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Lesson 2. Media in London

London is a major international communications centre in Britain with a virtu- ally unrivalled number of media outlets. Almost all of the major media organiza- tions in the UK are based in London. Much of the British media is concentrated in London and is sometimes accused of having a "London bias". All the major tele- vision networks are headquartered in London including the BBC, which remains one of the world's most influential media organizations, and the largest Broad-
caster in the world. Partly to counter complaints about London bias, the BBC an- nounced in June 2004 that some departments are to be relocated to Manchester. Other networks headquartered in London include ITV, Channel 4, Five, CNN In- ternational and BSkyB. Like the BBC, these produce some programmes else- where in the UK, but London is their main production centre. Local program- ming, including news, is provided by the regional services of the main networks:

    1. BBC London News on BBC One and ITV London on ITV.

There is a huge choice of radio stations available in London. Local city-wide stations include music-based stations such as Absolute Radio, Capital 95.8, Kiss 100, Magic 105.4, Heart 106.2 and Xfm. Popular news/talk stations include BBC London, LBC 97.3 and LBC News 1152.

The London newspaper market is dominated by London editions of the na- tional newspapers, all of which are edited in London. Until the 1970s, most of the national newspapers were concentrated in Fleet Street, but in the 1980s they relo- cated to new premises with automated printing works. Most of these are in East London, most famously the News International plant at Wapping. The move was resisted strongly by the printing trade union SOGAT 82, and strike action at Wapping in 1986 led to violent skirmishes. The last major news agency in Fleet Street, Reuters, moved to Canary Wharf in 2005, but Fleet Street is still common- ly used as a collective term for the national press.

London has two city-wide daily newspaper titles – the London Evening Stand- ard and Metro, both of which are available on the streets and at London tube and railway stations. The Evening Standard became a free newspaper in October 2009 after 182 years as a paid-for publication. There is also a freesheet covering finan- cial news, City A.M.. The independent weekly listings guide Time Out Magazine has been providing concert, film, theatre and arts information since 1968. There are a vast number of local newspapers in the London area, often covering a small section of the city as well as two free magazines, Sport and Shortlist.

London is at the centre of British film and television production industries, with major studio facilities on the western fringes of the conurbation and a large post-production industry centred in Soho. London is one of the two leading cen- tres of English-language publishing alongside New York. Globally important me- dia companies based in London range from publishing group Pearson, to the in- formation agency Reuters, to the world's number two advertising business WPP Group. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


major – основной, главный, крупный, крупнейший communications centre – центр коммуникаций virtually – фактически

unrivalled – непревзойдённый, не имеющий себе равных

media outlets – средство массовой информации, информационное агентство.
to be accused of – обвиняться в чем-либо

bias – отдание предпочтения, пристрастное отношение, тенденция

head-quartered in London – со штаб-квартирой, имеющий штаб-квартиру, расположенный в Лондоне

influential – влиятельный, имеющий решающее влияние media organizations – информационные организации Broadcaster – радио- или телевещательная компания partly – отчасти, частично

to counter complaints about – опровергать утверждение

to relocate – перемещать, перебазировать networks – информационная сеть programming – телепрограммы, передачи available – предоставляемый, доступный city-wide – городской, общегородской edition – издание, выпуск

to be edited издаваться

Fleet Street – Флит-стрит (улица в Лондоне, где сосредоточены редакции газет); мир журналистики, центр английской газетной индустрии.

premises – помещения, служебные здания

printing works – типография

move – переезд

to resist – противиться, противостоять, оказывать сопротивление

trade union – профсоюз

strike action – забастовка

skirmish – стыка, столкновение, перестрелка Reuters [´roitəz] – Рейтер (агенство новостей) tube – метро

paid-for – платный

freesheet – бесплатные публикации (газеты, журналы) cover – охватывать

to provide – предоставлять, давать

shortlist – краткий перечень

studio facilities – аппаратно-студийное оборудование, студийная аппара- тура

fringe – периферия, окраина

conurbation – большой город с пригородами

post-production industry – компоновка, послесъёмочный, окончательный монтаж

Soho – район богемы, французских и итальянских ресторанчиков, ноч- ных клубов в Лондоне

publishing group – издательская группа

advertising business – рекламное дело, рекламный бизнес

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