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собеседование. 1. Расскажите, пожалуйста, нам о себе (как о профессионале который может справляться с данной работой) Цель вопроса

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Название1. Расскажите, пожалуйста, нам о себе (как о профессионале который может справляться с данной работой) Цель вопроса
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21)        How Well Do You Handle Pressure?

Being able to handle pressure is an indispensable tool in life.  Employers want someone that can handle deadlines and difficult demands.  So the only way to answer this question is to say that you handle pressure especially well.  Of course, you will need to give an example of a situation in which you thrived under pressure.

22)        Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

This question is used to gauge your mid-term goals and see if you are going to stick around if they hire you.  You don’t want to say that you see yourself working for another company in five years.  The best answer to this question is to say that you hope that you will still be with the company but in a role with more responsibilities.

23)        What Did You Dislike About Your Previous Job?

It’s okay to not like all aspects of your job.  But do not use this as an opportunity to get on the soap box and rant about how much you disliked your last job.  Instead, pick one thing that you did not like and extrapolate on it.  Do not talk about something that is the core foundation of your job function.  For instance, if you are an accountant, you can’t really say you hated the number crunching aspect of your job and wished things were more automated.

To answer this question, pick something about the way your work or organization was structured.  For instance, you can say that your previous employer was extremely inefficient in the way work was assigned.

24)        What Did You Like About Your Previous Job?

In this question, you are free to express what things you really liked about your previous job.  Do not be afraid to talk passionately about the things you loved.  Passion radiates and gives off good vibes.

25)        Have You Ever Gotten Frustrated at Work?  If So, What Did You Do?

Everyone gets frustrated at work so it is okay for you to say that work has frustrated you at times.  But the key is to show your potential employer that you are able to handle your frustration in a constructive manner.  A good way to answer this question is to say that you stepped out for a little break to gather your thoughts and talked about what frustrated you once you are no longer emotional and are able to put things in perspective.

26)        What Are You Looking For in a Job?

When answering this question, do not come off as high maintenance.  What you look for in a job shouldn’t be much more than a safe, respectful, and comfortable workplace and a job that is fun, challenging, and allows you to grow professionally (and personally).

27)        How Do You Juggle Multiple Responsibilities?

This question is used to measure multi-tasking abilities.  Granted, multi-tasking is not the most efficient way of doing things but it is a required skill in today’s fast-paced work environment.  To answer this question, you must show the interviewer that you are able to prioritize what the most important tasks are.  You should also mention that you do not ever compromise quality when handling multiple priorities at once.

28)        What Are Your Expectations of a Supervisor?

Your supervisor’s role is to supervise and manage, not babysit or assist you with technical matters.  So when describing your expectations of a supervisor, be sure to create realistic expectations for the supervisor.  Some good example answers to this interview question might be:

  • I think a supervisor should have an open line of communication with their employees and be someone that their employees can approach with new ideas and insights about work-related matters.

  • I think a supervisor should be fair in judging the performance of all employees.  In addition, I think the supervisor should have some inherent trust in his or her team and vice versa.

29)        Are You Willing to Relocate?

Most rank-and-file jobs will not require you to relocate.  However, if you go into management, there may be a chance that you will be required to.  Whether the job involves a possible chance of relocation or not will usually be on the job announcement itself.  So when asked this question, it is important to not completely rule out relocation. You can say that you are willing to relocate under circumstances or give a flat out “yes” to the answer.  It would not be wise to say “no” to this question, even if you are in fact unwilling to relocate.  Chances are that you will not relocate if relocation was not made clear on the job announcement.

30)        What Are You Passionate About?

You can use this question to showcase what is important in your life and what you value most.  Your passion does not have to be work-related.  It is okay to take some time to think about it but you should never say “I don’t have a passion.”  You can say something as general as being passionate about your family and loved ones.

31)        Why Do You Want This Job?

This question gives you the perfect opportunity to showcase how much you know about the industry, the company, and its competitors.  The ideal answer to this question should incorporate specific reasons why you want to work for this company, such as your excitement for its product lines or their unique positioning in the industry.

32)        How Do You Handle Criticism?

This behavioral interview question is designed to find out more about your interpersonal skills.  People who are easily offended are harder to work with so companies generally like to pick someone who can respond well to constructive criticism or opposing viewpoints.  In your answer, be sure to illustrate that you know that no one is perfect and that you can respond positively to constructive criticism by taking steps to improve upon your weakness if the criticism is warranted.

33)        Can You Tell Us A Little Bit About Our Industry?

You will thoroughly impress your interviewer if you are able to nail address this question with specifics.  The more specific knowledge you can share about the industry, the more likely you are to get hired.  It is good to talk about the industry’s past and present, but it is great if you are able to talk about the industry’s future and project where it is going.  Not many applicants will take the time to learn about the industry at this level.  So if you are able to effectively answer this question with specifics, interviewers will be impressed by the amount of effort you have put into your research and preparation.

34)        Tell Us About Your Last Position?

When talking about your last position, talk about specific duties and responsibilities that you were tasked with.  And when replying to this question, be sure to also briefly mention any accolades you may have been bestowed as a result of your work.

35)        Have You Ever Held a Leadership Role?

A leadership role doesn’t have to mean a supervisory role.  If you have ever been put in charge of a project, make sure to mention it and talk about how you handle the role.  Even if you trained someone to do their job, that counts as leadership.

36)        Are You Overqualified for this Job?

In this economy, the position you are applying for may very well be something you are in fact overly qualified for.  However, that does not mean you have to admit that you are overqualified.  Instead, you should state that there is always more to learn, even if your previous work experience and education gives you a huge edge over other candidates.  Additionally, you should clearly state that your prior experience and education has no bearing on your quality of work.  If anything, your qualifications will be of benefit to the company as they will not have to spend as much money and time catching you up on things.  In addition, you should also reassure them that you are there to stay and work your way up instead of applying for other jobs with other companies that are more in line with your qualifications.

37)        What is Your Work Style?

When asked this question during an interview, it is important to impress upon those interviewing you that quality of the final product is your top concern, and not the speed in which you are finishing the project.  Your answer should demonstrate that you are careful, thoughtful, and meticulous in your work.  However, your answer should also demonstrate that you have no problems meeting production deadlines.  After all, time equals money to your employers

38)        Can You Give an Example of When You Have Successfully Worked as a Team to Accomplish Something?

Knowing how to work with others is extremely important the workplace.  To answer this question, talk about the specific project you tackled, the role you had in the project, and how the project turned out.  Be sure to highlight any accolades or milestones you and the team achieved as a result of working together.

39)        How Long Do You Expect to Work with Us?

To answer this question, do not simply just say “forever.”  Instead, here are some example answers you can give for the question:

  • I like stability.  As such I would love to stay with your company as long as there is an opportunity for me to grow and make a difference.

  • I don’t plan on getting another job unless the company’s ethical standards no longer align with mine.  However, I do not see that happening as I have only applied to companies whose mission statements run parallel with my beliefs.

  • Working for your company has long been a goal of mine for a long time.  And as such, I don’t see myself working for anyone else if I am hired and the company allows me room to grow professionally and personally.

40)        How Do You Handle Failure?

How a person handles failures and bumps along the road says a lot about them.  You are resilient if you are able to bounce back from failure and succeed.  In answering this question, think of an instance in which you failed for the first time but did not let the failure deter you from accomplishing the task at hand.  Your answer should show your resiliency and grit.

41)        What Do You Find Most Rewarding About Your Previous Job?

This is similar to the question of what you liked most about your previous job.  However, the question of what is rewarding is purely metaphysical.  When answering this question, you should pick a core function of your job that you thought was rewarding.  For instance, if you were a computer engineer that designed a prototype for a social networking platform, you can say that the most rewarding thing about your previous job was that you got to pioneer and be part of creating something that would revolutionize the way people interact on an everyday basis.

42)        What Do You Find Least Rewarding About Your Previous Job?

This question is a bit trickier to answer than the previous one.  You want to be careful not to say something that is a core function and responsibility of your job.  When answering this question, be sure to be brief as you do not want to be seen as someone who dwells too much on the negatives.

43)        How Do You Measure Success?

Success has a different meaning for everyone.  So there really is no right or wrong way to answer this question.  However, be sure to talk a little bit about what professional success means to you, as well as personal success.  Here are some answers that you can give to this question:

  • At a professional level, success means that I am working with people who are passionate about the work they do and love coming to work every day.  At a personal level, success means that I am able to provide my family with a comfortable lifestyle so that they never have to worry about money.

  • Professional success means that I love my work and the work I do is something that I would not trade for anything.  Very few people go through life loving their work.  I want to be one of those few.

  • Success to me means that I would have accomplished all the goals I set out to accomplish as a child.  I wanted to be a doctor as a child and now I am applying for your hospital, one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world.  I would say that I am on the road to success.

44)        Do You Have Good Relationships With Previous Supervisors?

A company wants someone with good interpersonal skills.  Your ability to get along well with higher-ups is an important consideration in how well you will do with the company.  With that said, it is completely okay to not get along with one of your previous bosses.  After all, you can’t get along with everyone.  However, it is problematic if you have a sour relationship with almost all of your previous supervisors.

When answering this question, be sure to accentuate how good of the relationship was with your previous bosses; if you the relationship extended outside of work and you still keep in regular contact with any of them, be sure to briefly mention that.

45)        Tell Us About a Time You’ve Made a Mistake?

It’s not a question of whether you’ve made a mistake, it’s a question of when.  It is okay and natural to make mistakes.  After all, no one is perfect.  When answering this question, be sure to mention a mistake that is not too big.  Mentioning a mistake that affects an organization’s bottom line can dissuade the interviewer from hiring you.  Pick a mistake that is not too small but did not affect the bottom line of your previous employer.

46)        Discuss Your Educational Background.

This question gives you a chance to chronicle your college experience and why you chose your degree/major.  It is especially important that portray purposeful choices.  Do not say that you picked your major because you could not get into the department you wanted or that you picked the major because it was easy.  Instead, try to explain why the major was ideal for you, your personality, and your goals.

47)        Would You Be Willing to Work More than 40 Hours a Week?

Although employers are more respectful of a work-life balance than in the past, they still like someone who can go above and beyond what is required.  Your answer to this question should always be a resounding yes.

48)        Why Are You Looking for a New Job?

The best way to answer this question is to accentuate your need for professional growth.  You should not allude to the fact that the company did not pay you enough.  You should (almost) always frame your response with a professional growth angle.  Here are some sample answers that would suffice if you are asked this question:

  • The previous company was a rather small company that lacked the growth potential I was looking for.

  • The previous company did not allow me to grow beyond my current position.

  • The previous company and I disagreed on a lot of moral/ethical issues and I finally decided that it was time for me to part ways.

49)                 What Do You Think Your References Would Say About You?

This question gauges how well you know yourself.  To answer this question, you should reflect upon the work you have done for your previous employers and see things from their point of view.  What good qualities would they say about you?  How would they describe your work ethic?  In answering this question, it is also important to also state why you think your previous employer would say such things about you.  Here are some good answers to the question:

  • I think my previous employer would say that I am an extremely hard worker who always turned in a quality product.  In my time with him, I have never missed a deadline and have never had a client complain about my work.

  • I think my previous employer would say that I am extremely creative as many of my mockups were chosen as designs for many clients.

  • I think my previous employer would say that I am an extremely efficient and creative engineer as the software I programmed have always required the fewest lines of code and had the fewest debug errors.

50)                 Do You Have Questions for Me?

Everyone interviewer will ask you this question at the end of the interview.  This is the chance for you to display your curiosity and eagerness to work for the company.  You should always have a set of smart and intelligent questions to ask the interviewer. Here are some questions that you can ask:

  • What are the company’s plans for the next five years?

  • Is the company looking to introduce any new products into the market in the coming years?

  • Will there be opportunities for employees to attend training or continuing education classes to improve skills that relate to the job?

  • What are the company’s expectations of me within the first month of working?

  • How is the organization set up?  How big is the team I will be working with?

  • Will there be opportunities for me to take on leadership roles in the near future if I am hired?

  • How does the company measure and gauge the output of its employees?

  • Question no. 1: Can you tell me something about yourself?

  • Hint: This is often the very first question. It helps the HR managers to get a basic idea of your communication skills, motivation, and interests. It is also an ice breaker, and a good answer will help you to feel more relaxed in the room. The interviewers do not ask about your education, experience, personal life, or anything else in particular—you can choose the way to introduce yourself.

  • However, your choice reflects what matters to you. In a job interview, you should talk about your education, working experience, career goals, skills and abilities. You should talk about things that are relevant for the employer. On the other hand, you can mention one or two hobbies, or tell them something from your personal life. This shows that you have a life outside of work. Check one sample answer below.

  • I am Mario, 25 years old, and I have just finished my Masters in Economy. I enjoy team work, and I am looking for my first job, ideally in a big company. I want to learn, and meet like-minded people in work. In my free time I like to run, read, and meet with friends. I try to have positive outlook of life, and take everything that comes my way as an opportunity to become a better person.

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