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  • The simple verbal predicate § 48.

  • The simple nominal predicate § 49.

  • Учебник Кобрина. Грамматика. Синтаксис.1999. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности 2103 "Иностранные языки". Спб., Союз, 1999. 496 с

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности 2103 "Иностранные языки". Спб., Союз, 1999. 496 с
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    The predicate

    § 46. The predicate is the second main part of the sentence and its organizing centre, as the object and nearly all adverbial modifiers are connected with, and dependent on, it.

    The predicate may be considered from the semantic or from the structural point of view. Structurally the predicate in English expressed by a finite verb agrees with the subject in number and person. The only exception to this rule is a compound modal and a simple nominal predicate, the latter having no verb form at all (see § 49).

    According to the meaning of its components, the predicate may denote an action, a state, a quality, or an attitude to some action or state ascribed to the subject. These different meanings find their expression in the structure of the predicate and the lexical meaning of its constituents.

    Structural classification of the predicate

    § 47. From the structural point of view there are two main types of predicate: the simple predicate and the compound predicate. Both these types may be either nominal or verbal, which gives four sub-groups: simple verbal, simple nominal, compound verbal, compound nominal. Compound verbal predicates may be further classified into phasal, modal and of double orientation Compound nominal predicates may be classified into nominal proper and double nominal.

    The simple predicate

    The simple verbal predicate
    § 48. The simple verbal predicate is expressed by:
    1. A verb in a synthetic or analytical form.
    John runs quickly.

    I was sent in to get my tea.

    Perhaps you will even remember that woman.

    When did life begin on earth?

    I didn’t care about the consequence.

    Don’t come too late.
    2. A verb phrase (a phraseological equivalent of a verb denoting one action).
    Here belong:
    a) Phrases denoting single actions:

    to have a look, to have a smoke, to have a talk, to give a look, to give a laugh, to give a cry, to take a

    look, to make a move, to make a remark, to pay a visit, etc.
    They comprise a transitive verb and a deverbal noun with the indefinite article.
    Nurse Sharp gave him a look and walked out.

    The man gave a violent start.

    Did you have a sleep?

    It’s time we were making a move.
    b) Phrases denoting various kinds of actions. In most cases they comprise an abstract noun used with no

    article but often preceded by an attribute:

    to change one's mind, to get rid (of), to get hold (of), to lose sight (of), to make fun (of), to make up

    one's mind, to make use (of), to take care (of), to take leave (of), to take part (in), etc.
    I have never taken much interest in German songs.

    She paid little heed to what was going on in the world outside.

    Are you taking part in the concert?
    The simple nominal predicate
    § 49. The simple nominal predicate is expressed by a noun, or an adjective, or a verbal, ft does not contain a link verb, as it shows the incompatibility of the idea expressed by the subject and that expressed by the predicate; thus in the meaning of the simple nominal predicate there is an implied negation.

    He a gentleman!

    You a bother! Never.

    Fred, a priest!

    Rondal, jealous!

    Nick, dishonest!

    Such an old lady to come so far!

    Ну какой же он джентльмен!

    Ты - зануда! Ну, что ты!

    Чтобы Фред был священником!

    Рондел - ревнует! (Быть того не может!)

    Ник - нечестный! Не может быть!

    Чтобы такая пожилая дама пришла издалека!

    Sentences with the simple nominal predicate are always exclamatory evidently owing to the implication of a negation or of an evaluation.

    The predicate is mostly commad off (separated by a comma), but a comma is not regarded as a strict rule.

    These predicates are used in colloquial English, although not fre­quently.

    The simple nominal predicate can be expressed by:
    1. A noun.
    My son a clergyman!

    She, a nun!

    Me, a liar!
    2. An adjective.
    My ideas obsolete!

    Ronnie, good-looking!

    You sad!
    3. An infinitive or an infinitive phrase.
    Hercule Poirot to sleep while murder is committed!

    My boy insult a gentleman at my table!
    4. Participle I or a participial phrase.
    She spying!

    Me trying to be funny!

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