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Входной контроль. входной контроль. Упражнени Расположите предложения, описывающие карьеру молодого человека, в хронологическом порядке

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НазваниеУпражнени Расположите предложения, описывающие карьеру молодого человека, в хронологическом порядке
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Упражнение1.Расположите предложения, описывающие карьеру молодого человека, в хронологическом порядке.







A poor boy arrived in the UK. (1)

He did a degree in computing at the University of Westminst

His company gives old computers a new life.

After 6 months, he found a foster family in London.

He was sent to children’s home for refugees.

Three years ago he came up with the idea for his award-winning business.

Last September he was recognized by London’s mayor for his outstanding contribution to life in London.


His ethics have paid off in praise as well as profit.

He employs either refugees or the unemployed.

1, 5, 4, 2, 6, 9, 3, 8, 7.

Упражнение 2. Восполните недостающие реплики в диалоге в соответствии со смыс­лом и лексико-грамматическими нормами. В скобках даются указания для по­строения высказываний. В каждом случае возможны варианты для построения высказываний.

Man: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?

Woman: (exact time) – For about 20 minutes.

Man: Did you notice whether the number seven bus has gone by?

Woman: (negative answer)- No, I didn't see it

Man: It’s hot today, isn’t it?

Woman: (agreement) Yes, it is.

Man: This is unusual for March. I don’t remember it ever being so hot and dry in March before.

Woman: (agreement) Neither do I. You are from Florida then.

Man: (negative answer) No, I am from New York.

Woman: My mother and I have just moved here from Alaska.

Man: Pretty cold in Alaska, isn’t it?

Woman: (agreement)Yes, it is colder than here. Do you think that we have missed the bus?

Man: (negative answer) No, we haven't. The bus never comes on time.

Упражнение 3. В приведенных ниже предложениях подчеркните слово или группу слов, несущих основное значение.

  1. The man and the woman are waiting for the same bus.

  2. The weather is typical of this time of the year.

  3. The man left New York for Florida ten years ago.

  4. The woman was born in America.

  5. The woman is planning to move to California.

  6. It is half past twelve now.

  7. The bus is never on time.

Упражнение 4. К каждому из нижеприведенных утверждении задайте вопрос исходя из подчеркнутых единиц. Эти единицы войдут в ответ на вопрос.

  1. The man and the woman are waiting for the same bus.

What are the man and the woman waiting for?

  1. The weather is typical of this time of the year.

What is the weather like this time of the year?

  1. The man left New York for Florida ten years ago.

When did the man leave New York for Florida?

  1. The woman was born in America-

Where was the woman born?

  1. The woman is planning to move to California-

Where is the woman planning to move to?

  1. It is half past twelve now.

What's the time now?

Упражнение 5. Заполните диаграмму, добавляя минимум 3 элемента и каждую из

5 частей по аналогии с приведенными элементами.

  1. where exactly

in the, city centre.

___on the table ________

_______on the right of______

_____in the middle__________

  1. 1. how to get there by bus
    By plane

    By train

    On foot



    surrounding area

green spaces




4. attractions





  1. convenience

within easy reach of home

____very close_____________

____5 minutes away from____

____just here_

Упражнение6. Поместите слова и словосочетания в соответствующую графу таблицы, in attractive grounds, a leading university, close to one another, just east of the city centre, a sports hall, close to an underground station, on the doorstep, art galleries, minutes away from the “Square Mile”, concert halls, very close to a famous entertainment complex, a dining room, accommodation, cinemas and restaurants, 30 minutes by train, a hostel, one of the largest and best equipped colleges, an ideal place of learning, busy shopping centre, excellent student facilities, a hall of residence


A place to live in

student’s life



in attractive grounds

just east of the city centre

very close to a famous entertainment complex

30 minutes by train busy shopping centre

close to an underground station

on the doorstep


a hostel

a hall of residence

An ideal place of learning t

a leading university one of the largest and best equipped colleges

an ideal place of learning


close to one another

a sports hall

concert halls

a dining room

minutes away from the “Square Mile”

cinemas and restaurants
excellent student facilities

Упражнение 7.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски А — F частями предложений, обо­значенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

A £4-million campaign to make maths “cool” for pupils aged from eleven to fourteen A________ Lessons will be based on В_______, he will tell a conference on the

future of maths teaching in Coventry. For instance, pupils could be asked to consider how many flats will have to be built in the Olympic village C _______ Alternatively,

there could be questions from the world of fashion, with youngsters being asked to design a dress and then estimate how many yards of material D ________

The initiative is designed to address major problems with the teaching of mathematics highlighted in a government report. Ministers acknowledged the depth of the crisis outlined in the report, E ________ Of that 15 per cent, only about 10 per

cent go on to study it at university.

Ministers recognise that most pupils switch off maths lessons in the early years of secondary school and that therefore their efforts should be concentrated on F__________

The programme aims to give teachers innovative ways to engage with pupils.

  1. with less than 15 per cent of those who take the subject at A-level

Упражнение 10. 5

  1. to cater for all the athletes taking part in the forthcoming Olympic Games














Упражнение 8. В заданиях 32-38 часто проверяется знание фразовых глаголов. Подберите глаголы для данных ниже послелогов в соответствии с данным опре­делением. Придумайте и запишите примеры предложений с получившимися фразовыми глаголами.



То refuse an offer


To stop feeling anxious, upset or angry

To reduce, to fall or to move lower



To renovate something (property) or make it look almost as good as new


To take care of children and educate them


To gradually change from a child to an adult



To rise up from the ground and begin to fly


To speak angrily to somebody because they have done something wrong


To begin a journey

Упражнение 9. Соотнесите данные ниже пары предложений, обращая внимание на индикаторы времени. Отметьте, одинаковы по смыслу предложения в паре или отличаются.

  1. After delivering the newspapers he goes to school. Before going to school he delivers newspapers. Одинаковые по смыслу

  2. He is here for three years.

He came here three years ago. Отличаются по смыслу

  1. It’s five o’clock sharp. I’ve been working for three hours.

It’s five o’clock sharp. I’ve been working since two o’clock. Одинаковые по смыслу

  1. The goods have to be delivered by Monday.

The goods have to be delivered on Monday. Отличаются по смыслу

  1. Our office is open between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Our office hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Одинаковыпосмыслу

  1. I have to work till seven every day.

I have to work for seven hours every day. Отличаются по смыслу

Упражнение 10.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32-38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32-38, в которых представлены возмож­ные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1,2,3 или 4, соот­ветствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

Henry Ford was born on a farm in the state of Michigan on July the thirtieth, eighteen sixty-three. The farm was near the city of Detroit.

Henry had always been interested 32 (IN) machines. He was always

experimenting with them. He enjoyed fixing clocks. He also helped repair farm equipment. When Henry was sixteen years old, he left the family farm. He went to Detroit to learn more about machines.

In the 33 days of the automobile, almost every car-maker raced

his cars. It was the best way of gaining 34___________ notice so Henry Ford

decided to build a racing car.

Ford’s most famous race was his first. It also was the last race in which he drove the car himself.

The race was in 1901, at a field near Detroit. All of the most famous cars had entered and all withdrew, except two: the Winton and Ford’s. The Winton was famous for its speed. Most people thought the race was over before it had begun.

The Winton 35 an early lead but halfway through the race, it

began to lose power. Ford started to gain. Near the end of the race, he was the first. Ford won the race and defeated the champion. His name appeared in newspapers.

His fame began 36________________

37 weeks of the race, Henry Ford had formed a new automobile

company. He left soon after, however, because he could not agree with the investors. He had no 38 finding new ones.
32 1) in 2) by 3) with 4) of Ответ:1
33 1) old 2) early 3) past 4) previous Ответ:2

34 1) social 2) public 3) community 4) publicity Ответ:__2

35 1) took 2) gave 3) had 4) made Ответ:1

36 1) to spread 2) no increase 3) to widen 4) to rise Ответ:1

37 1) After 2) For 3) Within 4) In Ответ: 3

38 1) trouble 2) concern 3) worry 4) question Ответ:1


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