Учебник Кобрина. Грамматика. Синтаксис.1999. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности 2103 "Иностранные языки". Спб., Союз, 1999. 496 с
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Содержание Morphology 4 PARTS OF SPEECH 4 THE VERB 4 Formation of verb categories 5 Morphological composition 5 Basic verb forms 5 Regular and irregular verbs 6 The category of tense 14 The category of aspect 14 The category of perfect 16 Present tenses 19 Past tenses 30 Future tenses 38 Future in the past tenses 43 The sequence of tenses 44 The category of voice 47 The category of mood 56 NON-FINITE FORMS OF THE VERB (VERBALS) 71 The Infinitive 72 Predicative constructions with the infinitive 88 The for-to-infinitive construction 88 The objective with the infinitive construction 89 The gerund 90 The gerund and the infinitive compared 98 The gerund and the verbal noun compared 100 The participle 100 MODAL VERBS 117 Can 118 May 121 Must 123 To have to, have got to 126 To be to 127 Need 129 Ought to 130 Should 131 Shall 132 Will 133 Dare 135 THE NOUN 136 Semantic characteristics 136 Morphological composition 137 Morphological characteristics 138 The category of number 139 The category of case 148 THE ARTICLE 152 The use of the indefinite article 153 The use of the definite article 155 Absence of the article 160 THE ADJECTIVE 168 Semantic characteristics 168 Morphological composition 168 Morphological characteristics 169 Adjectives of participial origin 171 Adjectives and adverbs 172 Patterns of combinability 172 Syntactic functions 173 Substantivized adjectives 174 THE PRONOUN 175 Morphological composition and categorical characteristics 175 Subclasses of pronouns and their functions 176 THE NUMERAL 188 Morphological composition 189 Morphological characteristics 190 Patterns of combinability 190 Syntactic function 192 Substantivized numerals 193 THE STATIVE 193 Morphological characteristics 194 Syntactic function 195 THE ADVERB 195 Morphological composition 196 Morphological characteristics 197 Semantic characteristics 198 Syntactic functions and patterns of combinability 199 Positional characteristics 200 MODAL WORDS 201 THE PREPOSITION 202 Morphological composition 202 Semantic characteristics 203 Combinability of prepositions 204 Positional characteristics 205 THE CONJUNCTION 206 Morphological composition 206 Semantic characteristics 207 Combinability of conjunctions and their functions 208 THE CONJUNCTS 210 THE PARTICLE 211 THE INTERJECTION 213 Syntax 214 THE SENTENCE 214 Structural classification of sentences 214 THE SIMPLE SENTENCE 216 Two-member sentences 216 One-member sentences 216 Elliptical (incomplete) sentences 217 COMMUNICATIVE TYPES OF SENTENCES 218 Declarative sentences 218 Interrogative sentences 219 Imperative sentences 224 Exclamatory sentences 226 NON-SENTENCE UTTERANCES 227 NEGATION 227 PARTS OF THE SENTENCE 231 Ways of expressing parts of the sentence 231 Levels of syntactical analysis 235 The subject 235 The predicate 240 Structural classification of the predicate 241 The simple predicate 241 The compound predicate 243 Agreement of the predicate with the subject 251 The object 257 Ways of expressing the object 257 Types of object 258 Objects to adjectives 265 Objects to statives 265 Objects to adverbs 266 The attribute 266 Ways of expressing attributes 266 The position of attributes 269 Types of connection between an attribute and its headword 271 The apposition 272 Types of connection between an apposition and its headword 273 The adverbial modifier 273 Obligatory and non-obligatory adverbial modifiers 274 Detached adverbial modifiers 275 Ways of expressing adverbial modifiers 276 Structural classification of the adverbial modifier 277 Semantic characteristics of the adverbial modifier 278 Semantic classes of adverbial modifiers 278 Independent elements of the sentence 284 WORD ORDER 285 The grammatical function of word order 286 The emphatic and communicative functions of word order 290 The linking function of word order 291 THE PREDICATIVE COMPLEXES 292 The subjective predicative constructions * 293 The objective predicative constructions* 296 The absolute nominative constructions 301 The for-to-infinitive constructions 304 The gerundial predicative constructions 305 THE COMPOSITE SENTENCE 306 THE COMPOUND SENTENCE 307 THE COMPLEX SENTENCE 311 Formal indicators of subordination (connectors) 311 Functional classification of subordinate clauses 314 The complex sentence with nominal clauses 314 The complex sentence with an attributive clause 319 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause 323 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of place 323 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of time 324 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of manner 325 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of comparison 326 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of condition 327 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of concession 329 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of purpose 331 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of cause 332 The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of result (consequence) 333 The complex sentence with mutually subordinated clauses 334 Pseudo-complex sentences 335 Appended clauses (повторы с уточнением) 336 Absolute (or indendent) subordinate clauses 336 Parenthetical clauses (parentheses) 337 INDIRECT SPEECH 338 APPENDIX I 340 SOME WAYS OF SENTENCE EXTENSION 340 APPENDIX II 344 SOME SPECIAL DIFFICULTIES OF ANALYSIS 344 APPENDIX III 346 SUGGESTED WAYS OF SENTENCE ANALYSIS 346 |