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  • Business models of cloudy IT-servicing

  • The results of the analyses

  • Conclusions and directions for further research

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    Daynovskyy Y.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Сhief of Department of Marketing, Lviv
    University of Trade and Economics (Lviv, Ukraine)
    Hlinenko L.K., PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
    Information Technology, National University «Lvivska Polytechnika» (Lviv, Ukraine)
    Business models of cloudy IT-servicing
    Aim of the article. Application of cloud technologies extends possibilities of delivering the IT-
    services "on demand", makes cooperation between the participants of business more rapid, more flexible
    and more open. However, methods of successful organization of businesses on the basis of cloud
    technologies appear to be rather the result of certain business-initiatives than of the analysis of
    advantages and drawbacks of different business models with further reasonable choice of the most
    suitable model. So the systematization and classification of business models of modern cloud businesses,
    analysis of their strengths and weaknesses seems to be an actual task. Numerous publications
    considering the business models of cloud services mainly don't go beyond the levels of serviced IT-
    resources or methods of granting the access to them without reasoning the choice of both of them with
    taking into account target consumers, key resources, pricing models, service content etc. The purpose
    of the article is to investigate the typology of business models of cloud businesses and to reveal the terms
    of successful introduction of certain models.
    The results of the analyses. A business model is traditionally considered as a structural model
    of value creation and commercialization by the business system. Special features of cloud services
    determine the particularities of constructing the business models of cloud service providers. In all
    classifications of business models of cloud ecosystems two invariants are taken into account: method of
    deploying the IT-services (private, public, community and hybrid clouds) and level of the virtually
    (through a cloud) rendered services determined by virtually used IT-resource called the layer of IT-
    services (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS; Platform as a Service, PaaS; Software as a Service, SaaS;
    Business Process as a Service, BPaaS). Evident additional business model elements are represented by
    pricing model (mainly pay per use or subscription) and value proposal which ranges in different
    typologies from the level of the virtually rendered services to the content of each special service (cloud
    storage, cloud service brokerage, cloud service integration, security as a service etc.). Each of the
    models has different market maturity and prospects of market growth, needs special resources for
    deployment and provides different advantages for users.
    To choose а model for cloud service providing we suggest comparing the provider resources
    and goals with success driving factors for each model. For instance, the SaaS level provides the easiest
    market entry, the best opportunities for innovations, the least need for venture capital and lots of
    successful business models, but the technology/vendor lock-in is very high and competition is very
    strong. This model provides lots of advantages for a consumer: scaling, robustness, economy and
    optimization of costs, reliability etc. As the model of service consumption, it is extremely attractive for
    organizations avoiding spending resources on buying and maintaining general applications or to those
    that have not enough capital to buy the licensed software (start-ups, enterprises of small and medium
    business, educational institutions). On the contrary, the IaaS level needs much more capital and market

    Marketing and Digital Technologies Volume 3, No 2, 2019
    ISSN 2522-9087 (Print)
    ISSN 2523-434X (Online)
    entry investments, provides fewer opportunities for innovations, but is easy to buy and deploy;
    competitive advantage is mainly based on better utilization of existing infrastructure. As the model of
    service consumption, IaaS is attractive for enterprises with too high or permanently changing demands
    for hardware. While offering IaaS the provider is to distinguish the type of offering for experienced
    users (medium and big enterprises) and the start-ups: first are interested in managed services, second
    – in traditional ones. Offering the services transition of on-premise IT to cloud is also attractive for
    medium and big enterprises. Supporting the multi-cloud management seems to be promising for
    Ukrainian providers: they can offer own IaaS service and act as a broker for other, more advanced
    providers so that the users succeed in avoiding vendor lock-in.
    The Ukrainian market of cloud IT-services is saturated with proposals of well-known foreign
    providers though the segment of home providers is rather strong and increasing in volume but not in
    share. Home vendors develop innovative services targeted at different types of consumers but it is
    difficult for them to compete with foreign IaaS/PaaS providers in prices and consumers’ trust in
    reliability. Nevertheless, strong and increasing demand for some kinds of services such as BaaS, DRaaS,
    SECaaS seems to be promising enough for home vendors. Moreover, one can expect great market
    extension for home providers in case of probable regulatory prohibition on some data hosting out of
    Conclusions and directions for further research. It is obvious that in future more and more
    enterprises will be predisposed to identify the IT-processes as non-specialized and to apply the lease of
    IT-resources with outsourcing the management of them and simultaneous introduction of own cloudy
    structures for a managing the key business processes. At the same time an increase of demand for cloud
    services must result in more active entering the Ukrainian market by both foreign and home providers
    of such services. To succeed in the market of cloud services the providers and users are to consider the
    features of different business models of cloud servicing in comparison to their own resources and goals.
    The market of these services develops and changes rapidly resulting in change in requirements to the
    successful business models of their provision and deployment that are to be the object of further
    Keywords: cloud services, business model, infrastructure as service (IaaS), platform as service
    (PaaS), software as service (SaaS).
    Надійшло до редакції 24 лютого 2019.
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