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  • урок отк. Урок английский языка в 11 классе по теме All people have dreams 2020 г. Тема урока All people have dreams Класс 11 Цели

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    Клюева Наталья Владимировна

    МБОУ СОШ№27 им.Ю.С.Кучиева

    Учитель английского языка

    г.Владикавказ, РСО-Алания

    Урок английский языка в 11 классе по теме: «All people have dreams»

    2020 г.

    Тема урока: All people have dreams

    Класс: 11


    - образовательные: организовать деятельность учащихся по ознакомлению и отработке языкового материала, способствовать совершенствованию навыков чтения и аудирования, познакомить учащихся с жизненными целями, планами на будущее;
    - развивающие: способствовать развитию умений учащихся обобщать полученные знания, развития умений четко и грамотно выражать свои мысли;

    - воспитательные: обеспечить условия для воспитания положительного интереса к изучаемому предмету, воспитание толерантности и уважения к мнению окружающих.

    Задачи: отработать пройденную лексику в речевых упражнениях, уметь выделить основную мысль текста, закрепить умение распознавать изученные лексические единицы в прочитанном тексте, уметь высказывать свое мнение с опорой на ключевые слова и лексические единицы по пройденной теме.

    Оборудование: доска, проектор.

    Планируемые результаты:

    - личностные: развитие навыков сотрудничества в группе сверстников, умение оценивать себя и свои результаты и достижения;

    - предметные: овладение навыками выразительного чтения, перевода, изучение употребления лексических структур, совершенствование навыков чтения;

    - метапредметные: формирование общего кругозора учащихся, знаний о современном мире и его особенностях, умения анализировать проблемные ситуации, осуществлять самоконтроль.



    - Good morning, students, I’m very glad to see you, sit down, please. Answer my questions:

    • Who is on duty today?

    • What date is it today?

    • What is the weather like today? Do you like it?

    2) Мотивационнаяактуализация

    - Look at the pictures. What do you think the people in the pictures have in common?

    (I think they are all people who achieved their dreams.)
    3) Содержательнаяактуализация (речеваязарядка)

    - Read the quotations on the blackboard and discuss them.
    Thomas Edison: «Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration».
    (I think he means that to become a genius you have to work hard and do all your best to achieve success and realize your dreams. Even if you are incredibly talented and enthusiastic, you will never reach your goal without taking action. I completely agree with this statement because I know many people with good imagination who couldn't realize their potential because of their laziness)
    Eleanor Roosevelt : «The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams».

    (I believe very much in the quote. Only those who believe in themselves and pursue their dreams will make a difference in the future and this shape what the future will become. For those that do not chase their dreams they will be just living but not actually creating the future).

    (We should not be afraid of problems and give up. The most important thing is not to stop believing that sooner or later our dreams will definitely come to life).
    Henry Ford: «If you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right»

    (In other words, we know what we can do without anyone else telling us - we know what we are capable of doing)

    - Do you agree with him?

    (- Yes, I do.

    - I'm not sure. I think sometimes we are not very sure about what we are able to do.

    - Sometimes we don't believe in ourselves enough

    - But if we listen to ourselves better, we can learn to trust our instincts.)
    Основная часть урока
    1)Ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом
    -Match the words with their meanings.

    1. was a candidate

    2. continuing with smth even when it is difficult

    3. be faced with

    4. at first

    5. ger rid of

    6. so big that it cannot be solved

    7. source of a new, creative idea

    8. faults

    9. lost

    10. turned down

    1.был кандидатом

    2.продолжать составлять что-то, даже когда трудно.

    3 столкнуться с

    4. поначалу

    5. избавляются от

    6. такой большой, что это не может быть решено

    7.источник новой, творческой идеи

    8. ошибки



    - Fill in: achieve, come up against, overcome, come, long to, make, take, move, face, reach, reject

    1. Ann managed to… many difficulties and became a successful businesswoman.

    2. Keep on trying until you… your dream.

    3. You may …many obstacles but don’t give up.

    4. Kevin is determined to… his goal of becoming a lawyer.

    5. We all… difficulties in life, but we can overcome them if we stay focused on our goals.

    6. The job opportunity was a dream… true for Jane.

    7. Don’t … an idea just because you think you are not good enough. Give it a try!

    8. Matt wants to help people and …a difference in their lives.

    9. I… be a professional ballerina.

    10. Jack refuses to… things as they come, he makes things happen.

    11. If you reach a dead end, it’s time to… on in a different direction.
    1 overcome (преодолеть)

    2 achieve (достигать)

    3 come up against (натолкнуться)

    4 reach (достигнуть)

    5 face (столкнуться)

    6 come (осуществляться)

    7 reject (отвергать)

    8 make (иметь)

    9 long to (стараться)

    10 takes (брать)

    11 move (идти)

    2) Отработкачтения

    - Now you know all the necessary words and I would like you to read and translate the text. While reading choose the best word (A-D) for each gap (1-7). 

    Did you know that it took Abraham Lincoln thirty years to achieve his dream of becoming President of the United States? After losing his mother at a young age, his first attempt at business ended in failure. Then he failed to 1 ......... into law school, which he desperately wanted. He eventually became a lawyer, but then he was defeated for congress three times and got less than one hundred votes when he ran for Vice-President. He was finally elected sixteenth President of the United States when he was sixty years old. He faced countless insurmountable obstacles, but he never gave up. He just kept on going until he reached his goal! 
    So what about you? You may not dream of being a world leader, but perhaps you long to become a lawyer, an astronaut or an inventor, to climb Mount Everest or perhaps simply to do something to help those less fortunate than yourself. At times, achieving these ambitions may seem impossible and, like Abraham Lincoln, you might come up against incredible 3 difficulties. But 2 .............. heart because there are some very practical steps you can take to help make your dreams come true... 
    • Believe in yourself 
    Without a doubt, this is the first step on the road to achieving your dreams! And this means not listening to anyone who tells you, 'You can't.' Einstein, Beethoven and Edison, all knew about this. Einstein was considered an 'unteachable fool' by his early teachers, Beethoven's music teacher told him he was a 'hopeless composer', and Thomas Edison's mother was told to 3 ........... him from school because he was 'too stupid to learn'. Sometimes, though, it's not others that we have to worry about. Many times, we are our own worst enemy. We look at ourselves and all we can see are our weaknesses, failings and defeats. But when you banish self-doubt, you are capable of doing everything you attempt to the best of your 4 ........... because you believe you can succeed. As Henry Ford once put it, 'If you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right.' 
    • Take steps to achieve your dreams 
    Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day! In other words, achieving your dreams is usually a process involving a lot of 5 .......... work and perseverance. Therefore, read books, take courses, practise for hours or do whatever you need to do that will give you the skills to achieve your goals. After all, in the words of Thomas Edison, 'Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.' 
    • Don't give up 
    Finally, don't be afraid of failure on the way to achieving your dreams. Michael Jordan is someone who understands this very well. 'I've failed over and over again in my life,' he once said, 'and that is why I succeed.' Thomas Edison's life proves to us that this is true. After 50 thousands of failures, each of which showed him how not to make a light bulb, he was able to achieve a success that would change people's lives for ever. In the same 6 ........... , George Lucas' script for Star Wars was initially rejected by various studios. If he had given up at this point, he would have never seen Star Wars become one of the most popular films of all 7 ............ ! 
    So, never say never. Believe you can climb that mountain, swim that ocean or reach that place, and surely one day you will. There would be no Ford cars, Star Wars, light bulbs or Beethoven symphonies if this was not true!

    1 A accept B pass C get D succeed

    2 A take B have C make D find

    3 A pull B erase C cut D remove

    4 A power B skill C ability D gifts

    5 A strong B hard C heavy D tough

    6 A idea B way C method D means

    7 A years B moments C days D time








    3) Выполнение заданий на общее понимание смысла текста.

    - We’ve read the text and now let’s check how you understood the main details of the text. Answer my questions:

    1) Who said: “If you think you can or if you think you can’t you are probably right”

    2) Who was “too stupid to learn”?

    3) Who was initially rejected by future employers?

    4) Who said: “Genius is 1% of inspiration and 99% of perspiration”?

    5) Who failed to enter law school?

    6) Who failed over and over in his life before he succeeded?

    7) Who was considered an “unteachable fool”?

    8) Who achieved success at the age of 60 years old?

    9) Whose teacher told him he was “hopeless”?

    10) Who achieved success that changed man’s life?

    11) Whose mother took him off from school?

    12) Who reached their goals because of failures?

    4) Отработка навыков монологической речи.

    - It is time to speak about yourself, your goals and future achievements

    What do you think your future will be like?
    I see myself…

    I might try and…

    I’m thinking of…

    If I can, I’ll…

    What I’d really like to…

    I’m really dreading…

    I’ve always dreamed of…

    I desperately want to…

    I long to become…

    1. I'm going to enter a prestigious university and to win a scholarship in the future 2. I always dream of becoming a professional translator and having a good command of some foreign languages

    3. I truly want to live abroad in a luxury mansion or just travel to other countries every six months

    4. I would really like to have a large family, be close to all the members and always get support and understanding from my relatives

    5. I long to be very rich and successful. I mean that I want to own the yacht, several expensive cars and many other valuable

    6. I look forward to winning the lottery next

    7. I wish I wrote a book and even shot my own film in the future

    8. I would like to pass the exams perfectly and get high scores for them
    Заключительная часть урока:

    1)Информация о домашнем задании

    - And now, put down your home task. On the next lesson we are going to continue working on this text, so be ready to speak about it.

    2) Рефлексия


    - So, students, do you think, you learned enough during the lesson. How do you evaluate your work?

    - The marks for the lesson…..

    And now our lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye!

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