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  • Рецензенты: канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры лингвистического образования и межкультурной коммуникации СурГПУВ. В. Карнюшина;

  • General

  • Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words

  • Reading Read and translate the text: Earth in Danger

  • What in the world is happening

  • Wild weather

  • Death and disease

  • The facts Goodbye green

  • Helpless habitats

  • Post-Reading Activities Read the text “Earth in Danger” and say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F)

  • Study the structure of the imperative sentences

  • Find the definitions in text “Earth in Danger”. The number of letters given in brackets for each word will help you.

  • Read the text “Earth in Danger” again and answer the questions

  • Язык для бакалавров

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    Кафедра иностранных языков


    Часть II
    Учебное пособие


    Издательский центр СурГУ


    УДК 811.111(075.8)

    ББК 81.2Англ-73

    Печатается по решению

    редакционно-издательского совета СурГУ

    канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры лингвистического образования

    и межкультурной коммуникации СурГПУ

    В. В. Карнюшина;

    канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков СурГУ

    Н. Е. Чеснокова


    General English for Bachelor students = Английский язык для бакалавров : учеб. пособие / сост.: Т. С. Царская, И. В. Шукурова, Е. В. Бастинович ; Cургут. гос. ун-т. – Сургут : ИЦ СурГУ, 2019. – 63 с.

    Учебное пособие является продолжением базового курса английского языка для студентов неязыковых направлений подготовки, содержит аутентичные тексты и упражнения, предназначенные для формирования лексических навыков студентов, навыков говорения, чтения, умений иноязычного речевого общения по социокультурной и бытовой тематике, и составлено в соответствии с рабочей программой обучения иностранному языку и требованиями ФГОС ВО.

    Предназначено для студентов II курса очного и заочного отделений неязыковых направлений подготовки для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.

    УДК 811.111(075.8)

    ББК 81.2Англ-73
    © Т. С. Царская, И. В. Шукурова,

    Е. В. Бастинович, составление, 2019

    © БУ ВО «Сургутский государственный университет», 2019




    Unit 1. Environmental issues




    Reducing your carbon footprint


    How we will be living in 20 years` time


    Findhorn eco-village


    Unit 2. Career choice


    The happiest workers


    Choosing a career


    Unit 3. Outstanding personality


    Unit 4. Inventions and technologies


    Modern devices that will change our lives


    Unit 5. Science and research


    Branches of Science


    The role of Science and technology


    The importance of Science in students life


    Unit 6. My academic activity


    Summer program for entering students




    Целью учебного пособия является формирование и развитие иноязычных коммуникативных умений передавать, делиться информацией на иностранном языке, отвечающих требованиям и потребностям студентов неязыковых направлений подготовки в вузе, развитие умений чтения и перевода на основе базового владения лексико-грамматическим материалом, устного и письменного общения.

    Вторая часть учебного пособия является логическим продолжением учебного пособия «Английский язык для бакалавров. Ч. I», состоит из 6 тематических разделов, содержащих аутентичные тексты профессионального, социокультурного, бытового характера, и задания, направленные на развитие умений и навыков работы с иноязычным текстом, активизацию ранее усвоенных лексических единиц и семантизацию новых, развитие навыков говорения. Тексты учебного пособия знакомят студентов с актуальными научными проблемами, выдающимися личностями, вопросами выбора и продвижения карьеры, а также занятости студентов в учебный период.

    Каждый раздел содержит задания для самостоятельной (аудиторной, внеаудиторной, творческой) работы, при выполнении которых требуется умение пользоваться справочными пособиями, словарями на бумажных и электронных носителях, различными поисковыми системами и т. д., и состоит из рубрик, нацеленных на развитие коммуникативных умений:

    • «Pre-reading activities», предтекстовые – для формирования лексических навыков и навыков говорения у студентов;

    • «Reading», текстовые – для формирования навыков различных видов чтения (просмотрового, поискового, ознакомительного, изучающего) англоязычных текстов непрофессиональной (страноведческой), социально-бытовой тематики;

    • «Post-reading activities», послетекстовые – для формирования навыков монологической и диалогической устной и письменной речи;

    • «Project work», проектные – для формирования учебно-исследовательских умений, владения коммуникативной иноязычной компетенцией, необходимой для успешной социализации и самореализации как инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире.

    Дидактический комплекс коммуникативных иноязычных упражнений составлен в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС ВО, предъявляемых к студентам неязыковых направлений и рабочей программы дисциплины «Иностранный язык».

    Учебное пособие составлено на основе аутентичных материалов веб-сайтов и учебных изданий: Hashemi L., Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises with answers ; Glendinning E. H. Technology ; Ситникова А. Ю., Кушнырь Л. А. English for Pedagogical Studies ; Вдовиченко ЛВ. English for Master Course. Science and Technology ; Базанова Е. М., Фельснер И. В. Учебник для студентов неязыковых вузов ; Богатырев М. А. Учебник английского языка гуманитарных вузов.

    Unit 1

    Pre-Reading Activities

    1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words: a heat wave, to rise, to flood, to damage, an issue, to melt, to release, carbon dioxide, methane, to trap, to contribute, to sound, a disease, drought, disastrous, to spread, to realize, to deal with, rubbish dumps, an emission, a phone charger, to reduce, to unplug, a lid, to boil, a charity, cattle.

    1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:

    1. … pollute the air and land for hundreds of years.

    2. Methane and other gases are … by burning fossil fuels.

    3. Australia and Africa suffer from … .

    4. Bangladesh, India and some other Asian countries suffer from disastrous … .

    5. When you leave home … all the devices, especially TVsets and PCs.

    6. People themselves … to climate change by travelling by car or plane, by taking a hot bath or heating their houses.

    7. Most of the things we do every day … the environment.

    8. You can … the impact on the environment by following some simple eco-friendly tips.


    1. Read and translate the text:

    Earth in Danger
    The year is 2080, and the world is a very different place. Sea levels have risen and flooded millions of homes. London, New York and many other cities are underwater. The Earth has become a lot warmer and heatwaves are killing crops. People are fighting because they don’t have enough food or clean water. Malaria is common in Europe and many of the animals and plants have disappeared forever. This sounds like the story of a Hollywood film. But it could really happen if we keep damaging the environment.

    Many issues affect the environment but which ones could cause the biggest problems in the future?

    Claire Addison, 23, from Edinburgh, works for an organization called Envision in London, which teaches teens about environmental issues. “The biggest problem for our planet is climate change,” Claire explains. “Greenhouse gases are causing higher temperatures around the world, which is causing ice to melt and sea levels to rise.”

    Many people talk about factories but the truth is: we all cause climate change. Lots of our favourite things – like mobile phones, televisions and computers – need energy to work. Most of this energy comes from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, which releases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and other gases into the air. These greenhouse gases trap the heat from the sun in our atmosphere, which makes our world warmer.

    We all contribute to climate change whenever we:

    • travel by car, by plane or on public transport;

    • take a bath or shower with hot water;

    • turn on the heating;

    • use electricity that comes from fossil fuels;

    • buy products that need lots of energy to make and/or come from far away.

    What in the world is happening?Our climate is already changing. “In Bangladesh, there are more storms, which makes it difficult to grow crops,” says Claire. “Flooding is becoming worse and people are dying of diseases found in the water.” Some scientists think the Earth could be six degrees warmer by 2100. That doesn’t sound like a lot but it would have disastrous effects:

    Wild weather: There could be more drought and desert in Australia and Africa, and dangerous heat waves in Europe.

    Wet wet wet: Sea levels could rise, covering areas like Bangladesh, the Netherlands and Florida. Even London and New York could be flooded.

    Death and disease: Malaria and other tropical diseases could spread to Europe.

    Using too much?Do you throw things away even though they’re not really broken? Do you buy more food than you can eat and use more water than you need? Most people don’t realize how much they waste. But we’re cutting down trees, using too much energy and making more rubbish than nature can deal with.

    The facts

    Goodbye green: We’ve already lost two thirds of the world’s forests. Every year, we cut down 160,000 square kilometers – an area the size of England and Wales! This is also bad news for climate change because forests absorb a lot of CO2.

    Helpless habitats: When we cut down trees or build new things, we destroy the natural habitats of animals.

    Dirty dumps: Our rubbish dumps pollute the air and land, and our plastic ends up in the sea. There are even rubbish dumps for old aero planes and ships.

    You can help!Our homes produce around 30 per cent of CO2 emissions. Everyone knows we can save energy by turning off lights and using energy-efficient light bulbs. But there are lots of other simple things you can do:

    • Unplug your television and laptop. They use energy even when they’re turned off. Always unplug your phone charger after your phone is charged.

    • Turn down the heating by one degree. This can reduce your energy use by ten per cent!

    • Take a short shower instead of a bath. A bath uses about 100 liters of hot water.

    • Put the lids on pots and pans when you’re cooking.

    • Keep your fridge full. Empty fridges need more energy to stay cool.

    • Don’t boil more water than you need.

    How to use less!

    We need to use less. “We should live in a way that leaves enough for the future,” says Claire from Envision. Recycling more and driving less are good ways to help. But try out these tips too:

    • Use things for as long as possible. It takes energy to make new products.

    • If your old stuff can still be used, give it to charity instead of throwing it away.

    • Eat less meat! Meat production uses lots of energy, and rainforests are destroyed to make space for cattle.

    • Wash fruit and vegetables in a bowl, then use that water for your plants.

    • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Use a normal toothbrush instead of an electric one.

    • Drink tap water instead of bottled water.

    • Keep water in the fridge so you won’t have to run the tap until the water gets cold.

    • Take your own travel mug to the coffee shop instead of using paper cups.

    Post-Reading Activities

    1. Read the text “Earth in Danger” and say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F):

    1. If the Earth keeps on getting warmer, cities such as London and New York could be underwater.

    2. Burning coal and oil is bad for the environment.

    3. Using an electric toothbrush helps the environment.

    4. We should save natural water and drink bottled water instead.

    1. Study the structure of the imperative sentences:

    1. Always use reusable plastic bags when you go shopping.

    2. Switch off all your devices when you leave your home.

    1. Find some other imperative sentences in the text “Earth in Danger” and make up your own ones.

    1. Find the definitions in text “Earth in Danger”. The number of letters given in brackets for each word will help you.

    1. to take in a gas, liquid or other substance (6);

    2. the air round the Earth or round another planet (10);

    3. causing a lot of damage or harm (10);

    4. to make air, water or land too dirty and dangerous for people to use in a safe way (7);

    5. a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die (7);

    6. places that particular animals usually live in or particular plants usually grow in, for example a desert, forest or lake (8);

    7. places where large amounts of rubbish are taken, usually outside a town (7 + 5);

    8. something that is … works well and uses the power supply (electricity, gas, oil, etc.) in the most effective way (6 + 9);

    9. a serious illness caused by being bitten by a mosquito, usually in a hot country (7);

    10. do something to help make something else happen, even if you don’t want to (10);

    11. substances, especially gases, that go into the air (9);

    12. to use more of something than you need (5);

    13. when land is underwater as a result of lots of rain or rising water levels (7);

    14. subjects that people discuss or argue about, especially relating to the environment, politics, etc. (6).

    1. Read the text “Earth in Danger” again and answer the questions:

    1. What could happen according to some imaginary Hollywood scenario? Why could it happen?

    2. What do greenhouse gases cause?

    3. How do greenhouses produce?

    4. What human activities make the world warmer?

    5. What could happen if the world became several degrees warmer?

    6. Why are forests useful? What do they provide people with?

    7. How acetones of rubbish stored?

    8. How are CO2 emissions reduced?

    9. How else can you help to reduce the impact on the environment?

      1   2   3   4   5   6

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