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Сложные слова и их семантика. Усмонова Шахноза дипломная. 4 Боби I. Хусусиятои умумии калимаои мураккаб дар забони англис

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2.2. Калимаҳои мураккаби ду ҷузъи ва бисёрҷузъӣ дар забони англисӣ

Ду намуди калимаҳои мураккаби синтаксисӣ мавҷуданд: калимаҳои мураккаби ду компонентӣ ва бисёрҷузъӣ.

Калимаҳи мураккаби ду ҷузъӣ

N + N: night-school

Англо-русский словарь (Англ.-рус. сл.) – вечерняя школа, вечерние курсы.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE) – classes that takes place in the evening for people who work during the day

Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English (OSDCE) – one giving lessons in the evening.

Oxford School Dictionary (OSD) – school or classes held in the evening, such as for people who work in the day.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) - classes for adults, held in the evening.


Англ.-рус. сл. – талия, линия талии; поясная линия кузова.

LDCE – 1. the amount you measure around the waist, especially used to judge how fat or thin you are: a trim waistline

2. the position of the waist of a piece of clothing.

OSDCE – a part of the body, a dress, etc at the smallest part of the waist.

OSD –1) the distance around the body at the waist;

2) the seam where the skirt and body of a dress are joined.

OALD - 1 a: an arbitrary line encircling the narrowest part of the waist.

b: the part of a garment that covers the waistline or may be above or below it as fashion dictates.

2: body circumference at the waist.

Dictionary of English Etymology (DEE) - O.E. *wæst "growth," hence, perhaps, "where the body grows," from P.Gmc. *wahs-tu- (cf. O.E. wæstm, O.N. vaxtr, Swed. växt, O.H.G. wahst "growth, increase," Goth. wahstus "stature," O.E. weaxan "to grow" see wax (v.)), from PIE *wegs-, extended form of base *aug- "to increase" (see augment). Meaning "portion of a garment that covers the waist" (but, due to fashion styles, often is above or below it) is from 1650. Waistcoat is attested from 1519. Waistline is attested from 1896.


Англ.-рус. сл. – зубная щетка.

LDCE – a small brush that you use for cleaning your teeth.

OSDCE – one for cleaning the teeth.

OSD – a small brush with a long handle for clearing the teeth.

OALD - a small brush for cleaning your teeth.

DEE - O.E. toð (plural teð), from P.Gmc. *tanth, *tunth (cf. O.S., Dan., Swed., Du. tand, O.N. tönn, O.Fris. toth, O.H.G. zand, Ger. Zahn, Goth. tunþus), from PIE *dont-/*dent- "tooth" (cf. Skt. danta, Gk. odontos, L. dens, Lith. dantis, O.Ir. det, Welsh dent). Plural form teeth is an instance of i-mutation. Toothbrush is first recorded 1650s.


Англ.-рус. сл. – самум, песчаная буря.

LDCE –a storm in the desert in which sand is blown around by strong winds.

OSDCE – a storm in a sandy desert with clouds of sand raised by the wind.

OSD - a windstorm, especially in a desert, that blows along great clouds of sand.

OALD - a storm in a desert in which sand is blown into the air by strong winds

business person

Англ.-рус. сл.- бизнесмен, деловой человек, коммерсант, предприниматель. LDCE – a person who works in business

OSDCE – a man who is engaged in buying and selling, etc (not a lawyer, doctor, etc).

OSD – means a man which is involved in some commercial activity.

OALD – a person employed in business.

Таҳлили моделҳои калимаҳои мураккаб нишон дод, ки 10 модели асосии воҳидҳои мураккаби ду компонентӣ мавҷуданд. Исмҳои таркибӣ бо намунаҳои зерин муаррифӣ мешаванд:

Як қатор забоншиносон чунин мешуморанд, ки ин модел асинтактикӣ аст, зеро ду исм дар як шакл наметавонанд ибораҳоро ташкил кунанд19.218]

Калимаҳое, ки тибқи ин модел сохта шудаанд, исм мебошанд. Ин модел калимаҳоеро дар бар мегирад, ки муносибатҳои тобеъ ва таркибӣ доранд, калимаҳое, ки ҷузъҳои онҳо дар муносибатҳои татбиқӣ мебошанд. Калимаҳои дорои пайванди тобеъ метавонанд ҳар гуна робитаи маъноӣ дошта бошанд. Пас ,масалан, ҷузъи аввал метавонад мавзуъро ифода кунад:sunrise, earthquake; объект: dog- show; ҷой:garden-party, air-mail;вақт: nightmare;мақсад:flagstaff;асбоб,олот:gunshot; чизе, ки дар ҷузъи дуюм мавҷуд аст:stone-fruit.

Ин мисолҳо ихтилофӣ ва дар баҳс қарор доштани чунин таснифотро нишон медиҳанд. Ҳамин тавр, масалан, калимаҳои garden-party ва air-mail табдили онҳо фарқи муносибати байни ҷузъҳои онҳоро ба таври возеҳ нишон медиҳад: garden-party-party in the garden; air-mail-mail by/through air. Илова бар ин , бисёр калимаҳо умуман ба ягон намуди он таалуқ надоранд. Муносибатҳо метавонанд ба: муҷоиса, мавод, мақсад, вақт асос ёбанд. Масалан, headache,moon-flower,blockhead, network, gunpowder.

Дар забони англисии навтарин тамоюли имлои пайвастаи калимаҳои мураккаби ин модел афзоиш ёфтааст. Ин ба устувории онҳо таъкид мекунад. Суханони ин модел қобилияти бузурге барои ташаккули минбаъдаи калима нишон медиҳанд. Ҳамин тавр, масалан, ин дар тадбили онҳо ба феълҳо ифода ёфтааст: to spotlight, to streamline, to joyride. Калимаҳои модели N+N бо пайванди таркибӣ нисбат ба калимаҳои ин модел бо як тобеъ хеле камтаранд.

Adj + N: blackboard

Англ.-рус. сл. – классная доска, доска, доска объявлений.

LDCE – a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing on with chalk.

OSDCE – a board used in schools for writing and drawing on with chalk.

OSD – a sheet of smooth material, especially dark slate, used for writing with chalk.

OALD - a large board with a smooth black or dark green surface that teachers write on with a piece of chalk: to write on the blackboard

DEE - 1823, from black + board. Blackboard jungle "inner-city school rife with juvenile delinquency" is from Evan Hunter's novel title (1954).


Англ.-рус. сл. – киска, кошечка; стеснительный мужчина, мягкий мужчина, подружка, милашка, куколка.

LDCE – 1. a cat – used especially by or to children.

2.someone who is very nice and gentle – used especially when they do not seem this way: Greg? He’s a pussycat, really.

OSDCE – child’s word for a cat.

OALD - 1 a child's word for a cat

2 a person who is kind and friendly, especially when you would not expect them to be like this: He's just a pussycat really, once you get to know him.

OSD - 1: cat

2: one that is weak, compliant, or amiable: softy


Англ.-рус. сл. – комната отдыха (для актеров), артистическое фойе, театральные сплетни, склад, помещение для неотделанной продукции, артистическая.

LDCE – the room in a theatre, television studio, etc. in which performers wait when they are not on stage performing.

OSDCE –the room in a theatre for actors and actresses when they are not on the stage.

OSD - a room (as in a theater or studio) where performers can relax before or after appearances

DEE - O.E. grene, earlier groeni, related to O.E. growan "to grow," from W.Gmc. *gronja- (cf. O.Fris. grene, O.N. grænn, Dan. grøn, Du. groen, Ger. grün), from PIE base *gro- "grow," through sense of "color of living plants." The color of jealousy at least since Shakespeare (1596); "Greensleeves," ballad of an inconstant lady-love, is from 1570s. Meaning of "a field, grassy place" was in O.E. Sense of "of tender age, youthful" is from early 15c.; hence "gullible" (c.1600). Green light in figurative sense of "permission" is from 1937. Green and red as signals on railways first attested 1883, as nighttime substitutes for semaphore flags. Green beret originally "British commando" is from 1949. Green room "room for actors when not on stage" is from 1701; presumably a well-known one was painted green.

OALD – a lounge in a theatre, television studio, etc. for use by performs when they are not onstage or on the set.

common sense

Англ.-рус. сл. – относящийся к здравому смыслу, практический смысл, разумный, практический ум.

LDCE – the ability to behave in a sensible way and make practical decisions: Use your common sense for once! A common-sense approach to education.

OSDCE – a practical good sense from general experience of life, not by special steady.

OSD – sound practical judgment.

OALD - the ability to think about things in a practical way and make sensible decisions: For goodness' sake, just use your common sense!

It's common sense to keep medicines away from children.

DEE - sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.

Origin: 1525–35; trans. of L sēnsus commūnis, itself trans. of Gk koinḕ aísthēsis

Word Origin & History - common sense 14c., originally the power of uniting mentally the impressions conveyed by the five physical senses, thus "ordinary understanding, without which one is foolish or insane" (L. sensus n. Sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment.

OALD - sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts synonyms see sense.


Англ.-рус. сл. – n шантаж, вымогательство

v шантажировать, вымогать деньги.

LDCE – v to use blackmail against someone: He was jailed for four years for blackmailing gay businessmen. /blackmail sb into (doing) sth I refuse to be blackmailed into making a quick decision. – blackmailer n

n 1. when someone tries to get money from you or make you do what they want by threatening to tell other people your secrets

2. when someone tries to make you do what they want by making threats or making you feel quality if you do not do it: She had already tried emotional blackmail (ғtried to make him feel quality) to stop him leaving.

OSDCE – a payment of money for not making known something to harm his character.

OSD – n 1)an act of frightening someone into making a payment of money, as by revealing secrets;

2) the payment made;

3) any similar act of threating someone into doing something undesirable.

v to force (someone) into paying blackmail.

DEE - 1.any payment extorted by intimidation, as by threats of injurious revelations or accusations.

2. the extortion of such payment: He confessed rather than suffer the dishonor of blackmail.

3. a tribute formerly exacted in the north of England and in Scotland by freebooting chiefs for protection from pillage.

4. to extort money from (a person) by the use of threats.

5. to force or coerce into a particular action, statement, etc.: The strikers claimed they were blackmailed into signing the new contract.

Origin: 1545–55; black + mail3

Word Origin & History

Blackmail - 1550s, second element is M.E. male "rent, tribute," from O.E. mal "lawsuit, terms, bargaining, agreement," from O.N. mal "speech, agreement;" related to O.E. mæðel "meeting, council," mæl "speech," Goth. maþl "meeting place," from P.Gmc. *mathla-, from PIE *mod- "to meet, assemble." From the practice of freebooting clan chieftains who ran protection rackets against Scottish farmers. Black from the evil of the practice. Expanded c.1826 to any type of extortion money. Verb is 1880.

Etymology: originally, payment extorted from farmers in Scotland and northern England, from black + dialectal mail payment, rent

OALD - 1: a tribute anciently exacted on the Scottish border by plundering chiefs in exchange for immunity from pillage

2 a: extortion or coercion by threats especially of public exposure or criminal prosecution b: the payment that is extorted

Исмҳои мураккаб тибқи ин модел сохта мешаванд. Ин моделро метавон ҳамчун эндосентристӣ, синтаксисӣ тавсиф кард, зеро ҷойгиршавии ҷузъҳои он бо ҷойгиршавии унсурҳои ибора рост меояд. Тафовут байни калимаи мураккаби модели додашуда ва иборае, ки аз сифат ва исм иборат аст, дар асоси аломатҳои шакли интегралӣ, аз ҷумла: имло- имлои давомдор; фишори фонетикӣ- муттаҳидсозанда, инчунин ҷузъҳои калимаи мураккаб наметавонанд ба пайвандҳои алоҳидаи синтаксисӣ дохил шаванд. Илова бар ин меъёрҳо, маъно низ татбиқ карда мешаванд. Аз ин бармеояд, ки ҷузъи аввал маънои мустақими моддии худро гум мекунад. Дар натиҷа ин, маънои калимаи мураккаб аз маънои ибораи мувозинӣ ва аз ҷиҳати моддӣ мувофиқ «ҷудо» мешаванд.

О. Д. Мешков қайд мекунад, ки дар ин модел калимаҳоро ба монанди hothouse, madhouse фарқ кардан лозим аст. Дар калимаҳои hothouse сифат исмро муайян мекунад, дар калимаҳоба монанди madhouse ҷузъи якум бо дувум робитаи мустақим надоранд19.223]

Ин метавонад бо дигаргуниҳои зерин ба таври возеҳ ифода карда шавад: : a hothouse ғ a house which is hot, но a mad house ғ a house which is mad, a house for mad people.

V + N: cease-fire

Англ.-рус. сл. – n воен. прекращение огня, прекращение боевых действий.

LDCE – an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time, especially so that a more permanent agreement can be made: a ceasefire agreement.

OSD - a stopping of hostilities; truce.

OSDCE - a total cessation of armed hostilities, regulated by the same general principles as those governing armistice. In contemporary diplomatic usage the term implies that the belligerents are too far apart in their negotiating positions to permit the conclusion of a formal armistice agreement. See also armistice.

OALD - 1: a military order to cease firing

2: a suspension of active hostilities

DEE - 1847, as a military command, from cease + fire in the gunnery sense. Meaning "a cessation of shooting" is recorded from 1918. Generally two words until after mid-20c.

Он ба эндосентрикӣ ишора мекунад, зеро исмҳои мураккаб аз он сохта мешаванд, яъне ҳиссаи нутқ, ки ҷузъи дувум ифода мекунад. Аксари ин калимаҳо чеҳраро нишон медиҳанд. Дар ин ҳолат, муносибати феъл ва исм объектӣ мебошад(cutthroat, pickpocket turncoat). Бисёре аз ин калимаҳо маънои пежоративӣ доранд (findfault, fillbelly), ва баъзеи онҳо лақабҳо мебошанд (scaldrag, scrapegut).

Дар доираи ҳамон модел калимаҳое сохта мешаванд, ки дар он ҷузъи дувум номи умумии ашёи таъиншуда мебошад, дар ҳоле,ки феъли якум онро равшан мекунад,масалан, adrawbridge.

Gerund + N –модели навбатии асинтактикӣ, эндосентрикиӣ мебошад.

Мувофиқи он миқдори зиёди калимаҳои сохта мешаванд, ки дар он ҷузъи дувум ашёро ифода мекунанд ва якум онро аз руи амале тавсиф мекунад, ки предмети мазкур барои он пешбинӣ шудааст: sleepingcar, writingtable. Ин калимаҳоро ба тариқи зерин тағир додан мумкин аст: sleepingcar – acarforsleeping, cartosleepin. Калимаҳои мувофиқи ин модел сохташударо аз ибоаҳои озод фарқ кардан муҳим аст: sleepingboy.


Англ.-рус. сл. – спальный вагон.

LDCE – a railway carriage with beds for passengers to sleep in.

OALD - a coach/car on a train with beds for people to sleep in.

Abbr + N: Aids problem

Англ.-рус. сл. – проблемы, связанные со СПИДом.

LDCE – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome a very serious disease that stops your body from defending itself against infections, and usually causes death: the AIDS virus.

OALD - the abbreviation for ‘Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome’ (an illness which attacks the body's ability to resist infection and which usually causes death)

AIDS research/education/victims/problem: He developed full-blown AIDS five years after contracting HIV.

Модели N+N бештар маъмул аст: : cash reserves, food pantry, tax code, home government, etc. Ин гуруҳро ба N proper+N ва N+N-er: Clinton administration.

Аз нуқтаи назари ҳиссаи нутқ, асосҳои калимаҳои мураккаб асосан исм ва сифат таалуқ доранд.

Сохти калимаҳои мураккаби ду ҷузъи аксар вақт ба ду намуна асос меёбад:

1)Ибораҳо бо пешванди тобеи пайванд ба монанди

new energy economy – economy with new energy

civil rights movement – movement for civil rights

LDCE – n a group of people who share the same ideas or beliefs and who work together to achieve a particular aim.

2) Бандҳои атрибутивӣ ба монанди

a plain-spoken Founder – a Founder that speaks plain English

Ақидае паҳн шудааст, ки ҷузъҳои аввали калимаҳои мураккаб асосан калимаҳои якморфологӣ мебошанд: : separatist movement, human history, pregnancy centers.

Мушоҳидаҳо нишон медиҳанд,ки семантикаи ҷузъҳои дуюми калимаҳои мураккаб аз услуб ба услуб, аз давр ба давр тағир меёбад. Ҳамин тавр, барои солҳои 60-ум, нимафиксҳои–arama и –wise. Дар солҳои 70-ум, воҳидҳои –oriented ва–watcher васеъ паҳн шудаанд. Дар солҳои 80-ум- intensive, -nomics, -wide, -friendly, а также -poor, -rich, -resistant, -free, -phone қайд шудаанд.

Мувофиқи мушоҳидаҳои мо,ҷузъҳои маъмултарини дувуми калимаҳои мураккаб унсурҳои зерин мебошанд: : -system (global system), -damage (tsunami damage), -energy (wind energy), -rate (tax rate), -centers (crisis centers) ва якчандтои дигар.

Функсияҳои иттилоотӣ бо калимаҳои мураккаб инчунин дар натиҷаи муайян кардани ҳодисаҳо ва падидаҳои нави иҷтимоӣ, аз қабили вазъи ҷавонон, истеъмоли маводи мухадир, истеъмоли машруботи спиртӣ: family planning, single mother, drug-taker, drink-driving.

Функсияи таъсиррасонӣ ба калимаҳое хос аст, ки дар таркиби калимаҳои онҳо сифат ё зарфҳои дорои Participle II,мебошанд, ки хислати эмотсионалӣ ва арзёбӣ доранд: lifelong friends, bittersweet part of tonight.

Гуруҳи махсус аз исмҳои мураккаби тип иборат аст: girl-friend, boy-friend, manservant. Дар таркиби ин калимаҳо, ҷузъи аввал нишондиҳандаи ҷинс аст.

Ҳамин тариқ калимаҳои мураккаби ду ҷузъӣ луғати воқеии иҷтимоиро ифода мекунанд, ки мушкилоти мубрами замони моро инъикос мекунанд

Калимаҳои мураккаби бисёрҷузъӣ

Таҳлили муқоисавӣ нишон дод, ки калимаҳои бисёркомпонентӣ дар гуфтор,ба фарқ аз мақолаҳои таҳлилӣ, паҳн нашудаанд. Ин, ба эҳтимоли зиёд, ба хусусиятҳои зиёд, ба хусусиятҳои жанр вобаста аст:сухани шифоҳӣ тавассути гуш, изофабарориро бо форматсияҳои вазнини бисёркомпонентӣ, ки бо гуш дарк кардан душвор аст, таҳаммул намекунанд. Бо вуҷуди ин,дар маводи мо, мо шумораи муайяни калимаҳои мураккаби бисёркомпонентиро ёфтем, ки дар асоси сохторҳои синтаксисӣ сохта шудаанд, ба монанди гардиши муайян,гардиши масдарӣ, гардиши муқоисавӣ, гардиши таркибии муттаҳидӣ ва қайра.

Аз ҳама маъмултарин ин сохтест, ки дар асоси гардиши тахассусӣ ба вуҷуд омадааст:

stay-at-home mom

Англ.-рус. сл. – домоседка.

LDCE – staying at home, rather than working somewhere else, usually in order to take care of children.

OALD - a person who rarely goes out or does anything exciting.

N (V) + prep + N (V): bread-and-butter

Англ.-рус. сл. – хлеб с маслом, средства к существованию, бутерброд; детский, юный, конкретный, повседневный, практический.

LDCE – 1.BrE bread-and-butter questions are very important basic ones: bread-and-butter political issues such as jobs and housing

2.bread-and-butter work is work that is not very exciting but provides you with most of the money that you need in order to live.

OSDCE – a slice of bread spread with butter; means of living.

OSD – a basic means of income, sustenance.

OALD - 1.providing a livelihood or basic source of income; supplying the basic needs of life: a bread-and-butter job; the agency's bread-and-butter account.

2.of or pertaining to basic needs: housing and other bread-and-butter political issues.

3.basic or everyday; staple; routine.

4.expressing thanks for hospitality: a bread-and-butter letter.

Origin: 1720–30; adj. use of n. phrase bread and butter

Influenced by or undertaken out of necessity: a bread-and-butter job.

Reliable, especially for producing income; basic: Household appliances are the company's bread-and-butter goods.

Expressive of gratitude for hospitality: a bread-and-butter note.

DEE - O.E. bread "bit, crumb, morsel; bread," cognate with O.N. brauð, Dan. brød, O.Fris. brad, M.Du. brot, Du. brood, Ger. Brot). According to one theory Watkins, etc.] from P.Gmc. *brautham, which would be from the root of brew and refer to the leavening. But OED argues at length for the basic sense being not "cooked food" but "piece of food," and the O.E. word deriving from a P.Gmc. *braudsmon- "fragments, bits" (cf. O.H.G. brosma "crumb," O.E. breotan "to break in pieces") and being related to the root of break. It cites Slovenian kruh "bread," lit. "a piece." Either way, by c.1200 it had replaced the usual O.E. word for "bread," which was hlaf (see loaf). Slang meaning "money" dates from 1940s, but cf. breadwinner. Bread-and-butter in the figurative sense of "basic needs" is from 1732. Bread and circuses (1914) is from Latin, in reference to food and entertainment provided by governments to keep the populace happy.

N + prep + N: mother-in-law

Англ.-рус. сл. – теща, свекровь

LDCE – the mother of your wife or husband.

OSDCE – the mother of one’s wife or one’s husband.

OALD - the mother of your husband or wife.

DEE - mid-15c., "mother of one's spouse," from mother + in-law. Also in early use, "stepmother." In British slang c.1884, mother-in-law was "a mixture of ales old and bitter."

OSD - 1: the mother of one's spouse

2: archaic: stepmother


Англ.-рус. сл. – ручная работа, ручное изделие, рукоделие.

LDCE – 1.something that someone has made or done using their hands in a skilful way: She stood back and admired her handiwork.

2.something that someone has done or caused: The explosion looks like the handiwork of terrorists.

OSDCE – work done by hand; thing made by hand; something done by a named person.

OSD – work done by hand.

DEE - late 12c., from O.E. handgeweorc, from hand + geweorc, collective form of weorc "work."

OALD - 1 work that you do, or something that you have made, especially using your artistic skill: We admired her exquisite handiwork.

2 a thing done by a particular person or group, especially something bad:

This looks like the handiwork of an arsonist.


Англ.-рус. сл. – военный корабль.

LDCE – a ship with guns that was used in the past in sea battles.

OALD - the chief instrument by which a nation extends its military power onto the seas. Warships protect the movement over water of military forces to coastal areas where they may be landed and used against enemy forces; warships protect merchant shipping against enemy attack; they prevent the enemy from using the sea to transport military forces; and they attack the enemy's merchant shipping. Naval ships are also used in blockade-i.e., in attempts to prevent an enemy from importing by sea the commodities necessary for prosecution of the war. In order to accomplish these objectives, naval ships have been designed from earliest times to be faster and sturdier than merchant ships and to be capable of carrying offensive weapons.

OSDCE - 1.a warship.

2.Portuguese man-of-war.

DEE - late 14c., "a soldier," from man (n.) + war.

Meaning "vessel equipped for warfare" is from late 15c. Man in the sense of "a ship" is attested from late 15c. in comb. forms (e.g. merchantman). The sea creature known as the Portuguese man-of-war (1707) is so called for its sail-like crest.


Англ.-рус. сл. -1) главнокомандующий,

2)мор. командующий флотом или отдельной эскадрой.

LDCE – commanders in chief someone of high rank who is in control of all the military organizations in a country or of a specific military activity: The Queen is Commander-in-chief of the British armed forces.

OSDCE – a commander of all the military forces of a States.

OSD – 1) the supreme commander of the armed forces of a nation;

2) an officer in command of a particular portion of an armed force.

OALD - one who holds the supreme command of an armed force.

DEE - early 14c., comandur, from O.Fr. comandeor, from comander (see command). Commander in chief attested from 1650s.

stay-at-home mom

Англ.-рус. сл. – домоседка.

LDCE – staying at home, rather than working somewhere else, usually in order to take care of children.

OALD - a person who rarely goes out or does anything exciting.

N (V) + prep + N (V): bread-and-butter

Англ.-рус. сл. – хлеб с маслом, средства к существованию, бутерброд; детский, юный, конкретный, повседневный, практический.

LDCE – 1.BrE bread-and-butter questions are very important basic ones: bread-and-butter political issues such as jobs and housing

2.bread-and-butter work is work that is not very exciting but provides you with most of the money that you need in order to live.

OSDCE – a slice of bread spread with butter; means of living.

OSD – a basic means of income, sustenance.

OALD - 1.providing a livelihood or basic source of income; supplying the basic needs of life: a bread-and-butter job; the agency's bread-and-butter account.

2.of or pertaining to basic needs: housing and other bread-and-butter political issues.

3.basic or everyday; staple; routine.

4.expressing thanks for hospitality: a bread-and-butter letter.

Origin: 1720–30; adj. use of n. phrase bread and butter

Influenced by or undertaken out of necessity: a bread-and-butter job.

Reliable, especially for producing income; basic: Household appliances are the company's bread-and-butter goods.

Expressive of gratitude for hospitality: a bread-and-butter note.

DEE - O.E. bread "bit, crumb, morsel; bread," cognate with O.N. brauð, Dan. brød, O.Fris. brad, M.Du. brot, Du. brood, Ger. Brot). According to one theory [Watkins, etc.] from P.Gmc. *brautham, which would be from the root of brew and refer to the leavening. But OED argues at length for the basic sense being not "cooked food" but "piece of food," and the O.E. word deriving from a P.Gmc. *braudsmon- "fragments, bits" (cf. O.H.G. brosma "crumb," O.E. breotan "to break in pieces") and being related to the root of break. It cites Slovenian kruh "bread," lit. "a piece." Either way, by c.1200 it had replaced the usual O.E. word for "bread," which was hlaf (see loaf). Slang meaning "money" dates from 1940s, but cf. breadwinner. Bread-and-butter in the figurative sense of "basic needs" is from 1732. Bread and circuses (1914) is from Latin, in reference to food and entertainment provided by governments to keep the populace happy.

  N + linking vowel +N: handicraft

Англ.-рус. сл. – 1) ремесло, ручная работа

2)ловкость, искусность (в работе)

3) ремесленный, кустарный.

LDCE – 1. an activity such as sewing or making baskets, in which you use your hands in a skilful way to make things

2. something that someone has made in a skilful way using their hands: a shop selling handicrafts.

OSDCE – art or craft needing skill with the hands.

OALD - 1 activities such as sewing and making cloth that use skill with your hands and artistic ability to make things: to teach handicrafts. Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft.

2 things made in this way: traditional handicrafts bought by tourist

OSD – 1) an art, craft or trade in which manual skill is required;

2) the articles made by handicraft.

DEE - 1 a: manual skill b: an occupation requiring skill with the hands

2: the articles fashioned by those engaged in handicraft

Etymology: Middle English handiwerk, from Old English handgeweorc, from hand + geweorc, from ge- (collective prefix) + weorc work — more at co-

1 a: work done by the hands b: work done personally

2: the product of handiwork


Англ.-рус. сл. – ручная работа, ручное изделие, рукоделие.

LDCE – 1.something that someone has made or done using their hands in a skilful way: She stood back and admired her handiwork.

2.something that someone has done or caused: The explosion looks like the handiwork of terrorists.

OSDCE – work done by hand; thing made by hand; something done by a named person.

OSD – work done by hand.

DEE - late 12c., from O.E. handgeweorc, from hand + geweorc, collective form of weorc "work."

OALD - 1 work that you do, or something that you have made, especially using your artistic skill: We admired her exquisite handiwork.

2 a thing done by a particular person or group, especially something bad:

This looks like the handiwork of an arsonist.

Садонокҳои пайвасткунанда дар таркиби калимаҳои ин тип нишондиҳандаи шакли морфологии калимаи мураккаб мебошад.Аммо тарҳи морфологӣ барои исмҳои мураккаб хос нест ва ин гуна калимаҳо дар забони англисии муосир хеле каманд.Калимаҳои таркибӣ, ки дар асоси ибораҳои таркибии муттаҳид сохда шудаанд, асосан бо модели N+ and+N N (health and retirement security) муаррифӣ мешаванд.
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