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  • - How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee

  • Which of the following words best describes how Ms. Lee feels about her ability to do the job

  • What is this program trying to illustrate

  • - Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power

  • What is the main topic of this conversation

  • Which of the following is stated in the excerpt

  • According to the dialogue, which of the following is true

  • According to the woman, which features are associated with the new technological products

  • What statement does the man make about animal language

  • - Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts

  • From the text, what can you infer about accounting

  • According to Mr. Thompson, what is a ledger used for

  • Choose the correct response. Mr. Jones, can you ... a letter to our British partners

  • Иностранный язык (Английский) (ВСЕ ЧАСТИ). A student likes to learn and doesnt have to be pushed to do it

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    What does the speaker insinuate about the future of computer technology?


    a. High-tech devices will soon be replaced by computers.

    b. Consumer spending will be directly related to consumer confidence.

    c. We can expect consumers to continually encounter new products.

    d. Consumers ought to take advantage of the technology boom before the sector dies down.
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - I’ve been working in the luxury goods sector and have extensive experience in both marketing and management. After graduating, I was recruited by a big-name producer of leather goods in New York to work on a new marketing strategy for the Japanese market.

    - How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee?

    - Ten years. Once I learned the ropes, I was promoted to the position of Marketing Manager for all of East Asia.

    - Did you receive any additional training to help you take on such important responsibilities?

    - The most useful training I received turned out to be a course on time management. After that, it was all hands-on training.

    Which of the following words best describes how Ms. Lee feels about her ability to do the job?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Insecure.

    b. Arrogant.

    c. Conceited.

    d. Confident.
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

    What is this program trying to illustrate?


    a. Animals are capable of more elaborate communication than previously thought.

    b. There is no substantial difference between humans and animals.

    c. Evidence shows that most animals are capable of logic.

    d. Like humans, all animals can be taught sign language.
    Choose the correct response.

    Linda works in the ... company ... Alice.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. same / than

    b. same / like

    c. same / is

    d. same / as
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

    - People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

    - Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

    - Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

    - There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

    What is the main topic of this conversation?


    a. Where electricity comes from.

    b. Recycling in the 1980s.

    c. Changing attitudes towards the environment.

    d. Ecological practices in the industrialized world.
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

    Which of the following is stated in the excerpt?


    a. Computer sales have soared in the past decade.

    b. Computer technology is obsolete.

    c. Computer science is the fastest growing academic discipline.

    d. The world of computers is developing at groundbreaking speed.
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

    - People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

    - Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

    - Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

    - There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

    According to the dialogue, which of the following is true?


    a. Industry is against the use of alternative energy.

    b. Most people are more aware of alternative energy sources.

    c. People are starting to care more about the environment.

    d. Technological progress is not good
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

    According to the woman, which features are associated with the new technological products?


    a. Higher performance and increased convenience.

    b. More aesthetic designs and smaller size.

    c. Cheaper prices and greater mobility.

    d. Greater efficiency and bulkier disk drives.
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

    What statement does the man make about animal language?


    a. Bees are the only insects that show no signs of language.

    b. It can be so subtle that humans are not always aware of it.

    c. It is a phenomenon that has evolved recently.

    d. Whales are the only mammals that can sing nursery rhymes.
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

    - It basically consists of balancing a company's revenues and expenses.

    - Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

    - Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

    - So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

    - Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

    From the text, what can you infer about accounting?


    a. It's a pragmatic yet intuitive field.

    b. It's a methodical and precise activity.

    c. It's a creative and challenging process.

    d. It's a futile and complex issue.
    Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

    To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

    After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

    The following is an example:

    - Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

    - People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

    - Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

    - Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

    - There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

    According to the dialogue, what are scientists working on.


    a. They are trying to restore tidal power and solar energy.

    b. They are trying to find an alternative means of recycling.

    c. They are studying ways to use tidal and solar power for electricity.

    d. They are examining the possibility of removing pollution caused by fossil fuels.
    ….. means to end the employment or service.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. to be dismissed

    b. to get paid

    c. to be promoted
    Magistrates are … by special committees.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. selected

    b. appointed

    c. voted
    Millions of people … to work by car daily, often making roads extremely congested during rush hour.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. commute

    b. transit

    c. transport

    d. transmit
    Most public administration positions are found ….. at all levels.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. within government

    b. within non-profit organizations

    c. within government and non-profit organizations
    Most civil servants work in an office …. but this depends upon which department an individual is employed in

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. area

    b. data

    c. environment
    Mary is a very …. person. I can always depend on her.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. flexible

    b. reliable

    c. motivated
    Many large towns and cities and some small counties are unitary …

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. authorities

    b. education

    c. waste collection
    Modern governments have to perform multifarious functions to promote the welfare of its ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. men

    b. people

    c. citizens
    Most modern constitutions have adopted the principle of … of powers.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. separation

    b. charging

    c. unification
    Most civil servants work in an office …. but this depends upon which department an individual is employed in

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. area

    b. data

    c. environment
    ….. means to get a more important or responsible job or rank.


    a. to be dismissed

    b. to get paid

    c. to be promoted
    Choose the correct response.

    My contact lenses are ... strong ... yours.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. as / like

    b. as / as

    c. Ø / than

    d. like / than
    Choose the correct response. My family likes to watch the ... on television in the evenings.


    a. information

    b. diaries

    c. magazine

    d. news
    Choose the correct response. My stock ... is doing rather well, particularly on the commodities market.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. portfolio

    b. briefcase

    c. documentation

    d. collection
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - Mark got a promotion last week!


    a. - His colleagues threw him a birthday party, didn't they?

    b. - He works so hard, and still nothing!

    c. - He really didn't expect to be penalized like that!

    d. F1:That's great, he really deserved it!
    - Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

    - It basically consists of balancing a company's revenues and expenses.

    - Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

    - Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

    - So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

    - Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

    According to Mr. Thompson, what is a ledger used for?


    a. To balance stocks.

    b. To apply for a credit or debit card.

    c. To finance all of the accounts.

    d. To keep track of and sum up all transactions.
    Choose the correct response. My family likes to watch the ... on television in the evenings.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. diaries

    b. magazine

    c. news

    d. information
    Choose the correct response. Mark didn't like the concert at all, but I thought it was ... !

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. painful

    b. great

    c. messy

    d. huge
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    My brother works at the hospital downtown. He is a eye doctor.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. works

    b. the

    c. He

    d. a
    Choose the correct response.

    My sister ... at home now, but she usually ... in San Francisco.


    a. is living / is living

    b. lives / lived

    c. is living / lives

    d. lives / is living

    Choose the correct response. Mr. Jones, can you ... a letter to our British partners?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. ask

    b. call

    c. receive

    d. send
    Choose the correct response. Many European countries have the same ... .


    a. finance

    b. personnel

    c. currency

    d. treasure
    Choose the correct response.

    Mr. Walker was away at the time of the negotiations, so it ... him who conducted them on our behalf.


    a. couldn't have been

    b. may not have been

    c. shouldn't have been

    d. mightn't have been

    My daughter is very talented, she … sing well.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. is able

    b. can

    c. knows

    d. do
    Choose the correct response. Many people take ... from travel agencies to decide where to go on vacation.


    a. brochures

    b. precautions

    c. letters

    d. checks
    Choose the correct response. Many people take ... from travel agencies to decide where to go on vacation.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. checks

    b. brochures

    c. letters

    d. precautions
    Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

    Choose the correct response. My stock ... is doing rather well, particularly on the commodities market.

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