Великая хартия вольностей

The Petition of Rights Петиция о правах
Reading Comprehension


I. Scanning
1. Find in the text the information about the differences between the unwritten British Constitution and that of the U.S.

2. Find in the text the information which explains why the power will never become dangerously concentrated in the hands of one person.

3. Find out the differences between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.

4. Find out about the Queen’s position in the Constitution.

5. Find out what documents are considered to be the Constitutional milestones.
II. Skimming
1. Look through the first part of the text and decide which of the statements gives the main idea of the part:

a. The main purpose of the United Kingdom is to have a written Constitution.

b. The present constitutional theory is that power must be divided into some parts to ensure that it never becomes concentrated in one’s hands.

c. Customs and conventions have become the accepted rules of law.

2. Look through the second part and mark the statement which represents the main idea of the part:
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