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  • We are going to Madrid in August

  • 2. To be going to Другим способом выражения будущего является конструкция to be going to

  • Im going to see the doctor this afternoon

  • Look at those clouds. Its going to rain.

  • 3. The Future Simple Tense Мы используем Future Simple Tense

  • I will go to the country on Sunday.

  • Will, be going to and the Present Continuous (Choose the correct answer)

  • Английский язык. Презентация по английскому языку Способы выражения будущего вре. Tomorrow the day after tomorrow

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    НазваниеTomorrow the day after tomorrow
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    Имя файлаПрезентация по английскому языку Способы выражения будущего вре.ppt

    to be going to
    to be + Ving


    the day after tomorrow
    in (some) days
    some day
    next day
    next week
    next year

    1. The Present Progressive Tense
    Present Progressive используется для описания будущих действий, которые заранее спланированы и подготовлены.
    В этом значении Present Progressive используется с глаголами движения или действия: to see, to meet, to go, to come, to leave, to start и др.
    We are going to Madrid in August. Мы уезжаем в Мадрид в августе.
    We're leaving at 11.00 in the morning. Мы уезжаем в 11 утра

    Вставьте данные глаголы в форме Present Progressive

    Alex (spend) summer in England. He has already bought the ticket.
    They (take) part in the concert next week.
    Maria and Paul (go) to the USA in September.
    I (celebrate) my birthday on Sunday.
    John (go) to the his own house in June.

    Alex is spending summer in England. He has already bought the ticket.
    They are taking part in the concert next week.
    Maria and Paul are going to the USA in September.
    I am celebrating my birthday on Sunday.
    John is going to the his own house in June.

    2. To be going to
    Другим способом выражения будущего является конструкция to be going to — «собираться что-либо сделать»
    Мы используем эту фразу:
    1) когда мы говорим о том, что мы собираемся (намереваемся) что-то сделать в будущем.
    I'm going to see the doctor this afternoon. — Я пойду (собираюсь пойти) к врачу сегодня после обеда.
    2) когда обстоятельства подсказывают нам , что обязательно произойдёт в будущем.
    Look at those clouds. It's going to rain. — Посмотри на эти облака. Скоро пойдет дождь.

    Вставьте глаголы, используя фразу to be going to

    I (do) my homework today.
    Jane (leave) the school this month.
    Mary and Peter (swim) in the river tomorrow.
    He (visit) children’s play area on Monday.
    I and my friend (feed) ducks on Friday.

    I am going to do my homework today.
    Jane is going to leave the school this month.
    Mary and Peter are going to swim in the river tomorrow.
    He is going to visit children’s play area on Monday.
    I and my friend are going to feed ducks on Friday.

    3. The Future Simple Tense
    Мы используем Future Simple Tense когда описываем будущие действия, которые мы надеемся, предполагаем совершить
    I will go to the country on Sunday. — Я поеду за город в воскресенье.
    Сигнальные слова: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, in (some) days, some day, soon, и т.д.

    Постройте предложения в простом будущем времени


    go to the park

    My mother

    walk a dog

    My father

    read a book

    My sister


    play games


    listen to music

    My brother

    cook dinner

    Вставьте данные глаголы в форме Future Simple Tense

    They (finish) this work soon.
    I think that Max (become) a doctor.
    I (go) to the supermarket tomorrow.
    All my friends (come) to my party next week.
    We (go) to the zoo tomorrow.
    Bill (go) to the cinema at the weekend.
    He (play) tennis this afternoon.
    I (start) piano lessons soon.

    They will finish this work soon.
    I think that Max will become a doctor.
    I will go to the supermarket tomorrow.
    All my friends will come to my party next week.
    We will go to the zoo tomorrow.
    Bill will go to the cinema at the weekend.
    He will play tennis this afternoon.
    I will start piano lessons soon.

    Will, be going to and the Present Continuous
    (Choose the correct answer)
    1. He____________________win. He always does.
    a) is going to
    b) will
    2. The train is leaving in ten minutes. I'm afraid we ____________ be late.
    a) will
    b) are going to
    3. I don't think they____________________come tonight.
    a) are going to
    b) will
    4. If it gets any colder, it____________________snow.
    a) will
    b) is going to
    5. I can't come with you. I ____________________my grandparents.
    a) am going to visit
    b) am visiting


    Проверка !

    Maybe I --- (buy) tickets tomorrow.
    My parents --- (plan) to visit London.
    The weather --- (be) bad. There are dark clouds in the sky.
    We --- (visit) Brighton next weekend. We have already bought tickets.
    I ---(visit) my grandmother next summer.
    Sonia --- (come) for dinner tomorrow.

    Maybe I will buy tickets tomorrow.
    My parents are planning to visit London.
    The weather is going to be bad. There are dark clouds in the sky.
    We are visiting Brighton next weekend.
    I will visit my grandmother next summer.
    Sonia will come for dinner tomorrow.

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