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b) a collection of baseball caps,

c) the collection of currency of different countries,

d) the collection of paper money of Russia,

e) the collection of coin-like objects,

f) the collection of adventure books.

1) Read the text and say what the most adequate summary of the text is:

a) The text is about counterfeiting, the skill of making illegal copies of banknotes, products and tickets to trick people, and the ways of punishing for it.

b) The text deals with counterfeiting, which is making illegal copies of money, both paper and metal, and how this crime was punished in Europe and the USA. It is mentioned that counterfeiting should not be mixed with money art.

c) The text is about illegal making of banknotes, called counterfeiting, and the way of punishing this crime, which is very strict. All counterfeits are burned alive.

Counterfeiting is probably as old as money itself. Before the introduction of paper money, the main way of doing it was to mix base metals in what was supposed to be pure gold or silver. Also, individuals would “shave” the edges of a coin so that it weighed less than it was supposed to, a process known as clipping. This is not counterfeiting but the exponents could use the precious metal clippings to make counterfeits. A fourrée is an ancient type of counterfeit coin, in which a base metal core has been plated with a precious metal to look like its solid metal counter part.

Kings often dealt very harshly with the perpetrators of such deeds. In 1162, Emperor Gaozong of Song had promulgated a decree to punish the counterfeiter of Huizi to death and to reward the informant. The English couple Thomas Rogers and Anne Rogers were convicted on 15 October 1690 for “clipping 40 pieces of silver” (in other words, clipping the edges off silver coins). Thomas Rogers was hanged, drawn and quartered and Anne Rogers was burnt alive. The gruesome forms of punishment were due to the two acts being construed as “treason,” rather than simple crime.

In America, counterfeiting also used to be punishable by death; for example, paper currency printed by Benjamin Franklin often bore the phrase “to counterfeit is death.” The theory behind such harsh punishments was that one who had the skills to counterfeit currency was considered a threat to the safety of the state, and had to be eliminated. Far more fortunate was an earlier practitioner of the same art, active in the time of the Emperor Justinian, who got the nickname Alexander the Barber. Rather than being executed, when he was caught the Emperor decided to employ his financial talents in the government’s own service.

A subject related to that of counterfeiting is that of money art, which is the art incorporating currency designs or themes. Some of these works of art are similar enough to actual bills that their legality is in question. While a counterfeit is made with deceptive intent, money art is not – however, the law may or may not differentiate between the two. JSG Boggs, the American artist, is best known for his hand-drawn, one-sided copies of US banknotes which he spends for the face value of the note.

2) Answer the questions:

a) Could you give examples of punishment for counterfeiting?

b) How old is counterfeiting?

c) What process is known as clipping?

d) What type of counterfeit is called “a fourree”?

e) Was Alexander the Barber punished for counterfeiting?

f) What is JSG Boggs?
This simple quiz activity will let you know whether you are a spender or a saver by nature, or somewhere in between. Go through the quiz and mark the choice that you feel best describes how you spend and handle money.

1) When you go grocery shopping, do you write a shopping list?

a) never,

b) sometimes,

c) mostly always,

d) always

2) How often do you go socializing?

a) 3-4 times a week,

b) 1-2 times a week,

c) once a month,

d) hardly ever

3) If you have any spare money do you like to spend it:

a) on yourself,

b) on your home,

c) on children,

d) save it for the future?

4) If you have lots of change, how do you get rid of it?

a) You spend it,

b) You give it to someone as a tip,

c) You give it to your children,

d) You save it in a piggy bank to let it build up.

5) Which of the following best describes your feelings about money?

a) If you’ve got it you spend it.

b) Your outgoings are always more expensive than your income.

c) You try to save a little money each week but usually end up having to spend this money on unexpected bills.

d) You save a little each week or month regularly.

6) If your cooker breaks down, what will you do?

a) Go without – I don’t have money to buy a new one.

b) Buy one on credit.

c) Get help from social security.

d) Buy one – you always have money for emergencies.

7) You inherit $1000. What do you do with this money?

a) Treat yourself.

b) Buy presents for your friends and family.

c) Save it.

d) Pay off your debts.

8) How many of the following do you owe: a pension, investments, shares, credit cards, a savings account, a cheque account, household insurance?

a) You have 0-2,

b) You have 3-4,

c) You have 5-6,

d) You have 7.

Mostly a’s. If you fall into this group you find money tends to disappear as quickly as it appears. You like to treat yourself and think that life is for living, so whilst you can afford it or have no commitments you will enjoy yourself. However, be careful that too much living for the moment doesn’t mean getting into debt.

Mostly b’s. People in this group like to spend some money on themselves and family but sometimes the money just won’t go round. It might be worth thinking about how you could reduce your outgoings and perhaps be a little less generous to others and save this money instead.

Mostly c’s. You are normally OK with money and have got quite a good balance between saving and spending, although at times you can be caught out. However, you do think about saving and have at times got some money you can fall back on when you need to.

Mostly d’s. You are very good with money. You may not have thousands of pounds stashed away in the bank but you do try to put some money aside for middle and long term plans. However, you sometimes may feel as if you are saving for the future and not enjoying the here and now. Sometimes a little enjoyment does us all good and perhaps balancing this out a little more may make saving feel much more worth it in the end.

1) Look at the heading of the text and the words: saving money, a savings account, an interest rate, a credit card, a debit card, an investment fund. What is this text about?

2) Agree or disagree with the given statements and explain your attitude:

a) It’s good to save money.

b) It’ bad to save money.

c) It’s impossible to save money.

d) It takes a lot of time and efforts to save money.
Consider yourself first when it comes to saving money. Get yourself turned on to the idea that your financial future will be prosperous as a result of your efforts.

Set aside 10% of your income, just for you. Set them aside on a savings account with higher interest rate than your normal account. What is important is that the money is out of reach. If you save it on an account where you have easy access, you will more easily spend it. Get them out of your life! Not in your pocket!

You can also be well off saving in funds. Pick safe funds, do not go for high risk investment funds or you might end up resenting your saving plan.

Be also careful with credit cards, as a consumer you are better off with no credit on your account. This does not mean that you should not use plastic cards. You can easily use a debit card that does not allow you to withdraw more than you have on your account.

Let the planning of saving and budgeting be fun. Be creative with it. Do not look at it as something you have to do, then it becomes very heavy and you might end up feeling poor since you have to deprive yourself from all “the good things in life.”

Now, watch out for this one. The “I deserve it” mentality lets you spend money like crazy without thinking of the consequences.

You might think that you have done well for a while, so now its time to spend money again. If you follow that impulse you will have great difficulties in saving anything. You need to be consistent with your financial planning and not go in fits and starts about it.

Remember this: all the good things in life are not necessarily expensive. If you plan ahead and prepare yourself a nice lunch box instead of going to the restaurant you can actually save a lot of money.

Stopping yourself from buying things on impulse also gives you a lot of power and personal financial freedom, because you have money left over for the things that are really needed. Plan your shopping ahead and stick to the list. Next time you come home from shopping try and recall what you actually went out to get. Most probably you will see that you have ended up buying something that you did not plan. Plug these leaks and you will prosper! Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.

3) Correct the outline of the text:

a) Correct your spending mentality.

b) Plan your shopping.

c) Plan and budget your income.

d) Save by means of a savings account, a credit card, a debit card or in funds.

e) Be careful in your spendings.

f) Think of the future – save 10% of your income.

1) To what category of people do you refer yourself – poor, you just make ends meet, well-off, well-to-do? Would you like to change your financial situation?

2) Read the heading and say what the article is about.

3) Skim the text. Here are the subheadings for the parts of the text. Distribute the subheadings in the proper order.









Step 1: You must decide exactly what you want. Many people fail in life because they don’t really know what they want to do, have or be with their life. You can hear them saying “I want to make a lot of money.... I would love to travel the world.... I would love to have a beautiful house.... I want this or that.... etc, etc, etc.” The truth is that they don’t really know what they want!

So our first big step now will be to take a pen and paper and write everything you really desire out of life. Dream Big, what would you do, have and be if time, money and health were no object? What would you do right now if your annual income became your monthly income? I can hear you asking.... “Is that really needed . . . ?” “Why . . . ?” It is very simple ... If you don’t know where you are going, how do you know when you have arrived? How do you strive for something if you don’t know for what...?

That’s why you will take a 3x5 card and put it in your pocket or purse or any other place that will be easy to reach. For a whole week, every time you think of something that you would like to have or do, write it down on the card. Let me give you some ideas of things you might want: a new home.... a second home.... a new and better car.... amount of money you want to earn monthly or yearly.... where to go for your dream holiday.... how much you want to save.... what you want to do ... etc, etc. Once you do this, you will have taken a big step toward your Financial Wealth!

Prioritise everything in order you feel what is most important for you. Choose the one most important goal you want that scares you thinking about achieving it. Write out in present tense EXACTLY how it looks, sounds and feels having achieved it. Always start with “I am so grateful that I now ...”

Visualize (pretend) morning and night with emotion having already reached your goal. Take action on your new idea. If you understand how the mind works you will understand that this is the most powerful process you can undertake.

Have TOTAL Faith in God (or whatever you call the Great Creative Power)!!! Be thankful for everything you have!!! No matter what!!! And don’t forget to thank him for the wealth and abundance that is coming your way!!!

Step 2: Learn about the different strategies to make money. There are proven ways that you get your FINANCIAL GOAL.

1) The first one everybody thinks of is A JOB. 95% of all people use this strategy yet they accumulate only 3% of the wealth. The reality is that just a handful of individuals may claim that they got FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE through a job. It really does not make sense to repeat the same mistakes other people have already encountered: facing retirement depending on their income from the social security system ONLY.

2) Invest your money ... putting your money to work for you. All wealthy people own shares and most own property. Do you? ... If not, why not? If you don’t want the results that the masses have then don’t do what they do. Do what the rich people do.

What if you don’t know what to do? Well, I didn’t know the stock market even existed 20 years ago; but once I knew I had to invest in it I found someone that was really successful in trading and investing in shares and I learned from them. I am now one of the most successful stock market investors in the world.

A word of warning: do not allow other people to invest your money for you! A recent survey shows that only 2 out of 124 financial planners surveyed were found to offer very good advice. Here’s what I learnt if you want to become rich: become self educated in investing and do it yourself!

3) Multiple sources of income; leverage your time and money through other people. Only 5% of the population uses this strategy effectively yet they make over 95% of the total income!!!

Once you learn to leverage your money effectively this is the most profitable strategy. You must understand legal structures and business. Yet contrary to what most people think, it is easy to do and takes the least amount of personal effort. Multiple sources of income should make you money with minimal or nil personal exertion.

Step 3: Stay away from negative people. Take this suggestion very seriously! Please...., Please ... stay away from those people who only talk, think or act in a negative way... Negative people will take you down with them... Don’t let anyone steal your dream!!! Find new friends if you must... Life is too short to let it be jeopardized by negative influences. Surround yourself with people who know what they are doing... learn from them ... Apply what they have done to get to where they are now.
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