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Lesson 6. Radio

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was founded in 1927 as an inde- pendent public corporation. There is no advertising on BBC radio. It is not re- quired to make a profit and its income comes almost entirely from the sale of tel- evision licences which everyone who owns a television has to buy. Although the chairman and governors of the BBC are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the government, the government, has no control over the BBC’s broadcasting policy.

The BBC broadcasts radio programmes both at home (within Britain) and abroad (to other countries), its domestic and external services respectively. At home, the BBC currently broadcasts five radio networks, Radios 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Radio 1 broadcasts rock and pop music, while Radio 2 transmits mainly popular music, light entertainment and sports programmes. On both these channels the style of presentation is informal. They both broadcast 24 hours a day. Radio 3 broadcasts mainly classical music from 7.00 am to about midnight, but also pre- sents plays, talks, and readings of short stories and poetry. In early morning, be- fore its regular schedule begins, it transmits programmes for Open University courses. Radio 4 is the main speech network. Its programmes include regular news bulletins and reports, as well as plays, documentaries, quiz shows and live broadcasts of important events. It is on the air from 6.00 am to midnight. Radio 5,
which began broadcasting in 1990, is aimed at younger listeners and broadcasts mainly educational and sports programmes.

Apart from these national programmes, the BBC also has 36 local radio sta- tions in England and the Channel Islands, and six regional services in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. One of the Welsh stations, Radio Cymru, broadcasts in Welsh. Programmes on local radio concentrate on local news and information, together with music, entertainment and educational broadcasts. The public is able to take part in ‘phone-in’ programmes, where listeners speak by telephone to a presenter or guest in the studio.

The main external network of the BBC is the World Service, which broadcasts to almost every country of the world in 37 languages, including English. The main English services include the World Service in English, which is broadcast world-wide 24 hours a day, with special programmes for African and South Asian audiences, BBC English by Radio and Television, which teaches English as a for- eign language, and a service that provides recordings of BBC programmes for overseas radio stations. Foreign language programmes, such as the African Ser- vice, Arabic Service and German Service, are transmitted to audiences in the ap- propriate countries. The government decides which languages shall be broadcast by the World Service, and the length of time each service is on the air, but the BBC itself is responsible for the content of the programmes.

As well as the BBC’s local radio stations, there are 62 independent local radio (ILR) stations, which were originally operated by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA). Their programmes are similar in content to those of the BBC, but include regular breaks for commercial advertising. In 1991 the IBA’s respon- sibility for radio was transferred to a new body, the Radio Authority.

In the USA radio is controlled by private commercial companies, with the ex- ception of National Public Radio, which is supported by grants and donations. By 1928, the USA had three national radio networks, two owned by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and one by the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). At first, sound broadcasting was almost entirely for entertainment, but schedules are now more varied, and some stations broadcast purely educational programmes. In 1985 there were over 9 000 radio stations in the USA, the largest number in any country in the world. From Oxford Advanced Learner’s Encyclo- pedic Dictionary, p. 742.


advertising – реклама

require – требоваться, быть обязательным

make a profit – получать прибыль

income – прибыль, заработок

almost entirely – почти целиком, практически полностью

sale – продажа
television licence – лицензия на телевизионное вещание

own – владеть

although – хотя, несмотря на то, что

governor – управляющий, член правления, владелец

appoint – назначать

on the advice of – по совету

broadcast – транслировать, осуществлять широковещательную передачу

both … and – и … и

within Britain [wi´ðin] – на территории Великобритании

domestic service – обслуживание внутри страны

external service – обслуживание за границей

respectively – соответственно (при однородных членах предложения) radio network – радиосеть

transmit – передавать, транслировать

light entertainment – лёгкое развлечение

presentation – подача материала, освещение, представление

informal – неофициальный, неформальный

play – спектакль

regular schedule – обычный, стандартный график

speech network – сеть передачи речи

news bulletin – последние новости, информационный выпуск

documentary – документальная повесть

quiz show – радиовикторина

live broadcast – репортаж с места событий, передача в прямом эфире

important events – важные события

on the air – передаваемый по радио, в эфир

to be aimed at – быть направленным, нацеленным

apart from – кроме, помимо

Channel Islands – Нормандские острова (пролив Ла-Манш, Великобрита- ния)

Cymru [kemri] – Уэльс

educational broadcasts – учебные передачи

‘phone-in’ programmes – звоните-отвечаем, «прямой эфир», во время ко- торого слушатели звонят в студию

presenter – ведущий программы external network – внешняя сеть audience – радиослушатели provide – предоставлять overseas – иностранный

appropriate – соответствующий, подходящий

broadcast – радиовещательный

responsible for the content – ответственный за содержание

break – перерыв передачи
IBA (IBA group) – альянс компаний, специализирующихся в области ин- формационных технологий

Radio Authority – «авторитетное радио»

National Public Radio – Национальное государственное радио США

grants and donations – дотации, субсидии и пожертвования

National Broadcasting Company (NBC) – Эн-Би-Си, одна из крупнейших национальных вещательных компаний США, владеющая сетями теле- и ра- диостанций. Основана в 1926 г.

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) – вещательная компания Си-би-эс

sound broadcasting – звуковое радиовещание

purely – чисто, целиком, исключительно

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