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Анкорпродолжение рассказа Mystery house
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Mystery house

I was sleeping deeply a when the alarm clock was rang. It being only 6 a.m., so I went back to sleep. I waking up again. it was I jumping quickly out of bed. The phone rang while. I having a shower. I let it ring. Eventually it stoped . Then it rang again I makes a cup of coffee. I answered it, a woman's voice said, “You've got to help me. Come to 12, Sutton Place as soon as you can. I'll pay you anything".
I jumped into the car. I arrived at Sutton Place. I having a feeling that somebody watching me. I getting out of the car and going towards Number 12. I was walking to the door, I could hear voices in an upstais room. But I knoking at the door, they stoped. The door was open so I decided to go in. The door closed suddenly. Somebody standing behind me....

Turning around, I saw a woman with an old photo. She started saying, "Don't you recognize me?" I shook my head from side to side "10 years ago on Brighton Beach, you were the driver of a blue foreign car with the number 19NHT123 knocked down my minor daughter, driving without even stopping, and what's worse, you paid off with a damn fine!" Suddenly everything swam in my eyes, I fell to my knees and stared at the floor, afraid to look at this woman's face again. My worst mistake caught up with me. Suddenly I felt cold at the back of my head, she put the gun there, and I didn't resist. But then, with a loud iron crash, the gun fell, and only a silhouette running out of the room remained of the woman. I didn't hesitate to raise the gun and decided to finish for her. This is my last correct decision.

(на русском)

Обернувшись, я увидел женщину со старой фотографией. Она начала говорить, «ты меня не узнаешь?» Я помотал головой из стороны в сторону «10 лет назад на Брайтон бич, ты водитель синей иномарки с номер 19НХТ123 сбил мою несовершеннолетнюю дочь, проехав даже не остановившись, а что страшнее откупился чертовым штрафом!» Вдруг у меня в глазах все поплыло, я упал на колени и уставился в пол, боясь посмотреть на лицо этой женщины снова. Моя самая страшная ошибка, догнала меня. Вдруг у затылка я почувствовал холод, она поднесла пистолет именно туда, а я и не сопротивлялся. Но тут с громким железным грохотом пистолет упал, а от женщины остался только силуэт, выбегающий из комнаты. Я, ничуть не колеблясь подняв пистолет, решил закончить за нее. Это мое последнее правильное решение.

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