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Английский. Учебное пособие для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов III курсов ммф йошкарОла пгту 2013 удк 811. 111 (07)

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Speaking and writing assignments

  1. Speak on the topic ‘Why I have chosen the profession of engineer’

You should mention the following:

  • the reasons why you have chosen this profession

  • where you would like to work in the future

  • what skills you will need to do your job well

  • what moral and material benefits you expect from your future job

Use the following phrases:
I have decided to… because…

There are several reasons why…

I have always given preference to…

I have made my choice under the influence of…

My main goal is to…

To become a good engineer you should be…/have…

The most important thing for me is…

One of my priorities is…
2. Writing a letter to a foreign friend
Your foreign friend wrote you a letter asking about the faculty you study at and the field you specialize in. You should write a reply describing the following:
- the brief history of your faculty

- the chairs it is comprised of

- your major and the subjects you study

- what you like most about your university studies
Your letter should be written according to the following layout:
Dear …,
You wanted to know…/you wondered…
I would like to tell you/describe/explain…
Our faculty was founded…
It comprises…
I study…/specialize in…/my major is…
I give preference to…
What interests me most is…
I hope that…
Sincerely yours,

(Your name)

3. Imagine that you are going to apply for the job described in this advertisement. You must send the recruiter your CV and covering letter proving that you meet the job requirements set out in the job advertisement. When making up a CV and a covering letter you should also use the examples of these documents and some necessary clichés contained in the Appendix II and Appendix III.
Testing & Evaluation Engineer with ITP experience for award winning English firm

  • 12 month contract

  • Work on major projects

  • Good $

This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to an expanding and award winning organisation as a Testing & Verification Engineer, developing inspection and test plans.

You will come with:

  • Experience developing inspection and test plans

  • Experience with preparing inspection and test reports

  • Experience with coordinating and planning test and verification activities within a project

  • Mechanical, Electrical or Industrial Engineering Qualification

  • Strong PC skills

  • Experience with machine tools or special purpose machinery beneficial



To apply online, please click on the link below. Alternatively, contact Santino Di Fede on (02) 8282 6464 or email jobs@agilepeople.com.au quoting Ref No. 3772.

4. Role play: The job interview.
The company that advertised the position of a mechanical engineer received a lot of CVs and covering letters from potential candidates and chose the best of them to attend the job interview.

Work in pairs and role-play this job interview. You should decide which of you is going to be an applicant and which one is going to be an interviewer.

Description of roles.

The interviewers should ask the applicants some questions about their qualifications and previous professional experience. They should find out what skills, abilities and personal qualities the applicants have, what they expect from the job they are applying for, and what contribution they can make to the development of the company. They may also invite the applicants to ask questions about their role in the company, future responsibilities, etc.

The applicants should be ready to talk about their education, experience at previous jobs, major achievements and everything that can suit the position they are applying for. They should do their best to prove their suitability to the position. At the end of the interview they may ask the interviewers some questions themselves.
When role-playing the job interview you should use some of the questions listed in the Appendix IV
5. Situations for discussion in pairs

  1. Think of a device or a component you are familiar with and discuss what drawings should be used to communicate its design.

b) Discuss the properties, advantages and disadvantages of metals and non-metals and decide which materials should dominate in modern engineering and why.                                                                                                                                                                                                            c) Discuss which machine tools and machining techniques are widely used in modern engineering and which have become obsolete.
d) Think of some metal properties and discuss what metalworking and heat treatment techniques are used to obtain these properties.
e) Think about the engine in a vehicle you are familiar with and discuss specific aspects of it – the type of fuel it uses, the number of cylinder it has, and how much power and torque it produces.
Use the following phrases:
It seems to me that…

I believe that…

In my opinion…

It’s no exaggeration to say that…

I agree (disagree)

I think you are mistaken/wrong

You probably know that…

As I have already mentioned…

It’s a well-known fact that…

It goes without saying that…

It should be said that…

There is no doubt that…

It should be kept in mind that…

On one hand/on the other hand

That’s absolutely true but also…

6. Presentation of a product
Imagine that you have created a new

engineering product (device, structure etc. ) and are going to present it to the general audience. Your presentation should include the following points:

  1. The description of the product, its functions and its purpose.

  2. The stages of product engineering design

  3. The drawings used to design the product

  4. The materials the product is made from and their properties.

  5. The tools and techniques used to create the product.

When making a presentation, refer to Appendix V.

Appendix I
Фразы для пересказа текста
The text deals with... /dwells on / touches upon / focuses on /

The article is devoted to... / is dedicated to /covers broadly / narrates about/

The author analyses / provides a deep analysis of / presents the survey of /

The purpose of the text.....is ...

The main purpose of the text is the description / explanation / analysis…

The author emphasizes the idea of... / points out that...

Attention is drawn to the fact that...

In the opinion of the author it is ...

The author covers the following points /underlines that /singles out / confirms /explains / illustrates…

The author describes / gives a description / provides a detailed description of / provides the history of / provides a thorough review of /represents /

The author reveals / investigates / points out / emphasizes…

Particular attention is drawn to / is paid to / is focused on…

An attempt is made to define…

A comparison is made between…

The basic approach of the author is ...

The author concludes by saying that... /doesn't agree with / opposes the idea of…

The author comes to the conclusion that...

The author draws the following conclusion... / states that / puts forward the idea of…
Appendix II
Пример резюме и сопроводительного письма:
Curriculum vitae

1. Personal Details

15 Elm Lane
Sometown, IN 55555
Home: (555) 555-5555
2. Objective

Seeking a position of a mechanical engineer in a well reputed company that will allow me to use my designing skills and leverage my experience

3. Education

  1. - completed certification course in Electrical engineering from XXX college, Boston

  1. - got Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

  1. - got Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

4. Professional Experience

ABC Manufacturing Co

Mechanical Engineering

2008 - present

Job Responsibilities:
Vehicle model development and implementation

Process plans development

New assist lift systems design

Estimation and calculation tools creation

Foreign business trips
5. Skills

Office 2000 and Windows, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint

Fluent in German and French, can read and write in Spanish

Driving license
6. Activities

Tennis, swimming, skiing

Ski Instructor (grade II)

Tourism, music
7. References

Name: Jack Mathieu

Designation: Senior Manager

Organization: ABC Manufacturing Co

Phone No: 400-859-3329

E-mail: Frank@examples.com
Covering letter
15 Elm Lane

Sometown, IN 55555

Home: (555) 555-5555

May 6, 2010

Mr. Andrew Smith
Director of Operations
123 Company
15 Lafayette WaySometown, IN 55555

Re: Mechanical Engineer Position (Ref. Code: 12345), advertised on Monster.com
Dear Mr. Smith:
Your job description for a mechanical engineer perfectly matches my qualifications, and I am very interested in the opportunity.
I have enjoyed a progressively responsible engineering career with ABC Manufacturing Co., and participated in the engineering of three major car model changes. I am experienced in all phases of new vehicle model development and implementation, from conception to production stages. Most recently, I have:

  • Contributed to major model changes for the 2008 Carname, 2007 Carname and 2006 Carname;

  • Developed process plans and layouts for seven additional car models;

  • Reduced ergonomic impact on production team members by designing new assist lift systems;

  • Helped create estimation and calculation tool for project budgets, greatly improving negotiating power with installation contractors; and

  • Built rapport with overseas colleagues, often traveling to Japan for production consultations.

In addition, I have served as lead engineer in establishing standards that have reduced costs, enhanced efficiency, improved production methods and simplified equipment and part needs.

Mr. Smith, I have received repeated commendations from ABC Manufacturing Co. for my work quality, revenue contributions and commitment to achieving company goals, and I know I would be a valuable asset to your North American Division. Please feel free to call me at 555-555-5555 or send an email to rmatthews@somedomain.com to arrange a meeting. I look forward to speaking with you!

Robyn A. Matthews

Appendix III
Useful clichés that can help you write your own covering letter:

I was interested to see your advertisement for (position) in (paper) / on (site).

I am applying for the position of (position), which was advertised (date) in (paper).

(Name) advised / informed me of a (position) that is available at your company.

I was referred to you by (name), who informed me of a (position) that is available at your company.

(Name) informed me that you are / your company is / (name of the company) is looking for someone with (skills).

(Name) suggested I contact you regarding the position of (position).

When I read your advertisement for (position) in (paper) / on (site), I could not help noticing how well your requirements align with my experience / education / background / skills / career interests /

The position seems to fit very well with my experience / education / background / skills / career interests / ...

I am very interested in applying for the position (of ...)

My experience / education / background / skills / ... make me an ideal candidate for the position.

I have the experiences / skills / ... you desire (in your advertisement).

From my enclosed CV / Resume you will find that my experiences / skills / ... meet the requirements you have outlined for the position.

I believe that my enclosed CV / resume will demonstrate that I have the experiences / skills / ... you seek.

While my enclosed CV / resume provides a good overview of my experiences / skills / ..., I have also listed some specific skills that meet your requirements for the position.

According to your advertisement, your position requires (skills). These skills I have developed during ... (experience).

I understand the position requires (skills). I ...

I recently graduated from (university) with a degree in (field).

Since 2002 / For 2 years I have been working for (company).

As (current job) for (company), I have developed my skills and experience as (job title).

Prior to my current position, I was working for (company), where I ... (jobs, tasks, skills).

Throughout my career I have acquired a thorough knowledge of ...

I have solid experience in ...

I have more than ... years of ... experience.

My experiences / skills / ... will provide your company with a highly productive (job title).

I have always had a strong interest in ...

My experience in (field) have convinced me that (future position) is a career option I would like to explore.

My high degree of motivation has been appreciated by my previous employers.

Thanks to my high degree of motivation I was quickly promoted to positions of greater responsibility.

The enclosed CV / resume elaborates on the details of my skills and experience.

I would like very much to talk with you concerning a position at your company / (name of the company).

I am eager to talk with you about the contribution I could make to your firm.

I would appreciate the chance to meet with you to discuss how I could be a vital part of your company.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these and other qualifications with you.

If you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in this position, please call me at the number listed above.

If you are interested, please contact me at (number).

You may reach me at the above phone number or email address.

I am sure my services would be useful to you.

I will call you in a few days / next week / in early July / ... to discuss an interview.

Should you have any questions before that time, feel free to call me at the number listed above / to contact me via the email address listed above.

I look forward to meeting you (to talking with you, to hearing from you soon).

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the ways my skills may best serve your company.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
Appendix IV
Questions that can be asked by the interviewer:
Could you tell me about yourself?

How would you describe your personality?

Why are you interested in our company?

Can you describe one or two of your most important accomplishments?

What would you say has been your greatest achievement so far? Why did you leave your previous job?

What is important to you in a company?

What are your strong points for this position?

What are your major weaknesses?

Why do you think you would be good at this job?

Do you prefer working alone or in groups?

What has been your most valuable experience?

Can you describe for me a difficult obstacle you have had to overcome? How did you handle it? How do you feel this experience affected your personality or ability?

How would you describe yourself as a person?

What things give you the most satisfaction at work?

What things frustrate you most? How do you usually cope with them?

Have you ever been in a situation in which you lost your temper?

How do you deal with difficult people?

In your work experience, what have you done that you consider truly creative?

Do you belong to any clubs, associations, or groups?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

What standards of success do you set yourself in your job?

What are the most important rewards you expect from your career? Have you ever done any public or group speaking? How did it go?

Describe your most significant success or failure in the two last years.

Describe your ideal boss.

Questions that can be asked by the applicant:
What will be my responsibilities?

Who will I report to? Who will be my supervisor?

What do you expect me to do in my company role?

Who are your customers/clients?

Where is the company going? What are its plans for expansion?
Appendix V
Useful phrases for making up presentations:

Section of presentation



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen…

Introducing the topic

The subject/topic of my talk is ...

I'm going to talk about ...

My topic today is…

My talk is concerned with...

Overview (outline of presentation)

I’m going to divide this talk into four parts.

There are a number of points I’d like to make.

Basically/ Briefly, I have three things to say.

I’d like to begin/start by...

Let's begin/start by...

First of all, I’ll...

… and then I’ll go on to…

Then/ Next...

Finally/ Lastly ...

Finishing a section

That’s all I have to say about...

We’ve looked at...

Starting a new section

Moving on now to…

Turning to...

Let’s turn now to…

The next issue/topic/area I’d like to focus on…

I’d like to expand/elaborate on …

Now we'll move on to...

I’d like now to discuss...

Let's look now at...

Analyzing a point and giving recommendations

Where does that lead us?

Let’s consider this in more detail...

What does this mean for...?

Translated into real terms...

Why is this important?

The significance of this is...

Giving examples

For example,...

A good example of this is...

As an illustration,...

To give you an example,...

To illustrate this point...

Summarizing and concluding

To sum up ...

To summarize...

Right, let’s sum up, shall we?

Let’s summarize briefly what we’ve looked at...

If I can just sum up the main points...

Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues we’ve covered...

To conclude...

In conclusion...

In short...

So, to remind you of what I’ve covered in this talk, …

Unfortunately, I seem to have run out of time, so I’ll conclude very briefly by saying that …..

I’d like now to recap...

Paraphrasing and clarifying

Simply put...

In other words.......

So what I’m saying is....

To put it more simply....

To put it another way....

Invitation to discuss / ask questions

I’m happy to answer any queries/ questions.

Does anyone have any questions or comments?

Please feel free to ask questions.

If you would like me to elaborate on any point, please ask.

Would you like to ask any questions?

Any questions?

1. Eisenbach, I. English for Material Science and Engineering. Exercises, Grammar, Case Studies. Germany, 2011, 109 p.

2. Ibbotson, M. Cambridge English for Engineering. 2008, 112 p.

3. Ibbotson, M. Professional English in Use. Engineering. Cambridge, 2007, 115 p.

4. Engineering materials. Конструкционные материалы: методические рекомендации для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов инженерных специальностей дневной и заочной форм получения образования/ сост. М.О. Гайдук, П.Н.Бушейко – Барановичи: РИО БарГУ, 2010.

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