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  • Ex. 27, p. 451

  • Ex. 28, р . 451

  • Ex. 29, p. 452

  • Ex. 30, p. 453

  • Ex.31, p. 454

  • Ex. 33, p. 455

  • Аракин, 2 курс, решебник 2. Учебнику Практический курс английского языка

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    Ex. 26, р. 450

    1.1 don't know how to address him. I wish I knew his name. 2.1 feel as if my head were on fire. 3. If only I had known earlier, I would have sent you a telegram. 4. My wife says she wishes I were a thousand miles away. 5. He felt as if he were floating in the air. 6. He stared at me as if I had asked him something very odd. 7. At that moment she wished she hadn't sent for him. 8. If I had told you, you might have thought it was my choice. 9. Even if it were twice as dangerous, I would carry out my plan. 10. I wish I had never seen you. 11. Don't look at me as if you had never seen me before. 12.1 think it would be natural if you joined them. 13. Remember her! As if I could forget her! 14. Then he suddenly said, "Would you take me to Grayhallock if I asked?" 15. Don't you think it would be rather nice if we asked her to stay on for a week as our guest? 16. "How I wish I had been there with you," I said with deep regret. 17. "Don't be sorry," she said. "I should be relieved if you went, if it were settled somehow." 18. Well, at any rate, the weather isn't going to present difficulties. It looks as though it has set in fine. 19.1 wouldn't be sure of it if I were you.

    Ex. 27, p. 451


    1. It is a simple sentence containing an implied unreal condition. The Present Conditional Mood is used because the whole situation refers to the present. 2. This is a Type 3 complex conditional sentence. The Past Conditional Mood is used in the principal clause because the whole situation refers to the past. 3. This is a complex sentence with a clause of unreal concession. The Present Conditional Mood is used in the principal clause because the whole situation refers to the present. 4. This is a simple sentence of implied unreal condition with a but for construction. The Past Conditional Mood is used because the situation refers to the past. 5. This is a complex sentence which contains an implied unreal condition. The Present Conditional

    Mood is used in the principal clause because its action refers to the present or future. 6. This is a compound sentence; its second clause contains an implied unreal condition. The Past Conditional Mood is used in it because the whole situation refers to the past. 8. This is a simple sentence containing an implied unreal condition. The Present Conditional Mood is used because its action refers to the present 9. We shouldn't have managed them alone is a simple sentence containing an implied unreal condition. The Past Conditional Mood is used because its action refers to the past. 10. This is a complex sentence containing two subordinate clauses: a clause of real condition and an object clause. The latter: Crawford would never have done so in similar circumstances contains an implied unreal condition. The Past Conditional Mood is used here because the situation refers to the past. 11. This is a simple sentence containing an implied condition expressed by a but for construction. The Present Conditional Mood is used here because the situation refers to no particular time. 12. This is a compound sentence. Its second clause contains an implied unreal condition. The whole situation refers to the past, so the Past Conditional Mood is used. 14. The second of the two simple sentences contains an implied unreal condition. The Past Conditional Mood is used because the whole situation refers to the past. 15. This is a simple sentence containing an implied unreal condition. The Present Conditional Mood is used because the situation refers to the present. 17. This is a compound sentence; the clause that comes first contains an implied unreal condition. The situation refers to the past, hence the use of the Past Conditional Mood. 18. This is a conditional sentence of a mixed type. The action in the conditional clause refers to the past, hence the use of the Past Subjunctive, and the action of the principal clause refers to the present, hence the Present Conditional Mood.


    1. На твоем месте я бы сейчас не волновался. Уверен, очень скоро все прояснится. 2. Я бы не удивился, если бы он нашел какую-нибудь уважительную причину и не пришел. 3. Но даже если бы вы были правы, я бы предпочел действовать по-свое­му. 4. Если бы не моя помощь, он бы провалил последний эк­замен. 5. По-моему, сейчас она была бы счастлива заполучить то, от чего тогда отказалась. 6. Сэр Хорэс задал мне один или два вопроса, и с моей стороны было бы невежливо не ответить.

    1. Несколько лет назад он не стал бы так говорить о Джейгоу.

    2. Пойдем, Джесси! В одиночестве тебе будет еще хуже. 9. Я думаю о тех замечательных результатах, которых мы достиг­ли, работая вместе. Поодиночке нам бы это не удалось. Жаль, что теперь мы действуем врозь. 10. Если ты нарушишь свое обещание, люди скажут, что в подобных обстоятельствах Кро-форд никогда бы так не поступил. 11. Не будь пчел, не было бы и меда. 12. Она не желала даже смотреть в мою сторону. Взгляни она на меня хоть раз, я бы подошел и извинился. 13. Он очень спешил, и ему некогда было все обдумать. Иначе он нашел бы лучший выход из положения. 14. Но миссис Джейгоу не смогла в точности скопировать особенности речи леди Мюриэл. Говоря с мужчинами или о мужчинах, леди Мюриэл никогда не стала бы употреблять их университетские звания. 15. Лично я бы на это не согласился. 16. Они все были бы только рады тебя видеть. 17. Я бы ее выпроводил, но мне казалось, что ты хочешь записать ее речь с помощью этих тво­их устройств. 18. Ты никогда никому не делал ничего хоро­шего. Если бы ты вел себя по-другому, у тебя сейчас было бы больше сторонников.

    Ex. 28, р. 451

    1. It would do you/him/her, etc. good to consult a doctor./ It would be good to consult a doctor. 2. It would be interesting to find out which of us is right: you or me. 3. It would be nice to have a swim/to go swimming in such hot weather. 4. It would be nice to have a cup of coffee. 5. It would be very important to learn his opinion of this matter. 6. It would do you a lot/a world of good to go in for sports. 7. She would be a good student if she weren't so often ill and didn't miss classes. 8. We would be glad to help you, but we are very busy tod.y. 9.1 think she wouldn't have got angry if you hadn't made so much noise. 10.1 would go to the south but my doctor advised me against it. 11.1 would go to the cafeteria with you, but my doctor has prescribed me a diet.

    1. You did well to follow the doctor's advice, or else/otherwise you would surely have gone down/fallen ill with pneumonia.

    2. On Sunday it rained all day, otherwise we should have gone to the country. 14. He says there's something wrong with his heart, otherwise he would have taken part in the competition. 15. But for my headache I would join you/keep you company.

    16. He wouldn't have recovered so quickly if he hadn't been taken good care of in hospital./He wouldn't have recovered so quickly but for the good attendance in hospital. 17. But for his good health/If it weren't for his good health he wouldn't have been able to endure all the hardships of the expedition. 18. But for your pills, doctor, I would have had to go to hospital. They have worked a miracle. 19. If you had dressed more warmly yesterday, you wouldn't be coughing and sneezing now. 20. If you knew the symptoms of measles, you would have understood right away/at once that it wasn't scarlet fever. 21. He would have come with us but for his sudden illness. 22. What a strange woman! She wouldn't consult a doctor even if she felt ill. 23. Even if he had been operated on, it wouldn't have done him any good./Even he were operated on, it wouldn't make any difference. 24. It was late, and it would have been natural if the sick child had fallen asleep, but he was awake and his eyes were fixed on the foot of the bed. 25. How would you answer this question? 26. What would you do in my place? 27. I would advise you to go to a dentist. 28. I would never have done it without your help.

    Ex. 29, p. 452

    1.1 knew he was silly, but I did not believe that he was as silly as that. 2. I wish he had been a bit stronger against Crawford. 3. After a moment's silence he broke out: "Would it be a nuisance if I begged a cup of tea in your rooms?" 4. You must thank him, not we. Without him we wouldn't have achieved any success. 5.1 wish she didn't look so pale. 6. "If I were Crawford, I would thank Winslow much," said Chrystal. 7. I would give a good deal for that assurance! 8. "Are you glad to see me?" — "You're funny, Dick! As if you didn't knowl" 9. If I thought as you do, I would feel miserable. 10. Mr. Dennant's glance rested on Shelton and quickly fell down to the ground as though he had seen something that alarmed him. 11. I wish you had shown/would show more sign of not liking it in practice. 12. I can't for the life of me understand why you didn't wait until they decided. I had expected you to discuss it with me. 13. When Hilary opened the door, the stranger made a quick movement forward, almost as if he were going to stick his foot hurriedly into the opening. 14. Her voice sounded as though something had offended her. 15.1 wish I could play tennis as well as you do. 16. He looked up sharply as if he had made a dangerous remark. 17.1 may travel out with Uncle, but it would be such fun if you came. 18. He saw it as clearly as though it were before his eyes. 19. But for your friendship I would feel lonely here.

    Ex. 30, p. 453

    1. I wish he hadn't gone away. 2. She wished it were night instead of day, so that no one could see how miserable she was. 3. I wish she were my sister, I would love her very much. 4.1 wish it were Sunday today, I would take the kids to the zoo. 5. We wished we hadn't left him alone. 6.1 wish you believed me. I have never deceived you. 7. He wished he hadn't left so early. 8. Randall was ,§o angry as though it were his own money that had been spent. 9. Don't look at me as if you had never seen me before. 10. She looks as though she doesn't/didn't know what to say. 11. Even if we had received the telegram yesterday, it would have been too late anyway. 12. Even if I were/had been very busy, I would find/have found the time to visit her in the hospital just the same. 13w If only he weren't so lazy! 14. Oh, if only I were sure that it was so! 15. If it hadn't been for/But for the bicycle, he wouldn't have caught up with us. 16. But for your carelessness there would have been no accident. 17. But for his bright mind we wouldn't have done the translation so quickly and wouldn't be free now. 18. If I had known that you would come, I should have stayed at home. 19.1 would go with you, but my little brothei is ill, and I've got to go to the chemist's. 20. It would have been important then, but it isn't now. 21. It would do him good to sleep with an open window the whole year round.

    Ex.31, p. 454


    1—3. In these sentences the Old Present Subjunctive is part of set phrases which are a survival of the old use.

    4, 8. The Old Present Subjunctive is used to express a wish.
    In both sentences it can be replaced with should + Infinitive or
    the Indicative Mood. Using the latter would make the sentences
    less emphatic. Such a use of the Old Present Subjunctive is very
    common in the USA where it is preferred to should + Infinitive.
    That also goes for sentence 7 in which the Old Subjunctive is used
    to express insistence.

    5. After whoever, whatever, etc. one can also use may +
    or the Indicative Mood. May suggests ignorance or

    138 Grammar Exercises

    Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (Units 4—6) 139

    uncertainty and has other limitations which makes it impossibl to use in most sentences, containing the aforementioned word ending with -ever. The Old Present Subjunctive sounds rathe high-flown and more often than not even unnatural, so the bes and safest choice is the Indicative Mood.

    6. After see (to it) that, make sure that, check that and tak care that one can use either the Old Present Subjunctive or th Indicative Mood, namely the Present Indefinite if the situatio refers to the present and the Past Indefinite if it refers to the past.


    1. «Да будет так», — ответил Стирфорд. 2. Пусть тебе со­путствует успех! 3. Наступила среда, и он был исполнен ре­шимости уехать ближе к вечеру, что бы ни случилось. 4. Я при­говариваю подсудимого к повешению. 5. Кем бы он ни был, он должен быть наказан. 6. Позаботься о том, чтобы, когда он при­едет, здесь были все. 7. Он настаивал на том, чтобы мальчик соблюдал постельный режим. 8. Рабочие требовали, чтобы им повысили зарплату.

    modal verbs

    (ТО UNITS FOUR—SIX) can, may

    Ex. 32, p. 455

    1. Он устроился таким образом, чтобы видеть, что проис­ходит вокруг. (Indicative) 2. О, если бы я могла снова стать цветочницей! (Subjunctive) 3. Если бы я думал так, как вы, я бы ни дня больше не смог остаться в Индии. (Subjunctive) 4. Думаю, я не смогла бы произнести ни единого звука по-старому, даже если бы попыталась. (Subjunctive) 5. О Густав, нам так хочется пить. Ты не мог бы принести нам имбирного пива? (Subjunctive) 6. Я не умею рассказывать истории и ни­когда не умела. (Indicative) 7. Шелтон не смог сдержать улыб­ки: леди Бонингтон на месте бедняков! (Indicative) 8. Но он не мог повернуться и уйти и не представлял себе, как это можно сделать. (Indicative) 9. Как ты мог совершить такую глупость, Генри? (Indicative) 10. Как вы думаете, к вечеру вы смогли бы закончить? (Subjunctive) 11. Она не смогла бы нанести Джей­мсу более сокрушительного удара, даже если бы сказала: «Он улетел на Марс». (Subjunctive) 12. Чем он мог ей помочь? (Indicative) Если бы только его отец был жив! Тогда он смог бы сделать так много! (Subjunctive) 13. Он не мог ни двигаться, ни говорить. (Indicative) 14. Что ты мог знать о подобных ве­щах? (Indicative) 15. Неужели вы в это верите?/Вы могли бы в это поверить? (Subjunctive) 16. Неужели он врет? (Subjunctive) 17. Интересно, чтобы это значило? (Subjunctive) 18. Он не был бы так уверен, если бы не знал этого наверняка. (Subjunctive) 19. Как вы думаете, вы смогли бы командовать армией? (Subjunctive) 20. Горы были далеко, и был виден снег на их вершинах. (Indicative)

    Ex. 33, p. 455


    In sentences 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 and 24 can and could express physical or mental ability or inability to perform the action.

    In sentences 4, 5, 7, and 25 can serves to express possibility due to circumstances.

    In sentences 10—14 and 26 can't and couldn't express incredulity. The use of couldn't instead of can't in sentence 14 makes the statement less categorical.

    In sentences 19—23 can expresses permission.

    In sentences 15—18 can and could are used to express surprise. Could in sentence 17 implies more uncertainty than can would.


    1. Я не могу точно выразить то, что хочу сказать. 2. Он не мог отвести от нее глаз. 3. Она изумительно играет на пиани­но. 4. Если хотите, мы можем уехать сегодня. Мы можем лег­ко успеть на поезд, который отходит в три сорок. 5. Небо уже прояснилось, Клара, дождь перестал. Мы можем дойти до ос­тановки автобуса пешком. 6. Вам не под силу забрать назад те знания, которые вы мне дали. 7. Я дам вам знать, чтобы вы могли туда приехать. 8. Он был так слаб, что не мог оторвать голову от подушки. 9. Ему уже намного лучше, и он может ходить без моей помощи. 10. О, не может быть! 11. Что? Фред­ди, тут должно быть хотя бы одно такси. Наверное, ты плохо искал. 12. Не может быть, чтобы он сегодня утром отнес ко­

    робку наверх. 13. He может быть, чтобы Эн н имела это в виду это на нее не похоже. 14. Он не мог сделать это в одиночк Уверен, кто-то ему помогал. 15. Неужели вы верите этой д вушке? Неужели это правда? 16. «Неужели он мой сын?» подумала она. 17. Неужели она это сделала, не посоветова" шись со мной? 18. Неужели все действительно так плохо 19. Здесь так пахнет гарью, папа. Можно, я спущусь вниз посмотрю? 20. Джеймс, ты можешь отвести/отнести Aral вниз/на первый этаж? 21. Можете подождать на кухне, 22. Сдачи не надо. 23. Можешь взять мой второй зонтик. 24. Сделанного не воротишь. 25. Уже ничего нельзя сделать^ слишком поздно. 26. Я не верю ни единому его слову. Он на, верняка узнал эту новость раньше нас.

    Ex. 34, р. 456

    1. Have youafriend whom you could/can trust? 2. Whatca Freddy be doing all this time? He has been gone for twent minutes. 3. He cannot have seen me. I came when he had gone. 4.1 am not a person who could tell a lie. 5. How could you mak such a mistake as to suppose that I was younger than you

    1. Surely you could have done it before. What have you been doin all this morning? 7. Say what you like, but the work can't be don in two days. 8. Mr. Fenwill's house was built on the top of the hil and could be seen from afar. 9.1 can't have slept two hours, I stil feel tired. 10. He can't be her father: he is too young. 11. The" cant't hear us. Knock again. 12. If you had asked me for money, I could have lent you some. 13. He could have told me the answer, but he refused to. 14. Can he still be sleeping? It seems to me they simply don't want us to see him. 15.1 can't swim — I wish I could. 16. She has a university education and could have made a career for herself if she hadn't married. 17. You can't have forgotten. I don't believe you.

    1   ...   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   ...   22

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