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Лекции 1сем_ч3. Урок 9 Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense (Прошедшеепродолженноевремя)

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Урок 9
Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Настоящее Продолженное Время употребляется для обозначения действия,которое продолжалось какое-то время в прошлом в момент другого действия,выраженного, как правило, в прошедшем простом времени.Образуется прошедшее продолженное время при помощи вспомогательного глагола“ tobe” в прошедшем времени и “ing” формы смыслового глагола.
Настоящее продолженное Прошедшее продолженное
Heissleepingnow. He was sleeping when Icame.

Он спит сейчас. Он спал, когда я пришел.
I am reading now. I was reading when he phoned.

Я читаю сейчас. Я читал, когда онпозвонил.
They are having dinner now. They were having dinner at 7 last night.

Они обедают сейчас.Они обедали в 7 часов вечера вчера.
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного

глагола “was” (“were”).

He was watching TV when she came.

Was he watching TV when she came?

He was not watching TV when she came.

What was he doing when she came?

What was he watching when she came?
Упражнения на закрепление.
1. Задайте вопросы по образцу:

Steve usually cleans his suit on Saturdays.

(when Jeff phoned)

Was Steve cleaning his suit when Jeff phoned?
1. Ann usually cooks dinner at 7 o’clock. (when Peter phoned)

2. Jill usually goes to the library every evening. ( when we saw her)

3. Liz plays the violin every day.( when mother came home)

4. Mr Brown reads his newspaper after supper. (when the telephone rang)

5. She usually does her homework in the afternoon. ( when Ann opened the door)

6. Jane sometimes drinks coffee with Mike. ( when her husband saw them)
2. Переведите диалог и обратите внимание на использование настоящего продолженного времени.
Thomas is a student. He's staying with the Taylors, an English family.

Thomas: Hello, Mrs Taylor. Can you help me? I'm doing my homework and I can't understand this word.

MrsTaytor: Which one? Oh... that’s difficult. I can't help you now.... I'm watching something...

Thomas: Oh? What are you watching?

Mrs Taylor: I'm watching a cowboy film.

Thomas: Can Mr Taylor help me?

Mrs Taylor: No, he can't now, Thomas. He's reading.

Thomas: What's he reading?

MrsTaytor: He's reading a magazine.

Thomas: What about Kate?

Mrs Taylor: Oh, she can't help you now... she's phoning someone.

Thomas: Oh? Who's she phoning? Mrs Taylor: She's phoning her boyfriend... you're asking a lot of questions tonight, Thomas!

Thomas: Am I?... Well,I am practicing my English!
Напишите, что делали все члены семьи Тейлор в то время, когда Томас просил ему помочь. (Переделайте настоящее продолженное время в прошедшее продолженное.)
Например: WhenThomasaskedMrsTaylortohelphim, shewaswatchingacowboyfilm.
3. Используя образец, напишите 7 вопросов и ответьте на них .
What are Jill and John doing?- They are playing tennis.

1. Mr Smith/his car

2. Mary/a letter

3. Mr and Mrs Jones/television

4. Bob/a letter

5. Arthur and Mike/ a box

6. Mrs Brown/the dishes

7. Tony/beer











8 o’clock


midnight etc.

I start work at 8 o’clock.

The shops close at 5.30 p.m.



25 April

New year’s Day

Goodbye! See you on Friday.

I don’t work on Sundays.

The concert is on 22 November.

- In

April / June

1985 / 1750

(the) summer / spring

I’m going on holiday in October.

Jill left school in 1995.

The garden is lovely in spring |

at the weekend

at night

at Christmas /Easter

at the end of ...

at the moment

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening


on Monday morning

on Friday evening, etc.

Are you going away at the weekend?

I can’t sleep at night.

In Britain children get presents at Christmas.

I’m going on holiday at the end of October.

Are you busy at the moment?

I always feel good in the morning.

Do you often go out in the evening?

I’m meeting Jill on Monday morning.

Are you doing anything on Friday? |

in five minutes / in a few days / in six weeks / in two years etc.

- Hurry! The train leaves in five minutes.

- Goodbye. I’ll see you in a few days.
at on in We do not use at/ on / in before:

this ... (this morning / this week...)

every ...( every day / every week...)

last ... (last August / last week ...)

next ... ( next Monday / next week ...)

- They’re going on holiday next Monday.

- Last summer we went to Scotland.

( Прошедшеезаконченноевремя)
ThePastPerfectTense( Прошедшеезаконченноевремя) употребляетсядлявыражения прошедшего действия, которое произошло до другого действия впрошлом или которое закончилось в прошлом к определенному моменту.


I had already had dinner when they arrived.

Я уже пообедал, когда они прибыли.

He had finished his work by 2 o’clock yesterday.

Он уже закончил работу к 2 часам вчера.

Образуется Прошедшее законченное время при помощи прошедшей формывспомогательного глагола “tohave “ и причастия 2 ( третьей формы)cмыслового глагола.

Вопросительная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола “had”:

Had she taken that bag before you asked her?

Had they done the shopping by 3 p.m. yesterday?

Why had she told him everything before his wife saw them?

Отрицательная форма Прошедшего законченного времени образуется при помощиотрицательной частицы “not”, которая ставится после вспомогательногоглагола “ had”:

The post had not arrived when she went downstairs.
1. Перепишите предложения в прошедшем законченном времени, сделав все

необходимые изменения:
1. I amnothungry. I have already had dinner.

2. He is not tired. He has already had a sleep.

3. She is not busy. She has already done her homework.

4. She doesn’t take the umbrella. The rain has already stopped.

5. They are not in a hurry. The train has already left.

6. We do not have to take a taxi. The car has already come.
2. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Когда я попросил Аню напечатать письмо, она сказала , что она его ужеотпечатала.

2. Она сказала мне свое имя после того, как он ушел.

3. Когда они прибыли, спектакль уже начался.

4. Он уже изучал экономику до того, как уехал из Англии.

5. Он поблагодарил меня за то, что я для него сделал.

6. Когда они пришли на станцию, поезд уже отошел.

7. Она не узнала его, потому что никогда не видела его раньше

Урок 10

Для выражения будущего действия в современном английском языкеупотребляется

  1. Future Simple

Give me your bag. I’llcarryitforyou (решение принято в моментречи)

  1. Present Continuous

I’m having an appointment tonight (запланированнаявстреча)

Goingto (собираться что-либо сделать)

We are going to move to London.

1. Утвердительная форма FutureIndefiniteTense образуется при помощивспомогательных глаголов shall и will и формы инфинитива смыслового глагола(без частицы to). Shall употребляется с 1-м лицом единственного имножественного числа, a will с остальными лицами:

I / we /
he / she / it
you / they

shall work

2. В вопросительной форме FutureIndefinite вспомогательный глагол ставитсяпередподлежащим:

Shall I (we) work? Will he (you, they) work?

3. Отрицательная форма FutureIndefinite образуется при помощиотрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола:

I (we) shall not work. He (you, they) will not work.

4. В вопросительно-отрицательной форме Futureindefinite частица not стоитнепосредственно после подлежащего:

Shall I (we) not work? Will he (you, they) not work?
5. В разговорной речи обычно употребляются следующие сокращения:
I'll [ail] workIshan't [ja:nt] workShan'tIwork?

he'll [hil] work I" II not work
she'll [j'i:l] work he won't [wount] work Won't he (she, it) work?

we'll [wi:l] work he'll not work
You'll [ju:l] work she won't work Shan't we work?

They'll [6eil] work she'll not work
it won't work it will not work Won't you work?

we shan't work we' II not work Won't they work?

you won't work you'll not work

they won't work they'll network
FutureIndefiniteTense употребляется:

1. Для выражения действия, которое совершится в будущем. Может обозначатькак однократное, так и повторяющееся действие. FutureIndefiniteTense

переводится на русский язык будущим временем глагола совершенного и несовершенного вида, в зависимости от общего смысла предложения:

Не willreturntoMoscow Он вернется в Москву через

in a few days. несколькодней.

We shall not see him til! Monday. Мы не увидим его до понедельника.

They will take English lessons Онибудутбратьанглийскиеуроки

twice a week. два раза в неделю.
Примечание. FutureIndefinite не употребляется в придаточных предложенияхвременииусловия:

Не will send us a telegram as soon as the steamer arrives.

If I receive a letter from him, I' II let you know.

Он пошлет нам телеграмму, как толькоприбудет пароход.

Если я получу письмо от него, я дам вам знать.
Наряду с FutureIndefinite, будущее время (действие) выражается такжепосредством:


а) to be going to... - собиратьсясделатьчто-либо.
I am going to send him a telegram. Я собираюсь послать ему телеграмму.(Япошлюемутелеграмму.)

Не is going to spend this summer vocation in the Crimea.

Он собирается провести свои летниеканикулывКрыму. (Онпроведет...)
б) tobe + смысловой глагол (+ing) (Настоящее продолженное время)
Не is taking his examination on Friday. У него экзамен в пятницу.(Он держит экзамен в пятницу.)
в) Present Indefinite Tense:

The steamer sails tomorrow. Пароход уходит завтра.
г) shall/will + модель, представленная в пункте б)
Не will be meeting us at the station. Он нас встретит (будет встречать)навокзале.

I shall be writing to him tomorrow. Я напишу (буду писать) ему завтра.
Эти варианты выражения будущего действия очень часто употребляются вразговорной речи вместо FutureIndefiniteTense. Особенно частоупотребляется оборот tobegoingto для выражения намерения какого-нибудьлица совершить действие или уверенности в его совершении.

В придаточных предложениях времени или условия для выражения будущихдействийупотребляетсяpresentsimple, анеfuturesimple.

When (if) he reads this book he will give it to me.

Когда (если) он прочтет эту книгу, он даст ее мне.
I shall send him a telegram, if I do notreceiveananswertomyletter.

Япошлюемутелеграмму, еслинеполучуответанасвоеписьмо.
• if you see ... / if I am ... etc. for the future.
For example:

- If you see Ann this evening, can you ask her to phone me?

We say: if you see (not 'if you will see'), if I am (not 'if I will be').
Use the present (not 'will) after if:
- If I'm late this evening, don't wait for me. (not 'If I will be late')

- What shall we do if it rains? (not 'if it will rain')

- If I don't feel well tomorrow, I'll stay at home.

-When I get home this evening, I'm going to have a shower.
1..Вставьте if или when:
1... I'm late this evening, don't wait for me.

2 ........ I don't see you tomorrow, I'll phone you.

3. Do you mind ........ I close the window?

4 _..... I get up in the morning, Г usually drink a cup of coffee

5. Have something to eat. ........ you don't eat now, you'll be hungrylater

6 John is still 1 at school. ........ he leaves school, he wants to go touniversity.

7 Be careful! ........ you aren't careful, you'll fall.
2. I’m going to ..or I’ll…
1. What are you going to do when you finish college?

2. What sort of job do you hope to get?

3. Where will you live?

4. Where will you live if your job is far away?

5. How will you spend your first month’s salary?

6. Are you going to travel to other countries?

7. Where do you hope to go?
Урок 11

Takingphonecalls. (Как принять телефонный звонок)
1. Can I help you?

2. Who is calling?

3. What name, please?

4. Can I have… ?

5. Could I speak to …?

6. I’d like to …?
1. – Good morning, Park hotel. Can I help you?

- I’d like to book a room for three nights.

- Yes, madam. Could I have your name, please?

- Mrs. Andrews.

2. -___________Garden restaurant. Can I help you?

- _____reserve a table for six, for Wednesday evening.

- Yes, what name ,please?

- My name is Jackson.

3. – Good evening. Fratelli’s.

- ____speak to the manager ____?

- Yes, who is calling?

- Mr. Evans.

4. – Good morning, Carlton Hotel. Can I help you?

- Hello,______reservations , please?

- ________please.

Make sentences. Example: morning / can / help

Good morning! Can I help you?

1. afternoon /can / help

2. could / have / name

3. can / have / reservations

4. could / speak / manager

5. could / book / single room / two nights

6. could / speak / John

7. could / reserve table / for six

8. can / have / room service
B. making requests with “I’d like to … “
Make sentences.
Example: book / single room / three nights

I’d like to book a single room for three nights.
1. book / double room / two nights

2. reserve / table for two / Tuesday evening

3. book / single room / four nights

4. speak / manager

5. reserve / table for four / Saturday / 8 p.m.

6. send / an application form

7. invite / guests / weekend

8. listen / cassette / jass
New words to use:
to book manager numbertable

double name reserve application form

full night single room service
Nowyoucan( теперьВыможете):

Answer the telephone politely ( отвечатьназвоноквежливо ) –

“- Good morning. Can I help you?”

Askforthings (попроситьчто-либо) –

“ - Could I have your name, please?”

Understand, what people want ( понять, очемВаспросят ) –

“ - I’d like a single room.”

“ - Could I speak to the manager, please?”

Ask who is on the phone ( спросить, ктозвонит) –

“ - Who is calling?”
Extra words: Days of the week –

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Numbers – twenty three( but the twenty third)
Giving information.
1. The hotel is in the center of the city.

2. There’s a sauna.

3. There are two bars.

4. The cost is $ 16. 50.

5. I’m Mr. Evans.

6. Myname’sEvans.
Заполните пропуски. Используйте краткие формы , где возможно
My name (1)_____ Mr Black. I (2)____ the manager of the SavoyHotel. The hotel (3) _____ in Main Street. There (4) _____ 100 doublerooms and 20 single rooms. (5) __________ a bar and a restaurant. There(6) ______ tabled’hote meals at lunchtime and table d’hote and a’ lacarte in the evening.
New words to use.
exchangebureau perbar exittable

saunacar park disable facilitiesspecialcenter information

streetcity mealswimming poolcoffee shop course menuwomen’s toiletman’s toilet
Extra words

Currencies: Pounds, Dollars, Francs, Marcs, Crowns, Yen, PesetasNumbers.
Takingreservations. (Как принять предварительный заказ )
1) What time do you serve lunch?

2) Are you open every day?

3) from Tuesday to Sunday

4) on Monday

5) at 1 p.m.

6) What name is it?

7) How many for?
Questions and answers in the Present Simple tense are for routines,timetable, and everyday state of things.

Does he speak English?

Yes, he does. No he doesn’t.
Do you serve lunch?

Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
What time do you serve lunch?

We serve lunch from 12.00 to 2.30.
How much does a single room costs?

It costs 55 pounds.

  1. Answer these questions. Use short answers.

Example: “Do you serve lunch?”

“Yes we do.”

1) Do you serve dinner? No,__

2) Do you speak English? Yes,__

3) Do you have a single room for tonight? No,__

4) Does the waiter speak English? Yes,__

5) Does the hotel have a sauna? No,__

6) Does the bar open at six? Yes,__

7) Does he live in London? No,__

8) Do you know the answer? Yes,__

9) Does he fill in the application form? Yes,__

10) Does Kate like the weather here? Yes,__
B. Make questions and answers.
Example: What time/serve/lunch/12.30 to 2.30

What time do you serve lunch?

We serve lunch from 12.30 to 2.30.
1. What time /serve dinner

2. How much /single room/cost/65 pounds

3. What time /bar open/seven o’clock

4. How much /small beer/cost/1.55 pounds

5. What time/ have lunch/12.00-13.00

6. When / post office / close / 6 p.m.
New words
a.m.every day head waiter o’clock

room close get up leave

open serve closed go

lunch p.m. travel post office

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your routines.
What time you ________________get up?

_______ __have breakfast?

________leave your home?

_____ get to your office?
How ______________ travel to college / Institute?

What time ___________have lunch?

__________go home?

What ________do in the evening?

What time __________go to bed?
Extra words :

Seasons – summer, autumn, winter, spring

Meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper

Titles – Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms.

Restaurant staff – Maitre d’ hotel, waitress, waiter
Урок 12

PassiveVoiсe(Страдательный залог)
Страдательный залог употребляется обычно тогда, когда неизвестно или неважно, ктосовершает действие. Важно лишь, какое действие совершается и кто егоиспытывает.

Форма страдательного залога образуется при помощи вспомогательного глаголаtobe в соответствующем времени, лице, числе и PastParticiple (причастиепрошедшего времени) смыслового глагола.
Образуется пассивный залог следующим образом:

The threshold is reduced.

They were offered latest tax guides.

A lot of questions were asked and answered.
Формы глагола в Пассивном залоге в Simple, Continuous, Perfect.

Passive Voice: be + Ved (=Participle II)




a m

is V(ed) 3 ф.гл.


a m

is being + V(ed)

are 3 ф.гл.


W as V(ed)

Were 3 ф.гл.


W as being + V(ed)

Were 3 ф.гл.

s hall be+V(ed)

will (3ф.гл.)


h ave been + V(ed)

has (3ф.гл.)


Had been + V(ed)


s hall have been +

will V(ed)

(3 ф.гл.)

Примеры перевода предложений в Пассивном залоге.

Passive Voice: be + V(ed) (= Participle II)

I am told it every day - Мнеговорятобэтомкаждыйдень.

am told - Present Simple Passive отглагола to tell
The problem was discussed yesterday-Проблемабылаобсужденавчера.

was discussed - Past Simple Passive отглагола to discuss
When I came back the house was still being built -Когдаявернулся,домещестроился.

was beingbuilt - Past Continuous Passive отглагола to build
The explanation of this phenomenon hasn’t been given yet-Объяснениеэтомуявлениюещенедано.

hasn’t been given-Present Perfect Passive глагола to give
Translate into Russian:

A lot of topics were discussed in the course of the Programme.

Many lecturers were invited.

Many materials were distributed.

Similar programmes are organised now too.

I believe similar programmes will be oiganised in future too.
The passive is often used to describe how things are made or done.
Example: The chef makes butter from flour, eggs and milk.

Butter is made from flour, eggs and milk.
1. We make French dressing from oil and vinegar.

2. The restaurant serves lunch from 12 to 3.

3. The barman makes dry martinis from gin and vermouth.

4. The wine waiter opens the wine at the table.

5. The chef makes sauce from flour, milk, butter and cheese.

6. The waiters bring the dishes from the kitchen on trays.

1. Fill in the blanks using on, in, with:
2. He put the food ___ the table.

3. She likes biscuits ____ cheese.

4. The wine bottle is ____ the bucket ___ the table.

5. I’d like a green salad ____ my steak.

6. I don’t like cream ___ my coffee.

7. Do you have busy time when people are ____ holiday?

8. Sarah isn’t interested ____ sport.

9. She is always very friendly ____ us.

10. What happened ___ Mary last night?
I’d like a beer. I’ll get one.

I’d like some bread. I’ll get some.

This spoon is dirty. I’ll get another.

The water jug is empty. I’ll get some more.
Respond to the following, using I’ll get;
1. There is no pepper on the table.

2. I’d like a glass of water.

3. My fork is on the floor.

4. Can I have an ash-tray?

5. Another cup of tea, please.

6. This wine glass is not clean.

7. We’ve no bread left.
Extra words:

Apple black-currant strawberry orange

Pine-apple grape cherry plum

Apricot pear lemon raison

Raspberry grapefruit banana kiwi

Peach gooseberry blackberry
It consists of … It’s terribly salty.

It contains … I don’t like to complain, but…

It is made of … It’s quite uneatable.
My apologies, sir.

Can I get you something else?
Social English:
. Do you want coffee?

. Good idea. Could I see the wine list, please?

. Would you like a dessert?

. Yes, I’d like some cheese – cake, please.

. How about some wine?

. No, I don’t think so.

. Certainly, madam.

. What do you recommend?

. May I suggest Martini dry?

Повторим The Simple Past tense. Откройте скобки в прошедшем простом времени:
1. They ( arrive) at the hotel yesterday.

2. She ( book ) the table by phone.

3. The chef (cook ) a wonderful meal.

4. The butter ( melt) in the hot pan.

5. We (finish) our first course ten minutes ago.

6. He (thank) us for a nice evening.

7. It (rain) hard last night.

8. They ( open) the restaurant two weeks ago.

Past Simple : questions and short answers.
Questions in the Simple Past use did and the infinitive of the verb.

Short answers use did or didn’t

Examples: Did you go to Oxford?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t
Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них кратко:
1.They arrived last night.

1. She spoke to the manager.

2. He telephoned the hotel.

3. Mr. Dreyton called from Italy.

4. She ordered a dry martini.

5. I went to work at 8 in the morning yesterday.

6. She stopped the boy and asked him the way.

7. He played tennis on Sunday.

8. They lived in France in 1998.

9. I wanted to cook an apple pie.
Extra words:

Shelfish kidney tasteless

Lobster liver stringy

Crab heart corked

Crayfish tripe overcooked
Повторим предлоги. Вставьте предлоги, где это необходимо:
on, with, in, behind, for, from, at, to:
1. All the food is cooked ____ this kitchen.

2. The pastry chef is responsible ___ the hot desserts.

3. You will help ___ the pasta sauces.

4. The ovens are ___ the preparation areas.

5. You will work here ___ me.

6. We prepare sauces _____ the pasta.

7. The new commiscame ____ the kitchen.

8. The new commis is ___ the early shift.

9. You start ___ 7 a.m.

10. You have a break ____ 11 ___ 12.
Extra words :
Receiver local call

Dial long distance / trunk call

International code collect call

Country code telex

Telephone book / directory Fax machine

Payphone callbox

Переведите на английский язык. Помните, что “need” может иметь два значения: «что-то нуждается в том, чтобы с ним что-то было сделано» и «мне необходимо сделать что-либо»:

1. My jacket needs cleaning.

2. I need some buttons sewn on …

3. You needn’t…

4. I don’t need it until…

5. I’ll send someone up.
Урок 13



In England most shops open from 9 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. on Mon­day to Saturday, although some stay open much later especially in London and other large cities. In small towns and villages many shops close early on Wednesdays. Not many shops are open on Sundays.

Besides cash, a lot of shops accept plastic cards. Some may also accept Eurocheques.

One day one of the participants went to Foyle's, a famous book­shop in the centre of London.

Here is his talk with the shop assistant after he chose a few things he wanted to buy:

Participant: Can I have this book and this poster, please9 And these postcards and two first class stamps for America.

Shop assistant: The book, the poster and the cards come to tenpounds twenty. But we don't sell stamps.

Participant: And where can I buy a few?

Shop assistant: You have to get them from a post office

Participant: And where is the nearest one?

Shop assistant: Just round the corner.

Participant: Thank you.

Shop assistant: Welcome.

Here is another talk at a clothes department of a big department store, after the participant chose a certain dress she liked:

Participant: Excuse me, may I try it on anywhere here? Shop as­sistant: Yes, certainly. The fitting room is over there.

Participant:... Thank you. It fits me well and I like it. Whereshall I pay?

Shop assistant: The cashier's desk is just at the end of the aisle...

Cashier: Cash or credit?

Participant: Cash, please... Thank you.

Here is a talk at a shoe shop:

Participant: Excuse me, have you got size thirty seven in theseshoes?

Shop keeper: This is a continental size. It must correspond toBritish size five. Just a minute I'll have a look if we have size five in these shoes.

Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Participant: Thank you. Being served.

Shop keeper: Here is your size... How does that feel?

Participant: A bit tight. Can I try the next size up?

Shop keeper: Here is five and a half.

Participant: Oh, this is much better. Thank you. I'm buying this pair.

shop (Br.)


store (Am.)



открывать (ся)

a. m.

до полудня

p. m.

после полудня
















оставаться, находиться


быть открытым


намного позже


город (небольшой), упот­ребляется с артиклем

  • В тексте относится к любому

городу и поэтому используется без артикля


поселок, городок (в сель­

ской местности)


закрывать (ся)






Фойлз Крупнейший книжный магазин

в Лондоне, называется по имени первого

его владельца


книжный магазин

tochoose (chose, chosen)





почтовая открытка




почтовое отделение




за углом






универсальный магазин










годиться, быть в пору






в конце


проход (между рядами,

стойками и т д )








Мнои уже занимаются

tofeel (felt, felt)




a bittight

немного тесно




намного лучше




  1. TranslateintoRussian:

• togoshopping

• fittingroom








tobuy — tosell



2. Underline the answers true to the text:

• Are most shops open on Sundays in England?

Yes, they are.

No, they are not.

Only in London most shops are open on Sundays.

• Are most shops open till late at night on working days?

Yes, they are.

No, they are not. Only in London most shops are open till midnight.

• What money do shops ac­cept from customers?

Only cash.

Cash and Eurocheques only.

Cash, plastic cards and Eurocheques.

3. Complete as in the text:
In England most shops open... on Monday to Saturday, although some stay open much later... In small towns and villages... Not many... on Sundays. Besides cash a lot of shops... Some... Eurocheques.
4. Sum up what the text said about English shops.
5. Read the following:

• this book

this poster

these postcards


• Where is the nearest post office? round the corner

at the end of the aisle

Can I try the next size up?

6. Insert articles:
... book,... poster and... cards come to 10.20.

You have to get stamps at... post office.

Where is... nearest post office?
7. Use the verbs in the right form:
The fitting room (to be) over there.

It (to fit) me well and I (to like) it.

The cashier's desk (to be) just at the end of the aisle.
8. Insert prepositions:
Have you got size thirty seven... these shoes?

I'll have a look if we have size... these shoes.

It must correspond... British size five.

The nearest post office is just... the corner.

The cashier's desk is... the end... the aisle.
9. Complete and act out similar dialogues:

— Can I have... book... poster... And these posrcardsand two... America.

— The book... 10.20. But... stamps.

— Where can I...

— You have to get...

— Where... nearest...

— Just...

— Thank...

— Excuse me, may I... anywhere...

— Yes, certainly. The fitting...

— Thank you. It fits... and... like... Where... pay?

— The cashier's... aisle.

— Cash or...

— Cash...

— Excuse me, have you got... shoes?

— This... continental... It must correspond... Just a minute, I'll have a look if...

— Can I help you?

—... served.

— Here is... How... feel?

—... tight. Can I try...

— Here is...

— Oh, this is much... Thank you. I'm...
Modal Verbs

Основные модальные глаголы:


May 1 try on this dress?

Можно померить это платье?


Can 1 helpyou?

Чем могу вам помочь?


It must correspond to size 5.

Он должно быть соот­ветствует размеру 5.


Whereshall 1 pay?

Где я должна заплатить?


You should go to the post office.

Вам следует пойти на почту.

10. Makesentences:

• Youshould

visit London one day

visit Madame Tussaud's

speak English

as much as you can

learn English

as long as you can

• Whatshallwe

do for our next session (lesson)

do for tomorrow

• Shall I

read the text

translate the text repeat it

put it down put down these words

doExercise 1

• May I

speak to Mr. ...

see this book


• He




drive a car



• Itmust








be 5 o'clocknow

11. Answerthefollowingquestions:
• What time is it now?

• On what days and at what time do you usually go shopping?

• When did you last go shopping and what did you buy?
12. Say a few words about shops of the city you live in.

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