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собеседование. 1. Расскажите, пожалуйста, нам о себе (как о профессионале который может справляться с данной работой) Цель вопроса

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Название1. Расскажите, пожалуйста, нам о себе (как о профессионале который может справляться с данной работой) Цель вопроса
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«Ваше ФИО?»
Считаю, что это уточняющий и одновременно каверзный вопрос. Дело в том, что я столкнулась с тем, что многие кандидаты не указывают свои настоящие персональные данные, аргументируя это тем, что они не хотели бы, чтобы их текущий работодатель знал, что они рассматривают другие предложения. Кроме этого, многие неверно указывают возраст (уменьшают на N кол-во лет). Правду я узнала только тогда, когда дело дошло до проверки службы безопасности. Доверия к таким кандидатам уже нет, к сожалению.

  • «Что вводит вас в состояние потока работы?», и, наоборот, «Что выводит вас из состояния потока, когда вы готовы всё бросить, встать и уйти?»
    Оцениваются ожидания от работы, плюсы, минусы, риски.

  • «Как следите за последними тенденциями в ИТ?», «Что читаете, изучаете?», «Какие ресурсы/методы используются для самообразования?»
    Оцениваем, прикладывает ли кандидат усилия, чтобы оставаться востребованным специалистом.

  • «Насколько вы знакомы с ITIL? Приходилось ли где-то работать по ITIL-процессам? Каким именно?»
    Оцениваем знания руководства по управлению ИТ-услуг. Даже если ранее не было опыта работы с ITIL, часто бывает так, что кандидат изучал его самостоятельно или слышал что-либо о нем.

  • «Приходилось ли решать проблемы в работе команды? Какие используются подходы? Как работать с революционерами? А с лоуперформерами?»
    Хорошие вопросы для ИТ- менеджера. Оцениваем то, как была выстроена работа с командами, опыт управления сотрудниками, контроль исполнения поручений, распределение задач в команде, делегирование задач.

  • «Назовите, пожалуйста, 3 современные технологии виртуализации», или «Назовите, пожалуйста, 3 наиболее популярные облачные платформы IaaS»
    Оцениваем, насколько кандидат в теме по технической части.

    Стандартные темы: Рассказ о себе. Опыт работы. Причина последнего увольнения. Зарплатные ожидания. Профессиональные достижения. Допущенные ранее ошибки при работе. Почему вы хотите работать у нас? Сильные, слабые стороны. Почему вы — идеальный кандидат? (как вариант – почему мы должны взять именно вас?) Каким вы видите себя через 3-5 лет? Почему вам интересна эта вакансия? Каверзные Условно вопросы можно разделить на две группы: абсурдные и ставящие в тупик. Абсурдные используются для следующих целей: сбавить градус серьёзности; отвлечь; оценить скорость реакции. К этому типу относятся: Почему теннисный мяч пушистый? Как завязаны мои ботинки? Сколько диванов в России? Ко второй группе относятся серьёзные вопросы задаваемые на собеседовании, требующие вдумчивого и очень аккуратного ответа, например: Почему вы устраиваетесь не по специальности? Ваши недостатки? Логические Работодатели предлагают логические задачи, призванные выявить способность соискателя быстро решать необычные задания. В отличие от каверзных, они всегда предполагают верный ответ. Специалиста по подбору персонала интересует не только решит или нет задание претендент, но и как именно он рассуждал. Они позволяют выявить людей с нестандартным мышлением. Примеры: Разделите торт на 8 равных частей тремя разрезами. Ответ: Сделать 2 разреза крест-накрест и один поперёк. Дано 4 одинаковые таблетки двух видов. Как выпить 2 разных таблетки два раза за день. Ответ: Разделить каждую таблетку на 2 части, выпить 1 части каждой. Какие еще логические, математические и аналитические задачи задают на собеседованиях, читайте здесь. Личного характера Статьёй 19 Конституции Российской Федерации запрещена дискриминация по социальной, расовой, национальной, языковой, религиозной принадлежности, статья 3 Трудового кодекса России запрещает дискриминацию при трудовых отношениях. Расспросы, касающиеся частной жизни, некоторые люди могут посчитать оскорблением. Однако семейное положение занимает специалиста по подбору персонала в разрезе готовности отдаваться карьере в компании. Вместо «Когда собираетесь в декрет?» профессиональный специалист по подбору персонала скажет «Не появятся ли скоро обстоятельства, которые помешают работе?». Другие Какие дополнительные темы поднимет специалист по кадрам компании, зависит от организации, вакансии, профессиональных и личных характеристик человека, желающего трудоустроиться, а также изобретательности отдела подбора персонала. Так, претендента могут расспросить по узкоспециализированным темам, попросить решить тесты, выполнить задание, связанное с должностными обязанностями (например, продать товар).

    Источник: https://101million.com/personal/sobesedovanie/voprosy#standartnye?utm_source=table_of_content 101 миллион ©

    1)   Tell Me About Yourself

    This is probably the most-asked interview question, next to “[d]o you have any questions for us?”.  And there is a reason for that.  The answer to this question really tells the employer a lot about you and what you are all about.

    In order to answer this job interview question effectively, you must be succinct, confident, but not overtly conceited.  The answer should be longer than 1 minute but shorter than 3 minutes.  Beyond a few minutes, you are just going to lose their attention.  To answer this question, talk a little about where you grew up, your education, and any relevant work experience you have.  Be sure to concentrate a lot of your time on your career.

    This is not a question for you to talk about your personality or character traits—but the interviewer should be able to get a good grasp of who you are from your answer to this question.

    2)   What Makes You Qualified for this Job?

    This is a tricky question to answer; you don’t want to come off as a braggart but you also want to expound on the qualities that makes you better than other candidates.  To answer this, do not focus on your GPA or what school you graduated from.  Instead, focus on specific skillsets that makes you valuable, as well as specific accomplishments that makes you the best candidate for the job.  Remember to cater your answer specifically to the job announcement.

    3)   Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

    Do not ever bad-mouth your previous employer when answering this job interview question.  It doesn’t matter if the previous employer really stuck it to you or not.  Doing so is very unbecoming and unprofessional and can easily disqualify you from the job you are applying for.  If you really did leave your previous job because you did not like your boss, you can simply state that you and the previous employer did not see eye to eye on certain aspects of the job.

    Be sure to have specific examples in mind.  Another good answer to this question is to say that there was no room in the company to grow professionally and further your skills.  You should also never say that the previous employer did not pay you enough—this will make the interviewer think that you are only in it for the money.

    4)   What Do You Know About this Organization?

    Before going to the interview, always do your homework on the company, and if possible, the people interviewing you.  The more in depth you can go into detail about the company, the more they will be impressed.  To answer this question, you can go into when the company was formed, who the leaders are and what they have accomplished, and what specific customer segments the company caters to.  For bonus points, you can talk about the company’s financials and/or projects that are in the pipeline.

    5)   Why Do You Want to Work for Us?

    Do not say “because the salary is high[er].”  You need to be really specific as to why you want to work for the company that doesn’t involve a higher salary.

    Here are some things you can say to answer this interview question properly:

    • Because your company offers tremendous potential for me to grow and contribute to the organization’s growth

    • Because you are the leaders in the field and the work you have done in the field is sensational—and I want to be a part of this growth.  (Be sure to give specific examples)

    And if you are really applying for your dream job at your dream company, you can say that it has always been your dream to work with them since you were young.  But be sure to explain why it has always been your dream.

    6)   Do You Prefer to Work in Teams or Alone?

    This is a pretty tricky question to answer and the answer may be dependent upon the job you are applying for.  But in most cases, it is best to say that your preference is dependent on whichever gets the job done the most efficiently and produces the most quality product.  So here is an example response you can use if you are asked this question:

    • I find that my preference is really dependent upon whether I can turn in a better product alone or with a group of collaborators.  And I find that more often than not, a group of adept coworkers is extremely helpful in a project that demands expertise in many different areas.

    7)   Are You a Team Player?

    This question is very much like the last question but you will have to answer “yes” to this question unequivocally.  However, upon answer yes you will need to come up with a specific answer from your past that shows an example of how well you worked in a team environment and what you were able to accomplish together.

    8)   If You Had Enough Money to Retire Right Now, Would You?

    This question is used to gauge what your attitude towards money is.  To simply say that money isn’t important to you is not a very believable response.  Money is important to everyone.  However, when answering this question, you should illustrate that you want your life to be defined by more than just money.  And if you truly love the field you are in and the work you do, it is okay to say that you love the work too much to retire.  Here are a couple of answers that can be given if you are asked this question:

    • I would continue to work because I have been working tirelessly since I got out of college and the work I do brings a lot of meaning to my life.

    • I would continue to work because I want to continue to contribute to society.

    • Having the money would be nice but the money doesn’t determine what I do with my life.  The career I am in brings me happiness and I am going to keep doing what makes me happy regardless if I have enough money to retire or not.

    9)   How Would You Describe Yourself?

    Like many other interview question that requires you to describe yourself, you should be careful to walk that fine line between bragging and selling yourself.  Do not be too brief but don’t lose the attention of the interviewer by being long-winded either.  When answering this question, pick up to three of your best attributes and expand on them with some specific examples.  If you think honesty is one of your best traits, then you should describe a situation in your life (preferably work-related) in which you were extremely honest with someone even if there is a high likelihood that your honesty would have cost you something of great significance, such as a promotion.

    10)        Have You Ever Had a Conflict With Someone at Work?  How Did You Handle it?

    In answering this question, it is important to show that you are fair, level-headed, and civilized.  In your reply, you should think of an example where you used your rational judgment and level-headedness to solve a personal conflict at work.  This could be something as simple as a difference of opinion in how to approach a project to something as dramatic as handling workplace gossip.

    11)        Are You Applying for Other Jobs as Well?

    This is a tricky question to answer.  Your first instinct is to lie and say that you are not applying for other jobs.  However, the best way to approach this question is to simply tell the truth.  As a matter of fact, potential employers are expecting you to be looking for multiple job opportunities.  When telling them that you are applying for other jobs, you will need to reassure them that whatever job you get, you will put forth 100 percent to whichever company you end up working for; who you work for does not change your work ethic.  And if the company you are interviewing for is your first preference, do tell them that.

    12)        What Has Been Your Biggest Accomplishment So Far?

    In answering this, do not list accomplishments from high school; they do not matter.  If you recently graduated college then it is okay to talk about the feats you have accomplished in college.  However, if you have been in the work force for several years, then you need to talk about accomplishments that are career-related, and hopefully closely related to the job you are applying for.  It is okay to spice up your accomplishments a little but make sure not stretch the truth too much.  Some examples of accomplishments worth noting are:

    • Finishing first in a company-wide sales or work-related competition

    • Implementing a system that saves the company money or brings in extra revenue

    • Honors and awards given from leaders within the company or industry associations

    • Overhauling an archaic strategy or system

    Remember, accomplishments do not have to be bestowed upon you.  Accomplishments are simply milestones and feats that you think are worth noting.

    13)        What is Your Greatest Weakness?

    Refrain from answers such as “I work too hard” or “I have trouble leaving tasks unfinished.”  These answers are too clichéd and you can bet that many of the people in the interviewing pool will answer the question with those answers.  Your answer should be truthful yet memorable.  Be honest about your weaknesses but also talk about what steps you have taken to improve upon those weaknesses.  For instance, you can say that you are not a particularly adept public speaker.  However, as an addendum to that answer, you can also say that you are taking steps towards be more comfortable on stage by going to Toastmasters meetings, volunteering for more speaking engagements, or even taking a public speaking class.  Employers love employees who take the initiate to improve upon themselves.

    As an additional tip, it is best to choose a weakness that doesn’t particularly affect the job you are doing.  In the example of public speaking above, you can use it for jobs that do not involve speaking in public.  However, if the primary purpose of the job you are applying for is to speak in public, then you have pretty much all but disqualified yourself from the job if you answer the interview question with that answer.

    14)        What is Your Greatest Strength?

    This interview question will usually go along with the question above.  Answer with a positive trait of yours and give a specific example of how that strength was showcased in a work setting.  Like the question above, you should pick a strength that can be adapted to the job.  For instance, if you are an tax accountant, then being “detailed and thorough” may be a strength that want to talk about.

    15)        If You Knew Your Boss Was Unequivocally Wrong About Something, How Would You Handle it?

    This question gauges your interpersonal skills and how you deal with people in positions of power.  In your answer, you should identify that the way you would handle such a situation would be wholly dependent on the personality of your supervisor, as different personalities respond differently to critique.  Illustrate your point with examples.

    16)        What Relevant Job Experience Can You Bring to This Organization?

    This should be a pretty straight-forward question to answer.  If you have relevant experience, detail specifically what kind of experience you have.  If you do not have any relevant experience, talk about tertiary job experience you may have that can be exported to this position.  If you have no relevant experience at all, talk about how fast you learn and how hard you work.

    17)        Have You Ever Been Fired?

    For most of us, this is an easy question to answer.  However, if you one of the few that have been fired from a job, especially a full-time job, it is best to be honest about it.  Companies have gotten quite good at digging up your employment history.  If you were fired for a legitimate reason, tell them why you were fired and what lessons you have learned from it.  If it was a long time ago, talk about your most relevant work experience and how well you have done since being fired.  If the firing was unjustified, you may have to be a little careful in how you respond.  You don’t want to completely bad-mouth your previous employer but you also want to illustrate the core issues that led to you being fired.

    18)        When Can You Start?

    This is a pretty typical question at the closing of many job interviews.  If you currently have a job, make sure to leave enough time to give a two weeks’ notice.  Your potential employer, as well as your present employer, will appreciate the decorum.

    19)        What are Your Salary Requirements?

    The rule of thumb is to avoid talking about money during the interview.  But if the interviewer asks, you should be able to come up with a concise number.  If the job announcement has a non-negotiable starting salary, go with that.  If the announcement has a range, you should pick a salary figure that is commensurate with your experience and skill level.  It is important not to undervalue yourself but it is also important to not ask for too much too soon.

    20)        How Long Do You Expect to be With Us?

    Employers want to retain their employees for as long as feasibly possible.  As such, you need to assure the prospective company that you are going to stay put if you are hired.  One way to answer this question is to say that you are looking for long-term and stable employment in a company that has opportunities for career growth.  The answer shows that you are looking to make a long-term contribution to the company but also striving for career growth.
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