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  • - Did you receive any mail today, Tamika

  • - Do you know which stop we get off at

  • - Do you play golf well, Angela

  • - Do you have a food processor, Mike

  • - Did the shipping company call, John

  • Choose the correct response. Do you ... where the office is

  • - Franklin, why weren’t you at the meeting this morning Did you forget - No, I was discussing the new department objectives with Mandy.- What was the outcome

  • How is human cloning portrayed in the article

  • Have you …. to Michael about the project

  • - Have you seen the latest movie, Julie - Which one

  • - No problem, sir. Does your company already have an account with us

  • How ... people are with you

  • Ответьте на вопрос. - How are your evening courses going

  • How … workers and how … money will you need to build the stadium

  • Иностранный язык (Английский) (ВСЕ ЧАСТИ). A student likes to learn and doesnt have to be pushed to do it

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    - Do you have any corduroy shirts?

    - Yes, we have some on the back shelf.


    a. The saleswoman is in the back of the store.

    b. A man would like to buy some corduroy skirts.

    c. The corduroy shirts are in the back of the store.

    d. A man is trying to sell some shirts.
    District councils cover a much smaller area and provide more local ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. services

    b. recreation

    c. districts
    Demographers seek to describe the …. related to this change, and to understand their causes

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. phenomena

    b. level

    c. aging
    Demographers try to understand population dynamics by investigating three main demographic processes: birth, …. , and aging

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. migration

    b. life

    c. birth
    “Demographic change” has become the …. of political …. in many developed countries

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. problem, issues

    b. subject, debates

    c. debates, subject
    Demography is the science of ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. supports

    b. areas

    c. populations
    District judges are responsible … procedural steps in court proceedings.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. for

    b. with

    c. on
    During the … the jury sit in silence, listening carefully to all the wit-


    Выберите один ответ:

    a. trial

    b. tried

    c. try
    ….. describes policies and procedures to ensure the safety and health of employees within a workplace.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. job security

    b. job safety

    c. normal wage
    Choose the correct response.

    Defective merchandise can be replaced if returned ... forty-eight hours ... purchase.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. within / of

    b. with / of

    c. in / from

    d. within / from
    Choose the correct response.

    Do they want to reserve a room? Yes, they ... .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. do want

    b. want to

    c. want it

    d. want
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    Did she bring her umbrella? It rains again.


    a. Did

    b. her

    c. rains

    d. bring
    Choose the correct response.

    ... does the bank open?


    a. Who

    b. When

    c. Where

    d. Will
    Choose the correct response.

    ... does the bank open?


    a. Will

    b. Who

    c. Where

    d. When
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Did you receive any mail today, Tamika?

    - Yes, I did, and I wish that I hadn’t.


    a. Tamika hasn't checked the mail yet.

    b. Tamika has received bad news.

    c. Tamika has received good news.

    d. Tamika did not get any mail.
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Do you know which stop we get off at?

    - We get off at the stop in front of the post office.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. They live in front of the post office.

    b. The bus stop is far away from the post office.

    c. The bus stop is close to the post office.

    d. They are going to the post office.
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Do you play golf well, Angela?

    - I've only played golf twice.


    a. The man believes that Angela plays golf well.

    b. Angela does not have much experience playing golf.

    c. Angela does not like playing golf.

    d. Angela thinks she is a good golfer.
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Do you have a food processor, Mike?

    - It’s in the cabinet on the left, under the counter.


    a. The woman is looking for a food processor.

    b. The food processor is in the cabinet above the counter.

    c. The food processor is on the counter.

    d. Mike doesn't know where the food processor is.
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога:

    - Did the shipping company call, John?

    - Yes, they had a slight problem with their truck, so they won't be able to come today.


    a. The package is not going to arrive on time.

    b. The shipping company is not going to call today.

    c. The package was already delivered.

    d. John had a problem with his truck.
    Choose the correct response. Does he like to play soccer? Yes, he ... .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. plays

    b. likes

    c. does

    Choose the correct response. Do you ... where the office is?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. know

    b. no

    c. go
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    Even though I was late, there were still any tickets left when I arrived at the movie theater.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. there

    b. any

    c. though

    d. arrived

    Every five seconds a plane … somewhere in the world.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. goes off

    b. takes up

    c. takes off

    d. goes up

    Eating red meat is not … healthy … eating fish.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. as / than

    b. as / as

    c. like / than

    d. as / like

    Even … she needs a driver's license for her new job, she hasn't taken her driver's test … .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Ø / yet

    b. though / yet

    c. though / still

    d. if / already
    Choose the correct response. Even though Mother Nature can be cruel, humans have the ability to survive in the cold and snow of the mountains and the scorching temperatures of the desert. Despite the lack of water, there are people who thrive in such hostile environments. According to the text, human beings…


    a. boil in hot temperatures.

    b. can adapt to extremely hot weather.

    c. don't need water to survive.

    d. freeze in cold temperatures.

    Every Saturday, this boy … soccer with his friends.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. play

    b. plays

    c. is playing

    d. has played
    England is almost unique in having two different kinds of ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. lawyers

    b. legal executives

    c. barristers
    Employment laws are based on federal and state …. , legislation, and administrative rules.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. wage

    b. constitutions

    c. flexible
    Employees in the UK ….. from employment rights, which are found in various acts and regulations.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. retire

    b. benefit

    c. child care
    Executive branch is represented by the …

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. government

    b. Queen

    c. judiciary
    Each lawyer could … his own practice to the needs of his clients.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. fit

    b. correct

    c. adjust
    Everyone in our legal department is working hard. We've all got really ….. schedules.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. quiet

    b. deadline

    c. tight
    Even if the person were left at liberty, he ….. to report regularly

    to a probation officer.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. obliged

    b. will be obliged

    c. would be obliged
    Every federal subject manages its …. government

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. equal

    b. internal

    c. federal
    Employment laws are based on federal and state …. , legislation, and administrative rules.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. wage

    b. constitutions

    c. flexible
    Employees in the UK ….. from employment rights, which are found in various acts and regulations.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. retire

    b. benefit

    c. child care
    Each county is divided into several ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. districts

    b. authorities

    c. boroughs
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Franklin, why weren’t you at the meeting this morning? Did you forget?

    - No, I was discussing the new department objectives with Mandy.

    - What was the outcome?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Franklin went to the meeting with Mandy.

    b. Franklin forgot about the department meeting.

    c. Franklin was talking about the department goals.

    d. The department meeting took place yesterday.
    Choose the correct response.

    Good evening. I ... a few days ago to reserve a table.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. am calling

    b. called

    c. call

    d. have called
    Governors give an …. report about their achievements

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. commute

    b. annual

    c. ceremonial
    Government officials are expected to meet public sector ethics and take the needs of all stakeholders into ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. account

    b. support

    c. area
    Governments have to perform many …. and …. functions

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. legal, different

    b. economic, commercial

    c. economical, trade
    Governors give an …. report about their achievements

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. commute

    b. annual

    c. ceremonial
    Government officials are expected to meet public sector ethics and take the needs of all stakeholders into ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. account

    b. support

    c. area
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    Global warming is occurring much faster today compared to 100 years since.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. much

    b. since

    c. compared

    d. isoccurring
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - Go ahead. I'll catch up with you in a few minutes.


    a. - OK, see you tomorrow, then.

    b. - OK, I'll save you a seat, then.

    c. - OK, but no ketchup for me, please.

    d. - OK, but don't call too late.
    Прочитайте письмо. Ответьте на вопрос.

    How is human cloning portrayed in the article?

    The controversial practice of human somatic cell nuclear transfer has been touted as one of the most extraordinary scientific developments of all time. It has been a source of violent debate among scientists and religious leaders alike, touching spiritual, ethical and legal nerves. Commonly known as human cloning, the procedure of creating an embryo consists of implanting DNA from specialized asexual cells into an egg which has had its DNA removed. The egg then undergoes chemical or shock manipulation, inducing a fertilized state which provokes the embryonic development of a fetus with the same genetic code as that of its donor. Such replication has hitherto been a natural reproductive process restricted to plants. Applying it to human reproduction has been proclaimed by many as immoral.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. As an extremely delicate issue that polarizes many.

    b. As an issue condemned unanimously by religious and political authorities alike.

    c. As a practice that brings forth ethical and religious questions to which there is no answer.

    d. As the most extraordinary scientific achievement of all time.

    Have you …. to Michael about the project?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. talk

    b. talking

    c. talked
    He is a very …. person. He can work long hours without getting tired.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. energetic

    b. resourceful

    c. cooperative
    He is rarely on time. He is not a very …. person.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. punctual

    b. creative

    c. flexible
    He was the only one to be … a sentence of imprisonment.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. encouraged

    b. imposed

    c. given
    He speaks as if he …… innocent.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. was

    b. are

    c. is
    He wouldn’t have been arrested if he (not try) to leave the country.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. didn’t try

    b. tried

    c. hadn’t tried
    Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:


    a. He is going to throw the ball into the net.

    b. He has thrown the ball into the net.

    c. He is dribbling the ball.

    d. He is throwing the ball to his teammate.
    Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:


    a. He is looking at a book.

    b. He is reading a newspaper.

    c. This man is drinking.

    d. They are eating dinner.
    Choose the correct response.

    ... he couldn't make it, he asked if we could postpone the appointment.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Sinceas

    b. Since

    c. Since then

    d. Ever since
    Choose the correct response.

    ... he was the chairman and chief executive, he was completely incompetent and incapable of running the company efficiently.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Even so

    b. Even if

    c. Even

    d. Even though
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Have you seen the latest movie, Julie?

    - Which one?

    - I can't remember its name, but it's supposed to be really scary.

    - No, I didn’t see it.


    a. Only the man has seen the movie.

    b. Julie doesn't remember the name of the movie.

    c. Julie doesn't like scary movies.

    d. Neither of them has seen the latest movie.
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Hello, I’d like to place an order for 20 cartons of printing paper.

    - No problem, sir. Does your company already have an account with us?

    - Yes, we do. It’s Athena Phones.


    a. The man is probably an accountant for Athena Phones.

    b. Athena Phones has ordered from this company before.

    c. The man is placing an order for twenty sheets of paper.

    d. The man is a new customer.
    Choose the correct response.

    How ... people are with you?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. some

    b. much

    c. a lot

    d. many
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    He has an appointment this Tuesday on 3:00 p.m. at the doctor's office.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. at

    b. doctor's

    c. this

    d. on

    Ответьте на вопрос. - How are your evening courses going?


    a. - They are a little tough, but interesting nonetheless.

    b. - I feel much better, thank you.

    c. - I am going by bus, and you?

    d. - Statistics is on Tuesdays and Accounting is on Thursdays.

    … have an extremely difficult and dangerous job.


    a. Firemen's

    b. Firemen

    c. Fireman

    d. Fireman's
    Choose the correct response. He ... a brother and a sister.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. have

    b. has

    c. is
    Choose the correct response. He ... to Japan every summer.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. go

    b. to go

    c. goes
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    His favorite present be the new bicycle.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. His

    b. new

    c. the

    d. be
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Hello, I’d like to speak with Sam Chen, please.

    - Just one second, I’ll put you through.


    a. The man is waiting to see Mr. Chen.

    b. The man is being transferred to Mr. Chen.

    c. The woman is taking a message for Mr. Chen.

    d. Mr. Chen is not in his office.

    How … workers and how … money will you need to build the stadium?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. much / many

    b. much / much

    c. many / much

    d. many / many
    Choose the correct response.

    ... has given me chocolate yet, but I hope I'll get some.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Anybody

    b. Somebody

    c. Nobody

    d. Everybody
    Choose the correct response.

    He ... visit Sweden next year.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. going

    b. goes

    c. is

    d. will
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