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  • Relative

  • a quality in a broad sense

  • a group of intensifiers

  • § 208.

  • § 209.

  • positive, comparative, and superlative.

  • -er, -y, -some, -ow

  • more

  • The following adjectives generally do not form degrees of comparison

  • With an adjective With a participle

  • Adjectives Adverbs

  • § 212.

  • a part of a compound nominal or double predicate

  • objective or subjective predicatives

  • the singular

  • Учебник Кобрина. Грамматика. Синтаксис.1999. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности 2103 "Иностранные языки". Спб., Союз, 1999. 496 с

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    Semantic characteristics

    § 207. According to their way of nomination adjectives fall into two groups - qualitative and relative.
    Qualitative adjectives denote properties of a substance directly (great, cold, beautiful, etc.).
    Relative adjectives describe properties of a substance through relation to materials (woollen, wooden, feathery, leathern, flaxen), to place (Northern, European, Bulgarian, Italian), to time (daily, monthly, weekly, yearly), to some action (defensive, rotatory, preparatory), or to relationship (fatherly, friendly).

    Qualitative adjectives in their turn may be differentiated according to their meaning into descriptive, denoting a quality in a broad sense (wonderful, light, cold, etc.) and limiting, denoting a specific category, a part of a whole, a sequence of order, a number (the previous page, an equestrian statue, medical aid, the left hand).

    Limiting adjectives single out the object or substance, impart a concrete or unique meaning to it, specify it, and therefore can seldom be replaced by other adjectives of similar meaning.

    Among limiting adjectives there is a group of intensifiers, which often form a phraseological unit with their head-word, for example: an obvious failure, a definite loss, a sure sign, a complete fool, absolute nonsense, plain nonsense, the absolute limit.

    Relative adjectives are also limiting in their meaning.

    Many adjectives may function either as descriptive or limiting, depend­ing on the head-word and the context. Thus a little finger may denote either a small finger or the last finger of a hand. In the first case little is descriptive, in the second it is limiting. Likewise musical in a musical voice is descriptive, while it is limiting in a musical instrument.

    Adjectives also differ as to their function. Some of them are used only attributively and cannot be used as p r e d i с a t i v e s (a top boy in the class, but not *the boy was top): some are used only as predicatives and never as attrubutes (He is well again, but not *The well boy).

    The change in the position and, accordingly, of the syntactic status of the adjective may also result in the change in the meaning of the adjective. Thus in a fast train the adjective is limiting and denotes a specific kind of train (скорый поезд), whereas in the train was fast the adjective is descriptive, as it describes the way the train moved (поезд шел на большой скорости).

    Morphological composition

    § 208. According to their morphological composition adjectives can be subdivided into simple, derived and compound.

    In the case of simple adjectives such as kind, new, fresh, we cannot always tell whether a word is an adjective by looking at it in isolation, as the form does not always indicate its status.
    Derived adjectives are recognizable morphologically. They consist of one root morpheme and one or more derivational morphemes - suffixes or prefixes. There are the following adjective-forming suffixes:






















    musical, governmental


    beaded, barbed

    wooden, silken, shrunken


    twofold, manifold

    careful, sinful

    pessimistic, atomic

    torpid, morbid

    feverish, bluish

    effective, distinctive

    careless, spotless

    manlike, warlike

    kindly, weekly, homely




    lonesome, troublesome

    handy, messy

    Some adjectives are former participles and therefore retain participial suffixes: charming, interesting, cunning, daring.
    The suffixes -ly, -ed, -ful, -ary, -al, -y are not confined to adjectives only. Thus, many adverbs are derived from adjectives hy means of the suffix -ly (strongly, bitterly, quickly). Most of the verbs form their past tense and participle II with -ed. There are many nouns with the suffixes -al (festival, scandal, criminal), -ary (boundary, missionary), -ful (mouthful, handful), -y (sonny, doggy), etc.
    Compound adjectives consist of at least two stems. They may be of several patterns:
    a) consisting of a noun + an adjective:

    colour-blind, grass-green;
    b) consisting of an adjective + an adjective:

    c) consisting of an adverb + a participle:

    well-known, newly-repaired, much-praised;
    d) Consisting of a noun/pronoun + a verbal:

    all-seeing, heart-breaking, high-born, high-flown, man-made;
    e) consisting of an adjective/adverb + a noun + the suffix -ed:

    blue-eyed, long-legged, fair-haired, down-hearted.

    Morphological characteristics

    § 209. Adjectives in English do not take any endings to express agreement with the head-word.

    The only pattern of morphological change is that of degrees of comparison, which is possible only for descriptive qualitative adjectives the meaning of which is compatible with the idea of gradation of quality.

    There are three grades of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative. The superlative is generally used with the definite article. Ways of formation may be synthetic, analytic, and suppletive (irregular). The synthetic way is by adding the inflection -er, -est, as fine -finer - finest. This means is found with monosyllabic and some disyllabic adjectives in which the stress falls on the last syllable:
    1) full - fuller - fullest




    - politer

    - profounder

    - completer

    - politest

    - profoundest

    - completest

    2) in which the second syllable is the syllabic [1]:



    - abler

    - nobler

    - ablest

    - noblest

    3) with adjectives in -er, -y, -some, -ow:,





    - tenderer

    - happier

    - handsomer

    - narrower

    - tenderest

    - happiest

    - handsomest

    - narrowest

    Synthetic inflection, however, is often found in other disyllabic adjectives:
    You are the horridest man I have ever seen.
    Polysyllabic adjectives form their degrees of comparison analytic­ally, by means of more and most:
    difficult - more difficult - most difficult

    curious - more curious - most curious
    Note 1:
    Even monosyllabic adjectives used in postposition or predicatively have a greater tendency towards analytic forms of comparison than when used attributively.

    He is a man more clever thап you.

    He is a cleverer man.
    The superlative is sometimes used without the when the aqjective denotes a very high degree of quality and no comparison with other objects is implied.
    The path is steepest here.

    She is happiest at home.
    Note 2:
    This morphological pattern (long - longer - longest) is not confined to adjectives, there are also a number of adverbs which may have the same endings, i.e. soon - sooner - soonest, hard - harder - hardest.

    Superlatives are often used alone before an of-phrase:

    the best of friends, the youngest of the family.
    Several adjectives form their degrees of comparison by means of (suppletive forms) irregularly:





    - better

    - worse

    - less

    - more

    - best

    - worst

    - least

    - most


    farther - farthest (with reference to distance)

    further - furthest (with reference to distance, abstract notions and in figurative use)


    older - oldest (with reference to age)

    elder - eldest (with reference to the sequence of brothers and sisters)

    Adjectival compounds can be inflected in two ways, either the first element is inflected (if it is an adjective or adverb), or comparison is with more and most, for example:




    - better-known

    - more dull-witted

    - more kind-hearted

    - best-known

    - most dull-witted

    - most kind-hearted

    The following adjectives generally do not form degrees of comparison:
    1. Limiting qualitative adjectives which single out or determine the type of things or persons, such as:

    previous, middle, left, childless, medical,dead, etc.
    2. Relative adjectives (which are also limiting in their meaning) such as:

    woollen, wooden, flaxen, earthen, ashen.
    3. Adjectives with comparative and superlative meaning (the so-called gradables) which are of Latin origin:

    former, inner, upper, junior, senior, prior, superior, etc. (originally with comparative meaning), and

    minimal, optimal, proximal, etc. (originally with superlative meaning).

    With most of them the comparative meaning has been lost and they are used as positive forms (the inner wall, the upper lip, superior quality, minimal losses).

    However, some comparatives borrowed from Latin (major, minor, exterior, interior, junior, senior) may form their own comparatives with a change of meaning.
    4. Adjectives already denoting some gradation of quality, such as darkish, greenish, etc.

    Adjectives of participial origin

    § 210. Only certain adjectives derived from participles reach full adjectival status. Among those in current use are interesting, charming, crooked, learned, ragged and those compounded with another element, which sometimes gives them quite a different meaning (good-looking, heart­breaking, hard-boiled, frost-bitten, weather-beaten, etc.).

    In most cases, however, the difference between the adjective and the participle is revealed only in the sentence. The difference lies in the verbal nature retained by the participle. The verbal nature is explicit when a direct object or a by-object is present. This can be seen from the following pairs of sentences:

    With an adjective

    With a participle

    You are insulting.

    His views were alarming

    The man was offended.

    You are insulting us.

    His views were alarming the audience.

    The man was offended by the secretary’s remark.

    The verbal force of the participle is revealed in its limited combinability - it is not combinable with very. In the above sentences, it is possible to use very in the left-hand column, but not in the right-hand column.

    Some adjectives only look like participles, there being no corresponding verbs:
    downhearted, talented, diseased.
    In some cases there are corresponding verbs, but the -ed- participle is not interpreted as passive, because the corresponding verb can be used only intransitively:
    the escaped prisoner (the prisoner who has escaped)

    the departed guests (the guests who have departed)

    the faded curtains (the curtains which have faded)

    the retired officer (the officer who has retired)
    (See participles of intransitive verbs, § 143.)

    Adjectives and adverbs

    Some adjectives coincide in form with adverbs, for example, slow, long, fast, above, real, mighty, sure, the last three being used as adverbs only in colloquial style.



    The examples above (given above)

    a fast walk

    It is real.

    He is sure of it.

    We could see nothing above or below

    to walk fast

    He is real good.

    It sure will help.

    Patterns of combinability

    § 211. Adjectives are combined with several parts of speech.
    1. They may combine with nouns, which they may premodify or postmodify: a black dress, a chivalrous gentleman, the delegates present.

    If there are several premodifying adjectives to one headword they have definite positional assignments. Generally descriptive adjectives precede the limiting ones, as in a naughty little boy, a beautiful French girl, but il there are several of each type, adjectives of different meanings stand in the following order:


















    or general






    pale green






    bright red








    For example: a large black and white hunting dog, a small pale green oval seed.
    This order of words is of course not absolutely fixed, since many adjectives may be either descriptive or limiting (see above), depending on the context. The adjectives are not separated by commas, unless they belong to the same type: a nice little old man. However, if there is more than one adjective of the same type they are separated by commas: nasty, irritable, selfish man (all three belong to the type of ‘judgement or general characterization’).

    Postmodification is usual for the adjectives elect, absent, present, concerned, involved, proper.
    The president elect (that is: who has been elected and is soon to take office).
    In several noun-phrases of French origin (mostly legal or quasilegal) the adjective is also postpositional.

    attorney general

    heir apparent

    time immemorial

    body politic

    Queen Regnant

    Lords Spiritual (Temporal)

    These noun-phrases are very similar to compounds and some of them are spelt as a compound, with a hyphen (knight-errant, postmaster-general). The plural ending is attached either to the first element, or to the second:





    Postmodification may be due to the structural complexity of postmodifiers (the children easiest to teach, the climate peculiar to this country), or to the presence of only or all in preposition (the only actor suitable, the only person visible, all the money available).
    2. Beside their usual function, that of modifying nouns, adjectives may be combined with other words in the sentence.

    They may be modified by adverbials of degree, like very, quite, that, rather, most, a lot, a sort of, a bit, enough, totally, perfectly, so... as: very long, a bit lazy, sort of naive, far enough, a little bit tired, a most beautiful picture, not so foolish as that, she is not that crazy.
    The adverb very can combine only with adjectives denoting the gradable properties. Thus it is possible to say very tired (tiredness may be of different degree), but it is impossible to say *very unknown, *very ceaseless, *very unique, as these adjectives do not allow of gradation.

    With the adverb too the indefinite article is placed between the adjective and the head-noun. With the adverb rather the article is placed after it:
    This is too difficult a problem to solve at once.

    This is rather a complicated matter.
    3. Predicative adjectives are combined with the link verbs tobe, toseem, to appear, to look, to turn, or notional verbs in a double predicate:
    He looks tired. She does not seem so crazy as before. She is quite healthy. She felt faint. If sounded rather

    fussy. The food tasted good. The flowers smell sweet.

    Syntactic functions

    § 212. Adjectives may have different functions in the sentence.

    The most common are those of an attribute or a predicative.

    The attributes (premodifying and postmodifying) may be closely attached to their head-words (o good boy, the delegates present), or they may be loose (detached) (Clever and ambitious, he schemed as well as he could). In the first case the adjective forms a group with the noun it modifies; in the second case the adjective forms a sense-group separate from the head-word and the other parts of the sentence. A detached attribute is therefore separated by a comma from its head-word if it adjoins it, or from other parts of the sentence if it is distant from the head-word. As predicatives, adjectives may form a part of a compound nominal or double predicate (he was alone, the window was open. Old Jolyon sat alone, the dog went mad). Predicative adjectives may be modified by adverbials of manner, degree, or consequence and by clauses, forming long phrases as, in:
    He is not so foolish as to neglect it.

    She is not so crazy as you may imagine.

    It is not as simple as you think.
    Adjectives may also function as objective or subjective predicatives in complex constructions:

    We consider him reliable.

    I can drink coffee hot.

    He pushed the door open.

    Better eat the apples fresh.

    I consider what he did awful.

    objects + objective predicatives

    The fruits were picked ripe.

    The windows were flung open.

    subjective predicatives

    Adjectives may be used parenthetically, conveying the attitude of the speaker to the contents of the sentence (strange, funny, curious, odd, surprising), often premodified by more or most.
    Strange, it was the same person.

    Most incredible, he deceived us.
    A certain type of exclamatory sentence is based on adjectives, often modified by other words: How good of you! How wonderful! Excellent! Just right!

    Substantivized adjectives

    § 213. Substantivized adjectives may fall into several groups, according to their meaning and the nominal features they possess.
    1. Some substantivized adjectives have only the singular form. They may have either the singular or plural agreement, depending on their meaning. These are:
    a) substantivized adjectives denoting generalized or abstract notions.

    They are used with the definite article and have singular agreement:

    the fabulous, the unreal, the invisible:

    The fabulous is always interesting.
    There are, however, certain exceptions. Substantivized adjectives denoting abstract notions may sometimes be used in the plural. Then no article is used:
    There are many variables and unknowns.
    b) substantivized adjectives denoting languages are used without a determiner, but are often modified by a pronoun. They also have singular agreement.
    My Spanish is very poor.

    He speaks excellent English.
    c) substantivized adjectives denoting groups of persons or persons of the same nationality are used with the definite article the and admit only of plural agreement the old, the poor, the rich, the blind, the dumb and deaf, the mute, the eminent, the English.
    He did not look an important personage, but the eminent rarely do.

    The poor were robbed of their lands.
    2. Some substantivized adjectives have the category of number, that is they can have two forms - the singular and the plural. These are:
    a) substantivized adjectives denoting social rank or position, military ranks, party, creed, gender, nationality, race, groups of people belonging to certain times or epochs, etc. In the plural the use of the article is not obligatory: nobles, equals, superiors, inferiors, commercials, domestics, privates, regulars, ordinaries, marines, Christians, primitives, moderns, ancients, contemporaries, liberals, conservatives, Europeans, Asiatics, Eurasians, Indians, Easterns, blacks, whites, etc.

    When denoting an individual such words are used in the singular and are preceded by the indefinite article: a noble, a private, a regular, an ordinary, a Christian, a primitive, a liberal, etc.
    There were a few deads missing from the briefing.
    - How many have you killed?

    - One hundred and twenty two sures. Not counting possibles.
    He’s been working like a black.
    b) substantivized adjectives denoting animals and plants: evergreens, thoroughbreds (about horses).
    3. Some substantivized adjectives have only the plural form. These are:
    a) substantivized adjectives denoting studies and examinations. They have either the singular or plural

    agreement depending on whether they denote one notion or a collection of notions: classics, finals

    (final examinations), midsessionals, etc.
    Finals were approaching.
    b) substantivized adjectives denoting collection of things, substances and foods. Some of these admit

    either of both the singular and plural agreement (chemicals, movables, necessaries, valuables, eatables,

    greens), others admit only of a singular agreement (bitters).
    c) substantivized adjectives which are the names of the parts of the body are used with the definite article

    the and admit of the plural agreement: the vitals, the whites (of the eyes).
    d) substantivized adjectives denoting colours are used in the plural without any article: greys, reds,

    purples, greens.

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