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  • Text 2. Extracts from a radio report.

  • Example

  • Прочитайте текст и поставьте глаголы в правильную видовременную форму. A ROBBER IN THE HOUSE

  • VII. WORD ORDER Составьте вопросы, расположив данные слова в правильном порядке. Example

  • Ю.В. Иванова, В.П. Овчаренко TEST YOUR GRAMMAR SKILLS

  • Учебнометодическое пособие по грамматике для студентов базового уровня. Под общей редакцией Цатуровой И. А

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    VII. Прочитайте тексты и выберите правильную видовременную форму.

    Text 1

    Last night I (1) have seen/ saw an interesting programme on television. It (2) has been/ was about a new way of teaching science subjects to schoolchildren. For three years now a school in London (3) has been teaching/ is teaching science in this way to some of its students, and these students (4) have done/ did significantly better in examinations than the students in ordinary classes. It (5) is working/ works like this: students (6) are not only learning/ not only learn about science, but are taught to think about their own way of thinking. One of the teachers on the programme said, ‘Older good teaching methods (7) have made/ made people think, but it (8) has been/ was in a sense unconscious. When a child (9) is having/ has to explain to somebody else how they have solved a problem, that really makes them think about their own thinking.’

    Researchers (10) are not fully understanding/ do not fully understand how the methods (11) are working/ work. But marks in examinations (12) have increased/ increased dramatically. Unfortunately, nothing (13) is being done/ is done at the moment to train other teachers in the new methods.

    Text 2. Extracts from a radio report.

    ‘People (1) have come/ came from all over Britain for this demonstration. I would say there are about 30,000 people here. Some of the demonstrators from Scotland (2) have left/ left home shortly after midnight last night to arrive on time.

    ‘All of the members of one group (3) have painted/ painted their hands purple and are wearing gas masks. Others (4) have brought/ brought their children; one child is carrying a sign saying “Don’t forget us!”

    ‘The police (5) have arrived/ arrived early this morning, and have been


    waiting since then in case of trouble. One of the groups opposing the march (6) has made/ made a statement yesterday saying that they would do all they could to disturb the demonstration, so police officials are being very careful.

    ‘The march seems very well-organised; organizers (7) have just given/ just gave armbands to volunteers, who will make sure that people stay on the authorized route and remain peaceful.

    ‘Wait a moment. I (8) have just had/ just had a report that a dangerous-looking parcel has been found under one of the organisers’ cars. Police (9) have taken/ took the parcel and are taking it to a bomb disposal van.’

    (A few minutes later) ‘Oh, no! the bomb (10) has exploded/ exploded; people are running and screaming; several people, including some children, seem to be hurt, but I can’t tell how badly.’

    (A few minutes later) ‘Police (11) have called/ called for the organizers; other policemen and women are clearing a path for the ambulances.’

    (A few minutes later) ‘The police (12) have finished/ finished talking to the organizers now. I will try to get a statement from one of them… Yes, here is Amanda Raines, one of the organizers of the demonstration. She (13) has just spoken/ just spoke to the police. When do you think the bomb (14) has been planted/ was planted, Amanda?’

    ‘We (15) have arrived/ arrived here last night at ten o’clock and (16) have slept/ slept in the vans. The car where the bomb was found has not been moved since then. Someone (17) has probably planted/ probably planted the bomb while we were asleep; the police told me that it looks like a time bomb.’

    ‘Do you think the bomb (18) has been planted/ was planted by the opposition group?’

    ‘I think we must wait until we have more information. The group said they would disturb the demonstration, but we cannot hold them responsible just because of that.’


    VIII. Прочитайте предложения и раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную видовременную форму.
    Example: The manager (talk) is talking to an important customer at the moment but he (be) will be free (see) to see you presently. (Like) Would you like (take) to take a sit for a few minutes

    1. Р: Mr. Williams, you were the security officer on duty at Maigo Department Store on July 28th. Please tell the court what (happen) __________ that afternoon.

    W: Yes, sir. I (be) particularly interested in the cosmetics department, because the company (lose) _____________ a lot of money through shop-lifting earlier in the year. So, I (watch) __________ the customers on the security screen when I (notice) ____________a woman behaving rather suspiciously.

    1. A: There is no point in (arrive) _____________ half an hour earlier. We'd only have (wait) ___________.

    B: I don't mind (wait) ___________. It's better (be) _____________too early than too late.

    1. Local schoolboy Brian Walker is recovering in hospital after falling into the river. Mr. Paul Bates, who (take) ____________ his dog for a walk at the time, (jump) _______________ into the water and (pull) __________ the boy to safety. Brian (play) ______________ on the river bank when the accident (happen) _______________.

    2. That book is overdue. If you (not take) ______________ it back to the library tomorrow you (have) _______________ to pay a fine.

    3. After ancient Greek athletes (win) ________________ a race in the Olympics, they (receive) _______________ a simple crown of olive, leaves.

    4. Would you mind (not turn on) _________________ the radio until I (finish) ________________ with this phone call?


    1. After horse race (win) _________________, the celebration (begin) _____________.

    2. Two men (question) ________________ at Marylebone Police Station now in connection with last week's armed robbery in Luton, in which $25,000 (steal) _________________, from a Security van. Another man (already arrest) __________________ for the crime.

    3. My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they woke up to find that their car (steal) _________________ from outside their house. They immediately (phone) __________________ the police to report the theft, before (leave) __________________ for work by bus.

    4. A: Good morning. Is Mr. Smith in?

    B: Yes, he is. But he (see) ________________ someone at the moment. He (expect) ________________ you?

    A: Yes. I (have) ________________ an appointment with him at 10.30.

    1. {Friday evening} Mother: I (give) _______________ you a call at 6.30, Peter, in case you (fall) _______________ asleep again after your alarm (go off) __________________. By the way, Mary, we (have) ______________ breakfast at seven tomorrow as Peter (go away) _______________ for the weekend, and (catch) ___________________ an early train.

    2. A: I expect it will freeze tonight.

    B: If it (freeze) ______________ tonight the roads (be) _______________ very slippery tomorrow.

    1. No, I didn't move the bomb. I was afraid (touch) _______________ it; I was afraid of (be) _________________ blown to pieces.

    2. Yesterday, as I (walk down) ________________ the strand, I (meet) ________________ George, an old friend of mine. He (recognize) _________________ me at once, though I (wear) _____________ a scarf round my face as I (suffer) _________________ from toothache.

    3. I (be) __________________ very excited at the prospect of (go)


    _________________ (ski) ________________. I think there's nothing like (ski) __________________ for (make) _________________ a holiday enjoyable.

    1. They let us (park) _________________ motorcycles here but they won’t allow us (park) ________________ cars.

    2. Four people (take) _________________ to hospital after a fire at their home in Tottenham early this morning. They (send) _________________ home after treatment for minor burns. Police believe the fire (start) ____________________ deliberately.

    3. The child used (lean) _________________ on the gate (watch) ________________ the people (go) ________________ to work in the mornings and (come) __________________ home in the evenings.

    4. "I was lonely at first", the old man admitted," but after a time I got used to (live) __________________alone and even got (like) ______________ it."

    5. I put the 5 pound note into one of my books; but next day it (take) _________________ me ages to find it because I (forget) _________________ which book I (put) _________________ it into.

    6. Richard Barnes had just come home from work when he (find) __________ a leak in the bathroom. Water (drip) ______________ from the ceiling for some time, and there (be) _______________ a large pool of water on the floor.

    7. You are too young to understand. I (explain) _______________ it to you when you (be) __________________ older.

    8. I thought my train (leave) __________________ at 14.33, and (be) __________________ very disappointed when I (arrive) __________________ at 14.30 and (learn) _________________ that it (just leave) __________________. I (find out) ________________later that I (use) _______________ an out-of-date timetable.

    9. Barston’s oldest inhabitant, Fred Whyte, has died at the age of 101.


    Fred (live) ______________ in Barston since 1924 and (teach) _________________ at the local primary school until he (retire) _________________ in 1950. His funeral (take) _____________ place next Friday.

    1. Before trains were invented people used (travel) ______________ on horseback or in stagecoaches. It used (take) _____________ a stagecoach three days (go) ________________ from London to Bath.

    2. A: I want (catch) _________________ the 7 a.m. train tomorrow.

    B: But that means (get up) ________________ at 6.00; and you're not very good at (get up) ______________ early, are you?

    1. We (have) _______________ a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited us.) It's his last night; he (leave) ______________ tomorrow.

    2. When you (see) ____________ him again you (be struck) ________________ by the way his health (improve) _______________ since he (go) _______________ to Switzerland.

    3. By the time I (complete) ________________ my studies next month, I (live) _________________ in London for nearly a year. I (not think) _________________ I (stay) ________________ any longer than that.

    4. Disc Jockey Paul Asherton has been banned from driving for two years. The court (tell) _____________________ that it was the third time Asherton (stop) ___________________ for speeding in six months, Asherton (admit) _________________ (drive) _________________ at more than 125 m.p.h.

      1. Прочитайте текст и поставьте глаголы в правильную видовременную форму.


    The moment Jane (1. to turn) ___turned___ the corner, she (2. to notice) __________ that her front door (3. to be) __________open. She definitely


    (4. to shut) __________ it when she (5. to go) __________ out, and her flatmate, Ann, (6. not to say) __________that she (7. to come) __________ this evening. Jane (8. to slacken) __________ her pace, (9. to think) __________ what she (10. can) __________ do. If she (11. to ask) __________ her neighbours (12. to accompany) ___________ her and it (13. to turn out) __________ that there (14. to be) __________ no one there, then she (15. to look) __________ a fool. On the other hand, if she (16. to enter) __________ the flat alone, and (17. to find) __________ an intruder there, it (18. can) __________ end very badly.

    “It (19. never to happen) __________ to me before." Jane (20. to think) __________, and I (21. to hope) ___________ it (22. nevertohappen) __________ again.'


    1. Составьте вопросы, расположив данные слова в правильном порядке.

    Example: earn much a she How does year?

    How much does she earn a year?

    1. you You Madrid don’t live in?


    1. borrow you Whose did car?


    1. whisky you ever drunk Have?


    1. the broke last Monday Who window?


    1. you lived How town in long your have?


    1. you on Where year go did last holiday?


    1. George’s Who you girlfriend about told?


    1. my you in for looking What are bag?


    1. countries she She visiting doesn’t exotic likes does ?


    1. has many he How countries visited foreign?


    1. Why I invited your wasn’t party to?


    1. was castle When this built?


    1. your watching Does comedies mother enjoy ?


    1. Tom What Sally about are and talking?


    1. English When you learning start did?


    1. tennis often she How does play?


    1. dictionary you Why got a haven’t?


    1. was Where she she did child live a when?


    1. sandwiches is Who make going to?


    1. to Who she married did get?


    1. Shepherd’s a How a tea pie of cup much and is?


    1. morning were yesterday Where you?


    1. tomorrow Is you going to phone John?


    1. speak languages you many How do?


    1. leave possible Will be to it early?


    1. go you by on or to Do foot work car?


    1. at Did were when German school learn you you?


    1. was it day yesterday What ?


    1. argument Peter Who with have did an?


    1. you Where Sunday go on do evenings?


    1. people going you your invite many party How are to to?


    1. public your dates What the holidays are country of in?


    1. you camel Have ridden ever a ?


    1. to Who belong car does this?


    1. Who Jack with dance did?


    1. there here near department Is store a ?


    1. Bob’s Did parents you meeting enjoy?


    1. America Did three was go she to she when?


    1. sandwich is How a water chicken mineral much and a?


    1. next sit usually Who you do to?




    I. The noun


    1. geese 6. ladies 11. children 16. sheep

    2. deer 7. women 12. teeth 17. boxes

    3. mice 8. wolves 13. lives 18. families

    4. roofs 9. benches 14. fish 19. boys

    5. feet 10. strawberries 15. photos 20. churches


    1. A 3. B 5. B 7. A 9. B

    2. B 4. A 6. A 8. A 10. A

    II. The article


    1. the, the, – 11. –, a, a, the 21. the, a, the, – 31. –

    2. an 12. the 22. the, – 32. The, –

    3. a, – 13. – 23. –, –, –, the 33. The, –, the

    4. –, – 14. the, – 24. the, a 34. the, the

    5. an, –, – 15. a 25. the 35. the, the, the,–,–, the, –

    6. the, –, – 16. The, a 26. The, the 36. the, –, the, the, –, the

    7. – 17. the, the 27. a 37. –, –

    8. a, – 18. a 28. a 38. –, –, –

    9. the 19. the 29. –, a 39. the

    10. – 20. the, the, – 30. –, –, the 40. –, the, the

    III. The adjective


    1. depressed 6. exciting 11. astonished

    2. interested 7. amazed 12. surprised

    3. boring 8. terrifying 13. disappointed

    4. horrified 9. disgusting 14. worried

    5. embarrassing 10. exhausted 15. tiring



    1. B 6. B 11. C 16. C 21. A 26. C 31. B 36. B

    2. B 7. C 12. B 17. A 22. B 27. B 32. C 37. A

    3. B 8. C 13. A 18. B 23. B 28. A 33. C 38. B

    4. C 9. A 14. B 19. B 24. C 29. C 34. B 39. A

    5. B 10. A 15. C 20. C 25. B 30. A 35. C 40. A


    1. the most interesting 8. best 15. the cleverest

    2. happier 9. tired 16. finer

    3. lighter 10. cheaper 17. good

    4. nice 11. greener 18. richer, happier

    5. harder, harder 12. worse 19. more difficult

    6. the most beautiful 13. farther 20. the most experienced

    7. larger 14. busy

    IV. The pronoun


    1. him 5. him 9. him 13. It 17. It

    2. them 6. you 10. it, it, me 14. It 18. It, it

    3. She, me 7. she 11. him 15. It 19. you

    4. He, us 8. them 12. it 16. you 20. it


    1. my 4. her 7. our (my) 10. their 13. his

    2. mine 5. mine 8. your 11. my 14. your, mine

    3. its 6. theirs 9. its 12. its 15. their


    1. this 5. These 9. this (that) 13. That 17. that

    2. That 6. Those 10. this 14. This 18. That

    3. those 7. those 11. That 15. that 19. This

    4. these 8. that 12. Those, these 16. That 20. That



    1. Who 5. Who 9. Who 13. Whose 17. What

    2. Whose 6. What 10. What 14. Who 18. Whose

    3. Who 7. Which 11. What 15. What 19. What

    4. What 8. What 12. Who 16. Whose 20. Whose


    1. herself 5. themselves 9. himself 13. herself 17. ourselves

    2. himself 6. herself 10. themselves 14. yourself 18. herself

    3. herself 7. herself 11. ourselves 15. myself 19. ourselves

    4. itself 8. himself 12. itself 16. herself 20. yourself


    1. some 5. any 9. every 13. some 17. any

    2. some, any 6. any 10. any 14. any 18. some

    3. any, some 7. any 11. some / no 15. some / no 19. some

    4. no / some 8. some 12. every 16. some 20. any


    2. nothing 5. no one 8. someone 11. everyone

    3. No one 6. someone 9. anyone 12. everything

    4. Everyone 7. something 10. anyone


    1. everybody 4. anybody 7. everybody 10. everybody/

    2. somebody 5. nobody 8. somebody anybody

    3. everybody 6. anybody 9. nobody



    1. somebody 11. anybody 21. something 31. something

    2. something 12. anything 22. somebody 32. something

    3. somewhere 13. somebody 23. anybody 33. something

    4. anything 14. anywhere 24. something 34. anything

    5. anything 15. somebody 25. anything 35. anybody

    6. anybody 16. anything 26. anything 36. somebody

    7. somewhere 17. somewhere 27. anything 37. anywhere

    8. somebody 18. something 28. somebody 38. anything

    9. something 19. anybody 29. anything 39. anybody

    10. something 20. anything 30. somebody 40. anywhere


      1. much 7. many 13. many 19. many 25. little

      2. much 8. few 14. much/little 20. a lot of/few 26. much

      3. many 9. much 15. a lot of 21. much 27. many

      4. little 10. a lot of 16. little 22. a lot of 28. little

      5. a lot of 11. much 17. much 23. many/few 29. a lot of

      6. many 12. a lot of 18. much 24. much 30. much


        1. few 5. some 9. little 13. little 16. few

        2. much 6. few 10. few 14. any 17. few

        3. some 7. some 11. few 15. any 18. any

        4. any/much 8. some 12. some


    V. The preposition


    1. B 5. A 9. C 13. C 17. A

    2. B 6. C 10. B 14. B 18. C

    3. C 7. C 11. B 15. A 19. A

    4. B 8. A 12. A 16. B 20. B


    1. in 7. to 13. on 19. -- 25. with

    2. in 8. for 14. on 20. to 26. for

    3. in 9. through 15. of 21. from 27. to

    4. for 10. in 16. to 22. to 28. for

    5. in 11. for 17. for 23. to 29. about

    6. to 12. for 18. with 24. on 30. of



        1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c


    1. bring along 3. to bring out 5. brought out 7. (has) brought down

    2. bringing about 4. bring along 6. (has) brought about


    1. D 3. B 5. A 7. C 9. B

    2. B 4. C 6. D 8. C 10. A


    Crazy prepositions

    1. for 6. On 10. to 14. for 18. for

    2. at 7. in / with 11. from 15. at 19. at/on/to

    3. on 8. at 12. of 16. in 20. at/upon

    4. by 9. with 13. in 17. of 21. to


    Little Red Riding Wolf

      1. In 4. on 7. from 10. by, on 13. in

      2. of 5. at 8. at 11. along 14. for

      3. of 6. by 9. of 12. with 15. into

    VI. The verb


    1. B 6. B 11. B 16. B 21. C 26. C 31. B 36. B

    2. A 7. C 12. C 17. A 22. C 27. C 32. B 37. C

    3. C 8. C 13. B 18. C 23. C 28. B 33. B 38. C

    4. C 9. c 14. B 19. C 24. A 29. B 34. B 39. B

    5. C 10. B 15. C 20. B 25. C 30. B 35. C 40. B


      1. B 7. C 13. B 19. B 25. C

      1. C 8. B 14. A 20. A 26. A

      2. C 9. C 15. A 21. A 27. C

      3. A 10. B 16. B 22. A 28. C

      4. A 11. B 17. A 23. B 29. B

      5. B 12. A 18. C 24. A 30. C


    1. The answer will be given tomorrow.

    2. A cup of coffee is always brought to Mr. Palmer by the secretary.

    3. A telegram has been sent sent to you (by her).

    4. Who was this novel written by?


    1. Will the house be painted in the summer?

    2. He wasn’t offered any job. / No job was offered to him.

    3. He isn’t visited (by anybody).

    4. The children aren’t looked after properly.

    5. Everything will be taken care of (by these people).

    6. This exercise can be done by the pupils without any difficulty.

    7. The book was published last year.

    8. Your bags must not be left in the hall.

    9. The light was switched on and the door was opened.

    10. You will be given an answer in some days.

    11. She was shown the easiest way to do it.


    1. will be built 5. have been published 8. is switched on

    2. was painted 6. has been cut off 9. was invented

    3. is produced 7. was broken 10. has just been constructed

    4. am searched


      1. John said (that) he was sorry to disturb Lisa.

      2. He asked where Jill was going.

      3. Sally said (that) she would buy a new skirt.

      4. Robby asked Bobby if Bobby knew “Old Barn” which was on the Shrubbery Road’.

      5. The doctor asked how I felt.

      6. Colin asked Richard if he would be free the next day.

      7. My parents told me not to open the door or answer the phone.

      8. The policemen asked why he hadn’t locked the car door.

      9. The students said (that) they wished their exams were over.

      10. Tom said (that) Jerry had been his best friend since childhood.

      11. An old man asked the police officer where the nearest bus stop was.


      1. The teacher asked us to be quiet.

      2. The boy asked to show him those jeans.

      3. Jeff asked not to worry if he was late.

      4. Dad asked not to swim too far.

      5. Tim remarked that Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

      6. Mrs. Smith asked Mr. Smith not to wear his new trousers in the garden.

      7. He told his mother that he was going away the next day.

      8. Roger said (that)he had been to London twice.

      9. Betty said that nothing grew in her garden as it never got sun.

      10. I remarked that it wasn’t so foggy that day as it was the day before.

      11. They said that they had a lift but very often it didn’t work.

      12. The stranger said that he would sit there till she came in, but he hoped she wouldn’t be late.

      13. Gerry asked angrily who had put salt in his coffee.

      14. The teacher asked why Petrov was absent.

      15. My mother asked me what time I had come back the day before.

      16. Nick asked if I understood what he meant.

      17. Bob asked how far my native town was.

      18. Dad asked how long it would take to get there.

      19. Felix asked Marsha if she had been happy with him.


        1. A 11. B 21. B 31. A 41. C 51. C 61. C

        2. C 12. A 22. C 32. B 42. C 52. A 62. A

        3. A 13. A 23. B 33. A 43. B 53. A 63. A

        4. B 14. C 24. A 34. A 44. A 54. C 64. B

        5. C 15. A 25. C 35. B 45. C 55. B 65. C

        6. A 16. C 26. B 36. C 46. B 56. A 66. A

        7. C 17. B 27. A 37. A 47. C 57. B 67. B

        8. A 18. C 28. A 38. A 48. A 58. A 68. A

        9. B 19. B 29. B 39. B 49. B 59. C 69. B

        10. A 20. C 30. C 40. A 50. C 60. C 70. C



    Text 1

    1. saw 6. not only learn 10. do not fully understand

    2. was 7. made 11. work

    3. has been teaching 8. was 12. have increased

    4. have done 9. has 13. is being done

    5. works

    Text 2

    1. have come 7. have just given 13. has just spoken

    2. left 8. have just had 14. was planted

    3. have painted 9. have taken 15. arrived

    4. have brought 10. has exploded 16. slept

    5. arrived 11. have called 17. probably planted

    6. made 12. have finished 18. has been planted


    1. happened; was; had lost; was watching; noticed

    2. arriving; to wait; waiting; to be

    3. was taking; jumped; pulled; had been playing; had happened

    4. don’t take; will have

    5. (had) won; received

    6. not turning on; finish

    7. is, begins (was / had been, began)

    8. are being questioned; was stolen; has already been arrested

    9. had been stolen; phoned; left / leaving

    10. is seeing; is (he) expecting; am having

    11. will give; fall; goes off; are having; is going; is catching

    12. freezes; will be

    13. to touch; being

    14. was walking down; met; recognized; was wearing; was suffering


    1. am; going; skiing / to ski; skiing; making

    2. park; to park

    3. were taken; were sent; started

    4. to lean; watching; going; coming

    5. living; to like

    6. took; forgot; had put

    7. found; had been dripping; was

    8. will explain; are

    9. left; was; arrived; learnt; had just left; found out; had used

    10. had lived (had been living); taught (had taught); retired; will take

    11. to travel; to take; to go

    12. to catch; getting; getting

    13. are having; is leaving

    14. see; will be struck; has improved; went

    15. have completed; will have been living; don’t think; will stay

    16. told; had been stopped; admitted; driving


      1. turned 9. thinking 16. entered

      2. noticed 10. could 17. found out

      3. was 11. asked 18. could

      4. had shut 12. to accompany 19. has never happened

      5. had gone 13. turned out 20. thought

      6. had not said 14. was 21. hoped

      7. was coming/‘d come 15. would look 22. would never happen

      8. slackened

    VII. Word order

    1. You live in Madrid, don’t you?

    2. Whose car did you borrow?

    3. Have you ever drunk whisky?


    1. Who broke the window last Monday?

    2. How long have you lived in your town?

    3. Where did you go on holiday last year?

    4. Who told you about George’s girlfriend? (Who told George’s girlfriend about you?)

    5. What are you looking for in my bag?

    6. She likes visiting exotic countries, doesn’t she?

    7. How many foreign countries has he visited?

    8. Why wasn’t I invited to your party?

    9. When was this castle built?

    10. Does your mother enjoy watching comedies?

    11. What are Tom and Sally talking about? (What are Sally and Tom talking about?)

    12. When did you start learning English?

    13. How often does she play tennis?

    14. Why haven’t you got a dictionary?

    15. Where did she live when she was a child?

    16. Who is going to make sandwiches?

    17. Who did she get married to?

    18. How much is a cup of tea and a Shepherd’s pie? (How much is a Shepherd’s pie and a cup of tea?)

    19. Where were you yesterday morning?

    20. Is John going to phone you tomorrow?

    21. How many languages do you speak?

    22. Will it be possible to leave early?

    23. Do you go to work on foot or by car? (Do you go to work by car or on foot?)

    24. Did you learn German when you were at school?

    25. What day was it yesterday?

    26. Who did Peter have an argument with?

    27. Where do you go on Sunday evenings?


    1. How many people are you going to invite to your party?

    2. What are the dates of public holidays in your country?

    3. Have you ever ridden a camel?

    4. Who does this car belong to?

    5. Who did Jack dance with?

    6. Is there a store department near here?

    7. Did you enjoy meeting Bob’s parents? (Did Bob’s parents enjoy meeting you?)

    8. Did she go to America when she was three?

    9. How much is a mineral water and a sandwich? (How much is a sandwich and a mineral water?)

    10. Who do you usually sit next to?


    Предисловие ……………………………………………………..3

    I. The Noun ………………………………………………………5

    II. The Article ………………………………………………….....6

    III. The Adjective ……………………………………………….…8

    IV. The Pronoun …………………………………………………...13

    V. The Preposition ………………………………………………...23

    VI. The Verb……………………………………………………......30

    VII. Word order ……………………………………………………51

    Ответы к заданиям ……………………………………………….55


    Ю.В. Иванова, В.П. Овчаренко
    ЛР № 020565 от 23.06.1997 Подписано к печати

    Формат 60x84 1/16 Бумага офсетная

    Ус.п.л. - Уч.-изд.л. -

    Тираж 200 экз Заказ №



    Издательство Таганрогского государственного радиотехнического


    Таганрог, 28, пер. Некрасовский, 44

    Типография Таганрогского государственного радиотехнического университета

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