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  • Word formation

  • Money and shopping Word formation: accept

  • People and society Word formation : able

  • Hobbies, sport and games Word formation : allow

  • Суффиксы и приставки в английском языке, Учебно-методическая разработка. Учебно-методическая разработка. Методическая разработка Дроздова Татьяна Николаевна учитель английского языка

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    Work and business

    Word formation:

    add added, addition, additional(ly)

    apply (in)applicable, applied, applicant, application

    commerce commercial(ly)

    dedicate dedicated, dedication

    employ (un)employd, (un)employable, (un)employement, employer, employee

    qualify (un)qualified, qualifying, qualification

    responsible irresponsible, (ir)responsibly, (ir)responsibility

    work working, (un)workable, worker, works

    3.2 Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    Choosing the right career to suit your 1) … (personal) and one that lives up to your 2) … (expect) can be rather difficult. We usually take certain factors into 3) … (consider) when making such a 4) … (decide). First of all, what are the 5) … (require) of the job? You need to find out what 6) … (qualify) are necessary before you hand in your 7) … (apply) form. Then, think of your career prospects and consider whether there is ample 8) … (opportune) for 9) … (promote). Finally, you need to decide on the level of 10) … (responsible) you would be happy with and whether you will achieve a sense of job 11) … (satisfy) equal to the work you put in.

    Most people’s political 1) … (active) is limited to voting in an 2) … (elect) every few years. Other, more committed, people regularly attend 3) … (demonstrate) about particular political issues. Then, there are those who enter into 4) … (correspond0 with the 5) … (politics) who represents them. They may write with 6) … (refer) to some national law which concerns them, with a 7) … (propose) for a change in party policy, or something concerned purely with local 8) … (govern) –anything, in fact, which they feel deserves the 9) … (attend) of their Member of Parliament. however, waiting for a reply requires a lot of 10) … (patient), and few would expect a profound and lengthy 11) … (analyse) of their original letter.

    Great composers offer us a unique 1) … (interpret) of the world around us. Achieving this takes both 2)… (inspire) and a degree of 3) …(commit) that few of us possess. Shut away in the 4) … (private) of their studios, free from the 5) … (distract) of day-to-day concerns, they strive for the perfect 6) … (express) of what they know and feel. 7) … (Recognize) usually comes slowly, and being over-sensitive to 8) … (criticize) may lead to 9) … (discourage). On the other hand, enthusiastic praise from critics and the public can relieve the composer’s 10) … (isolate) and bring him or her a degree of 11) … (satisfy) that few but creative artists ever experience.

    3.3 Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    Factory Work

    Factory work is often dull and 1) … (repeat) although it 2) … (general) isn’t difficult. Most people work on a 3) … (product) line, where individuals are responsible for the 4) … (complete) of one stage of a process. Much of the work doesn’t require training and is 5) … (skilled), although it helps if you have 6) … (patient). Some factory 6) … (work) enjoy their job because it provides regular hours and a 7) … (rely) income. They all have the 9) … (possible) of making friends, as factories are often large and have lots of 10) … (employ). Others claim that they are underpaid, and 11) … (frequent) scan the jobs column of local newspapers hoping to find something better.

    Science and technology

    Word formation: discover discovery

    science scientist, (un)scientifical(ly)

    technology technological(ly), technical(ly), technician, technique

    research researcher

    introduce introduction, introductory

    possible impossible, (im)possibility, (m)possibly

    invent inventor, invention
    3.3. Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    Neil Armstrong was born on August 5th, 1930 in Ohio, America, and was the first man to set foot on the moon. His studies at university were 1)… (sudden) interrupted in 1950 by the Korean War, in which he served as a pilot and was shot down. 2) …. (consequence) he was awarded three Air Medals. In 1955 he became a pilot for NASA, flying more than 1,000 hours while testing 3)… (vary) supersonic fighters and planes. A couple of years late, he joined the space programme and, in 1969, blasted off in the rocket, Apollo 2, with two other astronauts. Landing on the moon’s 4) … (dust) surface., Armstrong uttered those 5)…(forget) words, “That’s one step for man , one giant leap for mankind.” The astronauts collected samples from the moon and took 6) … (number) photographs. With Neil Armstrong’s momentous visit to the moon, the Americans had opened a new, 7) … (fascinate) era in mankind’s 8) … (explore) of the universe.

    3.4. Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    Charles Babbage was an important English 1) … (invent) who is 2) … (fame) for designing the first computer.

    In 1823 the 3) … (govern) gave Babbage a large amount of money to design a mechanical 4) … (calculate) and he spent most of his working on the machine. During the 1830’s he developed plans for another machine which would later become the first modern computer. The machine had a huge memory to store complicated numbers.

    5) … (fortunate), the designs for his computer were lost until 1937 when 6) … (luck), they were found. In 1991, British scientists 7) … (final) built a surprisingly accurate computer using Babbage’s designs and called it Difference Engine No. 2.

      1. . Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    Albert Einstein once said:” Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.’ The 1) (success) opera singer Barbara Hendricks is one of those people who have taken this saying to heart. Her 2) (music) career includes 3) (perform) such as singing at President Mitterrand’s memorial service in Notre Dame. However, these 4) (achieve) are almost overshadowed by her 5) (determine) to aid casualties of war. Her humanitarian efforts have taken her from the streets of Sarajevo to the war in Rwanda, where she has shown the 6) (able) to be not only 7) (help) but also 8) (compassion). In the past, she has also been able to arrange charity events as she has many contacts with 9) (fame) and 10) (power) people. Due to her 11) (commit) and 12) (dedicate) she has recently been awarded with the French Legion d’honneur.

    3.6. Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    Dinosaurs and Satellites

    In the beginning, life appeared on our planet on a molecular scale and, very gradually, developed into multi-cell organisms that co-operated in colonies. Eventually, due to 1) (evolve), small complex mobile creatures emerged. Through a process of natural 2) (select) and supported by 3) (hospitality) climate, some species thrived and grew 4) (exceed) large- culminating in the reign of the dinosaurs.

    The story of human 5) (explore) of space is not very different. For tens of thousands of years, mankind’s attempts at understanding the cosmos were restricted to 6) (puzzle) observations made from the surface of our planet. Small but essential steps were taken and, as human technology mushroomed, we jumped out of our biosphere for the first time. Nearer to home, we placed a 7) (man) outpost on the edge of space to observe our planet’s 8) behave) and provide communications. The satellites now orbiting the earth have evolved rapidly and, like the dinosaurs before them, have become larger and still larger.

    3.7 Заполните пропуски в правильной форме:

    The Power of the Mind

    Scientists have recently become interested in strange 1) … (psychology) powers. A professor at Edinburgh University is leading an 2) … (investigate) into the most 3) … (mystery) aspect of the brain’s 4) … (able). He has chosen a controversial and 5) … (surprise) subject – telepathy. Direct mind-to-mind 6) … (communicate) is when one person knows what another is thinking. Many people have doubts that this is really a 7) … (science) subject, and the professor’s work has only recently received 8) … (recognize). He believes that telepathy is a 9) … (nature) talent, but that some people are more 10) … (sense) than others. However, most people still believe that it involves some kind of 11) … (honesty) or trickery.
    Money and shopping

    Word formation: accept acceptance, accepting, (un)acceptable, (un)acceptably

    assist assistance, assistant

    economy economic, (un)economical(ly), economics, economist

    expense (in)expensive(ly), expenses

    poor poorly, poverty

    pay paid, payment, payable

    real unreal, really, realize, realization, reality, realistic(ally)

    3.8 Заполните словами в правильной форме:
    Shop till you Drop!

    Retail therapy has become one of Britain’s most pleasurable leisure 1) (pursue)……….. But the percentage of the population suffering from the serious medical condition of shopping 2) (addict)……….. is reaching crisis point.

    Experts believe 10 per cent of the population, and possibly 20 per cent of women, are manic, 3) (compel).............. shoppers. Most shopaholics are seriously in debt, and the condition has led to 4) (depress) ……….., family break-ups, and in some cases to 5) (home) ………. and even suicide.

    More 6) (science)…………… known as omniomania, the condition has been recognized by 7) (psychiatry)…………. since the early 1900s but only now is it teaching epidemic proportions. A European Union report recently revealed that up to half of 14- to 18-year-old girls in Scotland, Italy and Spain could be classified as shopaholics, but the stigma of being a shopaholic may be masking an even higher number of 8) (suffer)………..

    3.9 Заполните совами в правильной форме:

    Customer Complaints

    Complaining about shoddy goods, high prices and pork services can be a daunting prospect, especially if you have little 1) … (know) of the law. With standard consumer complaints, like being 2) … (charge) for goods, contact the customer services department of the organization, where may be a set complaints 3) … (proceed) in place. If you have a complaint linked to a local retailer and you think their products are 4) … (fault) or their selling methods dubious, contact your local trading standards office. Before phoning or writing, it is 5) …(advice) to get the facts totally clear in your own mind as to why you are 6) …(satisfaction) and what you want to happen to put matters right. Will you accept 7)… (replace) goods or do you only want as full cash 8) …(fund)? It’s often better to go for money first.

    People and society

    Word formation: able unable, (in)ability, disabled, disability

    argue argument, argumentative

    happy unhappy, (un)happiness, (un)happily

    jealous jealousy, jealously

    willing unwilling, (un)willingness, (un)mwillingly

    polite impolite, (im)politely, (im)politenss

    obey disobey, (dis)obedient(ly)(dis)obedience

    3.10. Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    We have to come to the 1)… (decide) that if this company is to become 3) … (effect), a 20% … (reduce) in spending costs must be made.

    My sister is very clever and 4) … (persuade) young lady. I can’t believe she made me give her my most valuable 5) … (possess) – my watch!

    Karen is a 6) … (create) girl who likes to keep herself busy and 7) … (act). Sometimes she is a little 8) … (talk) and doesn’t pay enough 9) … (attend) in class.

    Tom’s parents think that Tom is a 10) … (sense) child who cries easily. I think he’s just an 11) … (act), and quite an 12) … (impress) one at that!

    Hobbies, sport and games

    Word formation: allow disallow, allowance, allowable

    associate disassociate, (un)associate

    compete compettion, competitor, competitive(ly)

    equip equipment, equipped

    enjoy enjoyment, enjoyable

    know, knowledge, (un)knowledgeable

    lose lost, loss

    medal medalist, medallion

    oppose opposition, opponent, opposite, opposing

    train retrain, trainer

    fortune misfortune, (un)fortunate(ly

    3.11Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    Learning to swim can be a 1) (frighten) experience, and the older you are, the more 2) (courage) you need to be. The first step is to actually get into the water without panicking, which many people have 3) (difficult) doing. Once you are in the water you should try to relax, which can be done with the help of your 4) (instruct), who will be 5) (know) about relaxation techniques. If you can overcome your anxiety and start to feel at home in the water, leaning to swim will come 6) (nature), and will 7) (doubt) be one of the most 8) (reward) experiences of your life.

    3. 12. Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    Learning to swim can be a 1) (frighten) experience, and the older you are, the more 2) (courage) you need to be. The first step is to actually get into the water without panicking, which many people have 3) (difficult) doing. Once you are in the water you should try to relax, which can be done with the help of your 4) (instruct), who will be 5) (know) about relaxation techniques. If you can overcome your anxiety and start to feel at home in the water, leaning to swim will come 6) (nature), and will 7) (doubt) be one of the most 8) (reward) experiences of your life.

    3.13.Заполните пропуски словами в правильной форме:

    The Benefits of Exercise

    Working full-time can be a very 1) … (stress) experience for most people; long hours and the pressure to be 2) … (success) in a 3) … (compete) society both contribute to the build-up of anxiety. If you’re feeling 4) … (nerve), there’s no better way to relax than to exercise. However, many people return from work too 5) … (exhaust) to move. People are criticized for being lazy and 6) … (active), and for watching too much television which is not 7) … (benefit) to our health. Taking regular exercise can be both relaxing and 8) … (pleasure), and people who feel healthy often also feel more 9) … (confidence). You don’t need to be especially 10) … (energy) to take up a sport; simply choose one that is 11) … (suit) to your character.

    The media

    Wordformation: announce, announcement, (un)announced

    belief disbelief, believe, (un)believable, (un)believably

    communicate communication, (un)communicative, communicator

    edit editor, editorial, edited

    power powerful(ly), powerless(ly), empower

    ridicule ridicous(ly), ridicousness

    inform information, (un)informed, (un)informable

    3.14. Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    “Friends Reunited” expands

    Friends Reunited , the UK website that 1) (able) subscribes to locate their old school friends, is planning to expand. Extra sites will be launched in other courtiers, using the same 2) (line) as the UK site.

    The site has been a(n) 3) (quality) success since it went live in the UK. Run by husband and wife Steve and Julie Pankhurst, it has more than 6.2 million registered 4) (use) . It received acres of press 5) (cover) as features 6) (edit) realized its 7) (potent) for generating human interest stories.

    There have been several 8) (imitate) but none has met with the success of the original. Now, according to the Pankhursts, there is plenty of room for international 9) (grow).

    The law and crime

    Word formation: accuse, accused, accusation

    addict addicted, addictive, addiction

    convict convicted, conviction

    crime criminal

    forge forgery, forger


    investigative, investigation, investigator

    offence offensive, offend, offender

    prison prisoner, imprisonment, imprisoned

    prove proof, (un)proven, disprove

    secure insecure, (in)security

    3.15. Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    Last year our house was broken into while we were 1) (happy) out shopping. It was a 2) (shock) experience), and afterwards there was a 3) (length) police 4) (investigate). First police officer came to take a statement, accompanied by a man who dusted the house for any traces for the burglar’s fingerprints. They wrote a report and started looking for a culprit. Two weeks later they found him and charged him with 5) (burgle). He was subsequently found 6) (guilt) in court0, as his fingerprints were 7) (prove0 enough that he had committed the crime.

    Health and fitness

    Wordformation: allergy allergic

    aware unaware, awareness

    benefit beneficial

    emphasis emphasize, emphatic

    fit unfit, fitness

    injure injury, injuries

    recover recovery

    strong strength, strengthen, strongly

    inject injection

    operate operation, operator, cooperate, cooperation, (un)cooperative

    3.16. Заполните словами в правильной форме:

    The no-surgery-solutions

    These days, it seems there’s an1).(operate) for everything. Whether you want something made smaller or you want to2)(emphasis) your best features, you can bet that plastic3) …(surgery) claim to have the solution. We at BodySculpt know, though, that you don’t want the 4) … (comfort) associated with surgery. But you can’t enjoy the 5) …(benefit) effects without going under knife, can you? Yes! No need for 6) …(surgery) procedures with a long 7) ….(recover) period. Our unique service consists of a series 8) … (inject) that will give you the results you’ve always wanted! Call now and speak to one of our 9) … (operate).
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