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  • КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА №1. Вариант №1

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  • Контрольная работа №1. (№4). Выбор варианта и выполнение контрольной работы

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    Выбор варианта и выполнение контрольной работы.
    1. Контрольная работа представлена в пяти вариантах. Номер варианта определяется по последней цифре шифра зачетной книжки студента. Если шифр оканчивается на 1 или 2 вариант – № 1; на 3 или 4 – № 2; на 5 или 6- № 3; на 7 или 8- №4; на 9 или 0- №5.

    2. Работа выполняется в электронном варианте, Текст контрольной работы набирается в редакторе Microsoft Word в формате doc, Шрифт – Times New Roman, кегль 14, межстрочный интервал – 1, Параметры страницы: формат листа А 4, ориентация – книжная, абзацный отступ – 1,25 см. Выравнивание основного текста – по ширине поля. Автоматическая расстановка переносов. На обложке должны быть представлены следующие данные: название предмета «английский язык»; номер и вариант контрольной работы; фамилия, имя, отчество (студента); группа и шифр; фамилия, имя, отчество (преподавателя);
    Образец расположения материала контрольной работы

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    Контрольная работа №1

    № задания и его формулировка

    Английский текст

    I. ......................................

    Русский текст

    I. .....................................

    Необходимые по заданию объяснения

    II. .....................................

    II. ....................................

    3. При выполнении заданий необходимо пользоваться грамматическими справочниками, общими и отраслевыми двуязычными словарями, переводчиком.

    4. Контрольная работа с пометой рецензента «зачтена» дает допуск студенту на зачет.

    5. Работы с пометой «незачет» возвращаются студенту до начала сессии на переработку. Работа, выполненная без соблюдения предъявляемых требований или не полностью, возвращается без проверки. Исправление ошибок осуществляется на основе замечаний рецензента с помощью необходимого грамматического раздела учебника или самоучителя и словарей.
    Для того чтобы выполнить контрольную работу, необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:
    1. Порядок слов в утвердительном, вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях.

    2. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и предлоги – показатели существительного. Выражение падежных отношений посредством предлогов и окончания -s. Существительное в функции определения.

    2. Имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения. Конструкция the... the

    со сравнительной степенью.

    3. Числительные: количественные и порядковые. Чтение целых чисел, дат, дробей.

    4. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, указательные, неопределенные, отрицательные.

    5. Спряжение глаголов to be и to have.

    6. Значения there: местоимение и в обороте there + to be.

    7. Видовременные формы сказуемого в активном залоге.

    8. Основные случаи словообразования.

    Вариант №1
    I. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова there.

    1. Only some years ago there was no a solution to this problem.

    2. Our library is very large but there are no physics journals there.
    II. Запишите и переведите предложения. Объясните, на что указывает в слове house окончание -s, как с апострофом (’), так и без него:

    а) глагол-сказуемое в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа;

    б) множественное число имени существительного;

    в) притяжательный падеж имени существительного, стоящего в единственном или во множественном числе;

    1. Practically every modern town has many nine- and twelve-storey houses.

    2. This ancient building houses several shops and a restaurant.

    3. The house’s roof is slanting in two directions because there is much rain in the region.
    III. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода имени существительного с левым определением.

    1. The wheel invention was one of the greatest inventions of mankind.

    2. In this city the automobile traffic speed is very high.

    3. All workers will take part in the discussion of our plant’s new production plan.
    IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательного и наречия.

    1. The more powerful the rays, the more damage they can do to living organisms.

    2. The greatest advantage of this transport system is that it is much cheaper than the railway.

    3. The most difficult thing in their experiment was to keep the temperature constant.
    V. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

    1. Any of scientists can take part in this important experiment.

    2. Only some years ago there were no high buildings in the city’s center.

    3. These electric devices are very efficient but they have some drawbacks.
    VI. Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видовременные формы и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения.

    1. The Great Fire of London destroyed 3.000 houses and more than 90 churches.

    2. The designers will try to do the research work in a very short period of time.

    3. The invention of a steam engine has lead the mankind to a new industrial epoch.
    VII. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.

    Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1, 3, 4 и 5.
    1. The country’s name “Zealand” takes its origin from a part of the Netherlands (the first white man to see this country was a Dutchman) which is called Zeeland and means “sea-land”. New Zealand comprises three islands. The land’s mass is longer than the British Isles but rather narrow –no part of it is wider than 280 miles. Almost one-quarter of the country is covered with forest.

    2. The capital city is Wellington. A large proportion of its population work for the country’s Government. The largest city of New Zealand is Auckland with a great number of travellers, arriving, departing or passing through it. It is the leading commercial and industrial city and the biggest seaport, handling the largest tonnage of all the country’s ports.

    3. The mineral resources of the country are not sufficient for heavy industry, the development of which greatly depends on import of raw materials: iron, steel, aluminium. About 40 per cent of all products available in New Zealand are imported from other countries.

    4. Nevertheless, the country has established foundries (литейный завод) and machine-building enterprises. It is building locomotives and small ships, assembling motor cars and machines. Output of electrical goods has greatly increased since World War II. There has been an increase in other goods as well: the manufacture of textile, leather and rubber (tires, tubes and so on) products.

    5. The primary industries are fishing and forestry. New Zealand is one of the world’s greatest exporters of diary products and the third largest producer of raw wool. Factories are much smaller than those in Britain but techniques are similar.

    6. Improvement in national economy is associated with research which is carried out by various Government Departments, research associations, universities, agricultural colleges. They study the geological and geophysical structure of the country, its minerals, soil and vegetation resources. Every three years a New Zealand Science Congress is held. Its aim is to enable scientists of different fields to exchange opinions and to show the progress of science in New Zealand. Here are some topics of discussion: weather, cosmic rays, radioactive isotopes, science and education, Antarctic research, resources of the ocean, exploitation of mineral resources.
    VIII. Прочитайте 6-й абзац и вопрос: What do Government Departments, research associations and universities study? Выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию текста. Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.

    1. They study the topics which are discussed at a New Zealand Science Congress.

    2. They study the country’s geological problems and natural resources.

    3. They study geological problems and natural resources of the world.

    Вариант №2
    I. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова there.

    1. There is no atmosphere on the Moon and because of this there is no life


    2. There will be a number of tables, schemes and diagrams in this article.

    II. Запишите и переведите предложения. Объясните, на что указывает в слове wheel окончание -s, как с апострофом (’), так и без него:

    а) глагол-сказуемое в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа;

    б) множественное число имени существительного;

    в) притяжательный падеж имени существительного, стоящего в единственном или во множественном числе.

    1. There was something wrong with the front wheels of the car.

    2. They used a very strong metal for the wheels’ spokes.

    3. The boy wheels his bicycle into the yard in early spring.
    III. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода имени существительного с левым определением.

    1. Heavy automobile traffic ruined the road surface many years ago.

    2. A new research program required carrying out numerous experiments.

    3. The local government promises to begin the railway bridge construction next year.
    IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательного и наречия.

    1. Rational use of natural resources is the most vital problem of the country’s national economy.

    2. The heavier the bodies, the stronger will be the force of gravity between them.

    3. The old microscope was more valuable for our research than the new one.
    V. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

    1. Nobody knows anything about this problem.

    2. Will you carry out any experiment in our research laboratory this year?

    3. We invited some skilful workers for the construction of the sporting complex.
    VI. Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видовременные формы и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения.

    1. At the meeting they are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a new processor.

    2. The more automation develops, the more important is the role of the machines.

    3. Radar devices will find still wider application in airplane and ship navigation.
    VII. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 2, 3 и 5.
    1. The land of Canada lies between the two oceans: the Atlantic and the Pacific. With the total area (land and fresh water) of 3.851.809 square miles, it is the largest country in the Western hemisphere. The country has two official languages: French and English.

    2. Canada is a country with a well-developed educational system. There are about 300 institutions which provide courses of university standard. All the provinces have their own universities giving courses in science, engineering, medicine and so on. In 1882 the Royal Society of Canada was established. The Society consists of members belonging to the five sections: humanities and social sciences in French; humanities and social sciences in English; chemical, mathematical and physical sciences; geological sciences; biological sciences. The Society’s aim is to coordinate and stimulate Canada’s intellectual life and to assist the development of national economy.

    3. Canada is the fourth largest trading nation in the world. It s world-known as a forest country because they cover more than half the land area of the provinces and extend to the Arctic Circle. About 17 per cent of production of all the primary industries – forestry, pulp-and-paper, mining, agriculture, fisheries – comes from the forests. The forests are the source of almost a third of all Canadian export, and of this third pulp-and-paper accounts for about 70 per cent.

    4. Deep within the ancient rocks there are rich resources of iron, gold, silver, nickel, copper, platinum, cobalt and uranium. In the south of Quebec Province, the biggest of Canada’s ten provinces, there are the largest resources of asbestos in the world. As a result, asbestos industry became a many-dollar-a-year industry in Canada. Another province – Alberta – has tremendous oil fields and vast resources of natural gas and coal. Edmonton, its capital, is the oil centre of Canada.

    5. The capital of Canada is Ottawa which is encircled and crossed by three rivers and a canal. It is a city where government and commerce intermingle. But the largest city is Montreal, which is built around a mountain on a green island. Although Montreal is situated 1,000 miles from the ocean, it is a seaport, one of Canada’s most important.
    VIII. Прочитайте 4-ый абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: Why does asbestos industry belong to the group of the most highly developed industries of Canada? Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.

    Вариант № 3
    I. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова there.

    1. In this book there will be much information useful for our research work.

    2. Many scientists think that there is no life on Mars because there is no water there.
    II. Запишите и переведите предложения. Объясните, на что указывает в слове cover окончание –s, как с апострофом (’), так и без него:

    а) глагол-сказуемое в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа;

    б) множественное число имени существительного;

    в) притяжательный падеж имени существительного, стоящего в единственном или во множественном числе.

    1. Forest area covers about half the territory of this country.

    2. Electricians use different kinds of plastic materials as covers for electric wires.

    3. The cover’s paper of this old book became yellow and torn, you must renew it.
    III. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода имени существительного с левым определением.

    1. This University offers a wide variety of higher education programs.

    2. We know that the steam engine invention was made in 1763.

    3. They plan to erect a 400-meter high television tower in the city’s center.
    IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательного и наречия.

    1. The more scientists work in studying the problem, the more reliable are the research results.

    2. In gases the molecules have a greater freedom of movement than in liquids.

    3. At present natural steam is one of the cheapest sources for power generation.
    V. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

    1. According to Albert Einstein nothing can move faster than light.

    2. Any industry needs modern machinery to improve its production.

    3. Some 250 scientists from more than 40 countries gathered for this international conference.
    VI. Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видовременные формы и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения.

    1. We have applied the latest devices and instruments for our experiments.

    2. The Earth’s atmosphere takes a large proportion of the solar radiation.

    3. The nearer the spaceship is approaching the Earth, the denser is be-coming the atmosphere.
    VII. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.

    Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 2, 3 и 5.
    1. Australia is an island country which consists of six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and others. The country’s total area is equal to that of Europe. It is the country with great differences in climate which varies from the tropical to the cool and temperate. All the main towns have river and mountain areas, as well as the seaside within easy reach.

    2. Because of frequent droughts Australia suffers with a shortage of water. That is why it is important for the country to conserve existing water supplies. Shortage of water resulted in one of the world’s largest projects, the Snow Mountains scheme. The aim of the project is to provide water to irrigate the plains and rivers’ valleys and to supply New South Wales and Victoria with electrical power.

    3. The capital of Australia is Canberra. It is a garden city with millions of trees along its streets. The largest city is Sydney, the country’s main port. Its unction is to provide the transport, commercial, financial and other services for the most efficient development of a huge area.

    4. Much attention is paid to the development of education and science. State Universities usually consist of professional schools which provide courses in medicine, physical and social sciences. Australian universities regard research work as important as teaching. One of the country’s leading research organizations is the Scientific and Industrial Research Center established in 1926. It is carrying out important programs in various fields: meteorology, industrial chemistry, radio-engineering, metallurgy, atomic industry and others.

    5. Australia is a highly developed industrial country. Its territory is rich in iron ore, zinc, copper, manganese, gold and silver, nickel and uranium, coal and natural gas and many others. The main industrial districts are along the eastern, south-eastern and south-western coasts. Australia has made great progress in chemistry, machine-building (manufacture of locomotives, agricultural machinery, etc.) and electronics. Agricultural products such as wool, wheat, cheese and sugar are among the chief Australia’s export goods. Among the main trading partners of the country there is Great Britain, Japan, the USA, Germany and New Zealand.

    VIII. Прочитайте 4-й абзац текста и выберите из данных предложений вариант, соответствующий его содержанию. Запишите и переведите его.

    1. Australian authorities pay equal attention to education and to research work.

    2. Australian authorities pay less attention to education than to research work.

    3. Australian authorities pay more attention to education than to research work.

    Вариант 4
    I. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова there.

    1. In Moscow there are many places of interest, that is why a lot of tourists come there every year.

    2. In a month there will be an international conference on the problems of ecology.
    II. Запишите и переведите предложения. Объясните, на что указывает в слове pilot окончание -s, как с апострофом (’), так и без него:

    а) глагол-сказуемое в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа;

    б) множественное число имени существительного;

    в) притяжательный падеж имени существительного, стоящего в единственном или во множественном числе.

    1. In the pilot’s cabin of a new airplane there is a lot of up-to-date de-vices.

    2. The boy has dreamed to fly from his early childhood and now he pilots airplanes.

    3. Many cosmonauts began their career as pilots of supersonic planes.
    III. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода имени существительного с левым определением.

    1. Modern house construction needs strong materials and skillful labor force.

    2. The transport system improvement is necessary for every large city.

    3. A high speed electronic machine has greatly changed the methods of their mathematical calculations.
    IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательного и наречия.

    1. The lowest temperature on the Pluto (Плутон) is below 200 degrees.

    2. Radio devices are the most effective instruments for studying the outer space.

    3. The higher the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, the more energy it must possess.
    V. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

    1. We needed some 20 minutes to check and adjust the measuring instrument.

    2. Anybody can explain you the operational principles of that apparatus.

    3. Any skilled operator can easily start and stop the engine.
    VI. Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видовременные формы и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения.

    1. Our researchers have developed a new non-metallic, synthetic material.

    2. No asphalt roads existed in this country until 1790s.

    3. Astrophysicist M. Bobrov was studying the Saturn for more than 50 years.
    VII. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.

    Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 2, 3, 4 и 5.
    1. The United Kingdom or Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is a highly developed industrial country. There is no other country in the world with such a small proportion of the population working in agriculture. The pattern of industry organization is varied. There are both very small workshops and huge organizations with a large number of workers.

    2. Great Britain is not very rich in natural resources: most of the resources and raw materials for its industries are imported.

    3. The capital of the country, London, is one of the most important financial centers and the largest ports in the world. It is also the center of light and food industries, of the production of precision instruments, furniture and many other goods.

    4. Northern and Western England is the land of coal, metal and textile. The oldest centers of English iron and steel industry are Birmingham and Sheffield. Iron smelting is based on local ore deposits and has been practiced here since ancient times. In the period of industrialization these towns played the leading role in the creation of the country’s heavy industry.

    5. The most important of the British extractive industries is coal-mining. Among the other highly developed industries there are ship-building and motor industries, the production of iron and steel. All of them play an important role in the world trade. Great Britain is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, electrical and navigation equipment, textile, aircraft, motor vehicles, chemicals.

    6. Training of specialists is provided by different educational establishments. Recently there has been a considerable expansion of scientific and technological training within the universities. Most of them have faculties providing courses for studying chemistry, aeronautics, production engineering (организация производственных процессов). All universities and colleges have laboratories and research departments and are closely associated with local industries. Great role in stimulating research work belongs to the Royal Society which was established in 1660. The Society’s activity includes organization of scientific conferences, publication of research work, delivery of lectures, and presentation of medals.
    VIII. Прочитайте 6-й абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: Is the research work of Britain’s higher schools connected with the pattern of its industrial development? Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.
    Вариант 5
    I. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слова there.

    1. In this article there were some surprising facts on the nature of magnetism.

    2. Siberia is a highly developed industrial region because there are many natural resources there.
    II. Запишите и переведите предложения. Объясните, на что указывает в слове plan окончание -s, как с апострофом (’), так и без него:

    а) глагол-сказуемое в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа;

    б) множественное число имени существительного;

    в) притяжательный падеж имени существительного, стоящего в единственном или во множественном числе.

    1. You can get the plans’ details in the library of your Institute.

    2. The chemical laboratory plans to expand its activity considerably.

    3. At the next meeting we will discuss the laboratory’s plans to acquire new equipment.
    III. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода имени существительного с левым определением.

    1. The device installation will take our specialists several days.

    2. The manager’s five-month business tour has come to an end.

    3. Electric locomotive research institute will be working at a new program for three years.
    IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательного и наречия.

    1. A wider applications of computers makes our labour easier and more efficient.

    2. The colder the atmosphere, the louder are the echoes.

    3. This book on physics gives the most detailed explanation of different Laws.
    V. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

    1. Will anybody analyze these data in your scientific laboratory?

    2. Any body that is in motion usually travels to some object in space.

    3. These researchers are doing some important work at our plant.
    VI. Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видовременные формы и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения.

    1. The managers and engineers of the plant will look for a new technology to improve the production process.

    2. We know that George Stephenson designed a locomotive in 1829.

    3. Any researcher applies some safety measures in his experimental work.
    VII. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 3, 4 и 5.
    1. The USA is a belt country about 1,400 miles wide extending across the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Its area is much larger than that of Europe. The main land mass of the country is in temperate zone. The climate conditions are under the influence of the great mountains and the winds. That is why the USA is simultaneously one of the hottest and one of the coldest, one of the wettest and one of the driest countries in the world.

    2. The USA is largely an urban state. After the 1930s there was a steady decline in the number of people living on farms. Large-scale migration of population from the rural to urban areas has been one of the major population movements of the 20thcentury. The capital of the country is Washington, situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia, but there many towns, larger in size than the capital: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles.

    3. One of the main reasons of the USA’s industrialization and a high level of its economic development is the abundance of natural resources. The country is rich in iron ore, non-ferrous metals, coal, natural gas and other resources.

    4. It is one of the world’s greatest manufacturers of power, coal and oil, motor vehicles and aircraft and some other products. Besides machinery, automobiles and other industrial goods, the USA exports agricultural products, especially cotton, wheat, maize.

    5. Training qualified personnel for national economy is done by different higher schools. There is no national system of higher education in the United States. Its separate institutions range from two-year colleges to complex universities, from technical institutes to classical liberal arts (гуманитарный) colleges. The institutions may be small or large, rural or urban, private or public, highly selective or open to all. They offer courses in all fields and areas of national economy. Another function of universities is to organize a wide-scale research. There are even special research institutes within some of the universities. One of the main scientific centers is the National Academy of Sciences which is doing research in eleven areas: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology and others.

    VIII. Прочитайте 1-й абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос: Why is there a wide variety of climates in the USA? Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.

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