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  • Mechanism

  • Read the text and be ready to answer the questions below

  • H ospital Administration

  • Recording Medical History of Patients

  • Faster and Cheaper Communications.

  • V. Complete the sentences

  • VI. Define if the statement is false or true

  • VII. Communicative skills.

  • Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

  • 1 курс спо экзамен по англ языку, всякие шпоры и матерьял. экз англ. 1 family and family relations. 2 household chores

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    1) family and family relations.

    2) household chores.

    3) a description of your home or school.

    4) College life. information about lessons, exams, and classmates.

    5) hobbies.

    6) national cuisine.

    7) Shops, goods, making purchases.

    8) Excursions and travel, types of transport.

    9) russia, national symbols, state and political structure.

    10) Great Britain, national symbols, state and political structure.

    11) The student's working day.

    12) Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia.

    13) Man and nature. Ecology.

    14) What is a computer? Computer usage.

    15) Science and modern technologies, pros and cons.

    16)Industry and equipment.

    17) Machines and mechanisms.

    18) mass media.

    19) the role of foreign languages in people's lives.

    20) sports in people's lives, healthy lifestyle.

    green-I know. yellow - I know, but I need to repeat it. white - I NEED TO LEARN THIS

    1) семья и семейные отношения. 2) домашние обязанности. 3) описание своего дома или учебного заведения. 4) Жизнь в колледже. информация об уроках, экзаменах, одноклассниках. 5)хобби. 6)национальная кухня. 7) Магазины, товары, совершение покупок. 8) Экскурсии и путешевствия, виды транспорта. 9) россиия, национальные символы, государственное и политическое устройство. 10) Великобритания,национальные символы, государственное и политическое устройство. 11) Рабочий день студента. 12) Российский Университет дружбы народов. 13) Человек и природа. Экология. 14) Что такое компьютер? Использование компьютера. 15) Наука и современные технологии, плюсы и минусы. 16)Промышленность и оборудование. 17) Машины и механизмы. 18)сми. 19)роль иностранных языков в жизни людей. 20) спорт в жизни людей, зож.



    Be served


    Call at the backers








    Ready packed

    Reduced prise

    Run out



    Weigh out


    Loaf of bread


    Cottage cheese







    A jar of jam

    Bargain sales

    Be loose on smb



    Electric appliances


    Fitting room


    Knitted goods


    Ready made clothes





    Wahing powder

    Table ware

    Shops play an important role in our life, because everything we

    have, everything we eat and wear we buy in the shops.

    As a rule, to buy food is my duty, although my mother always

    buys bread and milk because when she returns home from the work

    she walks past the baker's and the dairy shop. My father likes rye-


    bread, other members like white bread, but for me it is all the same

    what bread to eat. When we're run out of sugar, salt or some other

    food products I go to the provision shop with a great choice of food.

    The customers are served by salesgirls who stand behind the coun-

    ter. The salesgirl weighs out foodstuffs and the cashier takes the

    money. On the counter I can see the assortment of all food products

    and choose what I need. As a rule, in the middle of the shop there

    is a cash desk where I pay for my purchases.

    So we buy bread at the baker's, sugar, salt, tea, coffee, bacon,


    sausage, cheese at the grocer's, meat at the butcher's, vegetables at

    the greengrocer's, milk at the dairy. Sweets, cakes, biscuits are sold

    at the confectionery.

    But I must say that I hate to stand in long queues. It is a waste

    of time for me. I prefer to go to the self-service shops. Everything is

    sold ready packed there. There are no shop assistants there, but only

    cashiers. You choose what you need and pay money at the cash desk.

    Once a month my father and I go to the market where meet to

    buy and sell goods. Here all kinds of things for sale are combined.

    We prefer to go there because meat, vegetables and fish have more

    reasonable prices, and we also can haggle with the sellers. Besides,

    there are very many booths where we can buy beer, cud, pop-corn,

    and many other tasty things. In the supermarket we can also buy many different things in the same location:

    meat and sausages, fish, sugar, pasta, flour, cereals, tea, coffee, bread and whatnot.

    At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the baker's you can

    buy white or brown bread, rolls and biscuits.

    Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocer's, which is stocked with

    cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and various

    fruits. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed.

    If you call round at a dairy, you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many

    other milk products.

    Магазины играют важную роль в нашей жизни, потому что все, что у нас

    есть, все, что мы едим и носим, мы покупаем в магазинах.Как правило, покупать еду-моя обязанность, хотя моя мать всегда покупает хлеб и молоко, потому что, возвращаясь домой с работы,

    она проходит мимо булочной и молочного магазина.

    Мой отец любит ржаной хлеб, другие члены церкви любят белый хлеб, но для меня все равно, какой хлеб есть. Когда у нас кончается сахар, соль или какие-то другие продукты питания, я иду в магазин с большим выбором продуктов.Клиентов обслуживают продавщицы, которые стоят за стойкой.-

    тер. Продавщица взвешивает продукты, а кассир берет деньги. На прилавке я вижу ассортимент всех продуктов питания и выбираю то, что мне нужно. Как правило, в середине магазина

    есть касса, где я расплачиваюсь за свои покупки.Поэтому мы покупаем хлеб в булочной, сахар, соль, чай, кофе, бекон, колбасу, сыр в бакалейной лавке, мясо в мясной лавке, овощи в

    овощной лавке, молоко в молочной. В кондитерской продаются сладости, торты, печенье

    Но должен сказать, что я терпеть не могу стоять в длинных очередях. Это пустая трата времени

    времени для меня. Я предпочитаю ходить в магазины самообслуживания. Там все продается уже упакованным. Там нет продавцов, а только кассиры. Вы выбираете то, что вам нужно, и платите деньги в кассе.

    Раз в месяц мы с отцом ходим на рынок, где встречаемся, чтобы купить и продать товары. Здесь сочетаются все виды вещей для продажи. Мы предпочитаем ехать туда, потому что мясо, овощи и рыба имеют более

    приемлемые цены, и мы также можем торговаться с продавцами. Кроме того,

    здесь очень много киосков, где можно купить пиво, жвачку, поп-корн,

    и много других вкусных вещей. В супермаркете мы также можем купить много разных вещей в одном и том же месте:

    мясо и колбасы, рыба, сахар, макароны, мука, крупы, чай, кофе, хлеб и еще много чего.

    В мясной лавке представлен широкий выбор мяса и птицы. В пекарне можно

    купить белый или черный хлеб, булочки и печенье.

    Еще один магазин, в который мы часто ходим, - это зеленщик, в котором есть

    капуста, картофель, лук, огурцы, морковь, свекла, зеленый горошек и различные

    фрукты. Здесь все продается готовым-взвешенным и упакованным.

    Если вы зайдете в молочный магазин, то сможете купить молоко, сливки, сыр, масло и многие

    другие молочные продукты.

    10) Some Facts Aboutthe UK

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with an area of 244,000

    square miles is situated in the British Isles, which are separated from the European

    continent by the North Sea, the Straits of Dover and the English Channel. It consists of four parts - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The population of the UK is over 62 million. Four out of five people live in towns. The largest cities in the country are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and

    Edinburgh. Nevertheless, agriculture is also well- developed, especially sheep-breeding in Scotland.The territory of the country is small but it has a wide variety of landscape and scenery. There are moors, rivers, lakes, mountains, hills and plains

    there. Politically the UK is a monarchy: the head of state is the King or Queen. In practice the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule: Great Britain is governed by the Government. The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. The real ruler of

    the country is the Prime Minister representing the party in power. The heart of the UK is England. It is the richest, the most fertile and most populated in the country.

    The north and the west of England are mountainous, but the remainder of the territory is a vast plain. In Northwest England there are many beautiful lakes with green, wooded or grassy shores and grey mountains all around. The smallest country is Wales. The largest part of Wales is covered with rocky mountains, which are difficult to climb. Most people in Wales live in the coastal plains. Scotland is a land of mountains, wild moorlands, narrow valleys and plains, famous

    lakes, known as lochs and no end of large and small islands. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. One third of the people in Scotland live in or near its capital, Edinburgh, and its great industrial centre, Glasgow.

    Northern Ireland became a part of the United Kingdom in 1920. The land is mountainous and has few natural resources. Farming, machinery and equipment manufacturing, food processing, textile and electronics manufacturing are the leading industries. Belfast is

    the capital and the largest city. The capital of the UK, London, stands on the Thames. The Thames is the busiest and the most important river in the UK, but it is not very long.

    Великобритания состоит из 4х частей - Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии. Население Великобритании составляет более 62 миллионов человек. Четверо из пяти человек живут в городах. Крупнейшими городами страны являются Лондон, Бирмингем, Ливерпуль, Манчестер, Глазго и Эдинбург. Politically the UK is a monarchy: the head of state is the King or Queen. In practice the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule: Great Britain is governed by the Government. The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. The real ruler of the country is the Prime Minister representing the party in power. The heart of the UK is England. It is the richest, the most fertile and most populated in the country. Север и запад Англии покрыты горами, но остальная часть территории представляет собой обширную равнину. Столица Великобритании, Лондон, стоит на Темзе. Темза-самая оживленная и самая важная река в Великобритании, но она не очень длинная.

    17) Machines and mechanisms.

    involved in-вовлечены в, причастны;

    an assemblage of parts –сборка частей;

    natural phenomenon-природные явления;

    transmit- передавать;

    constrain- ограничить;

    in a predetermined manner-в заранее определенной манере

    rigid bodies-твердые тела

    resistant bodies-устойчивые тела

    the lever-рычаг

    wheel –колесо

    axle- ось

    pulley- шкив

    inclined plane-наклонная плоскость

    wedge -клин


    joint- паз, скрутка, стык.

    gear- прибор. зубчатое колесо, шестерня.

    distortion- искривление, перекашивание

    skeleton outline-контур каркаса, скелета

    Mechanism: the fundamental physical or chemical processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction or other natural phenomenon.

    Machine: an assemblage of parts that are responsible for forces, motion and energy in a predetermined manner.

    Simple Machine: any of various elementary mechanisms having the elements of which all machines are composed. Included in this category are the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge and the screw.

    The word mechanism has many meanings. In kinematics, a mechanism is a means of transmitting, controlling, or constraining relative movement. Movements which are electrically, magnetically, pneumatically operated are excluded from the concept of mechanism. The central theme for mechanisms is rigid bodies connected together by joints.

    machine is a combination of rigid or resistant bodies, formed and connected so that they move with definite relative motions and transmit force from the source of power to the resistance to be overcome. A machine has two functions: transmitting definite relative motion and transmitting force. These functions require strength and rigidity to transmit the forces.

    The term mechanism is applied to the combination of geometrical bodies which constitute a machine or part of a machine. A mechanism may therefore be defined as a combination of rigid or resistant bodies, formed and connected so that they move with definite relative motions with respect to one another.

    Although a truly rigid body does not exist, many engineering components are rigid because their deformations and distortions are negligible in comparison with their relative movements.

    Travelling and Excursions.
    Travelling is a very popular hobby for many people.
    While travelling, you can get acquainted with other people, cultures of different countries, see a lot of places of interest. Holidaymaking has become one of the most profitable industries, and the budget of many countries, such as Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Greece depends mainly on tourism.
    For someone travelling is an opportunity to relax and abstract from everyday busy life. For others it is interesting to observe the way people of other cultures, beliefs and mentality life. You can choose either a guided tour or organize everything yourself. A guided tour is a perfect option for those, who want just to pay and not to think about details. With an organized tour, you have everything ready from the flight tickets to chosen excursions. Organized tours involve strict timetable, group excursions and planned meals. Some people say that travelling is far from pleasant and involves a lot of stress due to the necessity to pack their things, use public transport and so on. And for many people it is a weak point of the tour. But for most people travelling is exciting and interesting. For those tourists, who cannot stand being told what and when to do, where to go, an independent tour is the best option. Thanks to the Internet, you are able to plan and organize everything yourself. You can book flight or train tickets, hotel room, transfer, excursions. There are both strong and weak points in organized tours and independent trips.
    There are different means of travelling. You are free to choose where to go, you may want to spend a vacation in the mountains or by the sea.
    For me there is nothing better like travelling by air, because it is the fastest way to reach each point of the planet. It is more comfortable, more convenient and more pleasant way of travelling.
    Some people are afraid of flying and they prefer travelling by trains. From the comfortable seats of railway carriage they have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If your journey is long and you are tired, you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.
    Many people like to travel by car, because you can stop when and wherever you want? Youdon’t have to wear heavy suitcases.
    You can also travel by ship, if you are a romantic person. You will see the rise and fall of the waves< feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the faceand hear the cry of seagulls.
    To sum up, travelling is great for the people due to the fact that every person can find whatever he or she wants. The main thing here is to be an open-minded, positive and interesting person to get new aspirations and world’s perception.

    14, 15, 16

    1. computer-aided manufacturing

    1. автоматическое производство

    1. to perform complicated jobs

    1. выполнять сложные работы

    1. to pick

    1. собирать, выбирать

    1. to weld

    1. сваривать

    1. welding

    1. сварка

    1. to paint

    1. красить

    1. painting

    1. окраска

    1. spray painting

    1. окраска распылением

    1. consistency

    1. последовательность

    1. repeatability

    1. стабильность

    1. to assemble cars

    1. собирать, монтировать машины

    1. uniformity

    1. единообразие, однородность

    1. computer Aided Design or CAD

    1. системы автоматизированного проектирования

    1. due to

    1. благодаря

    1. to fail

    1. потерпеть неудачу

    1. failure

    1. неудача

    1. apply

    1. применять, использовать

    1. application

    1. применение

    1. benefit

    1. извлекать пользу, выгоду

    1. common place

    1. общее место

    1. computer-generated

    1. созданный компьютером

    1. conventional

    1. обыкновенный, традиционный

    1. computer terminal

    1. компьютерный терминал

    1. increase/decrease

    1. увеличивать/уменьшать

    1. make an inquiry

    1. делать запрос

    1. operate

    1. работать

    1. optical scanning

    1. оптическое сканирование

    1. society

    1. общество

    1. store information

    1. хранить информацию

    1. tomography

    1. томография

    1. tool

    1. инструмент

    1. traffic

    1. дорожное движение

    1. transition

    1. переход

    1. withdrawal

    1. снятие денег

    1. work force

    1. рабочая сила

    1. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions below:

    As we know all computer systems perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling and outputting.

    The two basic types of computers are analog and digital. Analog computers simulate physical systems. They operate on the basis of an analogy to the processes that is being studied. Digital computers, as contrasted with analog computers, deal with discrete rather than continuous quantities. They count rather than measure. They use numbers instead of analogues physical quantities to simulate on-going, or real time processes.

    What kind of computers do we work in our classrooms? Are they digital or analog?

    At present a great deal of the work force of most countries is engaged in creating, processing, storing, communicating and just working with information. Computers have become commonplace in homes, offices, stores, schools, research institutes, plants. Computer-aided manufacturing is the manufacturing technique that uses computers or computerized automated machines and robots to control the manufacturing of all parts of a product. Therefore, all manufacturing process is managed by computer systems with the help of specially designed software and hardware.

    T here exist many computer programs used to design the model of a product on the computer system. This process is called Computer Aided Design or CAD. This is due to Computer Aided Design techniques that we can test the designed product with the help of computer. When the design is completed successfully, the actual product is manufactured. This will reduce the cost and risk of failure.

    The use of computers in business, industry and communication services is widespread today.

    Computer-controlled robots are able to improve the quality of manufactured products and to increase the productivity of industry. Computers can control the work of power stations, plants and docks. They help in making different decisions and in management of economy.

    Computers are used in industry in different types of systems. Computer-controlled robots are used in industry to perform many complicated jobs. They are programmable machines. These clever machines can perform mechanical jobs. Robots also perform such jobs like picking and placing different parts, welding or painting cars, etc.

    Today, computer-controlled robots are used to assemble cars. No doubt, these systems work faster than human beings. Another popular and efficient use for computer controlled robots is in the field of spray painting. The consistency and repeatability of a robot's motion have enabled near perfect quality painting while at the same time wasting no paint and leaving no place without paint.

    P erhaps the most popular applications of robots are in industrial welding. The repeatability, uniformity in quality, and speed of robotic welding is unmatched.

    Computer controlled robots can be found in the manufacturing industry, the military, space exploration, transportation, and medical applications.

    The work of banks depends upon computer terminals for millions of daily operations. Without these terminals, records of deposits and withdrawals would be difficult to maintain, and it would be impossible to make inquiries about the current status of customer accounts.

    Computers find application in astronomy and upper atmosphere research. Weather forecasting, library information services can benefit from computers too.

    Computers form a part of many military systems including communication and fire control. They are applied for automatic piloting and automatic navigation. Space exploration depends on computers for guidance, on-board environment and research.

    It is interesting to note that computers are widely used in medicine. They became valuable medical diagnostic tools. Computers are used for optical scanning and image processing, ranging from pattern recognition to image processing. Technicians can operate computer tomography scanners that combine x-rays with computer technology to give sectional views of the body of patients. The views then can be combined into a single image shown on the screen. Doctors and administration staff uses computers to manage patient history and medicine stocks etc.

    Computers can be used in medical field in the following ways:

    H ospital Administration

    These days, computers are being used in hospitals extensively. We can computerize the accounting, payroll and stock system of the hospital. We can keep the record of different medicines.

    Recording Medical History of Patients

    Computer can be used to store the medical history of the patients. Medical history is very important for patients as well as doctors. Doctors may better prescribe the medicines on the basis of the medicines used in past for a particular patient and the results obtained.
    Details of the medications prescribed are stored together with details of any that can not be prescribed, such as an allergy to penicillin.

    Monitoring Systems.

    Many computerized devices are used to monitor the blood pressure, heartbeat and brain of the patients. Computers guide in some surgical operations, too. For example in laparoscopic inserts surgery, the surgeon works with the medical tools and a small camera, and conducts the operation with the help of computers and monitors.

    Computers also monitor heart rates, pulse rates and brain readings. Therefore, we conclude that computers make this possible to deal with such complicated operations. It would be virtually impossible for a human to do this.

    Diagnosis of Diseases

    Computers are being used to diagnose diseases with the help of software. There are some Medical Software to diagnose diseases and prescribe medicine on the basis of symptoms. A computer translates the echoes into images, showing broken bones, muscle problems, or changes in organs, accurately.

    Faster and Cheaper Communications.

    Doctors and other staff can use internet to communicate to doctors in other parts of the world, for sharing information on medical topics or even about a particular patient case. They can exchange pictures, reports and other documents, too.

    It should be noticed that learning on a computer can be fun. Students spend more time with computer-aided instruction performing the assigned task, as compared with conventional classroom.

    At last air traffic control is impossible without computer application. It fully depends upon computer-generated information. Many other uses of computers that we cannot imagine at present will become commonplace in the transition from an industrial, to post industrial, or information society.

    And now let’s speak about pros and cons of computer aided manufacturing.

    The main advantages of using computer aided manufacturing technique are:

    1. Product is manufactured up to the standards with great accuracy.

    2. The product quality is high and consistent.

    3. The CAM reduces the cost of the production.

    ???What are the disadvantages of using computer aided manufacturing technique?

    The Disadvantages of Computer Aided Manufacturing:

    A computer translates the echoes into images, showing broken bones, muscle problems, or changes in organs, accurately.

    IV. Match English and Russian equivalents:

    1. computer controlled robots

    a. зависеть от компьютера

    2. to improve the quality

    b. без этих терминалов

    3. to increase the productivity

    c. счета клиентов

    4. depend upon a computer

    d. делать запрос

    5. daily operations

    e. постиндустриальное информационное общество

    6. without these terminals

    f. роботы, контролируемые компьютером

    7. to make an inquiry

    g. информация, созданная компьютером

    8. records of deposits and withdrawals

    h. прогноз погоды

    9. current status

    i. ежедневные операции

    10. customer accounts

    j. повышать производительность

    11. to find an application

    k. записи прихода и снятия денег

    12. weather forecasting

    m. текущий статус

    13. computer – generated information

    n. находить применение

    14. post – industrial, information society

    o. улучшать качество

    V. Complete the sentences:

    1) The use of computers in business, industry and communication services … .

    2) Computers are applied for ... .

    3) Technicians can operate computer tomography scanners... .

    4) Students spend more time with ... .

    5) The work of banks depends upon ... .

    6) Air traffic control is impossible... .

    7) Computer-controlled robots are able ... .

    8) Space exploration depends on computers... .

    9) Computers have become common place ... .

    10) It is interesting to note that ... .

    VI. Define if the statement is false or true:

    1. Computers are rarely met in homes, offices, stores, schools, research institutes and plants.

    2. Computer terminals provide millions of daily operations in banks.

    3. Computers are almost never used for space exploration.

    4. Weather forecasting, library information services can benefit from computers.

    5. Computers are not used as medical diagnostic tools.

    6. Air traffic control is impossible without computer application.

    VII. Communicative skills. Answer the following questions and be ready to discuss the fields of application of Computer Aided Manufacturing.

    1. Name the main fields of application of Computer Aided Manufacturing.

    2. Do you have any computer aided robots at home? If do, give the examples.

    3. What kinds of computers can you name?

    4. What are computer-controlled robots able to do?

    5. Does the work of banks depend on computer terminals?

    6. What functions do computers do for banks?

    7. Are computers widely or rarely used for forming a part of military systems?

    8. What functions do computers do for military system and space exploration?

    9. Computers are widely used in medicine, aren’t they?

    10. What are they used for in medicine?

    11. Are computers an essential part of information society?

    12. What role do robots play in our lives nowadays?

    Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

    1.Компьютеры широко используются в науке, промышленности, в исследовании космоса, в медицине и в других областях.

    2. Компьютерные системы управляют всеми процессами производства с помощью специально созданных программного обеспечения и оборудования.

    Industry exhibitions

    Many national and international specialized exhibitions are held every year in different countries of the world. From year to year, the number of companies and countries participating in such exhibitions is growing. The scope of exhibitions is also getting larger. The present exhibitions include a wide range of showpieces showing the important achievements in different fields of science, industry and agriculture of different countries. These exhibitions are usually crowded with different visitors with their different interests and demands. The participants of these exhibitions can negotiate with their customers, sale their goods and purchase the goods they need. A national or an international exhibition is a way to advertise the products of a company. Such exhibitions usually have their mottoes, for example: people and environment, economic cooperation, technical progress and so on. The international exhibitions fasten the friendship among different nations and countries.


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