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  • Read the text “Choosing a career” again. Try to answer the questions given in the text about a career planning and choice. Discuss the questions in pairs.

  • Prepare a personal statement about yourself in 12–15 sentences. Be positive, but dont exaggerate your qualities too much.

  • Work in small groups. Whom do you know Why do you think people admire them

  • Read the information below and match with the names from exercise 1.

  • Use the names of outstanding personalities from exercise 1 to complete the sentences.

  • Complete the biographical facts with the words from the chart

  • Would you like to be a famous person Why or why not Use the following phrases to express your opinion.

  • Work in groups. Prepare a presentation. You are going to prepare a list of questions to interview an outstanding person. Decide whom you want to interview. It could be

  • Unit 4 INVENTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES Pre-Reading Activities Translate the following words into Russian

  • Reading Read the text: The Greatest Inventions of All Time

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    Post-Reading Activities

    1. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: принять самое важное решение; зарабатывать; в течение нашей жизни; до самой пенсии; быть удовлетворенным; прилагать усилия; принять хорошо обдуманное решение; совершенствовать, уточнять; конкретные, определенные навыки; сузить выбор; собирать информацию; достичь цели; подходящий этап.


    1. Read the text “Choosing a career” again. Try to answer the questions given in the text about a career planning and choice. Discuss the questions in pairs. Do you think you are ready with the choice? Are these steps helpful? Which of these steps helped you make your choice? Would you recommend these steps to someone making his choice about his/her future job?

    1. Prepare a personal statement about yourself in 12–15 sentences. Be positive, but don't exaggerate your qualities too much.

    Example: I'm … who likes a challenge. I'm a … , energetic worker who is happy to work… . I’m … .
    Unit 3

    Pre-Reading Activities

      1. Work in small groups. Whom do you know? Why do you think people admire them?

    1) Vladimir Putin; 2) Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pele); 3) Sophia Kovalevskaya; 4) Steven Paul Jobs; 5) Gabrielle Bonheur Coco Chanel; 6) Yuri Gagarin; 7) Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí Domènech, 1st Marquess of Dalí de Púbol; 8) Albert Einstein.

      1. Read the information below and match with the names from exercise 1.

        1. He is a retired Brazilian professional footballer who played as a forward. He is one of the best players in football, hence why he's nicknamed the king of football.

        2. French fashion designer who ruled over Parisian haute couture for almost six decades. Her elegantly casual designs inspired women of fashion to abandon the complicated, uncomfortable clothes-such as petticoats and corsets-that were prevalent in 19th-century dress. Among her now-classic innovations were the suit, the quilted purse, costume jewelry, and the “little black dress.” 

        3. He was the greatest genius of his time, a man whose contributions to science and mathematics have been matched by just a handful of others throughout history. Even so, he is nowadays mostly associated with just one simple formula: E = mc2. Many call it the most famous formula in the world, and even people who have no idea what mass-energy equivalence is still know that one formula.

        4. Russian intelligence officer and politician who served as president (1999–2008, 2012–) and prime minister (1999, 2008–12) of Russia. His rule was characterized by centralization of power, suppression of dissent, and assertion of Russian military power. Although he was virtually unknown, His public-approval ratings soared when he launched a well-organized military operation against secessionist rebels in Chechnya. Wearied by years of Yeltsin’s erratic behaviour, the Russian public appreciated his coolness and decisiveness under pressure. His support for a new electoral bloc, Unity, ensured its success in the December parliamentary elections. 

        5. He was the Soviet pilot whose name is famous to any schoolchild. He became the example and legend to people in the USSR and the whole world. He became the Honorary Citizen in many foreign cities and the international social activist. It was the man who turned over a new leaf of space exploration; he continues to be the symbol of Soviet science and aircraft development.

        6. He was an American entrepreneur and inventor, best known as the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. At the time of his resignation from Apple, and again after his death, Jobs was widely described as a visionary, pioneer, and genius-perhaps one of the foremost – in the field of business, innovation, and. product design.

        7. She was a mathematician and a writer who made a valuable contribution to the theory of partial differential equations. She was the first woman in modern Europe to gain a doctorate in mathematics, the first to join the editorial board of a scientific journal, and the first to be appointed professor of mathematics.

        8. He was a notable figure in the history of surrealist art and 20th-century art in general. Opinions of him as an artist and as a man are inevitably skewed by his unusual behavior and lifestyle, which were as out of the ordinary as his artworks, and also by his apparent support of the Fascist General Franco. He was rejected by his father, following his bizarre lifestyle and pronouncements and after taking up with a married Russian woman much older than himself – Elena Ivanovna Diakonova, better known as Gala.  

      1. Use the names of outstanding personalities from exercise 1 to complete the sentences.

      1. Vladimir Putin (1F) is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer serving as President of Russia since 2012, previously holding the position from 2000 until 2008.

      2. (…) was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking and bizarre images in his surrealist work, his painterly skills are often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters.

      3. In 1921, (…) opened what may be considered an early incarnation of the fashion boutique, featuring clothing, hats, and accessories, later expanded to offer jewelry and fragrance.

      4. Wearing his number 10 shirt, (…) produced one of the best performances of his career, scoring a hat-trick in Lisbon as Santos won 5–2.

      5. Based on calculations (…) made in 1911, about his new theory of general relativity, light from another star should be bent by the Sun's gravity.

      6. In 1889 (…) was appointed Ordinary Professor (full professor) at Stockholm University, the first woman in Europe in modern times to hold such a position.

      7. On 12 April 1961, the Vostok 3KA-3 (Vostok 1) spacecraft with (…) aboard was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. He thus became both the first human to travel into space, and the first to orbit the Earth. His call sign was Kedr.

      8. (…) changed the licensing program for Macintosh clones, making it too costly for the manufacturers to continue making machines.

      1. Complete the biographical facts with the words from the chart: artistic repertoire [ˏrepətwa:]; a doctorate in mathematics; female silhouette [ˏsilu:ʹet]; KGB agent; a pioneer; a World Cup; doctorate degrees; celebrity.

          1. Jobs is widely recognized as … of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, along with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

          2. Albert Einstein received honorary … in science, medicine and philosophy from many European and American universities. 

          3. Gagarin became an international … and was awarded many medals and titles, including Hero of the Soviet Union, the nation's highest honour.

          4. Sophia Kovalevskaya was the first woman in modern Europe to gain … , the first to join the editorial board of a scientific journal, and the first to be appointed professor of mathematics.

          5. Prior to getting into politics, from 1985 to 1990, Putin was a … in Dresden, East Germany, where he assumed identity of a translator.

          6. On 29 June 1958, Pelé became the youngest player to play in … final match at 17 years and 249 days.

    1. Chanel's ascendancy was the official deathblow to the corseted … . 

    2. Dalí's expansive … included film, sculpture, and photography, at times in collaboration with a range of artists in a variety of media.

      1. a) Work in pairs. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents. Write them in your copy-books;

    1. Ambitious

    1. отважный

    1. Courageous

    1. привлекательный

    1. Fair

    1. образный

    1. Imaginative

    1. талантливый

    1. Tolerant

    1. трудолюбивый

    1. Smart

    1. умный

    1. Clear-thinking

    1. честолюбивый

    1. Determined

    1. храбрый

    1. Hard-working

    1. терпимый

    1. Original

    1. властный

    1. Talented

    1. умный

    1. Brave

    1. рассудительный

    1. Bossy

    1. целеустремленный

    1. Clever

    1. незаурядный

    1. Good-looking

    1. справедливый

    b) Which of the traits above should the people in exercise 1 have? Why?

      1. In small groups of three, decide who you think are the top three people of all time from your country. Tell the class about them. These words and phrases could help you. Be ready to answer any questions of your group mates.

    I’d like to tell you about … / let me give you some biographical details … / he/she is exceptionally talented/creative / I really admire the way he/she … / be good leader; be a good team player… / have strong principles / to get some achievements / be very famous for / have a positive attitude.

      1. Would you like to be a famous person? Why or why not? Use the following phrases to express your opinion.

    I think to be a famous person is … / I find being famous is very/rather … / in my opinion outstanding people are … / there are some advantages and disadvantages … / on one hand … on other hand … / it should be noted … / it seems to be … .
    Project Work

      1. Work in groups. Prepare a presentation. You are going to prepare a list of questions to interview an outstanding person. Decide whom you want to interview. It could be:

    • Someone you really admire

    • A famous person from your country

    • Somebody who is in the news at the moment.

    Reading_Activities__Translate_the_following_words_into_Russian'>Unit 4

    Pre-Reading Activities

          1. Translate the following words into Russian: semiconductors; penicillin; gunpowder; electricity, nail; light bulb; paper; wheel; internal combustion engine; optical lenses; fire; nuclear fission, vaccination (vaccine).


          1. Read the text:

    The Greatest Inventions of All Time
    Technology is a core component of the human experience. We have been creating tools to help us tame the physical world since the early days of our species. Any attempt to count down the most important technological inventions is certainly debatable, but here are some major advancements that should probably be on any such list (in chronological order): 

          1. It can be argued that it was discovered rather than invented. Certainly, early humans observed incidents of it, but it wasn’t until they figured out how to control it and produce it themselves that humans could really make use of everything this new tool had to offer. The earliest use of it goes back as far as two million years ago, while a widespread way to utilize this technology has been dated to about 125,000 years ago. It gave us warmth, protection, and led to a host of other key inventions and skills like cooking. The ability to cook helped us get the nutrients to support our expanding brains, giving us an indisputable advantage over other primates.

          2. It was invented by Mesopotamians around 3 500 B.C., to be used in the creation of pottery. About 300 years after that, it was put on a chariot and the rest is history. They are ubiquitous in our everyday life, facilitating our transportation and commerce.

          3. The earliest known use of this very simple but super-useful metal fastener dates back to Ancient Egypt, about 3400 B.C. If you are more partial to screws, they’ve been around since Ancient Greeks (1st or 2nd century B.C.). 

          4. They – from glasses to microscopes and telescopes, they have greatly expanded the possibilities of our vision. They have a long history, first developed by ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, with key theories of light and vision contributed by Ancient Greeks. They were also instrumental components in the creation of media technologies involved in photography, film and television.

          5. This navigational device has been a major force in human exploration. The earliest one was made of lodestone in China between 300 and 200 B.C.

          6. It was invented about 100 BC in China, it has been indispensable in allowing us to write down and share our ideas.  

          7. This chemical explosive, invented in China in the 9th century, has been a major factor in military technology (and, by extension, in wars that changed the course of human history).

          8. This19th century invention (created by Belgian engineer Etienne Lenoir in 1859 and improved by Germany’s Nikolaus Otto in 1876), this thing that converts chemical energy into mechanical energy overtook the steam engine and is used in modern cars and planes. Elon Musk's electric car company Tesla, among others, is currently trying to revolutionize technology in this arena once again.

          9. This thing – while sometimes controversial, the practice of it is responsible for eradicating diseases and extending the human lifespan. The first … (for smallpox) was developed by Edward Jenner in 1796. A rabies … was developed by the French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur in 1885, who is credited with making it the major part of medicine that is it today. Pasteur is also responsible for inventing the food safety process of pasteurization, that bears his name.

          10. Probably one of the single most important things in our lives, if the power it had never been harnessed we wouldn’t have even a fraction of what we have in the world today. No TV’s, no microwave ovens, no computers, no air conditioning.

          11. If you are not sitting in the dark then you should be thankful to Thomas Edison for inventing it. Joseph Swan did similar work in Britain at the time, and eventually the two merged their ideas into a single company, Edison. This thing itself works by transmitting electricity through a wire with high resistance known as a filament. The waste energy created by the resistance is expelled as heat and light.

          12. It was discovered by the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928, this drug transformed medicine by its ability to cure infectious bacterial diseases. It began the era of antibiotics. 

          13. This process of splitting atoms to release a tremendous amount of energy led to the creation of special reactors and atomic bombs. It was the culmination of work by a number of prominent (mostly Nobel Prize-winning) 20th-century scientists, but the specific discovery of it is generally credited to the Germans Otto Hahn and Fritz Stassmann, working with the Austrians Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch.

          14. They are at the foundation of electronic devices and the modern Digital Age. Mostly made of silicon, these devices are behind the nickname of “Silicon Valley”, home to today’s major U.S. computing companies. The first device containing this material was demonstrated in 1947 by America’s John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley of Bell Labs.

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