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Read the text:

The sense of Science
Science is a vast field. It has various branches that have broadly been divided into Natural Sciences, Formal Sciences and Social Sciences. These are known as the fundamental sciences that form the basis of the applied and interdisciplinary sciences. Science includes the study of the structure and behavior of the natural and physical aspects of the world by way of experimentation and observation. It is an extensive subject with several branches. These branches are divided into sub-categories. Physics, chemistry, biology earth science and astronomy form a part of the natural sciences, history, geography, economics, political science, sociology, psychology, social studies and anthropology are a part of the social sciences and formal sciences include mathematics, logic, statistics, decision theory, system theory and computer science. Science has changed the world for good. There have been several scientific inventions from time to time and these have made life convenient for the human beings. Several of these inventions have become an integral part of our lives and we cannot imagine our lives without them. Scientists worldwide continue to experiment and keep up with newer inventions. However, as useful as it is, science has also been misused by some, mainly by those in power, for fueling an arms race and degrading the environment. Science is a means to study, understand, analyze and experiment with the natural and physical aspects of the world and put them to use to come up for discussion of new inventions that make life more convenient for the mankind.
Post-Reading Activities

        1. Read the text again and find the English equivalents for the following words: научные изобретения, достижения; естественные, социальные науки, фундаментальные науки; прикладные науки; проводить эксперимент\исследование; держаться наравне с/под-держивать; становиться неотъемлемой частью; становиться предметом обсуждения.

        1. Read the statements and say whether they are true or false:

  1. Science provides teaching on reasoning. It makes students form their objective judgments.

  2. We exist in a world of scientific inventions. So science education cannot be ignored.

  3. Science is taught to offer training and knowledge of scientific methods.

  4. Science has its own literature, vocabulary and cultural values. Science has effective value and impact on students.

  5. Awareness of the methods of observation and experimentation in the different fields of Science helps students develop a logical brain, a significant judgment and a capacity for disciplined organization.

  6. Science helps in remedies of the defects of education. It is considered to be the most valuable element in the education of those who show special ability.

  1. Translate the following words and word combination into Russian: awareness; a significant judgment; training and knowledge of scientific methods; scientific and cultural values; to impact on smth./smb.; methods of observation and experimentation; different fields of Science; to be considered to be the most valuable element; a special ability.

  1. Work in pairs. Give a short summery of the text “The sense of Science” and discuss it with your partner.

Pre-Reading Activities

  1. Work in pairs. Make a list of things that are important when choosing an object of scientific work and discuss it.


  1. Read the text:

Branches of Science
Science is basically divided into three broad branches. These include Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Formal Sciences. These branches are further classified into sub-categories to study various aspects. Here is a detailed look at these categories and sub categories.

1.Natural Sciences. It suggests studying of the natural phenomena. It studies how the world and universe works. Natural Science is further categorized into Physical Science and Life Science.

a) Physical Science science includes the following sub- categories:

  • Physics: The study of properties of energy and matter.

  • Chemistry: The study of substances of which matter is made.

  • Astronomy: The study of the space and celestial bodies.

  • Ecology: The study of relation of organisms with their physical surroundings as well as with each other.

  • Geology: It deals with Earth’s physical structure and substance.

  • Earth Science:The study of Earth’s physical constitution and its atmosphere.

  • Oceanography:The study of biological and physical elements and phenomena of the sea.

  • Meteorology: It deals with the processes of the atmosphere

b) Life Science. The following sub-categories form a part of the life science:

  • Biology: The study of living organisms.

  • Botany: The study of plant life.

  • Zoology: The study of animal life.

  1. Social Sciences It suggests studying of the social pattern and human behaviour. It is further divided into various sub-categories:

  • History:The study of events occurred in the past.

  • Political Science: Study of systems of government and political activities.

  • Geography: Study of Earth’s physical features and atmosphere.

  • Social Studies: Study of human society.

  • Sociology: Study of development and functioning of the society.

  • Psychology: Study of human behaviour.

  • Anthropology: Study of different aspects of humans within present and past societies.

  • Economics: Study of production, consumption and circulation of wealth.

  1. Formal Sciences. It is the branch of science that studies formal systems such as mathematics and logic. It is divided into following sub-categories:

  • Mathematics: The study of numbers.

  • Logics:The study of reasoning.

  • Statistics:It deals with the analysis of numerical data.

  • Decision Theory: Mathematical study to enhance decision making ability when it comes to profit and loss.

  • Systems Theory: The study of abstract organization.

  • Computer Science: The study of experimentation and engineering to form basis for designing and use of computers.

Post-Reading Activities

  1. Match the definitions in A with the correct in B.



    Decision Theory

    The study of properties of energy and matter

    Systems Theory

    Study of different aspects of humans within present and past societies

    Computer Science

    Mathematical study to enhance decision making ability when it comes to profit and loss


    Mathematical study to enhance decision making ability when it comes to profit and loss.


    The study of substances of which matter is made


    The study of animal life


    The study of experimentation and engineering to form basis for designing and use of computers


    Study of production, consumption and circulation of wealth


    Study of human behavior


    Study of development and functioning of the society

  2. Consult the dictionary to look up the pronunciation of the names of sub-categories of scientific branches given in exercise 10 and practice to pronounce them.

  1. Choose the scientific branch from exercise 10 of your research work and describe it in 8–10 sentences in the written form.

Pre-Reading Activities

  1. Study the active vocabulary and learn it by heart: a branch of science; scientific research; inventions; approach; sub-categories; fields of Science; human behavior; ability; aspects; methods of observation and experimentation; technological discoveries; to modernize one`s life; nuclear; to be conducted; to be undertaken; to be based on; to be studied.


        1. Read the text and find the Russian equivalents for the words and expressions in italics in the text. Write them down and learn.

The Role of Science and Technology
Science education is important. It helps in developing a scientific approach. A scientific approach involves the systematic study of observations and facts, and their analysis and understanding by conducting experiments. Scientific experiments may be conducted in the real world under real-world conditions. They may also be undertaken in laboratories under certain controlled conditions. Scientific research is based on scientific experiments. A study is said to be scientific when the experiments in the subject can be conducted over and over again, and the results and theories verified repeatedly. This makes a scientific study objective and universal. Scientific experimentation and study allows for technological discoveries to be made. Technology helps in modernization of activities and processes through various products and techniques that make life more easy and comfortable. Scientific and technological advancement also has a flipside to it. Products and techniques that have been generated as a consequence of scientific knowledge must be used with wisdom. For example, nuclear physics has enabled us to learn a great deal about the atom, its structure, and properties. As a result, the nuclear reaction in the sun that makes it a ball of fire has been studied. This has advanced the frontiers of human knowledge. On the other hand, the atom bomb is also the result of the knowledge of the power of the atom. The atom bomb is a highly destructive product of scientific discovery if used. It must, therefore, not be used, as life on Planet Earth is precious and must be protected.
Post-Reading Activities

        1. Read the text again and answer the questions:

  1. Where and how are scientific researchers conducted concerning the content of the text?

  2. What makes a scientific study objective and universal?

  3. How does science help to modernize our life to be more comfortable?

  4. How must be scientific products and techniques used by people and why?

        1. Discuss the problems of the role of Science and technology in groups. Share your opinion with other students using the following expressions: to begin … \ to start with … \ I`d like to say that … \ the point is that … \ as I said before … \ In other words … \ This isn`t exactly what I mean …\ Speaking of\Evidently … \ Probably … \ Fortunately … \ Unfortunately … \ It seems to me that … \ To my mind … \ To tell the truth … \ Frankly speaking … \ I quite agree with you …\ I am of the same opinion …\ I am afraid not … \ Sorry I can`t … \ I wish I could … \ I doubt it \ It`s hard to say \ What do you mean? \ Did I understand you correctly? \ You didn`t quite get me \ As a matter of fact … \ Actually … \ I fact … \ Besides … \ What`s more … \ Moreover … \ Nevertheless … \ Personally I … \ Far from it \ That may be true, but … .

        2. Make verbs from the following nouns: deduction; investigation; observation; implication; practice; design; result; interpretation; information; combination; significance; difference; negotiation.

        3. Give a short summering of the text “The role of Science and technology”. Make use of the cliché given in brackets (The text refers to the field of … / The key-note (main idea, central topic) of the text is … . / The text deals with … . The text is devoted to the problem\description\question of … . / The text concentrates on the problem of\focuses the reader`s attention on … . / The text begins by describing the causes\reasons\main points of … . / Further on … . / Moving on to … . / In conclusion … . / Summing it up … . / I find the text to be informative\interesting\suggestive … .).

        4. Discuss with your partner the advantages and importance of the recent scientific inventions and discoveries.

Android. It is known to be one of the most noteworthy inventions of the decade, Android came as a revolution and took over the market that was earlier flooded with Symbian and Java powered devices. Most smart phones these days run on the Android operating system. It supports millions of applications.

ComputerVision. Computer vision includes several sub-domains such as event detection, indexing, object recognition, object pose estimation, motion estimation, image restoration, scene reconstruction, learning and video tracking. The field encompasses techniques of processing, analyzing, acquiring and comprehending images in high-dimensional data from the actual world to come up with symbolic information.

Touch Screen Technology. The touch screen technology seems to have taken over the world. The ease of operating makes for the popularity of the touch screen devices. These devices have become a rage worldwide.

3D Printing Technique. The 3D printing device can make a variety of stuff including kitchenware, accessories, lamps and much more. Also known as additive manufacturing, this technique creates three-dimensional objects of any shape with the use of digital model data from electronic data source such as Additive Manufacturing File (AMF).

Git Hub. Launched in the year 2008, Git Hub is a version control repository revision control and Internet hosting service that offers features such as bug tracking, task management, feature requests and sharing of codes, apps, etc. The development of GitHub platform started in 2007 and the site was launched in 2008.

Smart Watches. Smart watches have been in the market for quite some time. However, the newer ones such as that launched by Apple have come with several added features and have gained immense popularity. These watches come with almost all the features of the smart phones and are easier to carry and operate.

Crowd Funding Sites. The introduction of crowd-funding sites such as GoFundMe, Kickstarter and Indiegogo has been a boon for the creative minds. By way of these sites, inventors, artists and other creative people get a chance to share their ideas and receive financial help they require to implement the same.

        1. Study the advantages of science and make a list of disadvantages of science.

Advantages of Science

  1. New ways of preserving and flavoring the food items are being invented through research in meals technology.

  2. New ways of preserving and flavoring the food items are being invented through research in meals technology.

  3. A vast variety of plastic and different artificial supplies have been created which have hundreds of uses in the home and in industry.

  4. Antibiotics and vaccinations defend us from infectious illnesses and health problems.

  5. Nowadays there are slight or no possibilities of an infant getting disease because births now happen in hospitals under the supervision of specialized staff. Science has invented vaccines for infants to defend them from prospective life illnesses.

  6. Sanitary condition has improved a lot than before.

  7. Drainage system has been modernized.

  8. Filtered and mineral water is available to overcome diseases and other illness caused due to water pollution.

  9. Means of transport has also undergone a giant enhancement and change.

  10. Superstitions have been discarded and attitude has been changed towards everything.

  11. People now no more consider that diseases are caused by evil spirits.

  12. People have become open-minded and cosmopolitan due to the research in the field of science and technology, as a result, Scientist always tries to search out new issues, explorations, discoveries, and inventions.

        1. Make adjectives and adverbs from the following verbs: explore; discover; enhance; consider; defend; discard; correlate; create; operate; estimate; acquire; destruct; comprehend; implement; protect; conduct.

        2. How has Science changed our lives? Answer in writing.

Pre-Reading Activities

        1. Work in pairs. Share your opinion/comment with a partner using 1–3 of the following proverbs given bellow:

  1. Give your own definition of “Science” and “Research” and their correlation. Give the examples of the phenomena in your field of research?

  2. What are the 20th century most important scientific discoveries, achievements, inventions do you know?

  3. What discoveries of your scientific research are you going to make by your future thesis?


As sure as eggs is eggs\As easy as ABC. – Как дважды два четыре, верно.

A word to the wise. – Умный с полуслова понимает.

Second thoughts are best. – Семь раз отмерь, один отрежь.

So many men, so many minds. – Сколько голов, столько умов.

Practice what you preach. – Слова не должны расходиться с делами.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. – Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.

No pains, no gains. – Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.

Little strokes fell great oaks. – Терпение и труд все перетрут.

Live and learn. – Век живи-век учись.

Deeds, not words. – О человеке судят по его делам.

Fortune favours the brave. – Смелым всегда удача.

A cat in gloves catches no mice. – Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. – Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.

All is well that ends well. – Все хорошо то, что хорошо кончается.

Two heads are better than one. – Ум хорошо, а два лучше.

Where there is a will there is a way. – Где хотенье, там и уменье.

Many hands make light work. – Много рук делают работу легкой.

Every cook praces his own broth. – Каждый повар хвалит свою кашу.

Birds of a feather flock together. – Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.

Cheek brings success. – Смелость города берет.

To kill two birds with one stone. – Убить двух зайцев одним ударом.

Fine feathers do not make fine birds. – Нельзя судить по внешности.

Time and tide wait for no man. – Время и прилив никого не ждут.

Appetite comes with eating. – Аппетит приходит во время еды.

A stitch in time saves nine. – Минутка час бережет.

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. – Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.

Better late than never. – Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Brevity is the soul of wit. – Краткость – сестра таланта.

Business before pleasure. – Делу – время, а потехе – час.

        1. Read the text:

The Importance of Science in Students Life
Science is integral to education and the advancement of knowledge of the world around us. Scientific studies are based on observations and facts that are then analyzed and understood through experiments. The natural occurrences in the world that we see around us have scientific explanations. For example, the natural phenomenon of rainfall can be explained through principles of heat, evaporation and condensation. Likewise, the formation of the rainbow after a rain is a phenomenon based on principles of light. Science education is important. Developing a scientific temper among children, the youth and people in general is essential. The various sciences are introduced to children as part of formal school education. Physics, chemistry, and biology are the streams of sciences introduced to children at school. Scientific experiments make the study of the different sciences interesting and easy to understand. They also help to make children more aware of and inquisitive to learn more of the world around them. Scientific studies and experimentation help in making technological discoveries that are adapted to create products and techniques to make our day-to-day life more easy and comfortable. Technological advancement helps in carrying out various processes and activities in a quicker and more reliable way.
Post-Reading activities

        1. Translate the text into Russian.

        2. Fill in the table below about outstanding scientists and their achievements\inventions. Point out how their inventions influenced our life. Use extra information from net recourses.


Branch of science


Positive\negative impact

        1. Describe one of the distinguished achievements in your scientific branch.

        2. Translate the text into Russian.

Научное исследование – это целенаправленное познание, результаты которого выступают в виде системы понятий, законов и теорий. Характеризуя научное исследование, обычно указывают на его следующие отличительные признаки: это обязательно целенаправленный процесс, достижение осознанно поставленной цели, четко сформулированных задач; это процесс, направленный на поиск нового, на творчество, открытие неизвестного, на выдвижение оригинальных идей, новое освещение рассматриваемых вопросов.

Научное исследование характеризуется систематичностью: здесь упорядочены, приведены в систему и сам процесс исследования, и его результаты; ему присуща строгая доказательность и последовательное обоснование сделанных обобщений и выводов. Объектом научно-теоретического исследования выступает не просто отдельное явление, конкретная ситуация, а целый класс сходных явлений и ситуаций, их совокупность. Цель, непосредственные задачи научно-теоретического исследования состоят в том, чтобы найти общее у ряда единичных явлений, вскрыть законы, по которым возникают, функционируют, развиваются такого рода явления, т. е. проникнуть в их глубинную сущность. В качестве основных средств научно-теоретического исследования применяют следующее: совокупность научных методов, всесторонне обоснованных и сведенных в систему; совокупность понятий, строго определенных терминов, связанных между собою и образующих характерный язык науки. Результаты научных исследований воплощаются в научных трудах (статьи, монографии, учебники, диссертации и пр.) и затем, после их всесторонней оценки, используются в практике, учитываются в процессе практического познания и в обобщенном виде включаются в руководящие документы.

Project Work

        1. Study the stages of a scientific research:

    1. Statement of the scientific problem. A problem is a theoretical or factual issue that needs to be resolved. The types of scientific problems: the problem of describing the phenomenon; the problem of identifying patterns; problem explanations; the problem of prediction. The stages of the problem: awareness of the need to address this deficit; description of the problem situation in natural language; formulation of the problem in scientific categories and terms. The problem should be relevant. The problem is based on preferences and interests and here are 2 approaches to defining an object: object-specific mental phenomena; object-element of measurement, i.e. those units that are subject to measurement procedures in the study. The object of research can be: Individual, dyad, group;

    2. Theoretical analysis of the problem;

    3. Formulation of research hypotheses. The hypothesis is a scientifically grounded statement of probabilistic character about the essence of the studied phenomena of reality. The signs of a good hypothesis: adequacy of the problem; plausibility; verifiability;

    4. The planning of the study;

    5. Conducting a study on the planned plan;

    6. Analysis and interpretation of the data. The primary analysis of data, mathematical processing, interpretation, the original hypothesis is validated;

    7. Conclusion.

        1. Prepare a presentation of your own scientific work. Use the following phrases as a plan:

  1. The subject of my presentation is … .

  2. I`d like to give you a brief overview of … .

  3. I`ve divided my presentation into (2–4) main section … .

  4. As you can see from the diagram/chart/table … .

  5. Moving on I`d like to say … .

  6. Now I would like to describe … .

  7. To sum up … .

  8. I have explained briefly … .

  9. In conclusion … .

  10. Thank you for listening.

  11. I`ll be pleased to answer your questions.

Unit 6

Pre-Reading Activities

        1. Make adjectives from the following nouns: academy; activity; proficiency; conduct; practice; culture; technology; profession; information; analysis; difference; ideology.

        1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is it important for a student to be active?

  2. What problems does a student get stuck entering the University?

  3. What are the reasons for a student to achieve good (the best results) in his (her) academic activity?

  4. What academic projects are you actively involved?


        1. Read the text:

My academic activity
I work hard and sincerely to achieve good grades, which is very evident from my consistent grades. At the same time, I am not a student who concentrates on studies alone. Apart from having academic proficiency, I have participated actively in many extra-curricular activities like cultural, social service events and sports. I love sports, and I won state silver medal in weight lifting in my school days and a gold medal in interuniversity competitions in my undergraduate education. Being recognized as a person with good leadership qualities, I was made the class representative and designated as scheduler of the Computer Science Department during my course. Maintaining a right balance between academics and extra-curricular activities, I was actively involved in conducting seminars and guest lectures for the department. My undergraduate course has given me a comprehensive knowledge of the basic areas in Computer Science and Engineering such as Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Computer Networks, Language Processors and Artificial Intelligence. I was involved in projects implementing the principles of Operating Systems, Computer Networks and Language Processors using C and C++. I am proficient in languages such as JAVA, C, HTML, and packages like MS Office, databases like ORACLE, and operating systems like MS-DOS, UNIX, Linux, Windows and designing languages like UML. While the undergraduate courses enabled me to grasp the fundamentals related to Computer Science Engineering, they do not present an opportunity to thoroughly understand the technologies that are current within the industry. Therefore, while a Bachelor’s degree provides a sound alternative to taking a direct leap from schooling fundamentals to industry standards, it is still insufficient for an engineer to analyze the professional world. I feel the need to take up graduate study, as it would bring me closer to the kind of technical expertise I require to fulfill my professional desires. I am convinced that LAMAR University is the right place to further my academic career. Your eminent faculty, excellent research facilities, the courses offered in your university are very much likely to produce excellent results to the fields of my interest. Especially Your University is a confluence of people from varied culture, nationality, religion, race and ideology. I am sure that my exposure to these kinds of diverse influences would result in the overall development of my personality and help me broaden my concept from the narrower confines of nationalism to internationalism. I would therefore be very thankful if I am offered a beneficial association with your esteemed university with full financial support.
Post-Reading Activities

        1. Consult the dictionary and translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. I work hard and sincerely to achieve good grades. 2. Apart from having academic proficiency, I have participated actively in many extra-curricular activities like cultural, social service events and sports. 3. I love sports and I won state silver medal in weight lifting in my school days and a gold medal in interuniversity competitions in my undergraduate education. 4. My undergraduate course has given me a comprehensive knowledge of the basic areas in Computer Science and Engineering such as Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Computer Networks, Language Processors and Artificial Intelligence. 5. While the undergraduate courses enabled me to grasp the fundamentals related to Computer Science Engineering, they do not present an opportunity to thoroughly understand the technologies that are current within the industry. 6. I feel the need to take up graduate study, as it would bring me closer to the kind of technical expertise I require to fulfill my professional desires.

        1. Translate the sentences into English.

              1. Для того чтобы достичь хороших результатов надо много трудиться.

              2. Так как я обладаю ярко выраженными лидерскими качествами, я был(а) выбрана официальным представителем нашей группы.

              3. В нашем университете обучаются представители из разных стран, с разным уровнем подготовки, культурой, религиозными убеждениями, взглядами и идеологией.

              4. Я активный студент, поэтому, помимо академической занятости, я охотно принимаю участие в различных внеучебных проектах, мероприятиях.


        1. Read the text and give the main points of students’ activity in 10 sentences according to the given summer program bellow.

Summer Program for Entering Students
This is a program to prepare students for their first college level science courses and to give them a head start in their majors. It is an intensive four-week problem solving experience that combines the teaching of problem solving techniques with content in chemistry and physics. The techniques are also applied to projects based upon engineering design problems. Students work in teams led by City College upper classmen.

Problem Solving Instruction in Science. Students are introduced to topics in chemistry and physics and are given problems to solve that stress the application of these scientific concepts. Team leaders are trained to ask questions that force their students to think through the problems and develop their problem solving skills.

Practical Design. For this activity, mathematical solutions are applied to practical design problems. The problems are constructed so that there can be several solutions. Student teams set to work on a problem and prepare a presentation of the solution that may include charts, graphs and models and always a forma write-up.

Team Approach. Students work in teams that are organized by majors. Often teammates become friends for life.

Academic Support and Enrichment. During the fall and spring semesters, CCAPP provides services to meet the academic needs of students at all stages of their academic careers.

Tutorial Workshops. Workshops are offered in required and elective science courses. Participants improve their grades, learn good study habits, and form their own study groups.

Advising and Registration. Advisors help CCAPP students plan their academic programs and assist them through the registration process.

Counseling Counselors are available to help students deal with personal and academic problems that interfere with their academic progress.

Student to Student Mentoring. Upper division students are matched with entering students to assist them in developing effective study habits and behaviors that will help them balance their personal lives with their lives as college students.

Students center. The CCAPP Science Study Center is open 24/7 and provides a comfortable safe meeting place to study and exchange ideas and experiences.

Professional and Career Development. CCAPP provides guidance, information and experience to help students recognize their talents and areas of interest, learn about various careers, realize the requirements of these careers and match their talents and interests with the appropriate career choice.

  • Students are referred to research and internship opportunities.

  • Seminars are organized to inform students about careers in their majors.

  • Students participate in professional conferences.

Students are referred to mentors who serve as role models for their future professions.

Academic activities:

  • Scientific research

  • External supervision of thesis

  • Writing books

  • Writing articles.

Post-Reading Activities

        1. Translate the text into Russian.

        2. Work in groups (pairs) and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this summer program. Make a list of them.

Project Work

        1. Prepare a presentation of your academic program / activity. Prepare a 5–7 minute talk about your program and be ready to answer any questions of your group mates. Good luck!


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  4. Березина, О. А. Английский язык для студентов университетов. Упражнения по грамматике = English for University Students. Grammar Excersises : учеб. пособие / О. А. Березина, Е. М. Шпилюк. – М. : Академия, 2008. – 208 с.

  5. Богатырева, М. А. Учебник английского языка гуманитарных вузов: начальный этап обучения / М. А. Богатырева. – 2-е изд., стереотип. – М. : Флинта : МПСИ, 2011. – 640 c.

  6. Ситникова, А. Ю. English for Pedagogical Studies : учеб.-метод. пособие / А. Ю. Ситникова, Л. А. Кушнырь. – Сургут : ИЦ СурГУ, 2015. – 28 с.

  7. English for Master Course: Science and Technology : учеб. пособие / Л. В. Вдовиченко [и др.]. – Сургут : ИЦ СурГУ, 2016. – 72 с.

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  14. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. – Edinburg : Longman, 2016. – 1568 p.

  15. Findhorn eco-village [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.lingq.com/.

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  17. Modern Devices That Will Change Our Lives [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://listverse.com/.

  18. Reducing your carbon footprint [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://en.reset.org/act/reduce-your-ecological-footprint. com/.

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  20. Invention of the Dishwasher [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.thoughtco.com/.

Учебное издание


Часть II
Учебное пособие

Царская Татьяна Сергеевна

Инна Вячеславовна Шукурова

Екатерина Владимировна Бастинович

Редактор В. А. Азиева

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