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  • When did you call her Why did she leave home at 22:00 from home Where Anastasia went after the murder

  • Do you like my job I like tennis. It is my hobbyI want to phone the Jacksons. Do you know his phone number

  • 3. What did she say 4. She says she is studying at university.5. What did he tell the police

  • How long has it been training lawyers for the country When did he start training lawyers for the country

  • How long has the common law been the basis of the procedure When did the law begin to form the basis of the procedure

  • How long did the lawyer represent the case When did he start presenting the case

  • How long did he take part in the interrogation When did he start taking part in the interrogation

  • 4.What kind of law(you/topractise)

  • 12.(You/ toknow) if the number of lawyers(toincrease) or(todecrease) in the country nowadays

  • 1. Возле машины несколько полицейских. Есть несколько человек, которые будут допрошены

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    Название1. Возле машины несколько полицейских. Есть несколько человек, которые будут допрошены
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    Задание 1

    1. Возле машины несколько полицейских.

    2. Есть несколько человек, которые будут допрошены.

    3. Есть очень важный вопрос, который он хотел бы задать.

    4. С этим молодым человеком будет много проблем.

    5. Я уверен, что были свидетели.

    6. Может быть несколько свидетелей, которые все это видели.

    Задание 2

    1. There are 3 three semesters in an academic year at Oxford University.

    2. There are 35 departments at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    3. Our university has 7 branches.

    4. There are many specially equipped laboratories, a gym and a


    5. In 1924, when Hoover became director of the FBI, there were

    650 employees.

    6. There are many special police training programmes.

    7. There are many opportunities for sports at the university.

    Задание 3

    1. When did you call her?

    2. Why did she leave home at 22:00 from home?

    3. Where Anastasia went after the murder?

    4. =======

    5. What did she take with her?

    6. Who did you say that to?

    7. When exactly did you call the police?

    Задание 4

    • his name

    • her word

    • our lawyer

    • her surname

    • my mistake

    • our job

    • their teacher

    • our university its

    • their crime

    • our lesson

    • their example

    • their security

    • my diploma

    • my friend

    • our texts

    • her computer

    • his phone

    • their book

    • his mind

    • our applicants

    • his office

    • his responsibilities

    • his subordinates

    • his FBI

    Задание 5

    Our auditorium is on the ground floor

    We are going to have a party and want to invite all your friends

    John is a police officer. He enjoys your job, he says it is exciting.

    I really like mountain climbing, it is his favourite sport.

    I live with my mother and father

    Give me my copybook, please

    The number of his apartment is 112.

    Do you like my job?

    I like tennis. It is my hobby

    I want to phone the Jacksons. Do you know his phone number?

    Задание 6


    1. Говорите ли вы по-английски?

    2. Он может говорить по-английски.

    3. Она не говорит по-немецки.

    4. Он сказал несколько слов.

    5. Она не назвала своего имени.

    6. Он говорит, что ему нравится французский язык.

    7. Он рассказал мне об этом. 8. Она сказала мне свое имя.

    9. Он сказал нам, что не знает этого человека.


    1. Masha told her colleagues that she has an honours degree.

    2 She does not speak English.

    3. What did she say?

    4. She says she is studying at university.

    5. What did he tell the police?

    6. We told them and that was it.

    7. Tell me what happened.

    8. We don't talk to them.

    9. The director was talking about a complete reorganisation of the bureau.

    10. She told us that she is attending evening school.

    Задание 7


    1. You study better that me. - Ты учишься лучше меня

    2. She is taller than her friend. - Она выше, чем ее подруга.

    3. We came home earlier than usual. - Мы пришли домой раньше, чем обычно.

    4. It's colder today than i t was yesterday. - Сегодня холоднее, чем вчера.

    5. They have more money than us. - У них больше денег, чем у нас

    6. My friend is more interested in Civil law than me. - Мой друг больше интересуется гражданским правом, чем я.


    1. The entrance exams were very difficult. They were more difficult than we expected. - 1. Вступительные экзамены были очень сложными. Они были сложнее, чем мы чем мы ожидали.

    2. This student is more hard working than his group mate. - Этот студент более трудолюбив, чем его товарищ по группе.

    3. He doesn't know much. I know more than him. - Он не знает многого. Я знаю больше, чем он.

    4. The subjects at the University are more interesting than at school - Предметы в университете интереснее, чем в школе.

    5. After graduation from the University we will be more experienced than freshmen. - После окончания университета мы будем более опытными, чем первокурсники.

    6. Petrol now is more expensive than it was last year. - Бензин сейчас стоит дороже, чем в прошлом году.


    1. I don't know as much about politics as you do. - Я не так много знаю о политике, как вы.

    2. He is not as brave as his colleague. - Он не такой смелый, как его коллега.

    3. This patrolman is as experienced as his colleague. - Этот патрульный такой же опытный, как и его коллега.

    4. My friend didn't do as well at the exam as he hoped. - Мой друг не так хорошо сдал экзамен, как он надеялся.

    5. I need the information quickly. Please let me know as soon as possible. - Мне нужна информация быстро. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать как можно скорее.

    6. After graduation from the University we will be as qualified as our professors,

    won't we? - После окончания университета мы будем такими же квалифицированными, как наши профессора,

    не так ли?

    Задание 8

    1. more laws

    2. less crime

    3. more opportunities

    4. a lot less people

    5. much harder

    6. many more cars

    7. a lot less work

    8. more teachers

    Задание 9

    1. The subjects at university are more difficult than at school.

    2. I think that English is not as difficult as Russian.

    3. Classes ended later today than usual.

    4. I have more friends now than I had before.

    5. This professor's lectures are more interesting.

    6. Your test results are not very good. I'm sure you can write


    7. I thought this car was worth more.

    8. I look through my mail much less often now because I don't have


    9. He knows it as well as you do.

    Задание 10

    1. Сити, финансовый и деловой центр Лондона, всегда пишется с заглавной буквы "С".(in)

    2. Торговый и развлекательный центр Лондона находится Вест-Энде. (in)

    3. Правительственный центр Лондона находится в Вестминстере, что является названием дворца, в котором заседает правительство. (in of)

    4. Лондонцы и туристы могут передвигаться по Лондону на автобусе или на метро. (by in)

    5. Москва является местом заседаний федерального и региональных правительств. ( in)

    6. Историческим центром Москвы являются Красная площадь и Кремль. (of)

    7. На старославянском языке слово "красный" означало "красивый». (On)

    8. Большинство соборов было построено в/в период между 15 и 17 веками.

    веков. (during)

    9. Двадцать башен Кремля были построены в/в конце 17 века.

    Века ( at)



    1. The University of Law trains lawyers for the country.

    How long has it been training lawyers for the country? When did he start training lawyers for the country?

    2. Common Law system applies the doctrine of precedent.

    How long does it apply the doctrine of precedent? When did it begin to apply the doctrine of precedent?

    3. Common Law is the basis of the procedure.

    How long has the common law been the basis of the procedure? When did the law begin to form the basis of the procedure?

    4. I am investigating a computer theft.

    How long have I been investigating a computer theft? When did I start investigating the theft?

    5. The barrister was arguing his client’s case before the court.

    How long did the lawyer represent the case? When did he start presenting the case?

    6. Dr Smith has given lectures at the Law Department this month.

    How long did Dr. Smith lecture? When did he start lecturing?

    7. He is busy that moment. He has been taking part in questioning since the early morning.

    How long did he take part in the interrogation? When did he start taking part in the interrogation?

    Ex 2.

    1.When did he last investigate a murder? (foryears)

    He was investigating a murder 4 years ago

    2.When did the Bar last admit new members? (sinceJune)

    The Board received members since June

    3. When did you last give evidence to the court? (for manyyears)

    I have testified in court for many years

    4.When did Steve Williams last violate the Rules of Professional Conduct? (forages)

    He was breaking the rules for ages

    5.When did this attorney last lose a case? (inalong while)

    6.When was this patrolman last on duty? (forthelastfewdays)

    7.When did you last deal with a common law action? (sincelastyear).

    Ex 3.

    1. John Smith was no longer single. He (to marry) the secretary.

    John Smith was no longer single. He married a secretary.

    2. Their boss captain Johnson didn’t work there. He (to get) a promotion.

    Their boss, Captain Johnson, didn't work there. He had got a promotion.

    3. Bob Brown was dead. A criminal (to shoot) him.

    Bob Brown was dead. The perp shot him.

    4. Sam Jenkins got a promotion. He (to pass) a special exam and (to become) a detective.

    Sam Jenkins got a promotion. He passed a special exam and became a detective.

    5. His friend Bruce was no longer a failure. He (to disclose) several serious crimes.

    His friend Bruce was no longer a loser. He had disclosed several serious crimes.

    6. Miss Green gave up working. She (to get married) and (to leave) the country.

    Miss Green gave up working. She got had married and had left the country.

    Ex 4.

    1.In most countriesthere is only one legal profession.

    2.This means that all lawyers have roughly the same professional education leading to the same legal qualification.

    3.In England the systemis different.

    4.Solicitors and barristers are both qualified lawyers, but they have a different legal training, and once they are qualified they usually do different types of legal work.

    5.This is why it is said thatthere are two “branches” of the legal profession.

    6.English lawyers are either solicitors or barristers.

    7.They cannot be both at the same time, but it ispossible for a solicitor to become a barrister and for a barrister to become a solicitor.

    8.Legal executives have no rights of audience, but can appear in front of a judge on uncontested matters.

    9.The legal profession as such has never been popular.

    10.Indeed, the first thing revolutionaries usually do on seizing power is to overthrow the legal system, blaming it for all ills.

    11.There are rules of behaviour, codes of professional conduct, which provide that when lawyers are in court they must always be courteous to one another.

    12.Many people who have legal problems are worried about going to a solicitor for advice because of legal fees they have to pay.

    Ex 5.

    1.I am very busy now. I(toprepare) the documents on a very difficult case.

    (you/todo) it alone?

    No, two managing clerks(tohelp) me.

    2.A solicitor(todeal) with matters outside the court.

    3.The Law Society(toregulate) the conduct of solicitors in England.

    4.What kind of law(you/topractise)?

    5.– What (theattorney/ todo) at present? – He(to study) the particulars of the case.

    6.I (not tobelieve) your evidence! You(tolie)!

    7.Legal service costs(toincrease) permanently due to inflation.

    8.Attorney rarely(todiscuss) with their clients the possibility of losing the case.

    9.(You/toknow) what conveyancing (tomean)? – Conveyancing(tomean) making all the legal arrangements for the buying and selling of land, houses and other buildings.

    10.Probate (tobe) a type of work a lawyer(todo) that (todeal) with making a will for a client who, when he/she(todie),(towish) to leave his/her property to certain persons or charities and making sure that his/her wishes are carried out.

    11.The lawyer(toserve) effectively as an advocate only if he _ (toknow) all that his client(toknow), concerning the facts of the case.

    12.(You/ toknow) if the number of lawyers(toincrease) or(todecrease) in the country nowadays?

    Ex 6.

    1. Many changes have taken place in the legal profession over the past decade.

    2. Currently, in the UK, the separation of duties of a solicitor and a barrister has become less strict.

    3. Solicitors often appear not only in lower courts, but also in higher courts.

    4. English solicitors have had considerable success in extending their rights, and it is therefore hoped that in the future the English will abolish the old system.

    5. Now there is no need for barristers to work only in the offices of lawyers.

    6. Since 1990, barristers have had the right to advertise their services in newspapers.

    7.The legal profession is extremely popular in modern society

    8. If a person decides to become a lawyer, he needs to be patient and hardworking.

    9. You need to pass many professional exams and gain experience.

    10. It is important to decide what area of law you want to specialize in.

    11. The practice of law provides an opportunity to represent the interests of clients in court.

    12. Barristers can practice independently, working not in the office, but at home.liz is in court.

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