4нед. 1. я не могу точно выразить свои мысли. Он не мог отвести от нее глаз
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Ex 33, p 455 (Аракин) 1.Я не могу точно выразить свои мысли. 2. Он не мог отвести от нее глаз. 3.Она может играть на пианино полностью прекрасно. 4.мы можем уехать сегодня, если ты так хочешь. Мы можем легко успеть в 3.40. 5. Все прекрасно, Клара, дождь прекратился. Мы можем дойти пешком до автобуса. 6.Вы не можете взять знания, которые дали мне. 7. Я дам вам знать, поэтому вы должны быть там. 8. Он был так слаб, что не мог поднять головы. 9.Ему гораздо лучше и теперь он может ходить без моей помощи. 10. Оу! Это не может быть правдой. 11. Оу? Фрэдди, здесь должно быть одно такси. Ты можешь не стараться. 12. Он не мог отнести коробку наверх, сегодня утром. 13. Энн не может так думать, это на нее не похоже. 14.он не мог сделать все это сам. Кто-то ему помог, я уверенна. 15. Ты можешь поверить девушке? Может ли это быть правдой? 16. Может ли он быть моим сыном? Подумала она. 17. Могла ли она сделать это, не посоветовавшись со мной? 18. Это действительно может быть так плохо? 19. Там такой запах гари, папа. Можно мне спуститься и посмотреть? 20. Джеймс, ты должен спустить Агату вниз. 21. Вы можете подождать на кухне. 22. Вы можете оставить сдачу. 23. Вы можете взять мой другой зонт. 24. То, что сделанно, не может быть отменено. 25. Ничего нельзя сделать, уже слишком поздно. 26. Я не верю ни единому его слову; он не мог не узнать новости раньше нас. Ex 34 1Have you a friend whom you can trust? 2. What could Freddy have been doing all this time? He has been gone for twenty minutes. 3. He can not see me. I came when he had gone 4. I am not a person who tells a lie. 5. How could you make such a mistake as to suppose that I was younger than you? 6. Surely you could do it before. What have you been doing all the morning? 7. Say what you like, but the work couldn’t do in two days. 8. Mr. Fenwill’s house was built on the top of the hill and ... (to see) from afar. 9 .i couldn/t sleep two hours, I still feel tired. Ex 35 1It can't be that he lied. It's not like him. 2. is it really true that he became a famous actor? 3. Can't be that they were brother and sister. They don't look like each other at all. 4. this is Unlikely to be the case. In any case, we can't prove it. 5. I Wonder what you could offer in such circumstances? 6. it is Unlikely that he could have made such a mistake. He's an experienced engineer. 7. Is all this just his imagination? 8. If it weren't for him, we might get lost. It was getting dark. 9. If I were you, I would not trust him, he can deceive you. 10. it is Unlikely that he is so young. I noticed that he had gray hair at the temples. 11. You can easily recognize him by his noble eagle profile . 12. it can't be that they noticed us. We were quite far away from them. 13. it can't be that they didn't notice us. We were very close. 14. You can't judge a person by appearance. Appearances are deceptive. 15. Is this little Lizzie? How she has grown! 16. Can I see the Manager? "Unfortunately, no. He will be here today at 12: 17. Could you give me the notes on the condition that I return them the day after tomorrow? 18. She hopes that you can avoid surgery. 19. you could see that he was excited, although he tried to look carefree. 2 you Can a few words with you? "Well, what's the matter?" 21. It can't be done so quickly. You'll have to wait. 22. He could not read Latin and could not understand what the doctor had prescribed for him. 23. Can't you explain to your parents that you can't go there? 24. At first he couldn't find a pulse and decided that his heart stopped beating. 25. He could not to say. He's not as stupid as you think. 26. I could have done it a long time ago if I knew it was so urgent. 27. I don't believe that there are diseases that can't be cured. We just don't know how to treat them. 28. Can't be that it was true. |