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  • Grammar Revision: Noun attributes and Passive Voice

  • Unit 5. Convergence in Telecoms and IT. New Trends Start-up

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    Comprehension check
    4.9 Answer the questions:

    1) What are the main segments of GPS?

    2) What augmentation are supposed in GPS?

    3) Is the GPS system popular?

    4) How many satellites does navigation system comprise?

    5) What augmentation serves the US NASA science mission?

    6) Why is timing so important?

    7) What is the precision of atomic clock?

    8) How are navigation systems used on the roads?

    9) What is GIS?

    10) What is ITS?
    4.10 Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (+) or false (—), correct the false ones:

    1) The GPS provides only positioning services.

    2) The system consists of four segments.

    3) A number of augmentations are available in over 60 countries.

    4) Precise time is crucial for military purposes only.

    5) GPS is used in making modern films.

    6) The delays on the roads directly affect the economy.

    7) In-vehicle navigation systems are not common yet.

    8) GIS is used to keep transit vehicles on schedule.

    9) GPS is an essential element of ITS.

    10) ITS is able to estimate the position of a vehicle with an accuracy of 1 cm.
    Language in use

      1. Replace the italicized words with the equivalents from the box.

    sidereal annually vehicle






    1.The planes are orbiting at a height of approximately 20000 km.

    2. Each orbital plane carries four space conveniences.

    3. Each space vehicle makes two complete orbits each stellar day.

    4. A number of enhancements to the GPS are available.

    5. Each GPS satellite contains multiple atomic clocks that contribute very exact time data to the GPS signals.

    6. The control segment supports health and status of the satellite constellation.

    7. GPS has become a widely used help to navigation worldwide.

    8. Delays from congestion on highways result in productivity losses in the hundreds of billions of dollars yearly.

      1. Complete the sentences with the words as in the text.

    constellation, 3-dimensional, augmentation, synchronize, maintains, efficiency, vehicle, utility, displays

    1. GIS is used to monitor_________________ location.

    2. GIS stores, analyses and______________ geographically referenced information.

    3. An_____________ is any system that aids GPS.

    4. The GPS is a___________ that provides users with PNT services.

    5. The space segment_____________ consists of 24 satellites.

    6. The control segment____________ the satellites in their proper orbits.

    7. The user's segment calculates the user's ___________position and time.

    8. Major banks use GPS to____________ their computers around the world.

    9. Many economic activities rely on precision timing for operational______.

    Grammar Revision:Noun attributes and Passive Voice:
    4.13 Read and translate the following word combinations paying attention

    to nouns as attributes.

    Remote control station, light pulses, light wave communications system, transmission system, telecommunications network, glass fiber, voice signal, data signal, television signal, telecommunications transmission, construction cost, underground duct, copper cable, signal regenerator, carrier system, device reliability, laser beam wave, radio wave speed, disaster- relief team, , one-way signal, three-dimensional position, on-time performance, advanced- driver assistant system, disaster-relief team, lane-change collision avoidance system, crash prevention, position notification.
    4.14 Read the following sentences and say which of them are in the Active and which are in the Passive Voice. Translate them into Russian.

    1. While the experiment was being carried out nobody left the station.

    2. A new type of satellite equipment is being produced at our plant.

    3. At present scientific work is being done mostly by large groups of researchers.

    4. The apparatus will be working when you come.

    5. The scientists who are carrying out research into radio astronomy deal with the most difficult problems.

    6. For twenty minutes the air in the laboratory was being purified by two ventilators.

    7. The solar battery is converting the energy of sun rays directly into electric energy.

    8. This experiment was being carried out in vacuum.

    9. For a long time the electronic devices were being used for control.

    10. An interesting research in the field of electronics is being done at our Institute.

    11. Prospects of the usage of solar energy are already understood by everybody.

    12. Now solar energy is being studied by a lot of research groups.

    13. Siberian scientists are developing new types of geostationary devices.

    14. We were looking for a more simple method of solution but could not find it.

    15. The engineers will discuss the advantages of this new system.

    16. Our laboratory is housed in an old building.

    17. A new navigation equipment is being examined by our scientists now.
    4.15 Read text B and say if it covers the following ideas:

    1. What is the name of the Chinese navigation system?

    2. What countries develop the Galileo system?

    3. What is driving the technological battle between Russia and US?

    4. How many satellites does navigation system need?

    5. What is the advantage of the GLONASS-capable GPS receiver?
    Text B. GLONASS

    The days of the cold war may have passed, but Russia and the United States are in the midst of another battle - this one a technological fight over the United States monopoly on satellite navigation. Nor is Russia the only country trying to break the American monopoly on navigation technology. China has already sent up satellites to create its own system, called Baidu after the Chinese word for the Big Dipper1. And the European Union has also begun developing a rival system, Galileo, although work has been halted because of doubts among the private contractors over its potential for profits.

    GLONASS is a radio-based satellite navigation system, developed by the former Soviet Union and now operated for the Russian government by the Russian Space Forces. Development on the GLONASS began in 1976. The constellation was completed in 1995, but the system rapidly fell into disrepair with the collapse of the Russian economy. Beginning in 2001, Russia committed to restoring the system by 2011, and in recent years has diversified, introducing the Indian government as a partner, and accelerated the program with a goal of global coverage by 2009 A fully functional GLONASS constellation consists of 24 satellites, with 21 operating and three on-orbit spares1, deployed in three orbital planes. A characteristic of the GLONASS constellation is that any given satellite only passes over the exact same spot on the Earth every eighth sidereal day. However, as each orbit plane contains eight satellites, a satellite will pass the same place every sidereal day. For comparison, each GPS satellite passes over the same spot once every sidereal day.

    There were three generations of the satellites. The true first generation of Uragan satellites were all 3-axis2 stabilized vehicles, generally weighing 1,250-kg.

    These spacecraft demonstrated a 16-month average operational lifetime. The second generation of satellites, known as Uragan-M (also called GLONASS-M), possess a substantially increased lifetime of seven years and weigh slightly more - 1,480 kg. The latest designed generation of Uragan-K (GLONASS-K) spacecraft are the third generation of satellites. These satellites are designed with a lifetime of 10 to 12 years, a reduced weight of only 750 kg, and offer an additional L-Band4 navigational signal. As with the previous satellites, these are 3-axis stabilized, nadir5 pointing with dual solar arrays.

    By May 2007 the system remains partially operational. There were 11 satellites. In recent years, Russia has kept the satellite orbits optimized for navigating in Chechnya, increasing signal coverage there at the cost of degrading coverage in the rest of the world. GLONASS availability in Russia was 45.3% and average availability for the whole Earth was down to 30.5%, with significant areas of less than 25% availability. Meaning that, at any given time of the day in Russia, there is a 45.3% likelihood that a position fix can be calculated.

    The Russian system is also calculated to send ripples through the fast-expanding industry for consumer navigation devices by promising a slight technical advantage over G.P.S. alone. Devices receiving signals from both systems would presumably be more reliable. "The network must be impeccable, better than G.P.S., and cheaper if we want clients to choose Glonass," Mr. Putin said at a Russian government meeting on the system.
    Notes (B):

    1. 1the Big Dipper - Большая Медведица (the US and Canadian name for

    the Plough (constellation).

    1. 2spare - запасной (in reserve for use when needed).

    2. 3axis - ось (a real or imaginary line about which a body, such as an

    aircraft, can rotate or about which an object, form, composition, or geometrical

    construction is symmetrical).

    1. 4 L-Band - RF range 390 - 1550 MHz

    2. 5nadir - надир (the point on the celestial sphere directly below an

    observer and diametrically opposite the zenith).

    4.16 Make up 10 questions to the text using the following constructions:

    What is the (nature, difference, process, role, importance, etc.) of…?

    What is referred to as….?

    What is used as…?

    Where do we use. …?

    What function do the ... play?

    1. Does Russia really need its own navigation system?

    2. Does Kazakhstan need to have its own navigation system?

    Unit 5. Convergence in Telecoms and IT. New Trends

    5.1 Work with a partner. Make a list of all the things some of the latest mobile devices can replace. What can your personal mobile phone do, besides sending SMS?
    Text A. Responding to Convergence

    By: Mike Rock
    Convergence is creating new businesses and forcing existing businesses to adapt quickly or die. We are seeing the convergence of telecommunications, IT & Media; the convergence of fixed & mobile services and convergence at device level. All of these trends are creating new markets and making other equipment, products, services and even whole companies rapidly obsolete. For technology manufacturers or service providers, deciding which markets to base your future on becomes a challenge with serious consequences. Should ВТ or AT&T provide home TV services to replace their declining telephony revenues? Should Kodak integrate a mobile phone into its cameras or just give up?

    Does Microsoft still need to sell boxed software when you can download applications onto a smart phone? Does everyone have to have a mobile offering or have no future? When the communication of voice is just another software application what do equipment manufacturers like Nortel or Alcatel-Lucent do? Google just does search, right? Collisions within the telecoms, IT and media sectors are occurring now on a daily basis. Like any busy crossroads, there are going to be near misses and head on crashes. As ever, the survivors will be the companies that understand their customers, and are agile enough to quickly respond to all this change.

    Vocabulary notes:

    BT - BT Group (ранее British Telecommunications plc или British Telecom) — британская телекоммуникационная компания.

    AT&T Inc. (stylized as at&t) is an American multinational telecommunications corporation, the second largest provider of mobile telephony and the largest provider of fixed telephony in the United States

    Convergence - Telecommunications convergence, network convergence or simply convergence are broad terms used to describe emerging telecommunications technologies, and network architecture used to migrate multiple communications services into a single network.[1] Specifically this involves the converging of previously distinct media such as telephony and data communications into common interfaces on single devices.

    Obsolete - No longer produced or used; out of date: the disposal of old and obsolete machinery.

    Nortel Networks Corporation, formerly known as Northern Telecom Limited and sometimes known simply as Nortel, was a multinational telecommunications and data networking equipment manufacturer headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, bankrupt now.

    Alcatel-Lucent is a French global telecommunications equipment company. The company focuses on fixed, mobile, and converged networking hardware, IP technologies, software, and services. Has been operating in Kazakhstan since 1991.
    5.2 Based on the text, suggest English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

    оборудование, службы и даже компании быстро становятся устаревшими; предоставлять услуги домашнего телевидения; уменьшение доходов; упакованный программный продукт; оживленный перекресток.

    5.3 Write a comment in response to this blog post.
    Tech tutorial:

    3G G.4G = New generations of mobile phone standards, allowing mobile network operators to offer advanced services.

    Ethernet = A very high bandwidth data networking technology used by companies in LANs and increasingly WANs.

    GSM = Global System for mobile communications. A worldwide standard for mobile phones making phones from one operator compatible with a different operator in another country.

    MPLS = Multi-Protocol Label Switching. A data networking protocol and service that can carry different kinds of traffic-voice, data, video etc.

    Open source = Software that is made available to developers and users, licensed to encourage re-use without charge.

    SaaS = Software as a Service.

    Wi-Fi =A technology providing wireless transmission of data over a short range (for example, in a house or office)

    Wi- Max = A technology providing wireless transmission of high speed data over a large area (for example, a city).
    5.4 Read the magazine article about trends in Telecoms and IT. Match the industry Leader to their area of expertise.

    1) Peter Wilson a) software

    2) Jenny Lane b) telecoms

    3) Sanjay Ravi c) hardware

    Text A. State of play
    To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we invited industry leaders to share their thoughts about the changing world of Telecoms and IT. To find out what they think, read on ...

    Peter Wilson

    The world is now plugged in, and countries are connected up using a mixture of terrestrial networks, undersea cables, satellite and micro­wave communications, Wi-Max and Wi-Fi, GSM and 3G. The move from packet-based services to the internet protocol means everyone expects to communicate voice, data and video from anywhere to anywhere, globally. The availability of wide area data services such as MPLS and Ethernet have spread all over the world, allowing companies to manage and communicate with their operations wherever they may be.

    A reason for this has been the fall in bandwidth costs, and broadband is getting cheaper and cheaper. Services can now deliver tens or even hundreds of megabits of bandwidth into individual homes for much less money than a 64Kb line that a whole factory might have used to run its operation only a few years ago.

    Jenny Lane

    In 1965 Gordon Moore stated that the number of transistors on a chip would double about every two years. And that has more or less remained true since then. As we write, a single chip can hold about 1 billion transistors each making 3 billion binary calculations per second.

    There has' been a huge increase in the volume of data and data storage capacity required for this; secondly, there has been a significant decrease in the size and power consumption of hardware and finally manufacturing costs are falling significantly. The result is that there are more and more powerful computers in our lives, and even handheld devices can store gigabytes of data holding thousands of MP3 music, files or hundreds of films.

    Sanjay Ravi

    The internet is changing the way we access, buy and use applications. We go online and download the software we want onto our computer, like any other digital product. Increasingly we don't even have the software on our hardware, but visit an internet site and use that application as a service. The use of this Software as a Service (SaaS) model means that we may not need such powerful computers in the future.

    We have seen the impact of off- shoring and the rise of India as the world centre of software development and application management. We are also seeing some of the smartest applications and services coming out of people's bedrooms; more and more experts are producing Open source software, which is becoming more and more popular, creating a real threat to the big corporations.

    5.5 Read the text again. Say if the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) according to the text.

    According to Peter Wilson:

    1. most countries are connected up with undersea cables. T F

    2. many countries have unreliable mobile phone networks. T F

    3. recently bandwidth costs have risen dramatically. T F

    According to Jenny Lane:

    1. Moore's predictions have been fairly accurate. T F

    2. a typical chip can now hold 3 billion transistors. T F

    3. both data storage capacity and power consumption have gone up.T F

    According to Sanjay Ravi:

    1. fewer people are going to computer stores to buy software. T F

    2. SaaS will require ordinary users to have more powerful computers. T F

    3. software development needs the support of a big corporation to succeed. T F

    5.6 Match the words on the left with the words on the right to make pairs of words that often go together. The word on the left must go with all three words in the set. See the example.

    1ðŸñ€ñð¼ð°ñ ñð¾ðµð´ð¸ð½ð¸ñ‚ðµð»ñŒð½ð°ñ ð»ð¸ð½ð¸ñ 2 access a chip, wafer, valley

    2 download —— b an application, a network, an account

    3 go с online, offline, on holiday

    4 mobile d phone, telephony, broadband

    5 silicon e a file, an image, a demo version

    5.7 Complete the sentences using pairs of words from exercise. Make any changes that are necessary.

    1 Everyone has_______ , so payphones are becoming redundant.

    2 Many internet entrepreneurs from______________ in California are now turning their attention to alternative forms of energy.

    3 Before you buy the program, you can__________just to see how you like it.

    1. With a mobile broadband connection, you can _____any time and


    1. Internet banking allows users to and check their balances.

    2. How many transistors can you fit onto a___________?

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