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  • Feasibility assessment.

  • Establishing the design requirements.

  • Production planning and tool design.

  • Прочитайте следующие существительные и определите, от каких глаголов они образованы

  • 2. Подберите эквиваленты к словосочетаниям, обозначенным цифрами

  • 3. Подберите подходящую пару к словам, обозначенным цифрами. Полученные словосочетания переведите.

  • 4. Заполните пропуски, используя предложенные слова

  • Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и определите их функцию в предложении. Найдите в тексте примеры герундия и причастия I и укажите их функцию в предложении.

  • Задание V Определите, какие из данных утверждений истинны, а какие ложны

  • Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

  • Задание VI 1. Выполните письменный перевод текста. 2. Выполните устный пересказ текста, используя необходимые фразы. Unit 3 Задание I


  • General Arrangement Drawings

  • Assembly Drawings

  • Detail Drawings

  • Fabrication Drawings

  • Английский. Учебное пособие для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов III курсов ммф йошкарОла пгту 2013 удк 811. 111 (07)

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов III курсов ммф йошкарОла пгту 2013 удк 811. 111 (07)
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    Research. A significant amount of time is spent on research, or locating information. Consideration should be given to the existing applicable literature, problems and successes associated with existing solutions, costs, and marketplace needs. The source of information should be relevant, including existing solutions. Reverse engineering can be an effective technique if other solutions are available on the market. Other sources of information include the Internet, local libraries, available government documents, personal organizations, trade journals, vendor catalogs and individual experts available.

    Conceptualization. Once an engineering issue is clearly defined, solutions must be identified. These solutions can be found by using ideation, or the mental process by which ideas are generated. The following are the most widely used techniques:

    trigger word - a word or phrase associated with the issue at hand is stated, and subsequent words and phrases are evoked. For example, to move something from one place to another may evoke run, swim, roll, etc.

    morphological chart - independent design characteristics are listed in a chart, and different engineering solutions are proposed for each solution. Normally, a preliminary sketch and short report accompany the morphological chart.

    synectics - the engineer imagines him or herself as the item and asks, "What would I do if I were the system?" This unconventional method of thinking may find a solution to the problem at hand.

    brainstorming - this popular method involves thinking of different ideas and adopting these ideas in some form as a solution to the problem.

    Once an engineering issue is clearly defined, solutions must be identified. These solutions can be found by using ideation, or the mental process by which ideas are generated.

    Feasibility assessment. The purpose of a feasibility assessment is to determine whether the engineer's project can proceed into the design phase. This is based on two criteria: the project needs to be based on an achievable idea, and it needs to be within cost constraints. It is of utmost importance to have an engineer with experience and good judgment to be involved in this portion of the feasibility study, for they know whether the engineer's project is possible or not.

    Establishing the design requirements. Establishing design requirements is one of the most important elements in the design process, and this task is normally performed at the same time as the feasibility analysis. The design requirements control the design of the project throughout the engineering design process. Some design requirements include hardware and software parameters, maintainability, availability, and testability.

    Preliminary design. The preliminary design bridges the gap between the design concept and the detailed design phase. In this task, the overall system configuration is defined, and schematics, diagrams, and layouts of the project will provide early project configuration. During detailed design and optimization, the parameters of the part being created will change, but the preliminary design focuses on creating the general framework to build the project on.

    Detailed design. The detailed design portion of the engineering design process is the task where the engineer can completely describe a product through solid modeling and drawings. Some specifications include:

    - Operating parameters

    - Operating and non-operating environmental stimuli

    - Test requirements

    - External dimensions

    - Maintenance and testability provisions

    - Materials requirements

    - Reliability requirements

    - External surface treatment

    - Design life

    - Packaging requirements

    - External marking

    Production planning and tool design. The production planning and tool design is nothing more than planning how to mass-produce the project and which tools should be used in the manufacturing of the part. Tasks to complete in this step include selecting the material, selection of the production processes, determination of the sequence of operations, and selection of tools, such as jigs, fixtures, and tooling. This task also involves testing a working prototype to ensure the created part meets qualification standards.

    Production. With the completion of qualification testing and prototype testing, the engineering design process is finalized. The part must now be manufactured, and the machines must be inspected regularly to make sure that they do not break down and slow production.
    3. Запомните необходимый минимум профессиональной лексики:


    осуществимость, реализуемость


    формирование идей




    поиск творческих идей


    мозговой штурм






    план, расположение


    размеры, габариты








    опытный, производственный образец

    Задание II

    1. Определите по формальным признакам, какой частью речи являются следующие слова, и переведите их:

    Conceptualization, significant, applicable, available, government, mental, importance, testability, completely, reliability, external, fixture

    1. Прочитайте следующие существительные и определите, от каких глаголов они образованы:

    Assessment, consideration, judgment, configuration, optimization, provision, determination, qualification
    Задание III

    1. Подберите эквиваленты к глаголам, обозначенным цифрами:

    1. proceed (into)

    1. выполнять

    1. identify

    b) производить

    1. generate

    с) определять, выявлять

    1. perform

    d) обеспечивать

    1. focus on

    1. завершать

    1. describe

    1. переходить

    1. ensure

    g) проверять,

    производить осмотр

    1. finalize

    h) описывать

    1. manufacture

    i) сосредотачиваться

    1. inspect

    j) создавать

    2. Подберите эквиваленты к словосочетаниям, обозначенным цифрами:

    1. принятие решений

    1. feasibility assessment

    1. потребности рынка

    1. decision making

    1. обратное


    1. design life

    1. оценка осуществимости

    1. environmental stimulus

    1. ограничение на расходы

    1. reverse engineering

    1. моделирование

    объемных объектов

    1. cost constraint

    1. экологический стимул

    1. marketplace needs

    1. проектный срок службы

    h) solid modeling

    3. Подберите подходящую пару к словам, обозначенным цифрами. Полученные словосочетания переведите.

    1. convert

    1. machines

    1. meet

    1. production

    1. adopt

    с) prototypes

    1. test

    d) objectives

    1. inspect

    e) resources

    1. slow

    f) ideas

    4. Заполните пропуски, используя предложенные слова:
    Framework, establishment, qualification, judgment,

    design, brainstorming

    1. One of the fundamental elements of the design process is the… of objectives and criteria.

    2. … involves thinking of different ideas and adopting them in some form as a solution to the problem.

    3. Feasibility assessment should be carried out by an engineer with experience and good … .

    4. Preliminary … focuses on creating the general … to build the project on.

    5. Working prototypes must be tested to ensure they meet … standards.

    Задание IV

    1. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы.

    2. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и определите их функцию в предложении.

    3. Найдите в тексте примеры герундия и причастия I и укажите их функцию в предложении.

    Задание V

    1. Определите, какие из данных утверждений истинны, а какие ложны:

    1. The engineering design process must be started with research.

    2. Reverse engineering cannot be done if other solutions are available on the market.

    3. Synectics cannot be used at the stage of conceptualization.

    4. The design requirements are normally established in parallel with the feasibility analysis.

    5. During detailed design the general project framework is created.

    6. Engineers use solid modeling and drawings to completely describe a product.

    1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

    1. What are the fundamental elements of the design process?

    2. What should be taken into consideration during the research stage?

    3. What are the most widely used techniques of conceptualization?

    4. What are the feasibility assessment criteria?

    5. What are main specifications for the detail design?

    6. What tasks should be completed at the production planning stage?

    Задание VI
    1. Выполните письменный перевод текста.

    2. Выполните устный пересказ текста, используя необходимые фразы.

    Unit 3
    Задание I

    1. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словам, содержащим интернациональные корни:

    Technical, profession, projection, detail, transportation, mass, contract, geometry, position, code, plan

    Engineering Drawing is a graphical language used by engineers and other technical personnel associated with the engineering profession. The purpose of engineering drawing is to convey graphically the ideas and information necessary for the construction or analysis of machines, structures, or systems.

    A drawing of an object is prepared to define its shape and to specify its size. The shape description is based on projection and the size description on dimensioning. Every drawing must give its complete size description stating length, width, thickness, diameter of holes, grooves, angles, etc. and such other details relating to its construction. To give all those measurements and information describing the size of the object in the drawing is called dimensioning.

    Drawing of very big objects cannot be prepared in full size because these would be too big to accommodate on the drawing sheet. Drawings of very small objects also cannot be prepared in full size because these would be too small to draw and to read. A convenient scale is chosen to prepare the drawings of big as well as small objects in proportionately smaller or larger size. Therefore, scales are used to prepare a drawing at a full size (1:1.), reduced size (1:50) or enlarged size (20:1).

    There are a number of drawing types associated with the mechanical engineering design process.

    General Arrangement Drawings

    This drawing shows overall views of the equipment and provides all of the information to produce transportation, layout and installation drawings. The drawing includes a list of the arrangement drawings. The drawing includes overall dimensions, installation details, overall weight/mass, weights of sub systems, and service supply details.

    The general arrangement drawing includes references to the design documents. The drawing often also identifies relevant internal and external contract numbers. An example of a typical general arrangement drawing is a roller conveyor system comprising a number of conveyors with independent drives and guards.

    Assembly Drawings

    The assembly /sub-assembly drawings are drawings of discrete sub-systems showing in some detail how the component items fit together. Typical assembly drawings include gearbox drawings, roller drawings, guard system drawings.

    The assembly drawing will generally include at least three orthographic views with sections as needed to clearly show all of the details and their relative positions. Overall and detail dimensions will be shown. The weight/mass of the assembly/sub-assembly will be noted. The drawing will include a parts list identifying all of the component details with quantities and materials and supply details. The assembly drawing will include a list of reference drawings and notes identifying the relevant codes and specifications and testing requirements.

    Detail Drawings

    All individual items required to produce mechanical equipment need to be described in some detail to ensure that they are manufactured in accordance with the designers’ requirements. Proprietary items are selected from technical data sheets obtained from manufacturer /supplier. Items manufactured specifically for the application need to be made to detail drawings which include the geometry, material, heat treatment requirements, surface texture, size tolerances, geometric tolerances etc.
    The detail drawing should include all of the necessary information to enable procurement, manufacture and should identify all of the relevant codes and standards. The item weight/mass should also be included for reference. Depending on the level of detail, a detail drawing can comprise one drawing on a sheet or a number of separate drawings on one sheet. It is sometimes possible to combine the detail drawings onto the assembly drawing.

    Fabrication Drawings

    The fabrication drawing is a specific type of detail drawing. Some fabrication drawings are virtually assembly drawing e.g. when a number of items are assembled together as a fabrication. The fabrication drawing generally includes a material parts list identifying all of the materials used to build up the fabrication. All of the materials should be identified in accordance with the relevant standards and codes.
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