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Иностранный язык Синергия. Иностранный язык. They go to the University in the morning

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НазваниеThey go to the University in the morning
АнкорИностранный язык Синергия
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When do law students go to the University? They go to the University in the morning.
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Is your brother a lawyer ? Yes, he is
Выберите правильный вариант написания числительного

Last year 297 persons were justified. Last year two hundred ninety seven persons were justified.
Выберите правильный вариант на английском языке Заседание суда началось в 3 часа дня. The sitting of the court began at three P.M
Выберите правильный вариант на английском языке Когда Вы уезжаете? Завтра в 7.30 утра
Выберите слово неподходящее по смыслу baby
Выберите III тип чтения fur ten
Выберете IV тип чтения store mere
Выберите открытый слог plane
Выберете закрытый слог: risk
Выберите правильную форму притяжательного местоимения

Whose criminal case ( уголовное дело ) is this ? It is…mine
Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопрос

When does he go to the court? He goes to the court in the morning
Выберите правильный вариант предложения, в котором выделенное слово заменено подходящим личным местоимением

He wrote some poems for his mother. He wrote her for his mother
Выберите правильный вариант предложения, в котором выделенное слово заменено подходящим личным местоимением

My friend will build a house next year. He will build it next year.
Выберите правильный вариант предложения, в котором выделенное слово заменено подходящим личным местоимением Scotland Yard is so interested in this fellow.
Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения Это было явное нарушение закона

It was an obvious…
перевода предложения Трудно дать точное определение, что такое «закон»
It is difficult to be precise as to what the law is.

Выберите вариант предложения с правильным порядком слов: The decision on the Supreme Court is final
Выберите правильную форму притяжательного местоимения

This is my notebook and that is his.
Выберите вариант предложения с правильным порядком слов Even the special programs for children are full of scenes of violence
Выберите вариант предложения с правильным порядком слов The statistical data says that violent crime is rising in the country. (1)
Most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by district courts.
Выберите вариант предложения с правильным порядком слов He entered the police station at 9 o’clock.

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Three thousand eighty nine 3098
Выберите правильный вариант разделительного вопроса Violence has become an accepted way of life in America, hasn’t it?

Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения

Это было явное нарушение закона. It was an obvious breach of law.
Выберите правильный вариант на английском языке : Когда вы уезжаете? Завтра в 7.30 утра When do you leave? – Tomorrow at seven thirty A.M.
Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово law students
Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово Laws are not made to be broken…folloved

Выберите вопросительное предложение , относящееся к выделенному слову

He is sitting in the waiting room now. Where is he sitting now?
Выберите вопросительное предложение, относящееся к выделенномк слову:

Since the 14th ctntury English judges, baristers… Who had been working…
Выберите вопросительное предложение, относящееся к выделенномк слову:

He is sitting in the wathching room now? Where is he sitting now?

Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу: baby

Выберите вопросительное предложение , относящееся к выделенному слову

Mr Barker/s daughter was kidnapped two das ago. Who was kidnapped two das ago?
Выберите вопросительное предложение, относящееся к выделенномк слову:
That man escaped more tham 24 hours ago When did that man escape?
Трудно дать точное определение, что же такое « закон « It is difficult to be precise as to what the law is.
Laws are not made to be broken , but to be … followed

Из данных вариантов выберите правильную форму прилагательного

India is an exotic country.
Образуйте общий вопрос к предложению, используя глагол «will» Will Jane Snow take part in the election next year?
Образуйте общий вопрос к предложению, используя глагол do
Do the deputies usually inform electors about their activities?

Образуйте общий вопрос к предложению, используя глагол does Does he get money by robbing?
Образуйте специальный вопрос с вопросительным словом =когда?=

On the day of the assassination, the polis arrested Lee Harvey Osvald When did the police arrest LHO?
Образуйте общий вопрос к предложению, используя глагол should Should he tell us about the judicial system of the USA?

A car accident could have been caused by the negligence of the driver
All those crimes … committed (совершать ) by one person . were
A man robbed a shop and took six hundred seventy pounds.
Before the 17th century lawyers didn`t wear wigs ( парик ), did they?
Both my cousins are judges 
Everyone must follow a law.
Five thousand six hundred seventy eight 5678
Five hundred ninety eight 598
He gets money by robbing. Does he get money by robbing?
He should tell us about the judicial system of the USA. Should he tell us about the judicial system of the USA?
He has got his right
He is sitting in the wathching room now? Where is he sitting now?
Honour . These words are heard at the siting of the court Your


He often goes to the library to take them there
He is a perfect barrister, isn’t he?

1990 He has been under examination since nineteen ninety.
In their talks they often touched their professional subjects. What did they often touch in their talks?
I do not eat meat I prefer …vegetables and fish
It is - high time to start a trial.
I Like those books
I am going to tell you about English law. Am I going to tell you about English law?
…is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The West End

…is the poorest districtof London East End
India is an exotic country
It is difficult to be precise as to what the law is.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.
My elder brother is a first year law student.
My elder brother is a policeman and now he is at …the police station
My grandparents have got eight grandchildren.
My friend will build a house next year. He will build it next year.
May I speek to this judge, please?
My aunt is a prosecutor(прокурор).
My book is interesting. But your book is …more interesting
Nobody expected the sentence ( приговор ) to be so severe.
On the day of the assassination, the police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald.
One moment Masters was pointing a pistol at him What was Masters pointing it at him?
Sometimes grandparents come to see their grandchildren. Sometimes they come to see them.
…should not miss lectures in theory of law and state law studets
She made him write a letter

This is my notebook and that is his.
The Tower of London was built in … century. The 15-th
The evidence (свидетельское показание ) is false.
The king ofter argued with powerful barons for his power and money
The UK Parlament is on of the…oldest
The deputies usually inform electors about their activities. Do the deputies usually inform electors about their activities?
Todey is the 19 of December Today is the nineteenth of December
They found some witnesses.
They haven’t got nothing authority ( власть ).
They were sure that the girl … the money.
There were many polls ( избирательный участок ) in the district.
There were many mistakes in the prosecution (обвинение ).
There were - two hearings ( слушание судебного дела )last week.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.
There were six hundred eighty nine peers in the House of Lords in 2003 .
They go to the University in the morning
There … many mistakes in the prosecution (обвинение ). Were
They decided to rob the merchant.
The sitting of the court began at three P.M.
Under the law every citizen at the age of 21 can be elected to the Parliament.
W.Shakespeare, one of the most famous English dramatist was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon.
W.Shakespeare, the… English dramatist was born in 1564. greatest

What is your brother going to do at the weekend?

When did that man escape?

When do you leave? – Tomorrow at seven thirty A.M.

Who had been working there since the 14th century?
What did they often touch in their talks?

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