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  • Velikie Luki State Academy of PE and Sport 1. What higher educational establishments train specialists of sport

  • 3. Where do you study I study at the Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports. 4. Where is your academy situated

  • 6. When was it founded Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports was founded in 1970. 7. When was the Basic of Safety living formed

  • 10. How many chairs are there at the Academy now There are 11 chairs at the Academy now. 11. What are they

  • 12. There are two terms in the academic year, aren’t there Yes, there are. 13. What disciplines does the curriculum include

  • 14. How often do the students pass credit tests and exams

  • 16. Is there a correspondence Departmentat the Academy

  • 18. What sports facilities are there at the Academy

  • 20. When does the academic year begin (end)

  • 22. What qualification do our students receive after graduating from academy

  • 24. Are there famed athletes among the graduates of our academy

  • 25. Do the students take part in amateur activities Yes, students take part in amateur activities 26. Do you like to study at the academy

  • 1. Where is the city you live (were born/train/study) situated I live in Pskov. 2. When was this city founded

  • 30.09.2020 с переводом. Учебнометодическое пособие Н. Г. Ершова, Т. А. Антонова. Великие Луки, 2010. 51 с текст "our academy" перевести, ответить на вопросы письменно

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    НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие Н. Г. Ершова, Т. А. Антонова. Великие Луки, 2010. 51 с текст "our academy" перевести, ответить на вопросы письменно
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    ТипУчебно-методическое пособие

    1. Стр.27 ((Ершова, Н.Г., Антонова, Т.А. Английский язык: учебно-методическое пособие / Н.Г. Ершова, Т.А. Антонова. – Великие Луки, 2010. – 51 с.) текст “OUR ACADEMY” перевести, ответить на вопросы письменно

    Великолукская государственная академия физической культуры и спорта была основана в 1970 году.

    Сначала это был филиал института Лесгафта в Санкт-Петербурге, а затем Московского областного института.

    Академией руководят ректор и три декана. Профессорско – преподавательский состав насчитывает около 80 преподавателей, среди которых есть профессора, доценты, доктора и кандидаты наук.

    На очном и заочном отделениях обучается более 1000 студентов. Есть два факультета – физкультурно-спортивный и социально - гуманитарный. Студенты специализируются в области спорта (Легкая атлетика, спортивные игры, гимнастика, единоборства, лыжи, плавание), адаптивной физической культуры, педагогики и психологии, безопасной жизнедеятельности, менеджмента, сервиса и туризма.

    Курс обучения длится от 4 до 6 лет. В учебном году есть два семестра.

    В конце каждого семестра студенты сдают зачеты и экзамены. Те, кто учится бесплатно и получает высокие оценки, получают стипендии (гранты).

    Учебный план включает обязательные и факультативные дисциплины – социальные и естественные науки, медицину и биологию, педагогику и психологию, спорт. Студенты также проходят образовательную и организационную практику. После окончания Академии они могут продолжить обучение в аспирантуре, образованной в 1999 году.

    В распоряжении студентов и преподавателей есть лекционные залы, научно – исследовательские лаборатории, библиотека, читальный зал, лыжная база, такие спортивные сооружения, как бассейн, многофункциональные специализированные тренажерные залы и стадион.

    Академия сохраняет свои лучшие традиции. Педагоги ищут более эффективные формы и методы обучения будущих специалистов, отвечающие современным требованиям.

    Многие известные спортсмены окончили Академию – Матвеев С., Заслуженный мастер спорта, бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр в Атланте (Гребля); Иванов М., мастер спорта международного класса (Лыжные гонки); Ходченкова М. (велоспорт); Столяров М. (Лыжные гонки); Шаповал С. (прыжки в высоту); Аленичев А. и Аленичев Д. (футбол) и другие.
    Velikie Luki State Academy of PE and Sport

    1. What higher educational establishments train specialists of sport?

    Institutes of physical Physical Education and Sports train specialists of sport

    2. What institutes (academies, universities) of physical culture in Russia do you know?

    In Russia i know Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health and Velikie Luki State Academy of PE and Sport

    3. Where do you study?

    I study at the Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

    4. Where is your academy situated?

    My academy is situated in Velikie Luki

    5. What base was the State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport organized on?

    At first it was a branch of the Lesgaft Institute in St. Petersburg, and then the Moscow Regional Institute.

    6. When was it founded?

    Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports was founded in 1970.

    7. When was the Basic of Safety living formed?

    The Basic of Safety living was formed in 1989.

    8. Who was the first rector of the institute?

    The first rector of the institute was Margo V.I.

    9. Who is at the head of the Academy now?

    Shlyakhtov V.N. is at the head of the Academy now.

    10. How many chairs are there at the Academy now?

    There are 11 chairs at the Academy now.

    11. What are they?

    They are :

    Chair of Life Safety, Theory and Methods of Martial Arts

    Chair of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics

    Chair of Theory and Methodology of Athletics

    Chair of Theory and Methods of Skiing

    Chair of Theory and Methods of Sports Games

    Chair of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines

    Chair of Natural Sciences

    Chair of Foreign Languages

    Chair of Pedagogy

    Chair of Psychology

    Chair of Physiology and Sports Medicine

    12. There are two terms in the academic year, aren’t there?

    Yes, there are.

    13. What disciplines does the curriculum include?

    The curriculum includes compulsory and optional disciplines – social and natural sciences, medicine and biology, pedagogics and psychology, sports.

    14. How often do the students pass credit tests and exams?

    There are two terms in an academic year.

    At the end of each term students take credits and exams.

    15. How many years lasts the course of training at the Academy?

    The course of study lasts from 4 to 6 years.

    16. Is there a correspondence Departmentat the Academy?

    There is a correspondence Department at the Academy.

    17. What kind of practice has the students while studying here?

    Students have educational and organizational practice.

    18. What sports facilities are there at the Academy?

    There are such sport facilities as a swimming-pool, multipurpose specialized gyms and a stadium at the Academy.

    19. How many students are studying at the Academy now?

    Over 1.000 students study at full-time and correspondence departments.

    20. When does the academic year begin (end)?

    The academic year begins on September 1st. The academic year ends on June 30th.

    21. The students can get all the necessary books for their study in the library, can’t they?

    Yes, Students can get all the books they need to study at the library.

    22. What qualification do our students receive after graduating from academy?

    After graduating from the academy, our students receive a bachelor's qualification

    23. Where do the graduates of our Academy work?

    Graduates of our Academy work in various sports organizations such as sports schools and sections.

    24. Are there famed athletes among the graduates of our academy?

    A lot of well-known athletes graduated from the Academy – Matveyev C., Merited Master of Sport, the bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Atlanta (rowing); Ivanov M., Master of Sport of International Class (skiing); Khodchenkova M. (cycling); Stolyarov M. (skiing); Shapoval S. (high jump); Alenichev A and Alenichev D. (football) and others.

    25. Do the students take part in amateur activities?

    Yes, students take part in amateur activities

    26. Do you like to study at the academy?

    Yes, I like to study at the academy

    27. Was it easy or difficult for you to enter the academy?

    It was difficult for me to enter the academy.
    2. The city

    1. Where is the city you live (were born/train/study) situated?

    I live in Pskov.

    2. When was this city founded?

    This city was founded in 903.

    3. What is the population of the city?

    The population of the city is 210 340 people.

    4. What is the emblem of the city?

    The emblem of the city is golden leopard.

    5. Was it of strategical importance during military conflicts?

    Yes, it was of strategical importance during military conflicts.

    6. What are the popular sports in the city?

    The popular sports in the city are track and field, gymnastics, hockey and football.

    7. Are there any places of interest in it?

    The attraction of Pskov is the Kremlin.

    8. What famous people from this city do you know?

    I know several famous people from Pskov, such as Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Yuri Pavlovich Spegalsky and Leon Mikhailovich Pozemsky.

    9. Where is the city located?

    Pskov is located in the northwest of Russia.

    10. What are the important city industries?

    The industry of the Pskov region is a diversified complex numbering about 199 large and medium-sized enterprises.

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