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  • - Are you going to renew the lease

  • ... of these buses do I take to go downtown

  • - Sarah, if you go to the supermarket, could you bring me back some ice cream

  • Choose the correct response. ... she travel often

  • Choose the correct response. Shes Lisa. Who ... you

  • There are a lot of people outside my office. Hey! Whats ...

  • - This is the operator, how may I help you

  • Иностранный язык (Английский) (ВСЕ ЧАСТИ). A student likes to learn and doesnt have to be pushed to do it

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    According to the dialogue, which of the following is true?


    a. People are starting to care more about the environment.

    b. Industry is against the use of alternative energy.

    c. Most people are more aware of alternative energy sources.

    d. Technological progress is not good.
    Choose the correct response. Nice to ... you!

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. know

    b. eat

    c. meet

    d. speak
    Choose the correct response. Nothing else works, but the photocopier is still fully ... .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. reckless

    b. damaged

    c. operational

    d. blurred
    Choose the correct response. Next week, Mrs. Robinson will travel to China to ... a factory near Beijing.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. control

    b. visit

    c. deliver

    d. recognize
    He asked me to write a review as soon as I ...

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. arrive

    b. will arrive

    c. arrived
    Сhoose the correct response. Niceto ... you!

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. eat

    b. meet

    c. speak

    d. know
    Choose the correct response. Our assistant is a very nice ... .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. people

    b. person

    c. personal
    Offenders may be … to a heavy fine.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. suitable

    b. put

    c. liable
    … offenders don’t serve a prison sentence because they are under age.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. hardened

    b. minor

    c. major
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Our lease on the warehouse will be up on January 15th.

    - Are you going to renew the lease?

    - No, we’re going to move to a new location.


    a. The company is changing warehouses.

    b. The rent for the warehouse is due on January 15th.

    c. The company is selling the warehouse.

    d. The lease for the warehouse will begin on January 15th.
    Choose the correct response.

    ... of these buses do I take to go downtown?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Whose

    b. Which

    c. With

    d. What
    Public administration professionals are the ….. in the creation and implementation of public policy.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. participants

    b. managers

    c. internship
    Public administration professionals are the ….. in the creation and implementation of

    public policy.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. participants

    b. internship

    c. managers
    Parliament has now … a law making skateboarding illegal on Sundays.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. legislated

    b. voted

    c. passed

    Planes, trains and buses are all different types of … .


    a. travelers

    b. traffic

    c. trips

    d. transportation
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    Patrick has just missed its train, so he's going to be late to work.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. to

    b. he's

    c. just

    d. its
    Public administration courses teach a range of skills that are essential for a …… in public service, policy or government

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. nonprofit

    b. people

    c. career
    Public administration trains people to become managers in government and ….. organizations

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. people

    b. career

    c. nonprofit
    Policy analysis and ….. are the basic areas in public administration.


    a. management

    b. career

    c. private
    Public ….. are public servants working in public departments and agencies


    a. administrators

    b. administration

    c. administrator
    People on probation must report to the … regularly.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. attorney

    b. judge

    c. probation officer
    Personnel managers must develop in the workers a keen …. of the organization policies and motivate them to improve performance.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. appreciation

    b. audit

    c. provision
    Planning, organizing, motivating and controlling are basic …. of personnel management.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. functions

    b. controls

    c. motivation
    Public finance deals with the … and expenditure of a government

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. report

    b. tax

    c. income
    Public policy is considered strong when it solves …. efficiently and effectively.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. problems

    b. supports

    c. levels
    Public policy is embodied in ….., legislative acts, and judicial decisions

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. supports

    b. constitutions

    c. levels
    Public finance includes the study of financial administration and …. as well

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. area

    b. control

    c. check
    Public administration attempts to explain how…… in government are made

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. policies

    b. ways

    c. decisions
    Public ….. is both an academic discipline and a field of practice

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. administration

    b. administrators

    c. administrator
    Personnel managers must develop in the workers a keen …. of the organization policies and motivate them to improve performance.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. appreciation

    b. audit

    c. provision
    Planning, organizing, motivating and controlling are basic …. of personnel management.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. functions

    b. controls

    c. motivation
    Personnel management is the field of a …. management.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. union

    b. labor force

    c. people force
    Public problems can originate on the local, national, or international …..

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. areas

    b. levels

    c. supports
    Public policy ….. governmental institutions, and encourages active citizenship.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. supports

    b. problems

    c. levels
    Restitution is money paid … the defendant to the victim or to a state res-titution fund.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. with

    b. for

    c. by
    Regional governments in Russia are …. powerful

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. relatively

    b. service

    c. governor
    Read the sentence, then choose the response which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

    Living in a foreign country ought to be a challenging and interesting experience.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Living in a foreign country shall be a challenging and interesting experience

    b. Living in a foreign country is going to be a challenging and interesting experience

    c. Living in a foreign country could be a challenging and interesting experience

    d. Living in a foreign country probably is a challenging and interesting experience
    Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

    An express delivery seems worthwhile considering the client.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. An express delivery seems vital considering the client

    b. An express delivery seems wasteful considering the client

    c. An express delivery seems extravagant considering the client

    d. An express delivery seems justifiable considering the client
    Read the sentence, then choose the response which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

    He confirmed, "I'll deliver it tomorrow."


    a. He confirmed he'd deliver it the following day

    b. He confirmed he had delivered it the following day

    c. He confirmed he delivers it tomorrow

    d. He confirmed he would have delivered it tomorrow
    Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

    In the last twenty years there have been a number of positive developments in this field.


    a. In the last twenty years there has been stability in this field

    b. In the last twenty years there has been a lot of progress in this field

    c. In the last twenty years there have been many floods in this field

    d. In the last twenty years there have been a number of movements in this field
    Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

    The draft of the contract was a dream come true for the company.


    a. The revised contract was a dream come true for the company

    b. The final contract was a dream come true for the company

    c. The proposed contract was a dream come true for the company

    d. The thorough contract was a dream come true for the company
    Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

    I call them every day to ask them to pay their bills:


    a. I rarely call them to ask them to pay their bills

    b. I call them all day long to ask them to pay their bills

    c. I call them daily to ask them to pay their bills

    d. I hardly ever call them to ask them to pay their bills
    Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

    The Korean representatives will come to check our merchandise next month.


    a. The Korean representatives will come to check our products next month

    b. The Korean representatives will come to check our offices next month

    c. The Korean representatives will come to check our employees next month

    d. The Korean representatives will come to check our factory next month
    Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence. If the contract is signed, you'll get a raise.


    a. If the contract is signed, you'll be promoted

    b. If the contract is signed, you'll get fired

    c. If the contract is signed, you'll earn more

    d. If the contract is signed, you'll work longer hours
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - Sarah, if you go to the supermarket, could you bring me back some ice cream?

    - I'll get you some provided you fix the leak in the bathroom.


    a. The man is fixing a leak.

    b. There is a leak in the bedroom.

    c. Sarah refuses to buy any ice cream.

    d. Sarah might buy the man ice cream.
    She is a British ….., but she lives in India

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. citizen

    b. government

    c. justice
    State courts of general jurisdiction are … to hear more serious criminal and civil cases.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. empowered

    b. chosen

    c. given
    Someone ….your flat if you left the window open.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. could burgle

    b. will burgle

    c. burgled
    Sam and Paula have … to Florence for the annual conference.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. go

    b. went

    c. gone
    She is a British ….., but she lives in India

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. citizen

    b. government

    c. justice
    Solicitors work … court cases for their clients outside the court.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. on

    b. out

    c. for
    Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Some of the boots are upside down.

    b. These boots have been put on display.

    c. This shoe shop is a mess.

    d. The boots are all identical.
    She is a very …. cook. If she doesn’t have one of the ingredients, she just substitutes something else.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. energetic

    b. resourceful

    c. cooperative
    Choose the correct response.

    She expected him ... with her.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. leaves

    b. leaving

    c. leave

    d. to leave

    Choose the correct response. ... she travel often?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Do

    b. Does

    c. Is
    Закончите предложение

    She is … helpful of the three women.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. theleast

    b. the less

    c. less

    d. least
    Choose the correct response. She ... in a big house with a garden.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. lives

    b. to live

    c. live

    Choose the correct response. She's Lisa. Who ... you?


    a. am

    b. is

    c. are

    Sam's father was very … when he learned that Sam had not passed his chemistry test.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. unusual

    b. upset

    c. thrilled

    d. interested
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    She is going to take a course on Japanese philosophy next semester. Her roommate would like to take the class two.


    a. two

    b. on

    c. next

    d. wouldlike
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    Suddenly, she asked her co-workers, "Whose responsible for the Livingston contract?"

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. for

    b. asked

    c. Suddenly

    d. Whose
    Choose the correct response.

    This is the first time she has gone to a baseball game. She has ... been to a baseball game before.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. sometimes

    b. often

    c. ever

    d. never
    Сhoose the correct response.

    There are a lot of people outside my office. Hey! What's ... ?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. happening

    b. greeting

    c. ongoing

    d. doing
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    The French teacher collected the student's workbooks in order to correct their homework.


    a. collected

    b. student's

    c. to

    d. in

    This sweatshirt doesn't belong to me, it's … .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. hers

    b. herself

    c. she

    d. her
    Choose the correct response. The general economic situation in this country is poor, particularly in this rural ... , where they have no industry to rely on.


    a. situation

    b. altitude

    c. architecture

    d. region
    Сhoose the correct response. The general economic situation in this country is poor, particularly in this rural ... , where they have no industry to rely on.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. altitude

    b. region

    c. architecture

    d. situation
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - The keynote speaker looks familiar….


    a. - I think she already gave a lecture last year.

    b. - It must be a coincidence. There are a lot of people with this last name.

    c. - Yes, you probably spoke on the phone with her before.

    d. - Really? She comes from a very large family.
    Choose the correct response. That is a ... book.


    a. good

    b. cold

    c. hungry
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    This morning, I cut me while shaving.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. cut

    b. while

    c. me

    d. This
    Choose the correct response. They ... myname.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. don't know

    b. do know not

    c. not know
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - This is the operator, how may I help you?


    a. - I'd like to send this letter priority.

    b. - I'd like two opera tickets, please.

    c. - I'd like to know how the operation went.

    d. - I'd like to make a collect call, please.
    Choose the correct response.

    The team with the ... score will be eliminated.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. less

    b. least

    c. lowly

    d. worst
    Choose the correct response. The technicians have developed a new computer ... which allows us to view all customer orders and accounts at the same time.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. motto

    b. program

    c. investment

    d. license
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    They are in high spirits, because this year's earnings were high than expected.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. than

    b. high

    c. year's

    d. because
    Choose the correct response.

    Thisis ... bag.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Johns

    b. John his

    c. John's

    d. John
    Choose the correct response. The travel agent offers deals on rock climbing, canoeing and other ... activities.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. reserved

    b. outdoor

    c. booked

    d. indoor
    Choose the correct response.

    The price ... tomorrow.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. is confirmed

    b. confirms

    c. will confirm

    d. is to be confirmed

    The problem with my brother is that he won't … to my advice.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. take

    b. listen

    c. hear

    d. accept
    Choose the correct response.

    There's ... coffee in the pot.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. a few

    b. plenty of

    c. many

    d. few
    Choose the correct response. The lawyers have finished their work and the contract is finally ready to be signed. However, at the last minute, the architect disagrees with one of the clauses. Some of the developer’s requested changes would considerably alter the buildings’ outward appearance and could jeopardize the deal’s success. He can’t accept such a thing. According to the text, the architect is worried that changing the appearance of the buildings would…


    a. amend the project's success.

    b. aggravate the project's success.

    c. alter the project's success.

    d. endanger the project's success.
    Choose the correct response.

    The seat belt ... the flight attendant before the plane took off.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. was fastened

    b. was fastening

    c. was fastened by

    d. has been fastened by

    The doctor told me I … stop smoking and start exercising regularly.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. ought

    b. should

    c. have

    d. need

    The waitress came and … the table clean before we sat down to eat.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. set

    b. turned

    c. wiped

    d. served
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - The company is trying to establish a monopoly in order to restrict competition.


    a. - Competitors have grown exponentially as a result.

    b. - They shouldn't close down their franchises!

    c. - That's not fair! The competition was cancelled!

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