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эсссееее. We live in society, we are surrounded by people we know and people we don't know. Each of us has our own desires and needs, which may not coincide with the interests of others

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НазваниеWe live in society, we are surrounded by people we know and people we don't know. Each of us has our own desires and needs, which may not coincide with the interests of others
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We live in society, we are surrounded by people we know and people we don't know. Each of us has our own desires and needs, which may not coincide with the interests of others. For society to be orderly, for no one to disturb anyone, for everyone to live in peace and harmony, it is necessary to have a tool which regulates relations between people. And society created such a valid and reliable tool - a regulator of human actions. This is a law. Law is as wonderful an invention of the human mind as the wheel, the sewing needle and bread. What is a law? I turned to dictionaries for help. From them I learned that a law is a normative-legal act of a higher representative body of state power, for violation of which a person is legally responsible. A law has supreme legal force and is aimed at regulating the most important interests of a citizen, society and the state. So what are laws for? I imagined what would happen if suddenly all laws disappeared from our lives? At first many people, especially children, would rejoice. It would be possible not to go to school, to go to bed at any time, to do whatever you want, to be completely free and have no obligations whatsoever. But after a while it will become clear that the absence of laws will lead to disorder and chaos in society. A society without laws will be a terrible place to live, one in which arbitrariness and violence will reign, and against which there will be no protection. Who is in the way of sensible laws? Criminals, hooligans, bribers, crooks. They would like the laws to be invalid or under their power, while they themselves would rob, kill, take what is not theirs with impunity, and dominate people. When a person knows the laws, instructions, regulations, it is easier for him to expose a crook, a swindler, to assert his rights. Legally literate people armed not with rocks and machine guns, but with the norms of the law can demand from the authorities not only their protection, but also their service not to themselves, but to the people. Laws are the guardians of order, regulating our lives. Law and order are the highest good for society and man, while disorder and lawlessness are the greatest evil.

Finally, I’d like to notice that first of all law for me means strong order in our society, people’s support and their confidence in the future. All this should be provided by the government by passing necessary laws and people’s strict observance of those rules. It won’t be any state without such conditions. It is my view on law understanding.

Мы живем в обществе, нас окружают знакомые и незнакомые люди. У каждого из нас свои желания, потребности, которые могут не совпадать с интересами других. Для того чтобы в обществе был порядок, никто никому не мешал, чтобы все жили в мире и согласии, необходим инструмент, регулирующий отношения между людьми. И общество создало такой действенный и надежный инструмент, регулятор человеческих поступков. Это-закон. Закон - такое же замечательное изобретение человеческого разума, как колесо, швейная игла и хлеб. Что же такое закон? Я обратилась за помощью к словарям. Из них я узнала, что закон - это нормативно-правовой акт высшего представительного органа государственной власти, за нарушение которого человек несет юридическую ответственность. Закон обладает высшей юридической силой и направлен на регулирование важнейших интересов гражданина, общества и государства. Для чего же нужны законы? Я представила, а что будет, если вдруг все законы исчезнут из нашей жизни? Сначала многие люди, особенно дети, обрадуются. Можно будет не ходить в школу, ложиться спать в любое время, делать все, что тебе захочется, быть абсолютно свободным и не иметь никаких обязательств. Но через какое-то время станет ясно, что отсутствие законов приведет к беспорядку и хаосу в обществе. В таком обществе без законов будет страшно жить, в нем будет царить произвол и насилие, от которых не будет защиты. Кому мешают разумные законы? Преступникам, хулиганам, взяточникам, мошенникам. Они хотели бы, чтобы законы не имели силы или находились под их властью, а сами они безнаказанно бы грабили, убивали, присваивали чужое, властвовали над людьми. Когда человек знает законы, инструкции, положения, ему легче разоблачить жулика, мошенника, отстоять свои права. Люди грамотные в правовом отношении, вооруженные не камнями и автоматами, а нормами закона смогут потребовать от власти не только их защиты, но и служению не самим себе, а народу. Законы стоят на страже порядка, регулируют нашу жизнь. Правопорядок и закон - наивысшие блага для общества и человека, а беспорядок и произвол- наибольшее зло.

In my life law is something that makes people create society and live mostly in piece by common rules. People have to be governed by law to avoid illegality and therefore uncontrolled behaviour. There is no doubt that I can’t imagine any normally existing large group of people, not being restricted by legal norms. Even in ancient times people created customs and traditions, that later was named as common law. And now we can see that every society has tried to make any rules to settle social behaviour.

Let’s imagine the situation that there isn’t law in one «state». I’ve put this word in quotes because basically state can’t exist without law, that’s why, it seems to me, the more suitable definition in that case is «the territory, where people live». And what will we see in this place? A lot of people behaving themselves as they want, murdering without any punishment, commiting vandalism, but for all that escaping blame and conviction. People in such situation don’t know what is right or wrong, they have no possibility to find it out. Such «state» won’t exist for a long time, at first society will have to create common law and than find a leader.

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