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  • E. V. Popov, K. A. Semyachkov

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  • Authors Evgeny Vasilyevich Popov

  • Konstantin Aleksandrovich Semyaсhkov

  • функции денег. 1088Новые исследоваНия по региоНальНой экоНомикеэкономика региона т. 14, вып. 4 (2018) www. Economyofregion. Comдля цитирования Попов Е.

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    Семячков Константин Александрович — кандидат экономических наук, младший научный сотрудник,
    Институт экономики УрО РАН (Российская Федерация, 620014, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Московская, 29; e-mail: k.semyachkov@mail.ru).
    For citation: Popov, E. V. & Semyachkov, K. A. (2018). Problems of Economic Security for Digital Society in the Context of
    Globalization. Ekonomika regiona [Economy of Region], 14(4), 1088-1101
    E. V. Popov, K. A. Semyachkov
    Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS
    (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: epopov@mail.ru, k.semyachkov@mail.ru)
    Problems of Economic Security for Digital Society in the Context of Globalization
    The purpose of the study is to systematize the challenges of the public economic security in the context of the development
    of global digitalization. The paper shows that the priority task of economic security, particularly notable in the rapidly changing
    conditions of today’s globalized world, is to predict the challenges and threats of general digitalization. We have highlighted the
    features of the digital economy development, which include the intellectual assets, the increase of the relevance of data, network
    management, wide Internet penetration as well as global data exchange. In the conditions of the digital economy, we have
    grouped the issues of economic security on system, structural and sectoral problems, as well as the problems of enterprises and
    individuals. The main problems of economic security are the issues of «digital inequality», a lack of own element base, changes
    in the labour market, industrial intelligence, personal data manipulation, etc. We have found tools for solving the issues of digital
    society. These tools include digital platforms for the development of «shared economy», as well as cloud technologies and methods
    for processing large databases. The Network Readiness Index is a tool for monitoring the development of network digital society.

    Новые исследоваНия по региоНальНой экоНомике
    ЭКОНОМИКА РЕГИОНА Т. 14, вып. 4 (2018)
    We have formulated the principles for constructing systems for the development of skills, which allow solving the problems of
    the public economic security in the conditions of digitalization. These principles include the rational use of resources combining
    short-term and long-term development goals, lifelong learning, consistency, unified approach to management at different levels
    as well as involvement stakeholders in the process of digitalization. The results of this paper can be useful to public authorities
    for the development of the principles of digital economy management, as well as to the representatives of scientific community
    for the study of the economic security issues in the conditions of digital society development.
    Keywords: economic security, digital economy, digital technologies, network readiness, skills development
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    Evgeny Vasilyevich Popov — Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
    Professor, Head of the Center of Economic Theory, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS; Scopus Author ID:
    24822113400 (29, Moskovskaya St., Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation; e-mail: epopov@mail.ru).
    Konstantin Aleksandrovich Semyaсhkov — PhD in Economics, Research Assistant, Institute of Economics of the Ural
    Branch of RAS (29, Moskovskaya St., Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation; e-mail: k.semyachkov@mail.ru).
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