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СМИ. Практикум по языку сми учебнометодическое пособие авт сост. Вишнякова Е. А., Дроздова Т. В., Конистерова Е. А., Улитина К. А. Тула

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Е.А.Кораблева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой переводоведения и межкультурной коммуникации ФГБОУ ВО «Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н.Толстого»

Ю.Н.Неудахина, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка ФГБОУ ВО «Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н.Толстого»
Вишнякова Е.А., Дроздова Т.В., Конистерова Е.А., Улитина К.А.

Практикум по языку СМИ: учебно-методическое пособие/ авт.-сост. Вишнякова Е.А., Дроздова Т.В., Конистерова Е.А., Улитина К.А. – Тула: Издательство «Полиграфинвест», 2018. – 64 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов языовых и неязыковых профилей различных направлений подготовки, а также студентов заочной формы обучения языковых профилей. Кроме того, им с успехом могут пользоваться все, кто интересуется английским языком.

Пособие предназначено для обучения чтению, переводу и интерпретации текстов СМИ, а также для овладения специализированной лексикой.

Подписано в печать 25.09.2018. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага офсетная.

Печать трафаретная. Усл. печ. л. 8,5. Тираж 100 экз.

Отпечатано в типографии ООО ПКФ «Полиграфинвест»

г. Тула, ул. Сурикова, д.20, оф.112


THE PRESS……………………………………………….…....4

NEWSPAPER STYLE ….…………..……………...….….….13

RENDERING THE ARTICLE..………………………….… 26



Данное пособие предназначено для студентов языковых и неязыковых профилей различных направлений подготовки, а также может быть интересно всем, кто интересуется английским языком.

Пособие состоит из трех разделов, посвященных средствам массовой информации, и представляет собой вокабуляр, систему упражнений и текстов по различным аспектам, составленных на основе аутентичных материалов. Учебно-методическое пособие включает в себя задания, направленные на понимание содержания текстового материала, отработку лексико-грамматического материала и практического применения данного материла в коммуникативных ситуациях. Кроме того, пособие содержит разделы, включающие в себя материал для самостоятельной работы.

Первый и второй разделы данного пособия предназначены для овладения специальной лексикой, а также для обучения чтению и переводу статей различной тематики. Третий раздел учебно-методического пособия поможет научить студентов основам анализа англоязычных текстов СМИ.

Учебно-методическое пособие может быть успешно применено как на аудиторных занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы.

Topical vocabulary

  1. Study the example sentences and find the definition of the words in bold.

Some types of printed material

  1. The Conservative Party published a pamphlet on the future of private education.

  2. I picked up a leaflet about the museum when I was in town.

  3. Do you have any brochures about the Caribbean holidays?

  4. Before you choose a university, you should send away for some prospectuses.

  5. I was given a flyer about a new nightclub which is opening next month.

  6. A tourist office has a free booklet of local walks.

  7. This computer manual is impossible to understand!

  8. There’s a good arts coverage in the newspaper, but not much political commentary.

  9. I decided to take out a subscription to a gardening magazine.

  1. type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover that contains articles and photographs and is published every week or month;

  2. a regularly printed document consisting of large sheets of paper that are folded together, or a websitecontaining news reports, articlesphotographs, and advertisements;

  3. a small, thin book like a magazine, which gives information about a school, college or university, or a company;

  4. a single sheet or folded sheets of paper giving information about something;

  5. a small thin book with a soft cover, often giving information about something;

  6. a book of detailed instructions how to use something;

  7. a small, thin book like a magazine, which gives information, often about travel, or a company, etc.

  8. a single sheet giving information about event, special offer, etc., often given out in the street;

  9. a small book with a soft cover, dealing with a specific topic, often political

2. Fill the gaps in the sentences with the words in ex.I.

  1. I’ve decided to do my own car maintenance, so I’ve bought the …… for my particular model.

  2. Some was giving out …… in the town center today about a demonstration that’s going to take place on Saturday.

  3. I love looking through holiday …… and dreaming about flying off to exotic places.

  4. I never read political ……; they’re so boring.

  5. This …… gives the opening times for the art gallery.

  6. I’ve got this really useful …… with details of all the local sights.

  7. I’ve read the …… and I like that university; I think I’ll apply.

3. Match the sentences with the source where you would be most likely to find them. Use a dictionary if necessary.

  1. It lists all the requirements for entry.

  2. It exposes serious problems in the industry.

  3. It draws attention to the fundamental issues.

  4. It gives you the lowdown on accommodation.

  5. It’s packed with useful tips.

  6. It contains a lot of small prints.

  1. a political pamphlet on poverty

  2. a guarantee leaflet with a new camera

  3. a university prospectus

  4. a newspaper article

  5. a tourist brochure

  6. a booklet about buying a house

4. Study the vocabulary

The Press (Printed Media)

Types of publications:

a daily (newspaper)

a weekly

a Monthly

colour supplement


a quality (newspaper)

a tabloid

a broadsheet

a glossy magazine


Home news

International news

Finance (business) news

Advertisement and classified ads

Book (film, music, play) review


Comic strips




Weather report

an editorial (an article in a newspaper which gives an opinion of the editor or publisher on a topic or an item of news

a leader ( the main article expressing the editor’s opinion on the most important news items of the day

a feature ( a special article in a newspaper or magazine)

a front-page article (appears on the front page of a newspaper because it’s very important or interesting

gossip column

agony column (advice column) - It’s a part where letters from readers about their personal problems are printed and where advice about these problems is given.

personal column (contains messages for individual people and advertisements of a private nature)




picture editor







photographer (free-lance photographer)

Some more useful expressions:

to give instant coverage of events

photographically-illustrated articles

to be featured in the press

to aim at mass circulation

to be aimed at (e.g. an educated audience, an older age-group)

to hit (grab) the headlines

invasion of privacy

to launch a newspaper

to attract media attention

to sensationalize events

sensationalist headlines



to be hyped up by the media

media exposure

Note the use of some “news” words:

  • news ageniticy;

  • newsagent’s (a shop where newspapers and magazines are sold);

  • newsman/newspaperman ( a reporter for a newspaper)

  • news-sheet (a small newspaper that is usually printed and distributed in small quantities by a local political or social organization);

  • newsstand;

  • newsworthy (if an event, fact, or person is newsworthy it’s considered to be reported in newspapers or on the radio or TV).

5. A large number of people, doing different jobs, are employed in producing and selling newspapers every day. Match the name of the job in the left-hand column to the correct definition of the work people do.

1. cartoonist

2. city editor

3. our own correspondent

4. critic

5. editor

6. features editor

7. freelance journalist

8. gossip columnist

9. leader writer

10. newsagent

11. news vendor

12. proprietor

13. reporter


15. sudeditor
a) comments on new books

b) commissions special articles

c) does humorous drawings

d) edits articles sent in by reporters

e) is responsible for the content and policy of the newspaper

f) is responsible for financial news

g) is sent to report on events

h) owns a newspaper

i) sells newspapers in a shop

j) sells newspapers in the streets

k) represents a particular newspaper in one place

l) submits articles to different newspapers

m) writers editorials

n) writes about new films, plays, etc.

o) writes about the social life of well-known people

6. The sueditor is responsible for writing the headlines for articles. On which pages of the newspaper would you expect to find the following headlines?

the front page (main news)

the gossip column

the situations vacant column

the editorial page

the travel page

the features page

the fashion page

the City page

the review page










7. Colin Hunter is a young reporter on a local newspaper. Read this account of his experience after working there for a few months. Complete the passage, using the correct word or phrase.

The first letter of each word is given.
The life of a young reporter on a local newspaper is not easy. When you start, you imagine yourself as a l…… w……, commenting on world affairs so intelligently that the paper receives hundreds of r……s’ letters congratulating you on the e…… . In fact, you have to be everything, without being anyone. On Wednesday I do the h……s, usually saying something nice about my sign and my girlfriend’s. On Thursdays I write the g…… c……, though in my case it only concerns the Mayor and his friends. On Fridays I am a book r……, even though most of our readers only read the s…… pages of the newspaper, and on Saturdays I write those, too. I watch football matches in the pouring rain and think of wonderful h……s but the s…… changes them and often changes the result, too. I am also a film c…… but I can’t criticize the films because the proprietor of the newspaper also owns the local cinema. If I could draw, I expect they would make me a c……! The only other j…… on our staff is Saily. She does the woman’s page and also the f…… page, which she copies out of the colour s ……s in the national Sunday papers. The most important person in the office is Jack, the advertising manager. As he says: “All these c …… a ……s, the announcements of births and marriages and the situations v …… c …… for people looking for jobs and so on, pay for the rubbish you write”. I hope that one day I will be able to write his o ……
8. Read and translate the text paying attention to typical sections found in newspapers and magazines which are given in bold.

“One thing I always read in the paper is obituaries; it’s so interesting to read about the lives of well-known people. I also usually read the leader (or editorial); it helps me form my opinion on things. Although national newspapers give you all the important news, I find that if you just want to sell your car or something, classified ads in a local paper is the best place. But at the weekend I just love the Sunday papers. Most British Sunday papers have supplements with articles on travel, food and fashion and so on, and that keeps me occupied for hours. Last week there was a feature on new technology in one of them; it was fascinating. My teenage daughter prefers magazines, especially the agony columns. I just can’t imagine writing to an agony aunt. It amazes me how people are prepared to discuss their most intimate problems publicly.
9. Find the word for each definition. Use the words from ex. 8.

1. the small advertisement in different categories found in newspapers

2. a person you write to a magazine to discuss intimate emotional problems

3. the section of a newspaper which has tributes to people who have just died

4. an article in a newspaper which gives the editor’s opinion

5. a separate magazine that comes free with a newspaper

6. an article or set of articles devoted to a special theme

7. a section in a paper or magazine that deals with readers’ private emotional problems
10. Insert the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:






classified advertisements

color supplement


comic strip





gossip column




letters pages


popular papers

quality papers



sports pages


weather forecast

  1. There was a large …… on front page which said EARTHQUAKE SHAKES TOKYO.

  2. The person in charge of a newspaper is called the …… .

  3. Since the newspaper changed owners, its …… has increased by nearly 10.000 copies a month.

  4. If you have strong views about something, you can always make them known by writing to the …… .

  5. After reading the front page I always turn to …… to find out the latest football results.

  6. A story or report written for a newspaper is called an …… .

  7. A large proportion of a newspapers’ income comes from ……, especially full-page ones.

  8. He always read his …… every morning to find out what was going to happen to him that day – especially to find out if he was going to win money or meet an exciting stranger.

  9. Before we go for our picnic this afternoon we’d better check the …… . There’s no point in going if it’s going to rain.

  10. In Britain the national newspapers can divided into ……, such as The Times and the Daily Telegraph, which report the news seriously and thoroughly, and the …… , such as The Sun and the Daily Mirror, which go in for sensational news and use a lot of pictures, often of girls.

  11. Editors usually think very carefully about what …… to write under a photograph.

  12. A …… …… is a set of drawings telling a story, often humorous. There are usually words showing the speech of the characters in the story.

  13. There was not enough room on the front page for the complete article, so it was continued on page 2 …… 4.

  14. You read the …… …… to find out about the private lives (and scandals) of famous people.

  15. Many Sunday newspapers include a free special magazine to read called a …… …… .

  16. An …… is a piece of writing about a character and achievements of someone who has just died.

  17. For many years before returning to Britain he worked as a foreign …… in Paris and Turkey.

  18. There was a very interesting …… today, giving the newspaper’s opinion of the government’s new plans for the health service.

  19. If you want to buy a new car, rent a flat or buy a second-hand bed, then you might be able to find something in …… …… .

  20. I prefer reading …… newspapers as they are smaller and easier to handle. Reading newspapers like The Times makes my arms ache after a while.

  21. The new television series got a very bad …… in today’s newspaper. It was described as “the worst series the BBC has ever made”.

  22. A person who writes for a newspaper is called a …… or a …… .

  23. All this week the newspaper is running a special …… on love and marriage.

  24. I’ve just got one word left to complete this …… . It’s got six letters and the clue is “Shakespearean romantic heroine”.

11. Read the extracts below and decide where in a newspaper you would find them.

  1. Eastern Scotland will be cloudy at times, but remaining areas will see plenty of sunshine.

  2. I am delighted to report that Prince Edward is keeping himself busy between theatrical engagements. Tonight he will be in the company of the Samoan rugby team at the Groucho Club in Soho.
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