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  • 3. The demonstrative pronoun III. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой указательных местоимений. Example: This

  • The interrogative pronoun IV. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой вопросительных местоимений. Example: Who

  • The reflexive pronoun V. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой возвратных местоимений. Example

  • The indefinite pronoun VI . Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений: some, any, no, every. Example

  • IX. Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений: somebody, anybody, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere. Example

  • X . Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений: much, many, a lot of, little, few . Example

  • XI. Закончите историю, используя слова, данные в таблице. Иногда возможно несколько правильных вариантов.

  • Some any much many few little

  • V. THE PREPOSITION Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант ответа. Example

  • Учебнометодическое пособие по грамматике для студентов базового уровня. Под общей редакцией Цатуровой И. А

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    2. The possessive pronoun
    II. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой притяжательных местоимений.
    Example: You have made some mistakes in your dictation.

    1. This book belongs to me. This is______ book.

    2. Whose book is that? It is not _____.

    3. The cat ate ______ food.

    4. She took out _______ purse and gave it to me.

    5. A friend of ______ gave me that toy.

    6. This is their car. That car is ____, too.

    7. May I introduce one of _____ colleagues to you?

    8. Have you lost ____ books here?

    9. Every season is beautiful in ______ own way.

    10. They would like to have a house of ______ own.

    11. I'll try ____ best, I promise.

    12. Each country has ____own customs.

    13. He is going to be late. Would you mind _____ coming a bit later?

    14. Lend me _____ pen, I've lost _______.

    15. They like it. It's ______ favourite habit.

    3. The demonstrative pronoun
    III. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой указательных местоимений.
    Example: This is our teacher’s car over there.
    1. Hello, ______ is Mr Cook. Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?


    2. I'm tired out. _____'s why I'm going home early.

    3. Please bring me ________ T-shirts over there.

    4. Don't you think _____ jeans suit me?

    5. _____ biscuits are delicious. Did you make them yourself?

    6. _____ records you threw out were my original hits from the seventies!

    7. Aren't_____ girls over there your students?

    8. What do you think of ______ party last night?

    9. I can't go out in ______ dress!

    10. Look here. In ____ newspaper there is a picture of my favourite sportsman.

    11. ______ boy over there is my son.

    12. ______ rooms over there are better than ______.

    1. George likes Mary, but she doesn't like him. ______'s what annoys him.

    14. _____ is a picture of my friend Ronnie here.

    15. The book ______ I spoke of belonged to me.

    16. ______ was the biggest mistake in his life.

    17. What is all ______?

    18. ______ is what I think.

    19. ______ will help her to come in time.

    20. _______’s why they accepted her proposal.

    1. The interrogative pronoun

    IV. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой вопросительных местоимений.
    Example: Who is speaking?
    1. ______ of you knows English?


    2. ______ children are they?

    3. ______ were you talking to?

    4. ______ do you mean?

    5. ______ did you receive it from?

    6. ______ book did you take, Jack’s or Ann’s?

    7. ______ one do you prefer?

    8. ______ employees took their vacation in May?

    9. ______ do you take me for?

    10. ______ is the news today?

    11. ______ is she like?

    12. ______ of the boys do you like best?

    13. ______ money is that?

    14. ______ are the people she is speaking with?

    15. ______ is it made of?

    16. ______ car was stolen?

    17. ______ is the French for "dog"?

    18. ______ daughter are you?

    19. ______did you say?

    20. ______ are these toys?

    1. The reflexive pronoun

    V. Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой возвратных местоимений.
    Example: Be careful! Don’t hurt yourself!
    1. The girl decorated the room______.

    2. The winner looked very proud of______. He was delighted.

    3. She brought up her children by______.


    4. The cat is washing ______.

    5. The children enjoyed ______ when they visited Disneyland.

    6. She was afraid of spiders, so she didn't go into the room by______.

    7. She decided to do all the cooking ______.

    8. He was asked to behave ______ at school.

    9. He shouted loudly to make ______ heard.

    10. Cats are very clean animals: they are always washing ______.

    11. Doctors advised us that we have to exercise regularly in order to keep _____ healthy.

    12. In_____ your problem is nothing to worry about.

    13. She loves looking at _____ in the mirror.

    14. If you don't behave ______ properly, I shall put you all to bed early.

    15. The music was so loud that I had to shout to make _____ understood.

    16. The teacher tried to make _____ understood but, she failed to get the class to understand.

    17. We painted the room______.

    18. She was very pleased with______when she got such a good job.

    19. I think I'd go back to France. We really enjoyed _____there.

    20. You should always try to be _________.

    1. The indefinite pronoun

    VI. Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений: some, any, no, every.
    Example: Give me some water, please.
    1. There's ____ milk in that jug.

    1. She wanted ____ juice but there wasn't ____.

    3. They can't have ____ more strawberries; I want ____ to make jam.


    1. There is ____ ice-cream left.

    2. There is hardly ____ milk left.

    3. She won't lend you ____ money.

    4. They didn't make ____ mistakes.

    5. I need _____ flour for my cake.

    6. John goes to sleep at 10 pm ____ evening.

    10. Call me ____ time you like.

    11. He needs ____ time to work out an answer.

    1. She goes to school ____ day.

    2. Shall I go and buy ____ cheese?

    3. Do they have ____ children?

    4. They need to take ____ food with them.

    5. Would you like ____ coffee?

    6. Is there ____ sugar in the coffee? It’s bitter.

    7. I hope he’s got ____ money.

    8. I’d like ____ eggs, please.

    9. There aren’t ____ people here tonight.

    VII. Прочитайте письма, написанные двумя подростками, учащимися в школе-интернате. Выберите правильное слово.

    Dear Mum and Dad,
    I hate this boarding school! I’ve been here for a day, but I haven’t met (1) someone/ anyone I like yet. I’m really bored because there’s (2) something/ nothing to do in the evenings. I’m also very lonely. (3) Someone/ No one ever speaks to me. (4) Someone/ Everyone is unfriendly. I want to come home.
    Your unhappy son, Karl


    Dear Mum and Dad,
    It’s a great school and I’m really happy here! I like the people a lot, (5) someone/ no one is unfriendly. Yesterday (6) someone/ anyone invited me to a party next Friday. I’m so busy – I’m having a great time. There’s (7) something/ nothing different on every evening. Tonight (8) someone/ anyone is coming to teach us modern dancing. I haven’t met (9) someone/ anyone who doesn’t like being here. No, that’s wrong. There’s a really unfriendly boy who hasn’t spoken to (10) someone/ anyone since he arrived here yesterday. It’s very sad to see him so unhappy. Perhaps I’ll ask him to the party then he can meet (11) anyone/ everyone. (12) Everything/ Anything here is wonderful. I’ll see you in the holidays.
    Love Hannah

    VIII.*Прочитайте рассказ и заполните пробелы.

    This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

    (Continue the story, supplying Everybody, Somebody, Anybody orNobody.)

    (1) _________ got angry about that, because it was (2) __________’s job. (3) _________ thought (4) _______ could do it, but (5) _________ realised that (6) __________ wouldn’t do it. In the end (7) ____________ blamed (8) _______ when (9) ________ did what (10) ________ could have.


    IX. Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений: somebody, anybody, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere.
    Example: First, I didn’t know anybody in my new class.

    1. ______ has broken my vacuum cleaner.

    2. I’ve got ______ for you. I hope you’ll like it.

    3. I feel bored. Let’s go ______.

    4. Do you have ______ romantic to read?

    5. It’s a pity, but we can’t do ______ .

    6. Does ______ mind if I open the window?

    7. If you are so hungry, let’s go ______ to eat.

    8. ______ has told me you’re getting married. Congratulations!

    9. Oh! There’s ______ very heavy in your suitcase.

    10. I’ll take ______ to read before going to the beach.

    11. Have you already invited ______ to your party?

    12. I haven’t got ______ to wear at all!

    13. Let’s ask ______ to sing.

    14. Don’t ask me! I don’t want to go ______ .

    15. Look! ______ is waving you.

    16. Have you bought ______ ?

    17. I want to go _______ exotic on holiday.

    18. Give us _______ to drink, please.

    19. Please don’t tell ______ about this accident.

    20. I haven’t got ______ to talk to you about.

    21. I think there’s _______ wrong with my watch. I must go to the repair shop.

    22. I’m sure there’s ______ inside, just knock louder!

    23. Do you know ______ here?

    24. There is always _______ I don’t understand.

    25. There isn’t ______ we can do now.


    1. Can ______ serious come out of this?

    2. I haven’t got ______ to say.

    3. Quick, let’s go! There’s ______ coming.

    4. Nobody can find ______ about when the exams will be.

    5. Sally, there’s ______ downstairs who wants to speak to you.

    6. I think there’s ______ strange about this man.

    7. There’s ______ in my bag.

    8. She said ______ , but I didn’t understand.

    9. He went to the shop, but he didn’t buy ______.

    10. I can do this job alone. I don’t need ______ to help me.

    11. We heard some noise. There’s ______ in the living room.

    12. His face doesn’t look familiar. I haven’t seen him ______ before.

    13. There isn’t ______ in the box. It’s empty.

    14. I’m looking for my keys. Has ______ seen them?

    15. I have never been ______ more beautiful than Rome.

    X. Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений: much, many, a lot of, little, few.
    Example: I didn’t have many friends in my class.

    1. How ____ money have we got?

    2. Please don’t put ____ pepper on the meat.

    3. Are there ____ language schools in your city?

    4. They’re really poor. They have ____ money.

    5. The Sultan of Brunei owns ____ hotels all over the world.

    6. She didn’t take ____ photographs at Christmas.

    7. How ____ new English words did you learn yesterday?

    8. Unfortunately, I have ____ friends.

    9. Why are you eating so ____ ice-cream? You’ll have a cold!

    10. Henry VII had ____ wives.


    1. We don’t have ____ time, so we can’t help you. Sorry.

    2. I can’t work. There’s ____ noise here.

    3. Last time Ted didn’t make ____ mistakes.

    4. Does your father earn ____?

    5. There’re ____ parks in London.

    6. It’s a pity, but my son reads ____.

    7. We don’t need ____ sugar for this pie.

    8. I never eat ____ bread with soup.

    9. How ____ cars would you like to have if you were rich?

    10. When I was a child I had ____ friends.

    11. Have you got ____ work to do tonight?

    12. This motorbike uses ____ petrol.

    13. Are there ____ mushrooms in the forest this autumn?

    14. Thank you very ____ for your help.

    15. Hurry up! We have ____ time to waste.

    16. I don’t have ____ time, so I can’t go with you.

    17. How ____ photographs did you take this summer?

    18. Please, try to make ____ noise. I’m working.

    19. I have ____ time, so I will go with you.

    20. Do you drink ____ tea?

    XI. Закончите историю, используя слова, данные в таблице. Иногда возможно несколько правильных вариантов.

    Some any much many few little

    Once upon a time there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Her Grandmother lived in the forest a (1) few kilometers from Red Riding hood’s village. The Grandmother was ill and she didn’t have (2) _____ food to eat so Red put (3) _____ food into a basket to take to her. When Red was walking through the forest, she met a wolf.

    ‘What have you got in your basket?’ the Wolf asked.


    ‘I’m sorry, Wolf,’ said Red, ‘but I haven’t got (4) _____ time to talk. My Grandmother’s ill and I’m taking (5) _____ food to her.’

    ‘Oh, food. I’m very interested in food,’ said the Wolf. ‘What kind of food?’

    ‘Not a lot. A (6) ______ apples, (7) ______ bread, (8) _____ wine, a (9) _____ cheese, a (10) _____ potatoes, a (11) _____ cakes, (12) _____ tea and a (13) _____ sugar,’ Red said.

    ‘So you haven’t got (14) _____ meat?’ asked the wolf.

    ‘No, I haven’t.’ said Red.

    ‘And you haven’t got (15) _____vegetables, only potatoes,’ continued the Wolf.

    ‘Yes. Only a (16) _____ potatoes,’ answered Red.

    ‘Well!’ said the Wolf. ‘That’s a terrible diet! I’m not surprised your Grandmother’s ill.’

    ‘But she’s a vegetarian!’ said Red, angrily.

    ‘Well, she needs a (17) _____ eggs,’ replied the Wolf.

    ‘Don’t you read (18) _____ newspapers?’ asked Red. ‘There was an article in The Sun yesterday. It says eggs are bad for us.’

    ‘Rubbish!’ shouted the Wolf.

    Their discussion went on through the night and into the next day. Sadly, Red’s Grandmother, who was a hundred years old, became very weak and died waiting for the food!

        1. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

    Example: They're listening ____ the news.

    A. at B. to C. –

      1. Who is she looking ______?

    A. on B. at С. to


    1. What's the matter.______ him?

    A. by B. with С. from

    3. No large ships can go ________ that bridge.

    A. over B. across C. under

    1. It's time for coffee. All the students are coming ______ their lessons.

    A. off B. out of С. out

    5. What time does your plane take ______?

    A. off B. out С. from

    1. After failing his driving test four times, he finally gave ______ trying to pass.

    A. in B. off C. up

    1. I go to school on foot, but yesterday I went to school _____ bus.

    A. on B. in C. by

    1. Bye, see you ______ Monday morning.

    A. on B. at C. in

    1. She got married ______ the age of 19.

    A. in B. of C. at

    1. Jim is a person I can rely ______.

    A. at B. on C. for

    1. According ______ the forecast the weather will remain better than usual for this time of year.

    A. for B. to C. of

    1. I haven’t seen her ______ Monday.

    A. since B. for C. by

    1. My little brother is afraid ______ spiders.

    A. to B. for C. of

    1. You shouldn’t depend ______ Tom, he’s always late.

    A. of B. on C. to

    1. Who has paid ______ the meal?

    A. for B. out C. with

    1. The banks close ______ 7 o’clock in the evening.


    A. in B. at C. on

    1. Bob is going to play tennis ______ next Sunday.

    A. – B. in C. on

    1. My sister is always angry ______ me when I am late.

    A. at B. on C. with

    1. I can’t open the door, I’m looking ______ the key.

    A. for B. after C. in

    1. Don’t laugh ______ my little sister.

    A. on B. at C. about
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