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  • Oral Topics Term 1

  • The Plan for Rendering the Text

  • TOPIC 1 Im a Law Student of Kuban State University

  • T 2 HIGHER EDUCATION A. Higher education in the UK

  • B. Higher education in the USA

  • tuition fees

  • academic year

  • “majors”

  • postgraduate

  • T 4 Outstanding Lawyers A. F. Koni

  • T 5 Political Systems The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • The United States of America

  • Задание Выучить 10 топиков (topics) для устного ответа, 1015 предложений из каждого. Прочитать 10 текстов (texts), выучить лексику из них, подготовить отрывок на перевод устно, текст пересказать устно.

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    НазваниеЗадание Выучить 10 топиков (topics) для устного ответа, 1015 предложений из каждого. Прочитать 10 текстов (texts), выучить лексику из них, подготовить отрывок на перевод устно, текст пересказать устно.
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    1. Выучить 10 топиков (TOPICS) для устного ответа, 10-15 предложений из каждого.

    2. Прочитать 10 текстов (TEXTS), выучить лексику из них, подготовить отрывок на перевод – устно, текст пересказать устно.

    3. Повторить грамматику, уметь рассказать о грамматическом явлении, выполнить письменное задание.

    Oral Topics

    Term 1
    1. I’m a Law Student of Kuban State University.

    2. Higher Education in the UK, the USA, the RF.

    3. Legal profession.

    4. An Outstanding Lawyer.

    5. Political System of the UK, the USA, the RF.

    6. Police in the UK, the USA, the RF.

    7. Court system of the UK, the USA, the RF.

    8. The System of Punishment.

    9. Legal Systems of the World and Their Sources.

    10. Law-enforcement Activities.

    The Plan for Rendering the Text

    1. The title of the text is... / The author of the text is... /... isn’t mentioned

    It was published in...

    1. The main idea of the text is.../ The text is about... / The text is devoted to...

    2. The text consists of … paragraphs

    The first paragraph deals with…

    The author starts by telling that...

    The next paragraph states that...

    Further the author states (reports, stresses, points out) that…

    The text goes on to say that...

    1. The author comes to the conclusion that...

    I found the text interesting (important, dull, of no value, cognitive, too hard to understand) ...

    To my mind .../ ln my opinion... / As for me I’m sure that… \I reckon that...
    The list of grammar.

    1. The Noun (number)

    2. The Article ( a, the, no article)

    3. The Adjective (degrees of comparison)

    4. The Numeral (cardinal, ordinal)

    5. The Pronoun (personal, possessive, objective, demonstrative, interrogative, reflexive)

    6. The Verb ( - Tenses: Indefinite (Present, Past, Future),

    Continuous (Present, Past, Future),

    Perfect (Present, Past, Future);

    - Passive Voice,

    - Direct/Indirect Speech)

    TOPIC 1 I'm a Law Student of Kuban State University
    I'm going to be a lawyer. In any country, legal profession plays an important role. The work carried out by lawyers is diverse. Lawyers are advocates representing their clients. Besides litigation, lawyers perform different duties. They are advisors to business firms, to individuals, to central and local governments. They may act as defence counsels in court, represent the interests of the plaintiff, the defendant or the third parties in civil or criminal cases.

    The career in law is so popular because of the prestige and salary. In national economy lawyers are entrusted the control on the legality of orders and instructions, issued by governing body, they participate in drawing up different agreements and contracts, inform workers on the current legislation, etc.

    The general objective of legal education is to prepare the students of law to function as competent lawyers. Students of law must be taught to analyze complex factual situations, to reason deductively, to separate relevant from the irrelevant to handle the most difficult problems, be decision-makers. That's what I know about my future profession. And it makes me think that in some years I'll be able to find the job in accordance with the knowledge I get.

    Now I must work hard, make notes of the lectures, prepare regularly for seminars and practical classes, to be a member of some legal clubs, to participate in students' scientific conferences and sporting events, etc. To achieve the best results I must manage my time well. Believe me, it's not easy, but I want my university years to be the greatest and the happiest time in my life.
    to play an important role — играть важную роль

    to carry out work – выполнять работу

    to represent clients — представлять клиентов

    litigation – судебная тяжба

    plaintiff - истец

    defendant - ответчик

    salary - жалованье

    control on the legality of orders - контролировать законность приказов

    to draw up agreements and contracts — составлять соглашения и контракты

    to inform on the current legislation — сообщать об изменениях в законодательстве

    general objective — главная цель

    competent lawyers — компетентный юрист

    to separate relevant from the irrelevant — отделять существенное от несущественного

    to be a decision-maker — уметь принимать решения

    to find the job in accordance with the knowledge - найти работу соотв знания

    to work hard — много работать

    to make notes of lectures — конспектировать лекции

    to achieve the best results — добиться лучших результатов

    to manage my time well — планировать свое время

    A. Higher education in the UK. The main centres of higher education are universities. There are over 100 universities in Britain. The oldest and most famous of them are Oxford, Cambridge and London. The universities which were founded between 1850 and 1930 are called redbrick, and those which were founded after the Second World War are called “the new universities”.

    All British universities are private institutions. Every university is independent, autonomous, they all receive financial support from the state.

    The admission to universities is by selection and examination. Good A-level results in two subjects are necessary to get a place at a university. The studies are paid, but 2/3 of students get grants to pay fees and living costs.

    University teaching is a combination of lectures, practical classes and tutorials. There are three terms in the academic year with the vocations at Christmas, Easter and in summer. The first degree awarded after three of four years of studies is Bachelor of Science. Master’s degree is awarded after a further year of studies and research. The highest degree is that of Doctor.

    The best universities are the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, London Imperial College, London University College.
    B. Higher education in the USA. There are 156 universities in the USA. They are either public or private. The public institutions are financed by state. About 80 per cent of students study at public institutions, because tuition fees here are much lower. Some of the best-known private universities are Harvard, Yale and Princeton. It’s not easy to enter a college at a leading university. The system of higher education includes community colleges, technical training institutions, the four-year colleges, the universities which may contain several colleges.

    The academic year is usually nine months, divided into two terms. Studies usually begin in September and end in July. Each college or university has its own curriculum. During one term a student must study 4 or 5 different courses. There are courses that every student has to take in order to receive a degree – “majors”. A student has to earn about 120 credits in order to receive a degree of Bachelor. Students who study at a university or four-year college are known as undergraduates. Those who have received a degree after 4 years of studies are known as graduates. They may take graduate program for another 2 years in order to get a master's degree. Further studies are postgraduate which result in a Doctor's degree.

    There are many different types of loans for students in order to pay for higher education.
    C. Higher education in Russia is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Only accredited higher education establishments have the right to issue state diplomas and degrees ensuring full vocational and academic rights.

    According to Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (29.12.2012) there are the following stages of higher education: bachelor, master, specialist and postgraduate studies.

    Bachelor degree programmes focus on basic training relevant to the degree programme and the fundamentals of the subject and takes 4 years.

    Master degree follows the Bachelor degree level and takes two years.

    A Specialist Diploma programme is a traditional form of Russian higher education, which comprises basic education with in-depth specialist training in the chosen area. Regular duration of a full-time programme is 5 years, of a distance programme – 6 years.

    There are the following kinds of higher education institutions in RF: universities academies, institutes. Academic year begins in September and ends in June, it is divided into 2 semesters. (There are Federal State Educational Standards).

    to be founded – быть основанным

    private – частный

    public – государственный

    financial support – финансовая поддержка

    admission – зачисление

    to pay fees and living costs – платить за обучение и жилье

    tutorial – консультация

    term – семестр

    academic year – учебный год

    award – присуждать

    tuition fees – плата за обучение

    to enter (a university) – поступить (в университет)

    curriculum – учебный план

    credit – зачет

    major – основной предмет специализации

    undergraduate – студент последнего курса

    graduate – окончивший высшее учебное заведение

    postgraduate – аспирант

    loan – заем

    to have the right to issue state diplomas – иметь право выдавать дипломы госуд. обр.

    to ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать

    vocational – профессиональный

    duration – продолжительность

    T 3 Legal Profession

    England is almost unique in having two different kinds of lawyers: barristers and solicitors. There are about 71,000 solicitors, who practice mainly in private firms, but also in local and central government, in legal centres, and in industry. They are a more recent development than barristers. Their professional body is the Law Society. Solicitors deal with general legal work. Their firms or partnerships offer a wide range of services, such as conveyancing (the buying and selling property); probate (wills and succession after death); family matters; criminal and civil litigation, etc. They act as advocates in the lower courts.

    The senior branch of the legal profession is a barrister. There are over 9,000 barristers, who have the right to fight a case in the higher courts. Barristers belong to the Bar. There are the four legal societies or Inns of Court in London, they date from the Middle Ages.

    Barristers are self-employed individuals who practice the law from chambers. They are rather remote figures. If you need one, you never see him without your solicitor being with him. Barristers do not have public offices in any street. Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the law. They are called in to advise on really difficult points.

    A lot of work in English solicitors' firms is undertaken by managing clerks, called "legal executives, who are a third type of lawyers. They have their own professional and examining body - "the Institute of Legal Executives".
    practice in private firms - заниматься практикой в частных фирмах

    professional body - профессиональный орган

    Law society - юридическое общество

    deal with general legal work - заниматься общей юридической работой

    offer a wide range of services - предлагать широкий спектр услуг

    conveyancing - отрасль права, регулирующая вопросы перехода права собственности на недвижим

    probate – утверждение завещаний

    will - завещание

    succession - право преемства

    family matters - семейные дела

    criminal and civil litigation - судебная тяжба по уголовным и гражданским делам

    act as advocates in the lower courts - выступать адвокатами в нижестоящих судах

    senior branch - старшая ветвь

    fight a case in the higher courts - отстаивать дела в вышестоящих судах

    belong to the Bar - принадлежать адвокатуре

    Inns of Court – Судебные Инны

    practice law from chambers – заниматься юридической практикой из палат

    remote - удаленный

    experts in the interpretation of law – специалисты по толкованию законов

    advise on really difficult points – советовать по действительно трудным вопросам

    legal executives – законные исполнители
    T 4 Outstanding Lawyers A. F. Koni

    Anatoliy Fedorovich Koni is one of the most famous Russian jurists and judicial orators. He was born in Saint Petersburg in 1844.

    In 1861 Koni entered the University. In 1886 Anatoly Fedorovich graduated from the Moscow university, his dissertation was devoted to the theme "About the right of necessary defence". In 1871 A.F.Koni became for 5 years a district prosecuting attorney of Saint Petersburg. At this time he got the fame of a brilliant prosecutor and a talented judicial man. Soon he became the president of the district court of Saint Petersburg.

    In 1878 A.F. Koni was the president of the court in the judicial session of proceeding of Vera Zasulich, who committed an act of terrorism against general Trepov. After this trial Koni became famous all over the world.

    In 1900 Koni enetered his legislative career. In 1912 he defended women's law of succession. During the first world war Koni stood upon the right of disabled war veterans. Koni always found some time for teaching. Since 1876 he had been reading lectures on court ethics, judicial proceedings in different universities and colleges.

    A.F.Koni died in 1927 in Saint Petersburg at the age of 83.
    graduate from the university — окончить университет

    about the right of necessary defence — о праве на необходимую защиту

    district prosecuting attorney — районный прокурор

    brilliant prosecutor — выдающийся обвинитель

    president of the district court — председатель районного суда

    trial — слушание дела, суд

    become famous all over the world — стать всемирно известным

    enter legislative career — заняться законодательством

    defend women's law of succession — защищать право наследования женщин

    judicial proceeding — судебный процесс

    T 5 Political Systems
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the sovereign reigns but does not rule. Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws.

    The monarch serves formally as head of state. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. The monarchy is hereditary. The Queen is the head of the executive, of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Crown, the temporal head of the Established Church of England. She summons and dissolves Parliament.

    The British Parliament is the supreme legislative body in the country. It consists of two Houses - the House of Commons and the House of Lords. There are 650 members in the House of Commons. They are elected by secret ballot. General elections are held every five years. The functions of the House of Commons are legislation and scrutiny of government activities. It is presided over by the Speaker. It’s in the House of Commons that new bills are introduced and debated. The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers. It is presided by the Lord Chancellor.

    The executive branch is represented by the Cabinet and other ministries, Government departments and local authorities. The leader of the party that has a majority in the House of Commons is appointed Prime Minister

    The main political parties in the UK are: the Conservative, the Labour and the Liberal ones.
    The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of 50 states. The federal power is located in Washington, D.C. It is based on legislative, executive and juridical branches of power.

    The legislative power is vested in the Congress, which consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 435 members in the House of Representatives and 100 senators in the Congress. Each state elects two members for the Senate.

    The executive branch is headed by the President. The President enforces federal laws, serves as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. He can veto a bill unless Congress by a two-thirds vote shall overrule him. The President is elected every four years together with the Vice-President. The President cannot be elected for more than two terms. The Cabinet is made up of Department secretaries. The most important of them is the Secretary of State, who deals with foreign affairs.

    The judicial branch is made up of the Federal Courts and the Courts of the States.
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