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Notes to the text:

1) such as – такой как

2) and so on – и так далее

3) in its turn – в свою очередь

4) needless to say – не приходится и говорить

5) to result in – приводить к

6) owing to – благодаря

7) as a result – в результате

8) the same – тот (же) самый

9) at present – сейчас, в данное время

10) for example – например

Assignment 6. Find the participle in the text and define its function..

Assignment 7. Compare (a) and (b) paying attention to the Participle. Translate into Russian:
1) (a) Having brought the dictionaries from the library, the students began to translate the article. (b) The dictionaries having been brought from the library, the students began to translate the article.

2) (a) Having finished my translation, I gave it to the teacher. (b) The translation having been finished, I gave it to the teacher.

3) (a) Having finished the experiment, the students left the laboratory. (b) The experiment having been finished, the students left the laboratory.

4) (a) The professor delivering the lecture is a famous Russian scientist. (b) The professor delivering the lecture, the students were listening to him with great interest.

Assignment 8. Find the sentences with the Absolute Participle Construction and translate them.
1) The girl is finishing her work.

2) The work is being finished by the girl.

3) The girl finishing her work is my sister.

4) Finishing her work, the girl was speaking to her friend.

5) The work having been finished, the students went home.

6) Having finished her work, the girl went for a walk.

7) Having been finished, in time, the work was given to the teacher.

8) My brother finished his work, his friend having helped him.

Assignment 9. Translate the following sentences.
1) Падающая вода может приводить в действие турбину.

2) Говоря об энергии, мы могли бы упомянуть потенциальную и кинетическую энергию.

3) Работая в лаборатории, студент пользовался электрическими приборами.

4) Прочитав текст, мы начали переводить его.

5) Химические источники тока находят ограниченное применение в промышленности.

6) Используя полупроводники, ученые преобразовали солнечную энергию в электрическую.

7) Солнце – неограниченный источник энергии.

Assignment 10. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.
1) If there is a hydroelectric … at the waterfall, the energy of the falling water is used to … the turbines.

2) The turbines, driven by the kinetic energy of the running water, … electric …, these generators … electric energy.

3) The electric energy … … … may be transformed into any other necessary form.

4) The … of energy usually … to produce current are either chemical, as in the …, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator.

5) Needless to say that rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial applications … … an increasing … of energy.

6) However, the energy sources of the world are … at the same time as the energy needs of the world are … .

7) Using … scientists, for example, have transformed solar energy into electric energy.

Assignment 11. Answer the following questions:
1) What forms of energy do you know?

2) How is the energy of the falling water used?

3) What sources of energy are employed to produce current?

4) What do rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial applications result in?

5) Why are the energy sources of the world decreasing?

6) Why is it necessary to find new sources of energy?

7) How can we employ solar energy directly to produce useful energy?

8) In what parts of Russia is it possible to use solar energy?

Assignment 12. Find the correct term out of the three given below.
1) The motor changes electrical energy into:

a) heat energy, b) chemical energy, c) mechanical energy.

2) The generator changes mechanical energy into:

a) chemical energy, b) electrical energy, c) light energy.

3) The battery changes chemical energy into:

a) solar energy, b) heat energy, c) electric energy.

4) The electric furnace changes electric energy into:

a) heat energy, b) chemical energy, c) mechanical energy.

5. The. vacuum cleaner changes electrical energy into:

a) light energy, b) mechanical energy, c) solar energy.

Assignment 13. Retell Text 2.

Assignment 14. Read and translate Text 2А and find the English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations.
1) Электричество, вырабатываемое такой установкой, стоит дешевле, чем ... .

2) ... были сконструированы для превращения солнечной энергии в электричество.

3) Количество солнечной энергии на один квадратный метр здесь равно анергии, вырабатываемой ... .
The experiments on solar cells gave the possibility to collect enough data to predict the possible performance of solar stations. These experiments have led to the building of a solar furnace developing temperatures of 3,000°C in a sunray focal point. Electricity generated by such an installation costs less than that generated by a steam power-station.

The solar stations in the Kara-Kum desert will become producers of cheap electricity in the near future. The amount of solar energy per square meter here is equal to the energy generated by burning 200 kg of high quality coal.

Power cells of the size of a matchbox have been developed to convert solar energy into electricity. Such cells can accumulate sufficient energy in one bright day to power a large transistor radio for ten days.

Assignment 15. Point out which of the sentences contains the information from Text 2A.
1) It is quite possible that some day coal and other fuel may be replaced by atomic energy.

2. Solar stations will produce cheap electric energy in the near future.

3) The experiments on atmospheric electricity were made by many outstanding scientists.
Grammar: The Participle (Revision)
Assignment 1. Remember the following words and word-combinations:



to count

to split




to replace



to develop


to carry



to contain


power station (plant)

to burn


to achieve






thermal energy



единственный, один


считать, подсчитывать






ядерный, атомный


развивать(ся), разрабатывать


перевозить, везти; нести




получающийся в результате


жечь, сжигать


достигать, добиваться

перегрев, перегревание





тепловая энергия



Assignment 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
high, above, certainly, secret, quantity, fuel, basic source, quite, other, atomic energy, therefore, to lose, importance – important, various products, nuclear reactor, reliable, to develop, gas, liquids, to circulate through, resulting, power station, familiar, uranium, industrial, to construct, the Urals, scientist, contribution, super, achievement, installation, thermal, machine, type, Russia.

Assignment 3. Translate the words, their derivatives into Russian and learn them.
to achieve – achievement; to construct – construction – constructor – constructive – to reconstruct; to contribute – contribution; to install – installation; to form – a form – formation – to reform - reformation; nuclear – nucleus – nuclei; peace – peaceful; to rely – reliable – reliability; atom – atomic; importance – important; to develop – development.

Assignment 4. Read and translate the text:
A man trying to see a single atom is like a man trying to see a single drop of water in the sea while he is flying high above it. He will see the sea made up of a great many drops of water but he certainly will not be able to see a single drop. By the way, there are so many atoms in the drop of water that if one could count one atom a second, day and night, it would take one hundred milliard years! But that is certainly impossible.

Man has, however, learned the secret of the atom. He has learned to split atoms in order to get great quantities of energy. At present, coal is our most important fuel and our basic source of energy. It is quite possible that coal and other fuel may be replaced by atomic energy in the future. Atomic energy replacing the present sources of energy, we shall get more energy than we produce today. As for coal, it is not only a fuel and it will therefore never lose its importance. We cannot do without it and it may find some other important applications. For example, coal will be used to get various necessary products.

The nuclear reactor will possibly be one of the reliable “furnaces” producing atomic energy. Being used to produce energy, the reactor produces it in the form of heat. In other words, heat is developed by the splitting of atoms in the reactor. Gas, water, melted metals, and some other liquids circulating through the reactor carry that heat away. The heat may be carried to pipes of the steam-generator containing water. The resulting steam drives a turbine, the turbine in its turn driving an electric generator. So, we see that a nuclear power station is like any other power station but the familiar coal-burning furnace is replaced by a nuclear one. However, a ton of uranium (nuclear fuel) can give us as much energy as 2 1/2 to 3 million tons of coal.

The first industrial nuclear power station in the world was constructed in the USSR in 1954. It has already been working for many years. One may mention here that the station in question was put into operation two years earlier than the British one and three and a half years earlier than the American nuclear power stations.

The Beloyarskaya nuclear power station in the Urals may serve as another example of the peaceful use of atomic energy in the USSR. Soviet scientists and engineers having achieved a nuclear super-heating of steam directly in the reactor itself, it is certainly a new important contribution to nuclear engineering. By the way, such a nuclear super-heating of steam directly in the reactor before it is carried into the turbine was achieved for the first time in the world.

We may mention here another important achievement. It is the first nuclear installation where thermal energy gener­ated in the reactor is transformed directly into electric energy.

Speaking of the peaceful uses of atomic energy in our country, it is also necessary to mention the icebreaker Lenin. It is the world's first icebreaker with a nuclear installation and at the same time the largest and the most powerful one. The machine installation of our icebreaker is of a steam-tur­bine type, the steam being produced by three reactors and six steam-generators.

In Russia great attention is paid to the peaceful use of atomic energy, its importance growing from year to year.
Notes to the text:

1) to make up – составлять, собирать

2) great many – множество

3) by the way – кстати

4) in order to – чтобы

5) at present – в данное время

6) in the form – в виде

7) in other words – другими словами

8) to carry away – уносить; удалять

9) so – так, таким образом

10) in question – о которой идет речь

11) to put into operation – вводить в действие

12) for the first time – впервые

13) at the same time – в то же самое время

14) to pay attention to – обратить внимание на

Assignment 5. Translate the following sentences and define the function of the Participle:
1) Working at his new device the inventor made numerous experiments.

2) We have been speaking about the peaceful use of atomic energy.

3) In future the nuclear reactor must be one of the most reliable furnaces producing atomic energy.

4) Atomic energy being developed in a reactor in the form of heat, we can get both heat and electrical energy.

5) The construction of power-stations operating on atomic fuel and generating electric current is quite necessary.

6) Being a source of heat and electrical energy, atomic energy can also serve us in medicine.

7) The energy sources of the world decreasing, it is necessary to turn to atomic energy.

8) Water falling from its raised position changes potential energy into kinetic energy.

Assignment 6. Form one sentence of each pair using the Absolute Participle Construction.
1) Atoms split in the reactor. Heat is developed.

2) There are many different sources of energy. Coal is the most important of them.

3) Atomic energy replaces the present sources of energy. We shall get more energy in the future.

4) The reactor produces energy in the form of heat. Heat is developed owing to the splitting of atoms in the reactor.

5) A nuclear power-station is like any other power station. The coal burning furnace is replaced by a nuclear reactor.

Assignment 7. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.
1) By the way, there are so many atoms in the drop of water that if one could … one atom a second, day and night, it would take one hundred milliard years.

2) Man has learned to … atoms in order to get great … of energy.

3) It is quite possible that … and other … may be … by atomic energy.

4) The … … will possibly be one of the … “furnaces” producing atomic energy.

5) So, we see that a … … … is like any other power station but the familiar coal-burning furnace is replaced by a nuclear one.

6) One may mention that the station in question was … … … two years earlier than the British one.

7) We may mention another important achievement, the first nuclear … where … energy is transformed directly into electric energy.

8) Speaking of the peaceful uses of atomic energy in our country, it is also necessary to mention the … Lenin.

Assignment 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:
1) Electricity plays an important part ... everyday life.

2 It is difficult to imagine now how people could do ... electricity.

3) As my friend lives near the University he usually goes there ... foot.

4) One form ... energy can be changed ... another form.

5) Only a little part ... solar energy is used directly ... present.

6) Soviet scientists and engineers have made a great contribution ... nuclear engineering.

7) Water falling … its raised position changes potential energy … kinetic energy.

8) The Beloyarskaya nuclear power station … the Urals may serve as another example … the peaceful use … atomic energy.

9) The machine installation … our icebreaker is … a steam-turbine type, the steam being produced … three reactors and six steam generators.

10) In Russia great attention is paid … the peaceful use … atomic energy, its importance growing … year … year.

Assignment 9. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words need and turn.
1) Modern civilization needs more and more electricity.

2) You needn’t go to the laboratory today.

3) The energy needs in industry are increasing day by day.

4) There is no need to use kerosine lamps today.

5) What do we need electric energy for?

6) The Earth turns round the Sun.

7) Cold turns water into ice.

8) The sun in its turn turns ice into water.

9) The turbines are turned by steam, gas and water.

10) In their turn turbines turn generators.

11) The teacher says: “It is your turn to read.”

12) When you enter a dark room, turn the light on and leaving it turn the light off.

13) It is possible to turn solar energy into electric energy owing to semiconductors.

Assignment 10. Answer the following questions:
1) What fuel is our basic source of energy?

2) What may coal be replaced by in future?

3) What can you say about the nuclear reactor? How does it work?

4) What is the difference between a power station and a nuclear power station?

5) When and where was the first industrial nuclear power station constructed?

6) What is another example of the peaceful use of atomic energy?

7) What successes have Soviet scientists and engineers achieved for the first time in the world?

8) What installations produce steam in the icebreaker “Lenin”?

9) Do you know any other industries where atomic energy is used?

Assignment 11. Define the following words according to the model given below.
Model: The motor is a device transforming electric energy into mechanical energy.
energy, battery, kinetic energy, nuclear reactor, potential energy.

Assignment 12. Ask your groupmate the following questions. Let him/her answer them.
1) if it is possible to see a single drop of water in the sea;

2) if the steam generator of a nuclear reactor contains water;

3) if Man has learned to split atoms;

4) if atomic energy finds any new application in industry;

5) if the Soviet Union constructed the first nuclear power plant in the world.

Assignment 13. Speak on:
1) The operation of a nuclear reactor.

2) The first industrial nuclear power station.

3) The peaceful uses of atomic energy.

Assignment 14. Retell the text.

Assignment 15. Read Text 3А and find the English equivalent to the following Russian sentence:
Элементы, которые были синтезированы, получили названия в честь ученых, чья работа имела важное значение в ядерной науке.
As early as in 1940, physicists learned to manufacture elements with atoms more complicated than those of uranium, with its atomic number 92. By 1960 ten of these elements, from 93 to 102 had been formed. One way of forming them was to bombard at atoms of elements already produced with small atomic nuclei.

Previous elements that had been synthesized had been named after scientists whose work had significance in nuclear science. Element 99 is einsteinium named after Einstein, who was the first to show that mass could be converted to energy; 101 is mendelevium named after Mendeleyev, who first developed the periodic table of elements.

In 1965 a group of Soviet scientists bombarded plutonium (94) with nuclei of neon (10) and obtained 104, which they named kurchatovium after Kurchatov, a well-known Soviet nuclear physicist.

Scientists in Dubna synthesized a new element which occupies position 106 in Mendeleyev’s Table.

This element had a life of about a hundredth of a second, but that was much longer than had been expected.

The synthesis of the element increased our knowledge about the properties of the heaviest nuclei and pointed the way to new methods of obtaining them.

Assignment 16. Point out the paragraph which expresses the main idea of Text 3А. .

Assignment 17. Rearrange the sentences to make a summary of the text.
1) The synthesis of the elements pointed out the way of obtaining new elements.

2) Physicists learned to manufacture elements with complicated atoms.

3) Soviet scientists in Dubna bombarded plutonium and obtained 104 which they named kurchatovium after Kurchatov, a well-known Soviet nuclear physicist.

4) Several synthesized elements had been named after outstanding scientists.

Grammar: The Gerund
Assignment 1. Remember the following words and word-combinations:








to strike

to destroy



to invent


to throw






to discharge

to charge

to protect



to provide


to conduct





measuring device




действительно, в самом деле




ударять(ся); попадать







молоток, молот




подобный, похожий, как





поэтому, следовательно

снабжать, обеспечивать




свой собственный



измерительное устройство

Assignment 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
lightning, manifestation, although, thunderstorm, atmospheric electricity, phenomenon (phenomena), imagine, numerous, thrower, Thursday, scientific, result from, discharge, either … or, earth, kilometre, danger, dangerous, high, conductor, therefore, necessary, observation, measuring, professor.

Assignment 3. Translate the words, their derivatives into Russian and learn them.
to achieve – achievement – achievable; to charge – charge – chargeable – to discharge – to recharge; to conduct – conduction – conductive – conductivity – conductor; danger –dangerous – dangerously; to number – number – numberless – numerable – numerical – numerically – numerous; to measure – measurement – measurable – measuring; to observe – observation – observer – observable; to protect – protection – protective – protector; science – scientist – scientific – scientifically.

Assignment 4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerund.
1) Learning English is not an easy thing.

2) His friend began learning the English language.

3) Studying natural phenomena without making observations is useless.

4) There are many methods of solving this problem.

5) On coming home my father began watching television.

6) Russian scientists played an important part in solving the problem of atmospheric electricity.

7) On splitting atoms in the reactor heat is developed.

8) Seeing is believing.

Assignment 5. Read and translate the text:
The lightning flash is certainly the earliest manifestation of electricity known to man, although for a long time nobody knew that lightning and atmospheric electricity are one and the same thing. Indeed, for thousands of years people knew nothing about thunderstorms. However, they saw long sparks falling from the dark sky and heard thunder. They knew that these sparks could kill people or strike their houses and destroy them. Trying to understand that dangerous phenomenon, they imagined things and invented numerous stories.

Take the early Scandinavians as an example! They thought that thunderstorms were produced by Thor, the god of thun­der. Besides his throwing both thunder and lightning at some people, he was a hammer-thrower. According to the story, his powerful hammer had the property of always coming back to his hands after it had been thrown. The fifth day of the week, that is Thursday, was named after him. A story like that invented by those early Scandinavians could be also heard from other peoples.

However, time flies. Thunderstorms have long stopped being a problem that scientists tried to solve. All know, at present, that lightning is a very great flash of light resulting from a discharge of atmospheric electricity either between charged clouds or between a charged cloud and the earth.

Even now some people do not like being out during a thunderstorm. Dark clouds cover the sky, turning day into night. There are lightning flashes followed by thunder which can be heard for kilometres around. Needless to say, there is always some danger in a thunderstorm for a very high building or a man standing in the open field.

Many years ago people learned to protect their houses from thunderstorms. Coming down from a charged cloud to the earth, lightning usually strikes the nearest conductor. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an easy path along which electrones are conducted to the earth. That Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning conductor is a well-known fact. The lightning conductor, familiar to anybody at present, is a metal device protecting building from lightning strokes by conducting the electrical charges to the earth.

Franklin’s achievements in the field of electricity were known to Lomonosov who, in his turn, made experiments of his own. Among other scientific problems that Lomonosov studied was also that of atmospheric electricity. It greatly interested both Lomonosov and his friend Professor Rihman. Both of them tried to solve the problem in question. They . made numerous experiments and observations without thinking of the possible danger. In order to get better results Rihman constructed the first electrical measuring device in the world. However, making experiments of that kind was so dangerous that Professor Rihman was killed by a stroke of lightning during one of his observations.

As for Franklin’s well-known kite experiment, you will find it in the following lesson.
Notes to the text:

1) both … and – как … так и

2) according to – согласно, в соответствии с

3) to name after – называть в честь

4) time flies – время летит

5) to solve a problem – решать проблему, задачу

6) at present – в данное время

7) to result from – происходить в результате

8) either … or – или … или, либо … либо

9) needless to say – не говоря уже о …, не приходится и говорить

10) lightning stroke – удар молнии, грозовой разряд

11) in the field – в области

12) in question – о котором идет речь

13) in order to – чтобы

14) as for – что касается

Assignment 6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerund.
1) We didn’t know about his being sent to the power station.

2) I remember my having told her about the experiment.

3) His having asked such a question shows that he did not prepare the text.

4) We know of different experiments being made in this laboratory.

5) Your having been sent to Moscow was known to everybody.

6) Besides his throwing both thunder and lightning at some people, he was a hammer – thrower.

7) Thunderstorms have long stopped being a problem that scientists tried to solve.

8) Even now some people do not like being out during a thunderstorm.

9) The lightning conductor is a metal device protecting buildings from lightning strokes by conducting the electrical charges to the earth.

Assignment 7. Complete the following sentences using the Gerund according to the model given below.
Model: When will you finish(to read) …?

When will you finish reading this English book?
1) Do you like (to go) ...?

2) My friend never thought of (to become) ... .

3) This is the device for (to turn) ... .

4) Excuse me for (to be late) ... .

5) Why are you translating a scientific article without (to read) ... ?

6) We went to the cinema instead of (to watch) ... .

7) An electric lamp is used for (to light) ... .

8) We began (to translate) the article after (to read) ... .

Assignment 8. Translate the following sentences using the Gerund.
1) Использование новых материалов способствует дальнейшему техническому прогрессу.

2) При объяснении физического явления преподаватель сделал несколько опытов.

3) Увеличение производства энергии необходимо.

4) Изобретатель был против изменения конструкции этого устройства.

5) Увидев прибор в действии, студенты решили, что он надежен.

6) Мы закончили обсуждать эту проблему к концу недели.

Assignment 9. Form verbs from the following nouns:
observation, achievement, protection, production, installation, operation, application, development, heat, generator, inventor.
Use the verbs formed from the nouns given above in your own sentences.

Assignment 10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the underlined words.
a. 1) My friend’s son looks like his father.

2) You may take any device you like.

3) Some liquids have like properties.

4) Steel like iron is widely used in industry.

5) A steam turbine is like any other turbine but it is turned by steam.

6) We did not like the film that we saw yesterday.

7) Did you like the story that you heard at the lesson yesterday?

b) 1) Lightning is an atmospheric phenomenon that greatly interested some scientists of the past.

2) That the Earth revolves about the Sun is known to everybody.

3) It is quite possible that in future coal may be replaced by nuclear fuel.

4) Atomic energy can serve people but we must never forget that that energy can also destroy the world.

5) When an object loses its potential energy that energy is turned into kinetic energy.

6) The operation of the motor is quite different from that of the generator.

7) Everybody knows that the Earth is round.

8) The climate in Moscow is better than that in London.

9) The film that we saw yesterday was very interesting.

Assignment 11. Answer the following questions.
1) What is the earliest manifestation of electricity?

2) Are lightning and atmospheric electricity one and the same thing?

3) What did the early Scandinavians think about thunderstorms?

4) What is lightning?

5) Why don’t you like to be out during a thunderstorm?

6) How do people protect their houses from thunderstorms?

7) What does lightning usually strike?

8) Who invented the lightning conductor?

9) What did Lomonosov do to solve the problem of atmospheric electricity?

10) Who constructed the first electrical measuring device in the world?

Assignment 12. Speak on the story told by the early Scandinavians.

Assignment 13. Make an outline of the text.

Assignment 14. Read Text 4A and translate into Russian.
The intensity of lightning is tremendous. When we hear noises on our radio, we conclude that a storm is occurring somewhere in the country. It is not really the case. Similar disturbances have been heard on radio in New York, San Francisco, and elsewhere. It has been proved, moreover, that a powerful flash of lightning in the jungle of India or over the South States suffices to produce disturbances on every radio throughout the world.

Lightning performs some very useful services for mankind. Every stroke of lightning produces some quantity of nitric acid from the nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen of the air. About 100,000 tons of nitric acid are produced in this way each year. It is more than man can produce nitrogen by the artificial process.

Assignment 15. Point out which of the sentences contains the information from Text 4A.
1) Coming down from a charged cloud to the earth, lightning usually strikes the nearest conductor.

2) Strokes of lightning can destroy buildings, that’s why lightning conductors are used to protect them.

3) Strokes of lightning can produce disturbances on radio and at the same time they can do some useful things.

Grammar: The Gerundial Construction

1. Lomonosov’s having studied atmospheric electricity contributed to the development of science. – To, что Ломоносов изучал атмосферное электричество, способствовало развитию науки.

2. Everybody insisted on this experiment being made once more. – Все настаивали на том, чтобы этот эксперимент был проделан еще раз.
Assignment 1. Remember the following words and word-combinations:


instead of




to harness

to require

to represent







to connect


the same

to pass


to electrify

to wet

to conduct

to prove








главным образом



использовать (в качестве источника энергии)


представлять; означать





веревка, бечевка


соединять, связывать


тот же самый

проходить (о времени)


электрифицировать; электризовать

мочить, увлажнять








Assignment 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
ton, instead of, valuable, to require, kilometre, to represent, mankind, question, to mention, atmospheric, phenomenon, jar, earth, son, such as, key, lower, high, could, to raise, to electrify, thus, to prove, discharge, to develop, conductor, instruction, principle.

Assignment 3. Translate the words, their derivatives into Russian and learn them.
to connect – connection – to disconnect; chemical – chemist – chemistry; to develop – development; to electrify – electrification – electricity – electric – electrical; engine –engineer – engineering; to instruct – instruction – instructive – instructor; to power – power – powerful; to protect – protection – protective – protector; to require – requirement – required; to use – use – useful – useless – user; to value – value – valuable.

Assignment 4. Translate the following sentences with the Gerund into Russian.
1) The thunder is caused by heating the air by a spark.

2) A lightning conductor is a means of protecting buildings from strokes of lightning.

3) We know of this house being destroyed by a stroke of lightning.

4) After having studied the phenomenon of atmospheric electricity, Franklin invented the lightning conductor.

5) Franklin’s having worked in the field of electricity is known all over the world.

6) Before making experiments Franklin made numerous observations.

7) Protecting buildings from strokes of lightning was impossible before Franklin’s time.

8) A lightning conductor is capable of protecting buildings from strokes of lightning.

Assignment 5. Read and translate the text:
Electricity plays such an important part in modern life that in order to get it, men have been burning millions of tons of coal. Coal is burned instead of its being mainly used as a source of valuable chemical substances which it contains. Therefore, finding new sources of electric energy is a most important problem that scientists and engineers try to solve. In this connection one might ask: "Is it possible to develop methods of harnessing lightning?" In other words, could atmospheric electricity be changed into useful energy?

Indeed, hundreds of millions of volts are required for a lightning spark about one and a half kilometre long. However, this does not represent very much energy because of the intervals between single thunderstorms. As for the power spent in producing lightning flashes all over the world, it is only about 1/10,000 of the power got by mankind from the sun, both in the form of light and that of heat. Thus, the source in question may interest only the scientists of the future.

It has already been mentioned that atmos­pheric electricity is the earliest manifestation of electricity known to man. However, nobody understood that phenome­non and its properties until Benjamin Franklin made his kite experiment. On studying the Leyden jar (for long years the only known condenser), Franklin began thinking that lightning was a strong spark of electricity. He began exper­imenting in order to draw electricity from the clouds to the earth. The story about his famous kite is known all over the world.

On a stormy day Franklin and his son went into the country taking with them some necessary things such as: a kite with a long string, a key and so on. The key was connected to the lower end of the string. "If lightning is the same as electric­ity," he thought, "then some of its sparks must come down the kite string to the key." Soon the kite was flying high among the clouds where lightning flashed. However, the kite having been raised, some time passed before there was any proof of its being electrified. Then the rain fell and wetted the string. The wet string conducted the electricity from the clouds down the string to the key. Franklin and his son both saw electric sparks which grew bigger and stronger. Thus, it was proved that lightning is a discharge of electricity like that got from the batteries of Leyden jars.

Trying to develop a method of protecting buildings during thunderstorms, Franklin continued studying that problem and invented the lightning conductor. He wrote necessary instructions for the installation of his invention, the principle of his lightning conductor being in use until now. Thus, protecting buildings from lightning strokes was the first discovery in the field of electricity employed for the good of mankind.
Notes to the text:

1) in order to – чтобы; для того, чтобы

2) in this connection – в этой связи

3) in other words – другими словами

4) because of – из-за, вследствие

5) as for – что касается

6) all over the world – во всем мире

7) both … and – как …, так и …

8) in question – о котором идет речь

9) Leyden jar – лейденская банка

10) such as – такой как

11) in use – в употреблении

12) for the good of – ради

Assignment 6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerundial Construction:
1) We didn’t know about his being sent to the power-station.

2) I remember my having told her about the experiment.

3) His having asked such a question shows that he did not prepare the text.

4) We know of different experiments being made in this laboratory.

5) Your having been sent to Germany was known to everybody.

6) Everybody knows about your having worked at the nuclear power plant.

7) The professor knew about the students’ going to the power-station.

8) The students read about the new achievements having been made in the field of nuclear physics.

9) Thanks to the lightning conductor having been invented, it is possible to protect buildings from strokes of lightning.

Assignment 7. Complete the following sentences using the Gerund.
Model: She cannot read English without ... . – She cannot read English without consulting a dictionary.
1) My friend went home instead of ... .

2) The students went on ... .

3) When the teacher entered the classroom the students stopped ... .

4) Have you finished ...?

5) I went to bed after ... .

6) The friends spoke of ... .

7) You must turn the light off before ... .

Assignment 8. Translate the following sentences using the Gerund.
1) Прежде чем делать опыты, необходимо проводить наблюдения.

2) Много лет назад люди научились защищать свои дома от ударов молнии.

3) Существуют различные способы получения электрического тока.

4) Ученые продолжали изучать новое явление.

5) Пирометр используется для измерения температуры горячих металлов.

6) Франклин изобрел громоотвод для защиты зданий от ударов молнии.

7) Ходить пешком очень полезно.

8) Атомный реактор используется для получения энергии.

Assignment 9. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs, if necessary. Answer the following questions.
1) What ... the earliest manifestation of electricity?

2) What ... the early Scandinavians think about thunderstorms?

3) Who ... burning millions of tons of coal?

4) What property ... Thor’s hammer possess?

5) Who ... invented the lightning conductor?

6) What experiments ... Lomonosov and Rihman make?

7) What device ... constructed by Rihman?

8) Who ... made his kite experiment?

9) Where … Franklin and his son make their kite experiment?

10) What … they use making their experiment?

11) Where … the lightning conductor used now?

Assignment 10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to both, both ... and.
1) The students made two experiments; they were both interesting and useful.

2) Both scientists studied atmospheric electricity.

3) Both of us will work at the University laboratory tomorrow.

4) Both Lomonosov and Rihman were great scientists; both of them studied atmospheric electricity.

5) Both these devices were constructed in Moscow.

6) Electricity is used both in industry and in everyday life.

7) Both nuclear power and solar energy will be widely used in future.

8) Lightning and atmospheric electricity mean one and the same thing: both of them are used in literature.

9) Many scientists and inventors, both Russian and foreign, have greatly contributed to the development and practical application of the electric current.

10) Both chemical energy and mechanical energy can be changed into electricity.

Assignment 11. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.
1) It is dangerous to go ... a stormy day.

2) Lightning is a very great flash ... light resulting ... a discharge ... atmospheric electricity.

3) Protecting buildings ... lightning was the first discovery ... the field ... electricity used ... the good ... mankind.

4) ... thousands ... years people knew nothing ... thunderstorms.

5) Lightning flashes are followed ... thunder which can be heard ... kilometres around.

6) There is always some danger ... a thunderstorm ... a very high building or a man standing ... the open field.

7) It is difficult to see a single drop ... water ... the sea.

8) Some scientists ... the past melted metals ... the help ... solar furnaces.

9) Modern civilization cannot do ... electrical appliances.

10) Electric current is necessary ... the operation ... trolley-buses, buses, and modern trains.

Assignment 12. Translate into Russian:
a) the only son; the only example known; the only method of solving the problem; only you can do it for me; coal is not only a source of heat, but also a source of valuable chemical substances; the letter was sent only yesterday;

b) many students were present; at the present time; the present article; he is in Moscow at present; that is all for the present; good-bye for the present,

Assignment 13. Form five sentences combining suitable parts of the sentences given in columns I and II.


1. The generator

2. The lightning conductor

3. The motor

4. The electric crane

5. The pyrometer


1) measures the temperature of hot melted metals.

2) lifts objects weighing thousands of tons.

3) turns electrical energy into mechanical energy.

4) protects buildings from lightning strokes.

5) converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
1   2   3   4   5

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