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  • Сhoose the correct response. Is there anything on tonights menu you would ...

  • ... I write that report for you

  • Choose the correct response. Its lunchtime. Are you ...

  • Choose the correct response. Is there anything on tonights menu you would ...

  • - Is there anything I can help you with

  • - Did you check to make sure all the cables are connected

  • It rains a lot in England, ...

  • Иностранный язык (Английский) (ВСЕ ЧАСТИ). A student likes to learn and doesnt have to be pushed to do it

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    Choose the correct response. Howareyou ... ?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. yesterday

    b. tomorrow

    c. today
    Choose the correct response.

    He looks ... me, don't you think?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. than

    b. same as

    c. as

    d. like
    I ... this wonderful film when I was a little boy

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. saw

    b. see

    c. have seen
    Choose the correct response. I've been walking all day. My feet are starting to ... !

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. ache

    b. pain

    c. injure

    d. reduce
    Choose the correct response.

    It's ... that the interest rates for mortgages have skyrocketed; we'll have to save up for a larger down payment.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. ashamed

    b. shame

    c. a shame

    d. shameless
    ….. is a type of tax based on how much money a person earns.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. income tax

    b. property tax

    c. sales or value added tax
    …. is based on how much a person owns

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. property tax

    b. income tax

    c. sales or value added tax

    Сhoose the correct response. Is there anything on tonight's menu you would ... ?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. council

    b. digest

    c. charge

    d. recommend
    In reality the Queen has almost no … at all.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. common sense

    b. power

    c. respect
    Industrialization creates a ….. society and attracts people to move from rural to urban areas

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. modernized

    b. modern

    c. facility
    ….. involves guiding and supervising the personnel.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. motivation

    b. record

    c. audit
    …… is a period in which a woman is legally allowed to be absent from work to give birth or take care of infant children

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. annual leave

    b. maternity leave

    c. sick leave
    ….. is an organization, whose membership consists of workers and union leaders, united to protect and promote their common interests.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. trade union

    b. local institution

    c. labor law
    ….. is a wage fixed by legal authority or by contract as the least that may be paid

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. minimum wage

    b. annual leave

    c. salary
    Individual labor law involves concerns for employees' rights in the ….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. duties

    b. acts

    c. workplace
    ….. is an amount of money that a company or the government pays to a person who is old or sick and no longer works

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. pension

    b. minimum wage

    c. unsocial working hours
    I...... a shower when the telephone rang.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. had

    b. have

    c. was having
    ….. is an absence from work permitted because of illness.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. maternity leave

    b. annual leave

    c. sick leave
    ….. is an assurance that an individual will keep his or her job without the risk of becoming unemployed.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. normal wage

    b. job security

    c. job safety
    …. is a fixed amount of money periodically paid to a person for regular work or services.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. extra salary

    b. salary

    c. bonus
    Choose the correct response. I would like to ... an apartment in Madrid for two weeks this summer.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. sell

    b. buy

    c. rent

    d. shop
    Choose the correct response. I would like to ... an apartment in Madrid for two weeks this summer.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. rent

    b. buy

    c. shop

    d. sell
    Choose the correct response. I start work ... nine o'clock.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. in

    b. at

    c. on
    Choose the correct response. ... is my brother.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. They

    b. He

    c. You
    Choose the correct response. ... is a person older than 18.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. An adult

    b. An infant

    c. A youth

    d. A child
    Choose the correct response.... is a person older than 18.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. An adult

    b. A child

    c. A youth

    d. An infant
    Choose the correct response. It's a special ... ! You get a 10% discount if you buy today, and you don't have to pay until next year.


    a. advice

    b. suggestion

    c. receipt

    d. offer
    Choose the correct response. It's a special ... ! You get a 10% discount if you buy today, and you don't have to pay until next year.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. advice

    b. receipt

    c. offer

    d. suggestion
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - I'm sorry but I'll have to cancel today's appointment.


    a. - No problem, I'll tell the doctor you are here.

    b. - Are you sure you can still make it?

    c. - What a pity. You'll miss a fun party.

    d. - When would you like to reschedule for?

    It's my birthday tomorrow. I … invite all my friends over for a big party.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. am going to

    b. will be going to

    c. Ø

    d. willgoto
    Choose the correct response. I don't ... English very well.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. see

    b. speak

    c. want
    Choose the correct response. In the train, say goodbye to those long hours spent sitting in miles of traffic jams! No more aggressive or dangerous drivers, you are alone on the rails! Because of this, the train is considered to be the safest means of transportation and allows you to get to the office on time without all the stress of driving to work. In the text, the train is portrayed as being…

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. an agricultural means of transportation.

    b. an efficient means of transportation.

    c. a monotonous means of transportation.

    d. a stressful means of transportation.
    Choose the correct response. I ... go to the movies when I go out, but not always.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. usually

    b. suddenly

    c. absolutely

    d. immediately
    Choose the correct response. I ... go to the movies when I go out, but not always.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. usually

    b. suddenly

    c. absolutely

    d. immediately
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - I'm concerned about Maureen, she looks very tired.


    a. - She sure has a heavy workload.

    b. - Maybe you should ask him whether he's feeling OK.

    c. - You're right, she always looks at me.

    d. - Yes, it's remarkable how well-rested she looks.
    Choose the correct response. I'm ... to you.


    a. listening

    b. listens

    c. listen
    Choose the correct response.

    ... I write that report for you?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Let

    b. Am

    c. Shall

    d. Ought
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - I need to go to the library to do some research.


    a. - Not the library card again!

    b. - I'll go with you. I need to buy a couple of books.

    c. - Why don't you get the information you need off of the Internet?

    d. - If you wait until tomorrow, you'll find fresher products.

    If some people are absent, the meeting will have to be … until tomorrow.


    a. forwarded

    b. postponed

    c. paused

    d. waited
    Choose the correct response. I don't ... tennis. I prefer soccer.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. speak

    b. eat

    c. like

    Choose the correct response. It's lunchtime. Are you ... ?


    a. empty

    b. hungry

    c. angry
    Choose the correct response. I am going to L.A. to work for a ... which makes video games.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. factor

    b. store

    c. domain

    d. company
    Choose the correct response. I am going to L.A. to work for a ... which makes video games.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. factor

    b. domain

    c. company

    d. store
    Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

    I think that Mount McKinley at Alaska is the tallest mountain in North America.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. is

    b. at

    c. in

    d. tallest
    Choose the correct response. I'm ... eating very little breakfast in the morning.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. used to

    b. use to

    c. accustomed

    d. to use

    Choose the correct response. Is there anything on tonight's menu you would ... ?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. recommend

    b. digest

    c. charge

    d. council

    Choose the correct response. Is there ... Indian restaurant?


    a. Ø

    b. an

    c. a
    Choose the correct response.

    I look forward ... you on Monday.


    a. see

    b. to seeing

    c. to see

    d. seeing
    Choose the correct response. I like this cathedral very much. The view from the top of the bell tower is ... .

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. amazing

    b. healthy

    c. high

    d. valuable
    Закончите предложение

    I'm not sure when we'll arrive … the hotel … Bangkok, but I'll call you as soon as we get there.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. at / in

    b. to / at

    c. to / in

    d. in / at
    Choose the correct response.

    I'm ... to memorize my presentation for tomorrow. I intend ... my best.


    a. to try / to do

    b. trying / doing

    c. to try / doing

    d. trying / to do
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - Is there anything I can help you with?


    a. - Yes, that's kind of you!

    b. - Please help yourself.

    c. - No thank you, I had a large meal.

    d. - Yes, I'll help you as soon as I have a free moment.
    Choose the correct response. I've been walking all day. My feet are starting to ... !

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. pain

    b. injure

    c. reduce

    d. ache
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - I'm afraid I'll have to stay at work a little later tonight.


    a. - But we had planned on going to the movies!

    b. - I'll have to leave early too.

    c. - Don't be afraid, everything's under control.

    d. - Too bad, I wanted to take you out to breakfast.

    I … like a steak and my son will have a cheeseburger with French fries.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. should

    b. will

    c. would

    d. O
    Choose the correct response. I ... to the movies on Saturdays.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. want

    b. go

    c. watch
    Choose the correct response. I like my job. It is ... .


    a. boring

    b. interesting

    c. listening
    Сhoose the correct response.

    I'm the same ... as you. We are both 24.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. years

    b. age

    c. old

    d. birthday
    Choose the correct response.

    I'd like ... to do things more quickly.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. to be able

    b. can

    c. being able

    d. could
    Choose the correct response. I'm ... eating very little breakfast in the morning.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. used to

    b. use to

    c. accustomed

    d. to use
    Choose the correct response. If the company's spending continues to ... its income, it will eventually go bankrupt.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. exceed

    b. eclipse

    c. excel

    d. enhance
    I hadn't seen Yuki for 10 years. She had changed so much I almost didn't … her.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. remind

    b. recognize

    c. review

    d. repair

    I … enjoy watching science fiction movies.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. haven't

    b. not

    c. don't

    d. amnot
    Choose the correct response.

    If you take the bus on a regular basis, you ... buy a weekly pass.


    a. ought to have

    b. ought

    c. should

    d. should have
    Choose the correct response. I... very young.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. 's

    b. 'm

    c. 're
    Choose the correct response.

    It was a ... tennis match.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. tiredness

    b. tiring

    c. tire

    d. tired
    Choose the correct response.

    I'll be at work ... Monday, ... I'll be going on vacation.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. until / till then

    b. till / until then

    c. until / then

    d. on / until
    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    I can’t get my monitor to work.

    - Did you check to make sure all the cables are connected?

    - Yes, but the screen still doesn’t turn on.


    a. Some of the cables are not connected.

    b. They are trying to fix a computer monitor.

    c. The man sees an image, but there is no sound.

    d. There is a problem with the cable TV.

    It's likely that wheat exports will increase … over the next five years.


    a. patiently

    b. readily

    c. steadily

    d. promptly

    It's likely that wheat exports will increase … over the next five years.


    a. patiently

    b. steadily

    c. readily

    d. promptly
    Choose the correct response.

    ... I need it, I can't find it.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Whenever

    b. Forever

    c. Ever

    d. Whoever
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    - I hope there won't be any glitches in my travel plans.


    a. - I hope so too, tight flight connections are risky.

    b. - I'm sure everything will go well at your new job.

    c. - I often fly in business class.

    d. - Don't worry. There won't be any delivery delays.
    Choose the correct response.

    If I ... it today, you ...it by Monday morning.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. sent / receive

    b. will send / will receive

    c. sent / would receive

    d. would send / would receive
    Choose the correct response. I'm going to the supermarket to buy some ... steaks.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. cool

    b. brand-new

    c. fresh

    d. new
    Choose the correct response.

    It rains a lot in England, ... ?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. doesn't it

    b. does it

    c. isn't it

    d. is it
    Choose the correct response.

    If she ... at the map, she ... gotten lost.


    a. had looked / wouldn't have

    b. looked / wouldn't

    c. would have looked / wouldn't have

    d. had looked / haven't
    Choose the correct response.

    I expected our lawyers ... us on our partner's breach of contract.


    a. advised

    b. to advising

    c. to advise

    d. advising
    Закончите предложение:

    I have been … for two hours, but I still can't find my keys.


    a. guessing

    b. watching

    c. waiting

    d. searching
    Закончите предложение:

    I have been … for two hours, but I still can't find my keys.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. guessing

    b. searching

    c. watching

    d. waiting
    Ответьте на вопрос.

    Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

    - I don’t know where to start, Rita. I have too many obligations.

    - Well, Antonio, I think that buying an anniversary gift for your wife is important.

    - I guess that should be my priority.


    a. Rita would like more presents from Antonio.

    b. Antonio doesn't know what present to buy his wife.

    c. Rita advises Antonio to make his anniversary a priority.

    d. Antonio feels obligated to buy a present for Rita.

    I am not … to sit here and listen to this man speak.


    a. accepting

    b. willing

    c. wishing

    d. wanting

    - I decided to print out a hard copy, just in case.


    a. - With all these viruses, there's always the risk of catching the flu!

    b. - Better safe than sorry!

    c. - It never hurts to ask!

    d. - If I were you, I wouldn't rely exclusively on the photocopier.
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