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Assignment 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
mankind, behaviour, previously, to light, high, voltage, to control, to prove, dissimilar, opposite, academician, nothing, dead, thought, to possess, unit, pressure, professor, natural sciences, continuous, source, kind, steady, to increase, effect, pair, layer, above, another, to moisten, salt, voltaic.

Assignment 3. Translate the words, their derivatives into Russian and learn them.
to boil – boiled – boiling – boiler; to charge – charge – chargeable – charger – to discharge; to connect – connection – connected – connective; to continue – continued – continuity – continuous; to differ – difference – different – differently; electric – electrical – electrician – electricity – to electrify – electrification; high – highly- height; moist – moisten – moisture; number – numberless – numerable –numerate – numeration – numerical – numerically – numerous; possible – possibility – possibly; to press – pressure; to produce – producer – producible – product – production – productive – productivity; to prove – proof – proven.

Assignment 4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Infinitive:
1) They can translate this text without a dictionary.

2) To translate this article is not an easy thing to do.

3) We want to translate this article.

4) I remember to have seen this man recently.

5) To study much is to learn much.

6) To master a language one must work hard.

7) The professor to deliver a lecture at our University lives in our street.

8) The experiment to be carried on is described in this article.

9) Can this work have been done in such a short time?

10) Не must be reading a newspaper in the reading-room.

11) He was glad to have been travelling in Europe.

Assignment 5. Read and translate the text:
There are two types of electricity, namely, electricity at rest or in a static condition and electricity in motion, that is the electric current. Both of them are made up of electric charges, static charges being at rest, while electric current flows and does work. Thus they differ in their ability to serve mankind as well as in their behaviour.

Let us first turn our attention to static electricity. For a long time it was the only electrical phenomenon to be observed by man. As previously mentioned at least 2,500 years ago, or so, the Greeks knew how to get electricity by rubbing substances. However, for practical purposes static electricity was not much more useful than lightning. Indeed, the electricity to be obtained by rubbing objects cannot be used to light lamps, to boil water, to run electric trains, and so on. It is usually very high in voltage, difficult to control; besides it discharges in no time.

As early as 1753, Franklin made an important contribu­tion to the science of electricity. He was the first to prove that unlike charges are produced due to rubbing dissimilar objects. To show that the charges are unlike and opposite, he decided to call the charge on the rubber–negative and that on the glass–positive.

In this connection one might remember our Russian Aca­demician Petroff. He was the first to carry on experiments and observations on the electrification of metals by rubbing them one against another. As a result he was the first scien­tist in the world who solved that problem.

So far, almost nothing was said about the electric current. Who does not know that the first man to produce it was Volta. His discovery developed out of Galvani’s experiments with the frog. Various writers retell that story in quite different ways. In fact, Galvani observed that the legs of a dead frog jumped as a result of an electric charge. He tried his exper­iment several times and every time he obtained the same result. He thought that electricity was generated within the leg itself.

This thought was not so very strange because he could not help remembering the electric fish which possessed the prop­erty of giving more or less strong shocks.

As previously mentioned, the discovery of the electric current was made possible owing to Volta after whom the unit of electric pressure, the volt, was named.

Volta was born at Como, in Italy, February 18, 1745. For some years he was a teacher of physics in his home town. Later on he became professor of natural sciences at the Uni­versity of Pavia. After his famous discovery he travelled in many countries, among them France, Germany and Eng­land. He was also invited to Paris to lecture on the newly discovered chemical source of continuous current. In 1819 he returned to Como where he spent the rest of his life. Volta died at the age of 82.

Volta took great interest in Galvani’s researches. He began to carry on similar experiments and soon found out that the electric source was not within the frog’s leg itself, but was the result of the contact of both dissimilar metals used during his observations. However, to carry on experiments of such a kind was not an easy thing to do. He spent the next few years trying to invent a source of a steady, continuous current. To increase the effect obtained with one pair of metals, Volta increased the number of these pairs. Thus the voltaic pile consisted of a layer of copper and a layer of zinc plасed one above another with a layer of flannel moistened in salt water between them. In this way the voltaic pile looked like a thick sandwich containing copper, zinc, flannel moistened in salt water, copper, zinc, flannel, and so on. A wire was connected to the first disc of copper and to the last disc of zinc.

The year 1800 is a good date to be remembered: for the first time in the world’s history a steady, continuous current was generated.
Notes to the text:

1) at rest – в состоянии покоя

2) in motion – в движении

3) that is – то есть

4)to serve mankind – служить человечеству

5) as well as – а также

6) to turn attention to – обратить внимание на

7) at least – по крайней мере

8) or so – приблизительно

9) and so on – и так далее

10) in to time – моментально

11) to make a contribution to – сделать (внести) вклад в

12) due to – благодаря

13) in this connection – в этой связи

14) to solve the problem – решать проблему

15) in different ways – по-разному

16) in fact – фактически, в действительности

17) he could not help remembering – он не мог не помнить

18) owing to – благодаря

19) continuous current – постоянный ток

20) in this way – таким образом

Assignment 6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Infinitive:
1) This is the device to be used in our experiment.

2) The thermometer is a device to measure the temperature.

3) Where are the articles to be translated by the students?

4) The letter to be answered was given to me.

5) The motor is a device to change mechanical energy into electric energy.

6) The Soviet Union was the first to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

7) Petroff was the first scientist to study the elec­trification of metals by rubbing them.

8) I was the last to answer the teacher’s questions.

Assignment 7. Write out from the text all the sentences where the Infinitive is used and translate them into Russian.

Assignment 8. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the underlined words:
1) The students carried out an experiment looking at the thermometer from time to time.

2) The cinema was invented before my time.

3) It is high time to begin work.

4) Four times three is twelve.

5) “Am I late?” “No, you are just in time.”

6 “What is the time?” “It’s dinner time.”

7 The stu­dents went to the club and had a good time there.

8) It took a long time before people learned to split the atoms.

9) I shall be back in no time.

10) For a long time people did not know that lightning and atmospheric electricity are one and the same thing.

11) Lomonosov lectured at the University and at the same time worked in different fields of science.

12) I work in the laboratory two times a week.

Assignment 9. Fill in the blanks with the words oneor for:
1) Moscow is ... of the largest cities in the world.

2) ... must remember that it is necessary to learn English at least an hour a day.

3) As ... rubber it was brought to Europe as early as in the 15th century.

4) ... understands the importance of electricity when ... sees trams, trolley-buses and trains driven by it.

5) The energy of the atom is used ... peaceful purposes in our country.

6) ... must know the chemical prop­erties of the atom.

7) We produce rubber ... it is quite nec­essary ... the development of our industry.

8) In 1819 Volta returned to Como ... he wanted to spend the rest of his life there.

9) This is a more important problem than that ... .

10) I haven’t got a dictionary, I must have ... .

Assignment 10. Make up sentences according to the model using the verbs given below.
Model: We could not help speaking about the achieve­ments of Soviet physicists.
to answer, to repeat, to mention, to observe, to change, to think, to remember.

Assignment 11. Answer the following questions:
1) What types of electricity do you know?

2) What is the difference between electricity at rest and electricity in mo­tion?

3) What did Franklin prove?

4) What are the two kinds of electrical charges?

5) What can you say about our Russian Academician Petroff?

6) Who was the first to produce a steady, continuous current?

7) What experiments did Galvani carry on?

8) What was Volta?

9) What did Volta take interest in?

10) What did Volta’s discovery result in?

11) What did the Volta device consist of?

12) Where did he spend the rest of his life?

Assignment 12. Make an outline of the text.

Assignment 13. Retell Volta’s biography.

Assignment 1. Remember the following words and word-combinations:




to determine


to suppose








to consist of

to consider



to travel

to carry




to produce

to melt

to conduct

to call


to pass through




to push

the same



to light

to assume








to decrease

to operate

to generate

to heat


to transmit


to require


to transform

to apply


бывший, прежний


определять, устанавливать


предполагать, полагать




поток, течение



проволока, провод

состоять из

считать, рассматривать




нести, носить

твердое тело



давать, создавать




значительно, очень

проходить через


действительно, в самом деле


толкать; продвигать

тот (же) самый

(эл.) клемма


освещать; зажигать

предполагать, допускать



легкость; свобода

сходный, похожий





управлять; эксплуатировать

производить, вырабатывать







преобразовать; превращать

применять, употреблять

Assignment 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
continuous, theory, subject, to determine, to suppose, circuit, opposite, wire, minute, participle, through, however, liquid, industrial, requirement, to conduct, electrolyte, certain, to suppose, wrong, right, really, to push, i.e., terminal, alternating, to assume, cycle, advantage, ease, voltage, vice versa, transmition, to transmit, to decrease, to require, practice.

Assignment 3. Translate the words, their derivatives into Russian and learn them.
advantage – advantageous; to alter – alterable – alteration – alternating; to apply – application – applicable – applied; to conduct – conduction – conductive – conductivity; to consider – consideration; to determine – determination – determinative; to direct – direction – directly; ease – easily – easy; to generate – generation – generator; industry – industrial; to light – lighting; to move – movement – moveless – mover – moving; to operate – operation – operated – operating; to require – required – requirement; to state – statement; to transform – transformation – transformer; to transmit – transmission.

Assignment 4. Read and translate the text:
Ever since Volta first produced a source of steady contin­uous current, men of science have been forming theories on this subject. For some time they could see no real difference between the newly-discovered phenomenon and the former understanding of static charge. Then the famous French scien­tist, Ampere (after whom the unit of current was named) determined the difference between the current and the static charges. In addition to it, Ampere gave the current direc­tion: he supposed it to flow from the positive pole of the source round the circuit and back again to the negative pole. We know him to be right in his first statement but he was certainly wrong in the second, as to the direction of current. The flow of current is now known to be in a direction opposite to what he thought. (We shall return to that problem later on.)

Let us turn our attention, now, to the electric current itself. The current which flows along wires consists of moving electrons. In other words, the flow of moving electrons is one form of the electric current. What can we say about the electron? We consider the electron to be a minute particle having an electric charge. We also know that charge to be negative. As these minute charges travel along a wire, that wire is said to carry an electric current.

In addition to travelling through solids, however, the electric current can flow through liquids, as well and even through gases. In both cases it produces some most important effects to meet industrial requirements. Some liquids, such as melted metals for example, conduct current without any change to themselves. Others, called electrolytes, are found to change greatly when the current passes through them.

The reader is certain to remember that a negatively charged electron moves to the positive end of the wire. It had been supposed to move in the wrong way, from the positive end of the circuit to the negative, long before the electrons were discovered. In fact, when a wire is said to be carrying a current from left to right, the electrons in it are really flow­ing from right to left.

When the electrons flow in one direction only, the current is said to be d. c, that is, direct current. The simplest source of power for direct currents is a battery, for a battery pushes the electrons in the same direction all the time (i. e., from the negatively charged terminal to the positively charged terminal).

The letters a. c. stand for alternating current. The current under consideration is known to flow first in one direction and then in the opposite one. The a. c. used for power and lighting purposes is assumed to go through 50 cycles in one second.

One of the great advantages of a. c. is the ease with which power at low voltage can be changed into an almost similar amount of power at high voltage and vice versa. Hence, on the one hand alternating voltage is increased when it is necessary for long-distance transmission and, on the other hand, one can decrease it to meet industrial requirements as well as to operate various devices at home. In fact, at least 90 per cent of electric energy to be generated at present is a. c. We know it to find a wide application for lighting, heating, industrial and other purposes.

The student may be probably asking himself: “Why is d. с. ever used?” In spite of the fact that almost all electrical power is usually generated and transmitted in the form of a. c, there are numerous cases when d. с is required. For this reason, it is quite possible to generate a. c. then transform it into d. c.

We cannot help mentioning here that Yablochkov, our Russian scientist and inventor, was the first to apply a. c. in practice.
Notes to the text:

1) in addition to – кроме, помимо

2) to be right – быть правым

3) to be wrong – быть неправым, ошибаться

4) as to – что касается

5) in other words – другими словами

6) as well – а также

7) to meet requirements – удовлетворить требования

8) such as – такой как

9) is certain to remember – конечно помнит

10) in the wrong way – неправильно

11) long before – задолго до

12) in fact – фактически

13) from left to right – слева направо

14) that is – то есть

15) direct current – постоянный ток

16) all the time – все время

17) i.e. = that is – то есть

18) to stand for – символизировать, означать

19) alternating current – переменный ток

20) under consideration – рассматриваемый, обсуждаемый

21) at low voltage – при низком напряжении

22) vice versa – наоборот

23) on the one hand – с одной стороны

24) on the other hand – с другой стороны

25) as well as – а также

26) at least – по крайней мере

27) at present – в настоящее время

28) in the form of – в виде; в форме

Assignment 5. Find the Infinitive constructions in the text and translate them into Russian.

Assignment 6. Translate the following sentences with the Infinitive constructions:
1) Lightning was proved to be a discharge of electricity.

2) The reader is certain to know that alternating voltage can be increased and decreased.

3) Heat is known to be a form of energy.

4) We know the electrons to flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive one.

5) This scientist is said to have been working on the problem of splitting atoms.

6) I heard this instrument meet the industrial requirements.

7) The students saw the thermometer mercury fall to the fixed point.

8) Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel.

9) We know many articles to have already been written on that subject.

Assignment 7. According to the models given below form sentences combining suitable parts of the sentence given in Columns I, II, III, IV.
Models: (a) The current is known to consist of moving electrons.





Professor Rihman


Electrical effects

The Fahren­heit scale

was observed

is known
is said

is known

are known

to have started

to have been observed
to have been killed

to attract and to hold

to be used

by man of 25 centuries ago or so.
for Moscow on foot.
minute, light objects after rubbing.
in English-speaking countries.
by a stroke of lightning.

(b) We know lightning to be a discharge of electricity







the charges
the electric current
alternating current
the Soviet scientists

static electricity

to be
to have invented
to flow
to produce
to have been

to have greatly contributed

positive and negative.
important effects.
an airthermometer.
first in one direction and then in another.

to the science of electricity.

the only electrical phenomenon observed by man.

Assignment 8. Translate the following sentences using the infinitive:
1) Чтобы быть хорошим инженером, необходимо много читать и учиться.

2) Пирометр используется для измерения температуры горячих металлов.

3) Человек научился расщеплять атомы для того, чтобы получить большое количество энергии.

4) Ученые пытаются решить проблему, связанную с новыми явлениями электричества.

5) Громоотвод – это металлическое приспособление для защиты зданий от молнии.

6) Проводить опыты с атмосферным электричеством было очень опасно в то время.

7) Намагнитить предмет – это значит поместить его в поле магнита.

Assignment 9. Ask and answer the following questions:
1) if electricity is a form of energy.

2) if there are two types of electricity.

3) if alternating voltage can be increased and decreased.

4) if Franklin made an important contribution to the science of electricity.

5) if Ampere determined the difference between the current and the static charges.

6) if the electric current can flow through liquids and through gases.

7) if the electrolytes change greatly when the current passes through them.

8) if a negatively charged electron will move to the positive end of the wire.

Assignment 10. Explain why:
1) static electricity cannot be used to light lamps, to boil water, to run electric trains and so on.

2) voltage is increased and decreased.

3) the unit of electric pressure is called the Volt.

4) students must learn English.

5) the flow of moving electrons is a form of the electric current.

6) Ampere was wrong as to the current direction.

7) the current is said to flow from the positive end of the wire to the negative end.

Assignment 11. Form six sentences combining suitable parts of the sentences given in Column I and II.



1. The electric current is

2. Kinetic energy is

3. Static electricity is

4. Potential energy is

5. The direct current is

6. Lightning is

1. the energy of position.

2. electricity at rest.

3. the flow of moving electrons.

4. the energy of motion.

5. a discharge of electricity.

6. the flow of electrons in one direction.
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