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  • Практическая мму практикум по речевому общению. Занятие Тема Знакомство. Внешность. Одежда. Правила поведения и дресскода

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    НазваниеЗанятие Тема Знакомство. Внешность. Одежда. Правила поведения и дресскода
    АнкорПрактическая мму практикум по речевому общению
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    Decide if the following statements about the text are true or false:

    1.The first time you meet someone it is polite to greet him or her. 2.«How do you do?» is used to show respect towards somebody. 3.Greeting someone according to the time of the year is very popular. 4.In formal situations, «Hello» is often abbreviated to «Hi».

    5.When you meet someone after 9 pm, there is no need to greet them.
      1. Answer the following questions:

    1.Is «Hello» the easiest and most popular way of greeting someone? 2.What types of questions are used to greet somebody you know?

    3.Why is learning how to introduce yourself important? 4.What common ways of saying goodbye are there in English? 5.Is it polite to show an interest in the person you meet?
      1. Complete the following statements using information from the


    1.The way you greet someone depends on

      1. polite way of introducing yourself and is often followed by … 3.The degree of formality in What questions is very low as … 4.Introductions are an important part of

    5.In American English introductions are made simply saying
      1. Summarise the key points of the text and retell it.

      2. Translate the text in a written form.


      1. Answer the following questions:

    1. How would you describe yourself?

    2. Who do you look like?

    3. What special features do you have?
      1. Read the text silently and then out aloud.

    Appearance is the way someone or something looks. We describe people all the time. For example, you might tell your friends what your boss is like. You might tell your sister what that cute person you saw looks like. Even outside of everyday conversations, it is very useful to know how to describe people. Descriptions are used in books, in articles and in other kinds of communication in English. Reading or hearing a description of someone can give you a better idea of what they look like or act like.

    This is a list of adjectives to describe a person’s appearance: beautiful (My younger sister is very beautiful); handsome (He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met); cute (That’s a cute little baby); thin (She was looking pale and thin); tall (She’s tall and thin); chubby (She was eleven years old and pretty in a chubby sort of way); muscular (He was tall, lean and muscular); attractive (The actress is an attractive woman).

    Some ways of describing people are polite and respectful. Of course, other ways to describe people can be considered rude. For example, saying someone is full-bodied or curvy is nicer than saying that they are fat. However, if you have to think of a nicer way to say something, maybe it is better not to say it at all. Use judgment and common sense. Think about how you would feel if you heard someone using the same words to describe you.

    To describe someone’s height, you can say they are tall or short. Tall people are higher than short people. Someone who is thin and tall can be called lanky. To say someone is short and also small, you can say they are petite. If you are talking about a child, they might be pint-sized.

    Someone who weighs more than average can be curvy, well-built, full- bodied or heavy. Curvy is usually only used to describe women. You might also say someone has some meat on their bones. This is a casual way of saying they are overweight, and it might seem rude to someone sensitive. The opposite of overweight can be thin, slim or skinny.

    Light, yellowish hair can be described as blonde. But you can also call a person who has that kind of hair a blonde. This means blonde can be used as a noun or an adjective. A person with dark hair can be called a brunette. Someone with red hair can be called a redhead.

    Besides what color someone’s hair is, you also can say they are short- haired or long-haired. You can say they have curly, straight or wavy hair. Sometimes hair can also be frizzy, which is when it looks puffy with small, tight curls. If someone has no hair at all on their head, they are bald.

    Men sometimes have hair on their faces. Hair that covers the chin and cheeks is called a beard. When there is hair only above the lips it is a moustache. A beard that is only on the chin can be called a goatee. None of these are adjectives. They are all nouns. To describe someone with a beard, you would say, «He has a beard».

    How does a person look overall? If you think a woman is attractive, you can say she is beautiful, pretty or maybe even gorgeous (very beautiful). You can call an attractive man handsome. Both men and women can be good- looking. If you are speaking very casually, good-looking men or women can be hot. To say someone is not very good-looking, you can say, «They are not much to look at». This is not a nice way to describe someone, but it is better than ugly.

    If someone dresses well, they are smartly dressed or they look smart. You can also just say they are well-dressed. If someone dresses fashionably, they are stylish or trendy. If someone has bad taste in clothes, you can say they are unfashionable. A less nice way to say this is frumpy.

    People can be sensitive about their body shape or age, so be careful when you are describing people. In particular, three words that can cause offense are

    «fat», «thin» and «old». Using «a bit» or «a little» before adjectives can make what you say sound more tactful. For example, «He’s a little heavy» or «She’s a bit overweight» are less direct and more polite.
      1. Decide if the following statements about the text are true or false:

    1. It is not very useful to know how to describe people.

    2. There are some ways of describing people that can be considered rude. 3.People can be sensitive about their appearance or age.

    4.It is natural for people to describe other people or things. 5.An attractive woman can be described as handsome.
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